他们俩个人很痴情。But never gain anything....but sad and especially 煥然 worst did so many goods yet stupid couple wants to get rid of him. This 家明和老女人郭意华 also deserved to die. Episode 297....煥然already blind and lucky got his loving girl friend 家媚 save him. 👍👍👍
This two episodes...296 and 297....nice好戲。煥然和家媚...sad episode comes again... especially煥然也伍家明害他。看家媚给tigress mother in law Loo真restrict and control her life's....due to because of 转中结胎。Today l see this episode both 伍家媚和煥然 very sad. 家媚哭我也跟他哭。This tian yi very thick skin.Another cruel thick skin 志前 so cunning...dare to take away 若蘭 son away. Both at the ends.... deserve what punishment. Also his stupid 老虎婆 Loo Zhen already previously how she bad treated tian yi....and now 伍家媚.l think 家媚...later think she will regretted and hope she divorce 志開.🤔🤗😬💪💪💪