Tip for modifier tier rating; the only thing that matters is how many DIFFERENT tiers of modifier you can roll on any of your desired mods. If you want a 6 affix item and each affix only has a range of like T5-T1 then you only need enough modifier tier rating to reach "top 80.0001% of modifiers. If it was T6-T1 you would want 83.33334%+ etc. If you have 5 affixes with only 1 single tier, but a roll like inc% phys on a weapon that has like 11 tiers then you still need around 91% modifier weighting which is around 900+ tier rating. You can actually open the drop downs on craftofexile for all your desired affixes and see how much modifier tier rating you need to grey out all tiers except T1 on all your affixes to min max corpse usage so you have extra space where possible for more %scarce or %more crafts :)
@oliverblamire90706 ай бұрын
Also, to add to this! When you were crafting with haunted modifiers. You only need x1 haunted modifier corpse, simply to enable haunted modifiers to roll. All scarce/increased corpses work additively with eachother (I believe? Double check this) so having 150% from a haunted corpse and 500% from one crit corpse is equivalent 650% increased chance to roll Reduced extra dmg from crits haunted mod. You could have saved more corpses this way by going for more crit corpses than haunted corpses. Edit: Furthermore, if you opt for more haunted modifiers alongside crit modifiers, you actually dilute your pool of suffixes by introducing greater and greater chance for all the other haunted modifiers in addition to trying to increase your odds for just the Reduced crit dmg mod and non-haunted modifiers like Strength and %PDR. Always use 1 haunted modifier corpse unless your mod shares tags with undesired mods (say if the haunted mod you wanted had a phys tag for example, and you want to avoid thorns rolling on prefix so you can crat gravicius mod), or if it has no tags at all and the only way to increase its weighting is through haunted corpses.
@everseenTV6 ай бұрын
@@oliverblamire9070 holy shit that makes total sense. I'll use 1 corpse, I was assuming that it doesn't "guarantee" a haunted mod per se but we are using so many reductions that it theoretically can't even roll anything but crit anyways. Man this is a game changer thank you for writing all this up. The tier modifier explanation makes perfect sense as well I'll have to use that as reference from now on.
@ADVGuiltyParty6 ай бұрын
This league is definitely for the PoE nerds, hence why I’m here. Gonna give this a go next time. I crafted one and it went ok but nowhere as good as this👌
@everseenTV6 ай бұрын
Nice man, I wish you luck with it! I think im going to give it another go as well once I craft everything else I need. Kinda want open prefix and additional pdr
@bighoss45hgaming916 ай бұрын
big hoss was here lol
@everseenTV6 ай бұрын
@datastormy6 ай бұрын
Please hold alt and let us see what the prefix/suffix and range breakdown is.
@everseenTV6 ай бұрын
Fair enough, they were all basically max roll. Here's a picture! imgur.com/a/DEG5lPA
@codeconnectionclips6 ай бұрын
you dont have the 8% reduced damage... because u need to put more phys, it's hard to to get all of them anyway.
@everseenTV6 ай бұрын
yeah exactly. That's why I was thinking 1 phys corpse. I'll get it next time :)