Vedic Mathematics: My Trip to India to Uncover the Truth - Alex Bellos

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Gresham College

Gresham College

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One day on KZbin, Alex Bellos saw a video of an amazing mathematical "trick". He wanted to know more about this 'Vedic Mathematics', so he got on a plane to India. This is a lecture about his journey that touched on mathematics, mysticism, Indian history, nationalism and culture.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the full conference are available from the on the Gresham College website:
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@JoeAgneya 12 жыл бұрын
Just the sixteen aphorisms? Who invented Geometry.?Baudhayana (800 BC). Who Invented mordern algebra?Aryabhatta 470 AD, Who invented Trignometry? The author of the Surya siddhanta (400 AD) Who invented Calculus? Bhaskara , Madhava and Jyeshtadeva (1100 - 1400 AD)
@tolykozin 11 жыл бұрын
what a wonderful lecture. He pays his ultimate respect when he mentions that we are all vedic mathematicians, taking nothing away and giving every thing he has to this wonderful old form of calculating numerical numbers. He has it right in every sense of the word.
@balajipadmanabhan2927 10 жыл бұрын
About Adi Shankara. The four places are not Maths mate, they are called MUTTS. SHANKARA MUTT. Shankara never converted to Buddism. He in fact lived from 509 BC to 477 BC , which has been substantiated by many indian scholars. It is infact what you refer to as 'more reliable' is the one NOT reliable because it is a colonial construct to try and push anything remotely devine / spiritual India to to AD, after the advent of Christ. The 788AD - 820AD was for Ábhinava Shankara, one of the shankaras in the leniage of Guru / Disciple starting with Adi Shankara.
@ShekaranJagadeesan 4 жыл бұрын
Correct... 1) Just like the Mythology based Christianity which originated in around 5th cent. CE after the Church wiped out Pagans (Jesus looks like Bacchus, god of pagans) they altered history and placed birth of Christ to 0 AD. 2) Euclid and Archimedes have no historical foundation and yet glorified in our educational texts even today to be around 325 BC whose initial source text only exists in 12th cent. CE. (SOURCE: C.K RAJU "Euclid and Jesus") 3) Calculus and Trigonometry originated in Bharat ("India-Not even our word") and was exported into Europe in 16th cent. CE and exported back to India where we repeat the same mistake in our classrooms that the likes of Newton and Leibniz made while copying. (SOURCE: C.K.RAJU "The real story of Calculus) . so yes, Shri Adi Shankara's dates are correctly mentioned and wrongly disputed to be in 8th century by the western scholars (so called reliable sources) who try to undermine anything Non- Christian to be in AD's.
@DriveWithVicky87 12 жыл бұрын
Hindus solved complex mathematics problems ranging from 1 to 10 (raised to 53)!
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. -Albert Einstein
@sridharahullumane4558 12 жыл бұрын
I'm proud to be an Bharatiya............... Let us take it heart and learn & teach maths at home like language of our mother tongue.
@infinitysunny8991 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Alex Bellos, there r other things too which Indians discovered earlier than any one like gravitational force , value of pie(π). We r telling it to the weather world abt it, but they ignored... It will b great if u can reveal it after all u r a journalist n no one can do it better than u.
@abhijeetshrivastava826 8 жыл бұрын
@AmNotHere911 8 жыл бұрын
Really? Where's the material evidence that it was? Please don't cite Hindutva nonsense I want actual credible third-party source that proves this.
@abhijeetshrivastava826 7 жыл бұрын
AmNotHere911 Hinduism exists from the time when Europeans were living a nomadic life and you call it nonsense FUCK YOU!!!
@alokjyotisamal 11 жыл бұрын
Hindus invented 0 and 1 to 9 number system.They invented the decimal system,trgonometry,geometry,arithmatic etc.
@naimulhaq9626 10 жыл бұрын
Vedic mathematics is not only about numbers and simple multiplication rules,but much more. A Seidenberg, in Agni :A Vedic ritual of the fire alter, shows how Shulbosutra (knowledge of the string-meaning geometry) a compendium to The Yajush Veda (that stipulates rules for preparing the alter) states that when Euclid was collecting theorems and their proofs, he had a copy of Shulbosutra from which he copied a number of theorems that appears in The Elements in the same sequence, proving Euclid and other Greeks learned geometry from the Harappans !!!
@naimulhaq9626 9 жыл бұрын
Hugh Jazz Kuru are a consortium of central Asian tribes who entered India after the fall of Harappan civilization (1900 bc) and destroyed the mighty Jadu with Babylonian-Parsi support, after the battle of Kurukhetra (1500- 1200 bc )
@akshayparulekar4550 9 жыл бұрын
Naimul Haq But Raam was also 7th incarnation (अवतार) of Lord Vishnu from TretaYug & Krishna was 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu from DwaparaYug. About Caste system. There was no any Caste system in Vedic Culture (Hinduism) but I admit there was Varn System in Vedic Culture (Hinduism). There is huge difference between "Varn System" & "Caste System". "Varna" is a Sanskrit word made up of "VRIN" dhatu which means "Something which is chosen" i.e it's not superimposed but is selectively chosen by any individual. A similar usage happens in common used word “Varan” meaning “choosing” or “Var” meaning a husband chosen by the girl. This also shows that in Vedic system the girl had complete rights to choose her husband. In ancient India, these divisions were not based on birth but based on Qualifications & Skills or you can say Varna of any person depends on what skills & qualities person has & the way he contributes to society for his own living. i.e. the word Varn denotes the skill & qualification of human being. There are four Varna's in Sanatan Dharma :- Bhramin, Khatriya, Vaishye and Kshudra. (1) Brahmin : A person who is knowledgeable and spread education in society through teachings or a person who can also be supreme advisor of the king who assists king to take right decisions, who is brain behind societies welfare and growth belongs to the Bhramin Varna. Bramins are also seen as the deity of the earth. (2) Kshatriya : Any person who is a warier or serving in defense or security of the nation or is soldier in army or anywhere working or contributing in defense he is Kshatriye, (3) Vaishye : If any person who is doing business i.e has got business skills, that person belongs to the Vaishye Varna. (4) Kshudra : A persons who may be laborer's or service providers, mostly workers in any factory or company, or in short person who most of the time executes or follows the orders of Kshatriya or Vaishya or Brahmin's belongs to the Kshudra Varna. ... In Hinduism all 4 varnas are equal as human being and have same human rights but they will have different set of powers and responsibility on them thus there will we difference of respect between these 4 designations. Varna is not assigned on the basis of Birth, Dynasty or Last Name, Any person can change his Varna by changing his work and skills like doctor can also become an actor or an merchant.. all 4 varnas are equal as human being and have same human rights but they will have different set of powers and responsibility on them thus there will we difference of respect between these 4 designations. eg. Great Rishi Valmiki, who brought us History of Ramayan in written form, this Valmiki Rishi (Brahmin) was from Dalit (Kshudra) family. Another example can be given as, Great Risih Vyass (Brahmin) who brought us the history of war of Mahabharat (World’s largest Epic) in written form, his mother was fish-seller (Kshudra). That proves that The Varna system was not birth based. It was based on skill & qualities of human being. So it is possible, that any person who is Shudra may have Bramin ancestors several generations ago, and any Bramin may have Shudra ancestors few generations ago! ... Now lets see, How Caste system replaced Varna System. Misconceptions about Varna's begun after the Muslim rule in India, Muslim invaders tried to destroyed Hindu culture & killed more than 100 Million Hindu's , forcefully convert Bramin's into Islam, demolished more than 40,000 Hindu temples, burned many Vedic litretures, and after that British did the rest of the manipulations in Vedic text books and did religious conversions. If you studied western history then you would know that Popes, Kings were highly respected as higher class & other poor peoples like farmers were so terribly disrespected as lower class. Similarly Britishers like William Hunter, Mcalay manipulated Vedic Scriptures like Manusmriti & he gave importance to Brahmin as higher caste & Kshudra as lower cast. He added violent things in Manusmriti eg. If any Kshudra mistakenly heard the chanting of Vedas then he used to punished by pouring hot lead in his ear. Indian peoples who can’t understand Sanskrit language, such peoples started to follow English versions of vedic scriptures which were manipulated by Britishers. William Hunter submitted a complete report in British court which shows where he had made changes in vedic scriptures. It's was after this era all confusions started about these concepts. This way, Caste system got created in our Sanatan Dharm ! Then social revolvers like Babasaheb Ambedkar had to face many obstacles & finally he made reservation system for Kshudras. Most of the peoples became victim of British translated version of Manusmriti & many peoples burnt out the copies of Manusmrities & they started to join Islam & Christianity. Here is the proof :- If you want to know what Original Manusmriti says (not British translated), then you can check it here :- Note that, There was powerful Varna System in Hinduism, not Caste system. Britishers brought caste system in Hinduism as explained above. Nowadays many people like zakir naik & christian missionaries are fooling people about Hinduism by translating & manipulating the Vedic verses for their ill intentions of doing religious conversions in India. By making people aware about the real knowledge of Hinduism we can prevent innocent people to become fools by these missionaries. Welcome to Knowledge Point : You know that in western countries, Popes, Kings were highly respected as upper class while the workers including farmers were dis-respected as lower class. Similarly, Britishers did it in Indial also. They manipulated Vedic scriptures like Manusmriti in a such a way that peoples belongs to Brahmin varna will be respected as higher class while the peoples belongs to Kshudra varna will be dis-respected as lower class. Britishers added some violent things in Manusmriti. eg. If any Kshudra mistakenly hear the reading of Vedas by Brahmins then that Kshudra should be punished by pouring hot lead in his ear. [[[William Hunter submitted a complete report in court where all the changes made by him in Vedic Scriptures are mentioned.]]] Actually Original Varna system from Hinduism was based on qualities & skill of person that is why interchanging between Varnas was allowed as I've given you examples of Brahmins whose ancestors were Kshudra. All four Varnas were equally respected as four legs of an Animal. But Britishers created Caste System which is Birth-based & interchanging between caste is not allowed. To rule over Indians, Britishers divided Indians into upper & lower casts by manipulating vedic scriptures. EFFECTS Due to Caste System created by Britishers in India, Muslims & Christian missionaries are filling hate against Hinduism in the minds of innocent peoples belongs to Kshurdas. That is why many Kshudras burnt out Manusmriti & they are accepting Christinity as well as Islam. ------------ If you are interested to check out what original (Non-British translated) version of Manusmriti says, you can get it here : As I've already told you Hinduism didn't have any caste system. Hinduism had Varna System. Basic difference between Caste System & Varna system is like this. (1) Caste system is birth-based while Varna system was not birth based, it was based on the skills & qualities of person. (2) Interchanging between Caste is not allowed in caste System while the Interchanging between Varna is allowed in Varna system. As Great Rishi Valmiki (Brahmin) was from Dalit (Kshudra) family as well as Maharshi Vyas (Brahmin) whose mother was fish-seller (Kshudra). (3) There are Upper (Highly Respected) & Lower Classes (Highly dis-respected) in Caste system. While in Varna System, All the four Varnas were equally respected as the four legs of an Animal. So British created Caste System to divide Indians & rule over them and Britishers are responsible for today's violence created by Caste System. It is our duty to convey this truth to everybody who has mis-understood about Hinduism. Otherwise Muslims & Christian Missionaries will keep continue their work of mis-guiding peoples belong to Kshudra Varna !
@naimulhaq9626 9 жыл бұрын
Hugh Jazz Mystery of the Vedic hymns are about astronomical observations/knowledge, enabling predicting agricultural cycles/knowledge. Nobody stole any knowledge, but preserved ancient traditions.
@trisatnava52 8 жыл бұрын
+Akshay Parulekar The studies that I have been partaking in to learn the depth of Sanatana Dharma have led me to these same revelations that you bring to attention, there is much documentation of these many truths' that have been obscured over time.
@malmalhi007 8 жыл бұрын
+Naimul Haq I have read in Astro Archeology that based on star star positions, the Battle was fought at about 8,000 BC and not as recent as 1500-1200 BC
@malmalhi007 10 жыл бұрын
1500 years ago?.. go a few thousand years before B.C
@protectinghistory 12 жыл бұрын
Part 1 - It's nice to see a one language speaking American Kid taking his best shot at Vedic Mathematics. He provided me with a lot of laughter. I have nothing against him or his listeners who are all kids - all of who probably speak one language - the easiest language of the world with only 26 letters in it's alphabet and the most flexible easiest grammar. Most of the Indian languages have 48 letters or more letters in their alphabets.
@singhs2817 10 жыл бұрын
He did'nt speak about Indian decimals, geometry, trigonometry, pi, etc
@karan4624 4 жыл бұрын
I think That's not what the topic is about today..Is it?
@prachitiwari3015 7 жыл бұрын
little knowledge is a dangerous hard alex
@karan4624 4 жыл бұрын
He's telling Truth sister...U work hard
@ajmerthethy6724 8 жыл бұрын
Buddy, not 1500 years ago. More like 5000 years ago.
@akumar7366 4 жыл бұрын
Can you kindly support your point with actual evidence, otherwise your point has little meaning.
@seanmcbride1 8 жыл бұрын
Everything that we know of Science and Mathematics has come from India. Greeks stole everything from India and now most people wrong believe that these things have Greek origins when it didn't.
@prateekbhardwaj9943 11 жыл бұрын
tobacco118 hey please stop the racist comments, both Indians and non Indians, lets focus on these amazing tricks :D
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
again, answer me this - is this the Mahabharata written by Veda Vyasa - originally in sanskrit, or is it a translated version... show me one line where the Mahabharata mentions the word Dravidian please...
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
The oldest European book on Mathematics called "Coda Vigilanus", currently in Madrid (Spain) says "From the Signs of counting (numbers), we experience that Hindu/Indians had the sharpest brains and other countries were much behind them in counting, geometry and other sciences. The is proved by India's 0-9 numbers, with the help of which any number can be written"
@kapilsharmaWorld_uncensored 10 жыл бұрын
Damn dude. The very first sentence was wrong. it was more than 4500 years.
@kesav1985 10 жыл бұрын
Do you have any evidence?
@bhuvaneshwarikrishnamoorth2793 8 жыл бұрын
+Chenna K You can find credible literature provided you spend some time trying to find one..Read the book "Origins of vedic civilization" by Dr. Kenneth Chandler..
@malmalhi007 8 жыл бұрын
+Chenna K google astro archeology and Mahabharatta
@krishnag773 8 жыл бұрын
+kapil sharma more than 4500 years ......i say due to recent discoveries it was 9000 years old and greater
@premprasad3511 7 жыл бұрын
krishna G a few more thousand years can be more comforting...9000 seems too recent ha...
@AvdheshSharmaWebGuru 12 жыл бұрын
Great thoughts about the Vedic Maths and all your efforts are really appreciated. There was lots of tings in India which was never published by our people and they used to get transfer by people in to their own generation and slowly get dis appeared. I was also very surprised to see there is not comment on your video. So here you go my first comment on this one.
@3rk4u 10 жыл бұрын
Vedas 1500 yrs old/i dont think so, try adding a few 0,s
@harbanmitalmital731 7 жыл бұрын
not 1500 years its more than 10000 year old ..... god gave vedas when he build this earth ..............many many years later jesus came and claimed himself to be a prophet ...
@1neAdam12 7 жыл бұрын
Harban mital Mital Bhagavad Gita As It Is chpt 4 text 1 sri-bhagavan uvaca imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam vivasvan manave praha manur iksvakave 'bravit TRANSLATION The Blessed Lord said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. "In the beginning of the Treta-yuga [millennium] this science of the relationship with the Supreme was delivered by Vivasvan to Manu. Manu, being the father of mankind, gave it to his son Maharaja Iksvaku, the King of this earth planet and forefather of the Raghu dynasty in which Lord Ramacandra appeared. Therefore, Bhagavad-gita existed in the human society from the time of Maharaja Iksvaku." At the present moment we have just passed through five thousand years of the Kali-yuga, which lasts 432,000 years. Before this there was Dvapara-yuga (800,000 years), and before that there was Treta-yuga (1,200,000 years). Thus, some 2,005,000 years ago, Manu spoke the Bhagavad-gita to his disciple and son Maharaja lksvaku, the King of this planet earth. The age of the current Manu is calculated to last some 305,300,000 years, of which 120,400,000 have passed. Accepting that before the birth of Manu, the Gita was spoken by the Lord to His disciple, the sun-god Vivasvan, a rough estimate is that the *Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years.* It was respoken by the Lord again to Arjuna about five thousand years ago.
@AbhishekSachans 7 жыл бұрын
+Harban mital Mital Really? Neither Hindu Gods nor Jesus created this Earth. We don't exactly know origin of its existence.
@srikantholuguthula2190 7 жыл бұрын
they explained in form of gods how universe created ..if check what they said how universe is form vishnu born like a baby in empty space if check it vishnu is universe bramha is milkyway . in milkyway our solar system formed .so they bramha created sun,earth created life ...when life formed on the earth from no where lord shiva come alive he became god of every living life . to explain it take too much time... its explained like that because its not 21 century peaple can,t like now that time people never understand so,they did like that
@anonymousxyz6175 7 жыл бұрын
India is incredible. Hinduism is great
@mnjraman 7 жыл бұрын
Curiosity of Mr. Bellos is laudable. It appears that he had come to his conclusions (on the subject) too soon. His approach was not like that of Mr. Paul Brunton (whose quest was not in the mundane realm and involved the most Secretive of Knowledge). All knowledge is quite subtle until taught by a proper teacher (the levels ranging from simple to beyond words). I wish good luck to all [who are incessantly looking for answers] in order to meet with the appropriate Teacher (Guru in the ultimate sense), who can reveal the methods of understanding the possible solutions. This that Guru will do so out of compassion for the sincerity in the pupil (and NOT otherwise)!
@mnjraman 7 жыл бұрын
Continuing...It may be difficult for most to see this point: subtler the knowledge the more elusive would be the Guru. However, if the student is ready, He is certain to show up, for the nothing is happening in this Universe is happening by just chance! If you cannot "see" this, please do not punish yourself! :-)
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
La place -French mathematicians on Indian brilliance The ingenious method of expressing every possible number using a set of ten symbols (each symbol having a place value and an absolute value) emerged in India. Its simplicity lies in the way it facilitated calculation and placed arithmetic foremost amongst useful inventions. the importance of this invention is more readily appreciated when one considers that it was beyond the two greatest men of Antiquity, Archimedes and Apollonius
@vishalindia1970 12 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate your work on Vedic Mathematics.
@Jocjabes 11 жыл бұрын
And if you think aryan is connected to race then you are mistaken and thats what you are clearly implying. Aryan is not something born but you earn it by being noble. Panini was not a brahmin but he was referring to ppl who are noble. You need to know the culture and philosophy first. Migration is worldwide phenomenon. Indian diaspora is the 2nd biggest in the world right now and number 1 in remittances. Ppl have been leaving India and ppl coming to India since time immemorial.
@topbluffa1 12 жыл бұрын
ive noticed with the vedic maths it still works bellow 5 you just have to add the Second and third number in your awnser and make that the second number in your awnser. so 80 x 91 is a) (difference from hundred) 20, 9 b) 80 - 9 = 71 c) 20x9= 180 d) next to each other gives you 71180 now add the second and third number (1+1) and make it your new Second number (so in this case 2) and remove the old second and third number. Awnser: 7280
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
India was China's teacher in Trigonometry, Quadratic equations, grammar, Phonetics, Martial arts (Kung fu, Karate) and Buddhism Lin Yutang Chinese scholar and author
@lightcatcher3 12 жыл бұрын
much of what we know as 'science', developed from the research of people like Newton, Davinci, Bacon, countless others who were alchemists, astrologers, numerologists, mystics, visionaries. From Egypt hermetica, sacred geometry, incredible math, inspired the renaissance in Europe, greece, math systems came directly from these people... mystics, yogis, people who took ayauasca, meditated, etc. they trained their minds way beyond any PHD program. They knew things we don't, and much we do know
@sanketj1 10 жыл бұрын
ALex.. learn the correct history first of all...
@karan4624 4 жыл бұрын
He's telling Truth buddy...Learn about it in wiki
@devblueocean2727 11 жыл бұрын
Just to add. The earth moves round the sun(365.25) found by A.Bhatt a few centuries ahead of the great Gal( I give credit he understood it). Greeks came to Bharat(India) to learn geometry and trigonometry. The most important invention by Europeans is the word Aryan(a big myth in itself).
@jamalicon1 11 жыл бұрын
Max Muller and other western scholars during the colonial era realized most of the European languages have their roots in India and it was discomforting to them so they came up with the theory of Aryan invasion. Though most western linguist and anthropologist say they are central Asian.
@sumanpalisetty6096 10 жыл бұрын
i wish I know these techniques during my learning stages.
@SDSen 4 жыл бұрын
No mention of Bhaskaracharya II who discovered Differential calculus & the theory of continued refraction or the place value decimal system developed in India, or the geometric progression explained in Yajurveda, and so much I could go on and on about the other Ancient Indian sages/mathematicians. This is vague stuff in this video, he's got the dates all wrong too. India has a goldmine of information in Math, Health, Medicine and Meditation/Pranayama, the more you dig the deeper it gets it's an abyss.
@Jackylau95 11 жыл бұрын
This fits perfectly with what i'm saying. The waters rose drammatically about 7000 bc - 9000 bc. The piece of wood is just wood, what's so fascinating about it? There's wood scattered all over the ocean floors. During the end of the glacial ice age, waters flooded over Eurasia, and like I said before, could easily destroy entire rain forests. India's north west coast happened to contain rain forests. And the Yonaguni ruins have been confirmed natural, not man made.
@Neueregel 8 жыл бұрын
Hi guys I am Greek. *Mathematics, Arithmetic, Geometry* are all Greek words because we Greeks invented everything in Mathematics (including coining the name 'mathematics' and making it a science). We had our own numbers, α,β,γ,δ,ε,.., so then we only borrowed the numerals 1,2,3,4.. from the Arabs. The Indians did some cool number tricks for parties (like Vedic maths) but their religion got in the way and that's why they got stuck in the Dark Ages, while Greeks and Romans formed the intellectual basis for the Western Civilisation, the most advanced civilisation yet on Earth, which made the industrial revolution possible. (and also the atomic age and the space age and the current high-technology)
@ajaysinghdhama 8 жыл бұрын
+Neueregel Mathematics, Arithmetic, Geometry is all Greek words but that does not mean that everything in Mathematics was invented by Greeks. It's better for you to search about others contributions in mathematics also, like Indians, Chinese, Egyptians, etc. Here in India we call it "Ganit"(mathematics) and just like Greeks if we may have succeeded in the propagation of our version of Mathematics (Ganit) then you might be knowing other two by "AnkGanit"(Airthmetic) and "RekhaGanit"(Geometry).
@Neueregel 8 жыл бұрын
ajay singh dhama Thanks for the info bro. But 99% of people do not know about AnkGaneet and RekhaGaneet. But the Greek Euclid (Ευκλείδης) was the one that gathered all the info on his Elements books. He did not invent everything, but gathered the information all together. Indus Valley had many civilisations and our leader Alexander the Great (Αλέξανδρος) and his successors after 320 BC brought back lots of useful knowledge from Indus towns. I am sure that the Library of Alexandria also contained many ancient Indian texts not only Mahabharata but also other science texts as well from unknown authors. But unfortunately, that library got burned by Christian mobs !!
@rmnaSAI 8 жыл бұрын
+Neueregel the most ignorant comment I have ever read. just because greeks named it, you don't rob us from our inventions, discoveries and contributions u scumbag. Arabs got the number system from Indians. we gave the zero. we believed earth was round 1000 years before some lame westerner proved it. There is internet and still people like you try to rob and claim others accomplishments. we are the first pro-science civilisation on the earth.
@jihawk33 8 жыл бұрын
+Neueregel you are misinformed it seems. even about the religion. cool. hail greeks.
@varunchhabra497 8 жыл бұрын
+Neueregel The numerals that you borrowed from arabs.. Find out from did Arabs borrow them (You can get answer at 24:28 in this video..!! I am sure Greeks were good in mathematics. But you cannot underestimate ancient Indian mathematics. The only thing that Indians were and are not good at are MARKETING their knowledge..
@doctorpatil 10 жыл бұрын
I am glad to hear that arithmetic came from India. Didn't say much about differential calculus. That is a shame!
@bharatdave1 10 жыл бұрын
Perfect geometry, geology, calendar, biology, plastic - and general surgery, manufacturing planes and many more scientific discoveries, if not all, came from India first in much advanced stage thousands of years back!
@bharatdave1 10 жыл бұрын
+Jayvant Patil Jayvant Ji we pity on you when you are totally ignorant on your motherland. That too with its great, advanced and unique heritage of India, and its greatest and the oldest history in the world!
@tycoonkrishnaja 10 жыл бұрын
Sanjib Moitra lol I feel sorry for Indians like you u doesn't anything about our culture and language...The word Trignometry and Geometry are derived from Sanskrit u any anything about Aryabhata???? Don't waste ur time on doing chit chat in facebook rather read something from Wikipedia. It's free encyclopedia I won't take a penny from ur pocket except Internet charge...😬😠
@aadityabrahmbhatt 10 жыл бұрын
Agimaso Schandir India had plane named *Pushpak Vimana*, there is written proof in *Ramayana*. Well and if you think wright bros were first to build first plane than, search for *Shivkar Bapuji Talpade*. There are more lovers of America in India than America itself! so they are just ignoring this facts.
@bharatdave1 10 жыл бұрын
It is convenient fashion to ignore these kinds of facts by some Indians, and other countrymen. By doing so they unrealistically think that they can change all the historical great records of India!
@atanunath 11 жыл бұрын
its way beyond 6000 years... infact 2001 discovery of a submerged city near Gujarat is a 9000 year candidate...
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
Obviously the speaker Frank bello is trying to paint a general picture here. India not only contributed vedic mathematics. We contributed every mathematical advancements for the past 2000 yrs, when Europeans were roaming in the woods, painted and Arabs were selling dates. Many of the advances in the sciences that we consider today to have been made in Europe were in fact made in India centuries ago. - Grant Duff (British Historian of India)
@extraneousmorbus9131 5 жыл бұрын
He passed away before finishing a book that shows how to apply vedic mathematics to calculus and any other type of advanced math.
@swatibhardwaj5492 8 жыл бұрын
great job.... sir yes the world Uses. ...Hindu Arabic font in maths!!..... let us appreciate the knowledge from where we get📚📚
@tonystone7182 10 жыл бұрын
The methods are very neat. The introduction to the published book suggests that the author took all knowledge to be veda, and that the sutras not being found suggests they are not in the historical Vedas, but composed by the author to help the arithmetic.
@thenakedtruth2714 11 жыл бұрын
Father of medicine, Sushruta was born near Bihar. In an era when the world didn't know a bit about medicine, Indian sages were masters of ayurveda. Sushrata was the first man to practice surgery, rhinoplasty or nose job, and cataract surgery.
@naimulhaq9626 5 жыл бұрын
Vedic age, 4000-1900 bc, is a continuation of yet older Puranic age 11,000 years old (dated at the end of the ice age, recorded in the Vishnu Purana-translated by H.H.Wilson, London 1840), of the Yadav tribe of mortal Krishna, who was a philosopher, who preached Sanatan religion, centered around the first and by far the oldest monotheistic god Vishnu: Who is the cause of the evolution of the world and is the conjoined essence and object of 'meditative wisdom' and active virtue (karma). Vedic rishis mastered 'meditative wisdom' and discovered arithmetic, geometry, number theory and much more. Much later Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara, Madhava etc., discovered infinite series, calculus, algebra, trigonometry etc. In the modern age Ramanujan(1887-1920), who practised Vaishnav yoga from childhood, discovered 4000 theorems, implying Namagiri (Vishnu's consort, imparted the 'mind of god' to Ramanujan) including Mock theta functions, graph etc., that lead to insight into black holes, string theory, genetics etc. Homo-Sapien who came out of Africa also had knowledge of Vedic addition and multiplication, besides the 25,920 years cycle of rotation of earth's axis. Vishnu's 'meditative wisdom' is essential to the evolution of modern man. All young students should be trained in Vaishnav yoga.
@Nokapp23 12 жыл бұрын
Rigveda, one of the main Hindu scriptures. It says sun light travels 2202 Yojanas in a half Nimesa. Yojana is an ancient unit of length. Arthasastra defines it as being equal to 8,000 dhanus, which is equivalent to 9 miles. A nimesa is an ancient unit of time that is equal to 16/75 seconds. Thus 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesa is equal to 185,794 miles per second after conversion. The modern estimate of the speed of light is 186,281.7 miles per second.
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
tell me- what is the translation of that verse?
@Saiprahladk 11 жыл бұрын
Oh that is correct! The invasion i talked about is long scale invasion and large movement of people. In minor scales they probably had a lot of fighting. On your second point, I should have finished Richard dawkin's book. Thanks for the lesson! and pleased to make your acquaintance!
@natramesh51 3 жыл бұрын
Typical British comments towards the end of this session, not willing to accept that India was a power way before Britain or England existed and the thinking in terms of mathematics was vastly ahead of all the other parts of the world. Such hubris!
@dineshvah4992 10 жыл бұрын
I have to filter out the neo colonial attitude and deconstruct the colonial spindoctering that this Brit has grown up with when he learned history. And then I really like his attempt of showing respect to the roots of all math > Vedic source
@bharatdave1 10 жыл бұрын
He also once mentioned humbly that all the mathematics in the world are Vedic, in a way!
@victoriousrufus6747 3 жыл бұрын
People! Instead of whining about what is wrong or right, why don’t you make such programs after visiting or consulting the known powers! Appreciate that he took the effort of flying to India and made this video according to his point of view or what he understood! If you can’t then please shut up!
@chandanthakur996 4 жыл бұрын
It's so comical he found a link between Math and मठ.
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
right but we were talking about the US, not the colonies. The colonies declared independence as the USA... and there were two wars... revolutionary war and the war of 1812. i don't know how to break this down further...
@sukalpas3636 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving Veda it's due.
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
I did but i didn't find what I was asking... so either I can go back to school and get a proper education, or you can find me that one ... when you make an argument, you should have evidence, regardless if the other person knows/doesn't know the text... you not giving the quote and rather leading me elsewhere shows that you have failed to find the quote...
@AndyFarrell07 12 жыл бұрын
The sum where he does 97 * 96 I'm calling bullshit on, its not working for me for any other numbers, when I do it with 42 * 28 I get 2016 or 4016, the actual answer is 1,176, what am I doing wrong? I'd like to know because that would be a very fast way to multiply numbers.
@natramesh51 3 жыл бұрын
When your forefathers were wandering nomads in the forests of England, our vedas were providing complete education to the people in India. Yet western perceptions of non Western civilizations which were much sophisticated and mature and scientifically advanced for their times, were treated with contempt and disdain and called MYSTICAL. Shows how well developed cerebrally advanced brainpower prevailed in ancient India compared to the under developed brain elsewhere.
@DRD363 8 жыл бұрын
I love how he tries to explain the real reason why the comma comes after two zeroes. all this and he still doesn't know.
@karan4624 4 жыл бұрын
It's not worth of knowing bro!!
@merveilmeok2416 8 жыл бұрын
Very poetic.
@harishji6447 7 жыл бұрын
अर्व-अरब,खर्व-खरब,निखर्व,नील,पद्म ,count this in numeric.
@Thoughtomobile 11 жыл бұрын
HEY! Puri is in the East!
@ketanshrestha 12 жыл бұрын
really fact we should include this in school course at least to make mathematics simple and interesting.
@htnakirs 12 жыл бұрын
very good
@sbsharma74 11 жыл бұрын
Sri Adhi Shankara Sivanada Saraswathi Sri Pandit Ravi Shankar Sri Vivekanada Rukmani Arundel Anni Besant Mother Terasa Sri C V RAMAN Sri SRinivasa Ramanujam and other Indian noble souls still makes india feel Great Creat Such kids now
@sulalaila3004 11 жыл бұрын
The text does not mention widowhood, and other translations differ in their translation of the word here rendered as 'pyre' (yoni, literally "seat, abode"; Griffith has "first let the dames go up to where he lieth"). In addition, the following verse, which is unambiguously about widows, contradicts any suggestion of the woman's death; it explicitly states that the widow should return to her house.
@shashikgp 12 жыл бұрын
Even before Buddha, you find a reference in Ramayana which names 10^60 (1 followed by 60 zeroes). Buddha is from around 500BCE, and even back in 800BCE combinatorials are discussed, in context of prosody. Please realize that India was already highly advanced by the time of Buddha. The words to number is not arbitrary. Eg: earth is one, there are three types of fires, etc. etc.
@freepagan 11 жыл бұрын
Dude was so excited, he didn't even say what he intended to: he meant to cite the date of the Rig Veda that is mentioned in certain textbooks, which is 1500 B.C., not 1500 years ago. That adds up to 3,500 years ago: he misspoke. But the Vedas are far older than 3500 years as well, I agree and so do many academics.
@NocturnalJin 7 жыл бұрын
Weird that the Vedics used 'moon' and "curdled milk" to represent the number 1. We have an old saying that the the moon is made of cheese. Curdled milk isn't too far from cheese. Quite a coincidence, considering how ridiculous they both are.
@ThePokemonlover1995 7 жыл бұрын
Idk, the moon sometimes looks yellow (due to refraction in the atmosphere), and it has dark spots which might make it resemble a cheeseball :P Or a bowl of curdled milk, lol. It means nothing, it's just a funny comparison.
@tol-mol-ke-bol 12 жыл бұрын
at 13:25... the temples are not called Maths (mathematics)... but it is MATH... to be pronounced as MA-TTHH... (stress on the "th" part)... i dont think it has direct links with mathematics
@Jocjabes 11 жыл бұрын
Thus the verdict is out but there is a good possibility that sankrit might have spread out from South Asia, however not making any conclusions because we just dont know yet.
@prabhakarankanniath9721 5 жыл бұрын
This was very superficial. No mention about geometry, trigonometry, decimals, etc. He neither knows maths nor Vadas!
@karan4624 4 жыл бұрын
I think you should better know some history and comment my dear friend
@ShailendraKumar-fz1hn 8 жыл бұрын
I find it revolting when we get told that intelligence was limited in humans until religious intervention.... this is bullocks... our ancestors were not stupid as you can see!
@truleykumar 10 жыл бұрын
Sounds great and great topic to learn missing vedic maths absolutely fantastic
@Jocjabes 11 жыл бұрын
For every literature produced by greeks indians have matched. Have you heard of sulba sutras? Seidenberg wrote about it in the 70s and he said it was transmitted from and his paper is still unchallenged. Ill listen to modern scholars who have identified pythagoras, apollonius etc coming to india and learning here. Ill listen to Boole, Babbage who have said they were influenced by indian logic. Ill listen to chomsky who said first grammar was from india and P. Goldberg from american veda
@AnirudhGiri 7 жыл бұрын
Why you no de-interlace m9??
@gatidrum 12 жыл бұрын
It's is always hard of find written evidence of Indian scripts because of two reason. 1) Indian Civilization golden age 400BC to about 600AD. Huge progress happened in every field of science and technology. But many of the golden era universities and libraries are destroyed during the middle age of Indian history, 1200AD to 1600AD. What ever left was siphoned away by the thieves of colonial era 1600AD to 1946AD. 2)Secondly "Shruti"- indian used to remember things rather than writing them.
@eyewaves... 4 жыл бұрын
Great talk... thoroughly enjoyable..
@kiron84 4 жыл бұрын
This is never going to change- small talks, some nice things about India(mostly half baked information), then some Brit "find" something out of nowhere and there you go Vedic mathematics and INDIA IS RE-LEARNING FROM US, BRITS! This guy needs to work hard and understand the concept of Hinduism, the art of poetry which is science itself in ancient India and also move the rosy colonial specs. Let's talk then about what India was all about!
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
it's not a conclusion if there are arguments that disprove it or support other ideas...
@shyampatel23 11 жыл бұрын
again, I repeat the same exact thing. Just because it's academically proven doesn't mean that it's set in stone!!! There is always room for debate and there is always room for more evidence... That's the basic conclusion we are trying to get at, but you don't seem to want to even accept an alternate theory...
@atlantivi 10 жыл бұрын
U need to just learn from the guru , don't try to compare urselves with him, west always respects materials and wealth, as long as they do it they could never learn what real India( not the ones bastardized ) preaches or teaches. Jai hind.
@arunnair2710 11 жыл бұрын
Who you are to valuate the vedic mathematics
@pedrodanielpfaff5386 4 жыл бұрын
So you say according to them but according to other people.May I be presumptuous to ask who are the "Them" you are talking about and could you specify the "Other People" Because I would suspect that "They" should know their own history.Don't you people are tired of "Other People" conjuring up their history.
@jingilakkaful 11 жыл бұрын
Taqqiyya on full flow.
@pareshtrivedi1 12 жыл бұрын
Jay Ho! Nice presentation!
@parthi988 11 жыл бұрын
(B) Due to a poor fund of knowledge, early indologists relegated all the Vedic texts and the personalities found in them to the realm of mythology. Furthermore, these texts were written by some very late anonymous persons who attributed their works to 'mythical' sages.
@AmNotHere911 8 жыл бұрын
I've learnt alot today whilst watching this video, no not from the lecturer but below the line commentators: Apparently gravity didn't exist before India and that apparently before India existed things like the seas, the mountains, animals and plants all floated in the air then one day an Indian genius came along who invented gravity which stopped Mount Everest from floating into space. So there you have it people without Indian vedic inspired science the Himalayas would be on planet Mars and not planet Earth.
@AmNotHere911 8 жыл бұрын
***** :)
This all floating story of yours , I never heard before, yeah I agree vedic maths title itself was deceptive nothing was actually from vedas.But please at least don't spread lies and hatred about india. And coming inventions part, to be honest, all things were already in universe we humans simply explored them by time.You see for eg. GRAVITY was there before NEWTON invented it, holding everything to earth, but he was the one to realize such concept. People like to take/have credits for things they don't own and make fun of things which they don't fully understand.Give it a try and you'll realize how interesting it is(If you truly like mathematics)
@realhuman7908 6 жыл бұрын
AmNotHere911 your attitude suggest that you people are still living in colonial mindset. No one said that indians invented gravity but indians knew and defined gravity 1500 years prior to newton. You people distort history and steal credit from others to glorify yourself. Europeans knew nothing about science maths and astronomy until arabic translations of indian work reached europ.
@protectinghistory 12 жыл бұрын
Part 3 - Slum Dog Millionaire is not a movie made by any Indian. It was made by an Englishman Danny Boyle who learnt movie making by watching the movies of Satyajit Ray. This little Englishman Danny Boyle just wanted to make some money selling India - as India does sell. Danny Boyle is not the only little westerner who used India to make a quick buck. Steven Spielberg stole Ray's story The Alien and made two movies out of it and made a few millions - Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind and ET.
@jacobdatta4763 11 жыл бұрын
@kay9100 12 жыл бұрын
It is not spiritual idea but spiritual knowledge. That is why we say that true knowledge is scientific.
@pareshtrivedi1 11 жыл бұрын
How you get that Vedas are 1& half thousand year ago?
@Nokapp23 12 жыл бұрын
I would suggest lecture of Peter Rushell on “The Primacy of Consciouness”. Or another lecture on “Where science and Bhudhism meet”. Both are on You Tube.
@Jocjabes 11 жыл бұрын
"Arguing for the longer term "rival Y-Chromosome model",[40] Stephen Oppenheimer believes that it is highly suggestive that India is the origin of the Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups which he calls the "Eurasian Eves". According to Oppenheimer it is highly probable that nearly all human maternal lineages in Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe descended from only four mtDNA lines that originated in South Asia 50,000-100,000 years ago.[41] There are various other points to suggest this"
@freepagan 11 жыл бұрын
Actually, no scientific theory is absolutely conclusive. It is always a work in progress, and many older scientific "facts" have been overturned. Science uses inductive logic, which is never absolute. You have much to learn. If you knew anything about induction, you would know that it can only show what is *likely* to be true. Ask a linguist, and see if they don't agree. There is an alternative theory, the OIT. It has been well defended, and is even more *likely* true when you examine it.
@davidwright8432 6 жыл бұрын
I'd distinguish between 'mathematics' and 'arithmetic', here. This is a distinction now lost, but when I was growing up (many moons ago), primary school taught 'arithmetic' - dealing with whole numbers - and once one got to the dizzying heights of first year secondary (age 11), we got 'algebra' and 'geometry'. The Vedic math as described here is basically a bunch of 'tricks of the number-crunching trade', helpful for merchants and tax collectors. But there's no systematic explanatory basis for it, so I wouldn't call it 'mathematics.' it isn't mathematics as now known, a very widespread collection of ideas highly formalized and whose crucial unifying element is logical 'proof.' 'Zero' and positional notation were very important in that they made a great deal of routine calculation easier - and less error-prone. But not yet 'mathematics' as now understood. I wish Bellos had mentioned Ramanujan in this context. A strange and vast math talent from India. Google him; and the stuff he produced a century ago is still yielding surprises today, in very rarefied mathematics indeed. How? Nobody knows.
@praveenjoshi5802 11 жыл бұрын
Alex - May be you should read about Aryabhatta and Lilavati.
@RajibAdityaNayan 11 жыл бұрын
Tobacco118, "land" is physical. Boundaries are political. You have them mixed in the same sentence. Yes we are a young "country". That has nothing to do with the history. When people insist on India's history, they are referring to a past that others cannot claim. The pride comes from the history of the "land", not the political boundary. Having said that, I am not one who believes in basking in the glory of history. Which is why I say with conviction, "keep watching".
@parthi988 11 жыл бұрын
(E) Early indologists were responsible for rejecting the idea that Sanskrit was the mother of at least the Indo-European languages; as at first very ably propounded by Franz Bopp, and often mentioned by ancient Indian authors.
@indianmilitary 11 жыл бұрын
Since you don't know jack shit about India, does not mean that origin of science, mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Textiles, Metallurgy, Iron and steel is somewhere else. India was the most advanced, oldest and continuous civilization. India was the largest economy and richest country in the world for 17 centuries, until the time of British invasion in the 18th century according to a research done by Angus Maddison for OECD countries
@ivarhakuse8572 5 жыл бұрын
1. Veda is not a book on maths 2. Shankaracharya as a personal investigation only wanted to see if maths existed in Veda which is supposed to contain all knowledge which he showed indeed did so. 3. You need to be far more respectful of other cultures and traditions in the manner you refer to them bearing in mind that Hindus passed through over a thousand years of destruction, carnage, loot, rapine and genocide at the hands of Islam and then the Europeans. It should not come as any surprise to you if Indians are a bit sensitive to how disparagingly they are spoken about if even in humorous banter. 4. For a truer insight into the contribution of ancient Hindus towards world mathematics I suggest you watch Professor Raju here: 1.
@mohangopalan1937 5 жыл бұрын
Atleast now acceptence our old culture which destroyed by invaders now it is time to explore Indian culture a Hindu culture which very much old books destroyed by invaders now it is duty of Human scholars to show the treasure including Indian scholars to make better world
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