Griding out my first T4 hordes - Hardcore minion Necro (Golem Thorns & Mendeln)

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You can refer to this link for now.
I am still in the leveling/gear hunting phase so my running build is a bit different.

Пікірлер: 23
@Wuginator322 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thorn minion journey! Looking forward to seeing things progress
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! It won't be the strongest build, but very easy to come online, and chill to play.
@S34Mii 3 ай бұрын
This is good to see. Last season, thorns Necro could clear T8 hordes but it took FOREVER! Good to see its still possible and in a much more reasonable amount of time. Thanks for the vid.
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@S34Mii I remember last season the boss took me 5min with quite nice gear and master working.
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@S34Mii my gear is still far from perfect, and only randomly master worked to 8. Like no hellbent on amulet etc.
@thomasrisch7095 3 ай бұрын
Did you just not find a good razorblade or is it not best in Slot and why?
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
I think for golem thorns a legendary chest with golem mastery would be better. I discussed this in the description of my last video here
@Snitzel12345 3 ай бұрын
of course you get a butcher in your first t4 horde xD also for the record, bone prison causes your mendeln counter to reset, same goes for reinforcements or any new summon
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
Just tested it and you are right, new patch, new bugs, as always :)
@wendaguan 3 ай бұрын
Which Aspect would you replace for a Doombringer (if any)? Cheers!
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@wendaguan I would say fel gluttony, but if you have a Shako already, it should be tanky enough.
@maverick0901a 3 ай бұрын
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@maverick0901a 还是成立的,估计伤害会比现在这版本低一些。主要是剃刀甲数值很低,也就3-4k。而白骨傀儡护甲转荆棘比例从70%改到200%了,堆护甲的话总护甲10k都能做到,这就是20k的傀儡荆棘了,加上胸甲的傀儡精通等级,就比剃刀甲带来的收益大。
@maverick0901a 3 ай бұрын
@@sinitarpku 那再請教一下,請問你這季軍帽是怎樣取得的?這季好像沒有保底換軍帽只能用抽的,還是只能刷boss了?
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@maverick0901a 只能抽,或者两个火花加上符文定向合成,比较麻烦
@maverick0901a 3 ай бұрын
@@sinitarpku 剛剛試了一下,用你的方式會變成要讓怪都去打傀儡才行,不像之前所有小兵都繼承荊棘,打的比較平均,如果怪偏偏不去打傀儡就很難有傷害 我在想,既然小兵都沒有什麼荊棘傷害了,要不要乾脆直接犧牲掉來buff自己和傀儡就好,這樣就可以讓怪都聚焦在傀儡和角色上,說不定還比較有效率?
@sinitarpku 3 ай бұрын
@@maverick0901a 我前两个赛季也试过这种,不过傀儡没有骷髅祭祀加血的话容易死,可以试试用血球给傀儡回血。但是这样的话也有点问题,就是少了卡兰终极被动的攻速和乘伤,可以算算看能不能成立。
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