Grinding Gear in Genshin and Other Gachas

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@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I tried to speak slower, but my words came out unclear. Then I tried to speak clearer, but my words came out faster. So I settled for a middle ground where I spoke fast and unintelligibly. I apologize for the inconvenience, but my entire script is in the subtitles if that helps at all.
@amrwalidahmed8755 3 ай бұрын
Don't worry bro your voice is ok. I can hear you clearly😂 and even tho you say you have run out of funny things to say you still made a funny video!
@MetricPolygon 3 ай бұрын
I actually love the delivery in your videos. It's very unique and pleasant to listen to in a way that I can't quite put my finger on. It scratches my brain
@gabrielgunung2548 3 ай бұрын
all good man! love the video and the jokes are cackling me up. hope you get more subs and views!
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
@@MetricPolygon I've been told I sound "relatable" before, but I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. Either way, I'm glad you like the delivery, 'cause I'm not good at doing it any other way xd
@yiiihaaa___9139 3 ай бұрын
​@@ALittleSIMPle I have ADHD and you're one of the very few creators whose videos I only watch at x1 or x1.25 speed rather than going x2. But also, you sound like an exhausted self-aware gacha addict rather than an energetic salesman or an emotionless robot. Don't know how it is for other people, but I believe that would be why I personally like your speech.
@kindatired9688 3 ай бұрын
In the words of a wise man "You want crit rate? haha thats a weird way to spell defense"
@xxx-lq7ho 3 ай бұрын
RNG jesus will snap your neck -Max0r
@jimmyh2019 3 ай бұрын
Honkai Star Rail. Where your odds of getting the banner character are better than getting decent gear pieces for that character.
@rickcooper4809 3 ай бұрын
For me, true gambling addiction isn't pulling for characters but leveling artifacts.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's certainly rough. Kind of puts me off from rolling for new characters sometimes xd
@EimiShahrizai 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle I could roll for Firefly, but then I'd have to leave the follow up relic domain that still hasn't given me a single good set yet and I don't know if I want to abandon Himeko ever being good...
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
@@EimiShahrizai I feel this. I've actually just been letting HoYo budget my investment per unit. I'll pull for a character, farm for that character until the next character I want, and when I get that new unit, I farm for the new unit. Acheron's time in the spotlight is coming to a close... Then if I feel that my older units are starting to fall behind, I'll go back and farm up some more if I feel satisfied with my current position. I guess it's kind of good in some regards, I get a change of scenery every now and then xd
@gredem4799 3 ай бұрын
I pulled for Aventurine cause of !DEF!
@Sneeek 3 ай бұрын
Artifact gambling is much cheaper than character gambling too!
@cinder3la999 3 ай бұрын
"A man can dream". "Insert dreamless" LMAO
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
A little tidbit for you, that was the last joke I edited in on my final check before I rendered the video. That spot used to just be blank, but I thought it might be funny to include that xd
@badasspinkpony5486 3 ай бұрын
Ayyy comment feature! This is a lovely gift to wake up to, thank you ^•^ So a little gacha psychology for you for this comment. Excuse me while I get a little nerdy here. When it comes to why RNG is rewarding for the brain, we tend to talk about it in terms of schedules. There's a fixed interval schedule, which would be like guaranteeing a good piece after 50 rolls, but only once those 50 rolls have fully been completed, and intermittent reinforcement schedules which is like getting a good piece sometime in rolls 1-50. I was able to participate in data collection in college where we looked at the different types of schedules. We trained the rats up to being rewarded on either a fixed or intermittent schedule of 100. Then we tested them one last time to see how long they would continue to respond after they didn't get a reward. The fixed interval rats all stopped before 120. The intermittent schedule rats all stopped around 200 except one rat. This little guy went to almost 900 inputs before giving up. This is all a very complicated way of saying, as I grind VV for the third month in a row to get good artifacts for my Jean, I think that one little rat is me. Godspeed little buddy. Incredible video as always. RNG is such a weird concept and people seem to react very strongly to it. I think you did a great job comparing and contrasting the different systems and what tends to make them easier vs harder
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I try to read through every comment I get, and while my memory is pretty bad, I still remember yours! I took some psychology courses in college, but I never got to play with rats, I'm a little jealous. Interesting test with interesting results! My hat's off to that one trooper of a rat, and good luck in your VV grind! Thanks for watching and thanks for your comment! I'll probably think back on this whenever I think of rats in the future xd
@icecreambone 3 ай бұрын
the good thing about genshin is that you don't have to grind artifacts because the hardcore ocntent doesn't matter. the interesting thing about HSR is that the 4-piece is less valuable than in genshin (for now), so 2/2 with good substats is relatively better, and the focus is more on midcore content. assuming equal weighting on substats, double crit in wuwa is about 13% chance, which is similar to genshin/hsr. you don't roll for substat upgrades, but the substat range makes double crit the equivalent of 25-40 CV on every piece, 30 being average
@Pheonee 3 ай бұрын
ARKNIGHTS MENTIONED 🎉 IMO the thing about RNG gear systems is that once you understand them, they no longer have as much power over you. It's like the gacha itself - knowing the rates and managing your expectations is the key to inner peace. Gacha games make their money by making their players a little bit upset all the time, in the hopes that they will be annoyed enough to swipe, but not annoyed enough to quit. But just like I don't "expect" to get the character I want before 150 pulls, I don't expect to get artifacts any better than serviceable, so while going to 83 pity or rolling flat Def is a bit of a bummer, it makes an early 5* or a great piece SUPER exciting, such that for me, the emotional experience ends up being a net positive one overall. Plus, one of the ways that RNG gear can feel rewarding is that it feels like you can "show" your devotion to your favourite character(s) by farming for them a lot. In Arknights, once I max out my favourite character's level and skills, that's it; I don't have any other way to "spoil" them. But in Genshin/HSR/WuWa you can invest months of stamina into your fave in the pursuit of incremental improvements, which is genuinely a fun gradual grind for me, since I tend to have just a few characters that I really REALLY like. It's just a different way to distribute the endgame progression - horizontal in Arknights, with its over 300 unique characters (I've built about 190 of them), versus much more vertical in games that only put out a character and a half per month. It's the way they've chosen to stretch out your playtime artificially so you stick with the game longer. I don't know if the vertical progression system is "good" necessarily, but again, with the benefit of understanding, there's definitely a unique appeal here that works for me, and clearly some other people as well (the comments in your video as well as accounts from my friends). In the last week, I rolled a 47CV vermilion goblet for my Xiao, AND somehow managed to pull PJWS on the standard banner. Unfortunately, that kind of rush does beat out the feeling of finishing up an M9 on an Arknights character. (And AK is my favourite game overall!) I liked the visual gag with the photoshopping bad artifacts btw!
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
The mindset is a big factor. I see a lot of people unhappy with the Artifact/Relic system, and I understand 'cause I wasn't too happy with it at first, either. After a while, I either got used to it or just learned to think about it differently. Like you said, if expectations are set, some things end up turning out more positive than negative, and I think that's a good way to think about it if you want to keep your blood pressure low xd I actually had a paragraph dedicated to Arknights in my initial script, but I ended up cutting it out since Arknights's long-term progression isn't in gear, but in individual characters (also, I got lazy with video editing xd). It's a nice change of pace from something like Genshin to Arknights, but Arknights definitely doesn't activate the neurons like Genshin does when it comes to something shiny popping up (though, I feel something comparable when I see two or three six star units in a ten pull) Also, congrats on your Goblet and PJWS! Xiao's eatin' good and I'm all for it.
@Pheonee 3 ай бұрын
​@@ALittleSIMPle The artifact system is definitely designed to frustrate players, especially with the obfuscated rates, which does suck, but just like the gacha system as a whole, we don't HAVE to let the gacha companies win their little mind games. It's an unfortunate trade-off to trying to enjoy a pretty good game that operates in a predatory industry, I guess 😔 And that makes sense, Arknights character progression is so different to Gensh/HSR/WuWa that it would take a lot of work to fit it into a video like this, haha! The way the game systems and economies are balanced is just not the same (AK's higher base rates are viable because of the larger cast, the bad guarantee isn't as punishing because of the high amount of redundancy, etc), though very luckily I was able to find things I enjoy about both ;v; And yes, omg, the double and triple 6* bags… the AK equivalent of a 40+cv piece sldjlksdj
@mendics 3 ай бұрын
that is how i cope as well but it wouldnt be so bad if the builds didnt rely heavily on it, id rather if they were just to make it so that its just an optional push to strength not the actual need to if you want to use your characters. it also doesnt help theres a huge difference betwen meta units and meh ones. the level of investments they need are absurd. its like the games want us to use different characters but cant even.
@Pheonee 3 ай бұрын
​@@mendics IMO builds do not actually rely heavily on artifacts. Jyo posted a quite an interesting video analysing "how much time should you spend artifact farming", and the conclusion is that after just 2-4 weeks, you are statistically likely to have a build that is already about 80% as strong as it will ever be. This means main stats + a handful of useful subs, targeting stuff like ER breakpoints, already will make your character quite good, and after that, all the resin spent on artifacts is essentially going to be on minmaxing, chasing very small power increases that probably won't make a difference to your experience, outside of the 30 minutes you spend in Floor 12 every month. If you just want to play with your characters in the overworld and domains, good artifacts are not even close to necessary; they ARE completely optional. I have a friend who has like all +4 artifacts on his Raiden with a HP goblet and he is pure vibing. If you want to play them in abyss 12, well, that is the hardest endgame content currently available, so while I'm not really a fan of it myself, it makes some sense why it would demand either a lot of time investment or a lot of mechanical skill, right? And as for there being a difference between meta units or not, I mean, that is the nature of all games? There will always be better or worse characters, I can't really think of any game where everyone is a sidegrade to everyone else.
@coralreef6298 3 ай бұрын
Going from Genshin and HSR to Arknights was such a massive upgrade for me, leveling up units takes a long time in the early game but when you reach mid-end game, it takes just a couple of minutes, masteries take longer since they use irl time, then getting the trust bonus for the modules also takes a bit but it's just so much more easier to build characters, I tried going back to HSR multiples times but I just couldn't do it, nothing felt rewarding compared to Arknights
@destineddrip 3 ай бұрын
I enjoy farming and rolling artifacts more than anything else in GI. It’s exciting to imagine that any drop could be that legendary 50 cv that has eluded me for 4 years.
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
just play an arpg then ... same high but you arent being held by the balls for it ... specifically go play path of exile you would love it
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
@@toukoenriaze9870 Unfortunately, I think I like it when people hold my balls
@plvto1 3 ай бұрын
part of the reason i stopped pulling for new characters is cause of the rng involved in building them. i already went through rng to ACQUIRE them, why do i need rng just to be able to use them? I've just settled on building the characters i have and only pulling for furina cons at least give us an items that give us a bit of control over the rng, it's incredibly unfair that the speed of the process of building my character is entirely decided by the game.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's definitely a crawl when it comes to character building. I've been farming for Acheron ever since her release and I still don't have something I consider great. I've also been farming Arlecchino's set since that dropped and while it hasn't been that long, my results still aren't very impressive xd Good luck on your Furina Constellations, though! She's a lot of fun
@plvto1 3 ай бұрын
​@@ALittleSIMPle yeah, I've just been farming the golden troupe and severed fate domains over and over again also, thank you!
@LittleTilde 3 ай бұрын
Praise to the reasonable simp for he is the only person that can actually make videos without being judgemental. Personally I'm rather indifferent towards the gear grind; maybe I've just gotten used to it. I do it because it is there and very often I honestly can't think of anything else I'd need to work on to improve my characters anyway. Of the games discussed here Genshin has the best system imo; relatively few layers of rng and the off-piece has saved more of my builds than I can count. Wuthering Waves has been rough so far. When I can kill a boss 50 times and not even see the right main stat... at this point I have actually given up on using some of my characters. For the echo exp/tunes I hope we can get improvements soon (maybe). Not that I think the gearing system is the games biggest problem but that's a seperate issue.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I think "getting used to" the gear grind is the nicer way to go about it. Feels less stressful than thinking you need to be at a certain stat threshold. Much more pleasant to just go with the flow and get excited when the occasional crit rolls in xd Wuthering Waves hasn't exactly been treating me great, either, but the developer post says they're looking to help out for next patch, so I remain hopeful!
@ixirion 3 ай бұрын
I think ppl in wuwa are oversweating . I got all my 1 cost echoes with double crit /relatively easy/. Farm till first 4 cost echoes drop crti rate, got my 3 costs from events and illusive realm + a bit of farmin for moonlight and healing set. level them up -> 18 stars in ToA. week 3... no Jiyan, No Calcharo. Just Yinlin + her signature. f2p.
@suharb5014 3 ай бұрын
you forgot to mention that apparently substat values in wuwa are weighted to mid-low values. Like crit rate stat goes from 6.3 to 10.5 per substat but chance of getting 10.5 is around around 3% while 7.5 has 20% and 8.1 has 25%. In other games all values are weighted equally.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I didn't forget to mention it, I just didn't know for certain xd Due to my uncertainty, I think I just said "there's a range". I haven't been able to roll enough crit stats to say for sure :C But thanks for letting me know!
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Honestly I don’t worry about the roll ranges my Yinlin has 4 crit rate subs and they are all min rolls and she has plenty of crit rate. I would rather worry much more about getting the sub in the first place than how high it rolls.
@darenh355 Ай бұрын
I think its fine the way it is. However, what they can add is a perfect gear event wear you can create the god roll piece of your dreams. Perfect example is Epic 7 who just did it recently. You use points to upgrade your gear, you get points by just playing the game. You can choose 1 relic armor and one relic ornament.
@cyrene03 3 ай бұрын
medium is premium, dare i say
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
This is my new favorite phrase for referring to gearing
@Darcmagikan1 3 ай бұрын
ok you have no business of being this funny! how dare you.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you find the presentation style entertaining, I try my best!
@bonbuns6881 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate the time you put into replying to everyone in the comments -- hopefully you don't burn yourself out lol anyway, you express your thoughts really clearly (it doesn't really mean much, but for me you seem to have a pretty big vocabulary at your disposal and it makes you seem like you know your shit) and it's obvious you put a lot of time into your videos -- especially with your script. probably. i think it's paid off. i mean, i was pretty engaged the whole time and enjoyed the jokes you scattered between all the talking. i'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the stuff you create!!! remember to go outside sometimes and touch some grass too lolol
@ALittleSIMPle 2 ай бұрын
I try my best! Putting stuff together takes me a while (as you might be able to tell), and it can get mentally draining, but I'm glad it's paying off. I do have more stuff on the way (though, not very quickly xd). Please stay tuned I would touch grass, but I have allergies xd
@bonbuns6881 2 ай бұрын
​@@ALittleSIMPle understandable. just looking at that snippet of the editing timeline made me dizzy haha out of curiosity, how long does it take recording and rerecording audio? :O take your time!! quality over quantity any day sounds in line for a gacha gamer lolll
@KraizenFaraway 3 ай бұрын
If only new Gachas Games just follow the current PGR Memory system but alas Almost every new gacha follows GI Artifact System.
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Genshin really made the gacha landscape a shitty place man
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's tried and true, unfortunately. I can't say I love it, but it does seem to keep people logging in consistently more often than not.
@LittleTilde 3 ай бұрын
That's kind of interesting to hear. The creators of PGR apparently had a system that is well-recieved and they decided to abandon it for something that is most likely just worse (for the players).
@plvto1 3 ай бұрын
@senelclark101 3 ай бұрын
@@puenboy1wdym? Epic 7 started this kind of gearing system, not Genshin
@BAM.33 3 ай бұрын
I like it. It's what we have to do during boring times. Also rolling is addicting and building characters based on minor stuff is fun for me
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
The hoyo devs decided that having to roll 1 in 10 substats isn’t enough, they have to lower the chance of rolling useful substats on top of that to kick you while you’re down
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's a cruel world. Fortunately, I'm patient and spongy, but it's definitely not a pleasant system xd
@danilaevd 3 ай бұрын
Genshin/Star Rail gear system kinda sucks, don't get me wrong, but man there's some games with gear system so much worse that genshin feels like heaven sometimes
@zendao7967 3 ай бұрын
It's clear that most Genshin players are too young to know what MMOs' grind looked like
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
I have been gaming for like 20 years, genshin gearing is worse than any mmo I remember playing, even the ones that require once per week raids
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Thinking back, some of the games I played were definitely much worse, but it didn't feel like it at the time. Enhancing gear felt a lot like gacha where things could either roll cool stats or roll into garbage, in addition to a system where you could upgrade that gear's level, or it would fail. On top of that, you had some games where your gear could degrade or just break. What a world that was...
@zendao7967 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle black desert ptsd
@axylum4453 3 ай бұрын
Every Korean mmo ever
@harrymitchell3885 3 ай бұрын
the idea that u can pay for characters, weapons and whatnot but still have your character be ass because of MORE RNG
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's rough, but it's the only way I get any ass at all, so I guess there's that :C
@TheGreatMillz 3 ай бұрын
As an HSR player, I think the part I hate the most about relic farming is how nearly all relic nodes have a useful/good relic next to a noticeably shittier relic. The quantum set with Guard of Wuthering Snow, the imaginary set with the fire set, musketeer with the healing set, for example. Thankfully the newer caverns are a lot more balanced and offer good value from both relics they give, but they are still technically in the minority and it just feels bad when I have to farm one of the less awesome nodes.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it feels really terrible knowing half of your investment might just be useless, especially when we don't have the flexibility in using an off-piece. The Relic synthesis system helps a bit, but it'd be great if I could just... not get one of those sets xd
@TacticalDimples 3 ай бұрын
What worse is that there’s just such a major gap between each set. Like who uses the Thunder/fire set? Compared to the quantum set, they’re obviously underpowered.
@spacebanana712 3 ай бұрын
Idk why I didn't get the notification for this upload, but anyways, yeah I personally just got used to artifacts/relics/echoes, I accepted the idea that it will probably take me weeks to get any significant upgrade to my characters. I thought wuwa would be better but I already burnt myself out because of how time consuming the farming is 😅.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Wuthering Waves's system has its merits, but it certainly isn't for everyone. As for the rest, the Acceptance stage is probably best for your blood pressure xd
@fernandojoseraquel9150 3 ай бұрын
Artifact relics is training you from gambling addiction
@MoriBoita 3 ай бұрын
Mihoyo needs to do more Honkai Impactification, there you can rerol the substats (but sadly not level them up) on your stigmas (aka gear like echoes and relics)
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
That sounds really convenient. If MiHoYo wanted to toss some of that over here, I wouldn't complain xd
@Zeg-eh5ik 3 ай бұрын
Just transfer the complete Stigma/Memory System both only require little RNG in Stats
@looiyuanjieyuanjie1451 3 ай бұрын
i hope wuthering waves add boss raids that gives you lots of good rolled artifacts. The boss raid can be around 15 people so that it will lag less.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I'll take anything to better my odds xd
@looiyuanjieyuanjie1451 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle If you play pgr which has the same developer as wuthering waves, they are very generous in terms of their resources and i initially though it was because the cost of upgrading is expensive which was true to a certain extent but they gave so much that it was enough to upgrade 3. I suggested in their latest survey to allow tuners to choose substats for the echoes but keep the rng for the value that it will roll on. Please do the survey, we need less doomposters and more critics like you.
@TheScarletKing13 3 ай бұрын
Like I said on my previous comment, I still like this guy's humor and commentary. Really reminds me of Technoblade but if he wasn't insecure of his nerdiness. Love the video dude
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it, thanks for watching! I'll have to look up Technoblade at some point, I don't think I'm familiar xd
@jaystrike3270 3 ай бұрын
0:48 that fucking hurts.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I lost a piece of my soul that day
@phuhuhuhu8090 3 ай бұрын
Gachas doesn't NEED random artifact system, it's just another scummy system to make players login every day. There is alot of successful gachas, that doen't have it, like fgo, nikke, arknights, pgr, limbus and alot more.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I never said gachas needed an artifact system, I said they needed some form of long-term progression. For a quick example, Arknights doesn't have gear or RNG in terms of a character's stats, but your long-term progression is in building up your roster of like, 300 units xd
@phuhuhuhu8090 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle Maybe I misunderstood, but still rng artifact systems is one of the shittiest ones in gacha games
@dvd9578 3 ай бұрын
Commenting so KZbin's algorithm is nice to you
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I will remember you as I lay my head on my pillow tonight.
@緑-x6z 3 ай бұрын
But in GI you don't need perfect stats to be able to clear anything (except Abyss and that's supposed to be difficult, because it's endgame). In HSR I do feel it, if one of my characters is lacking in the relic department. And don't get me started about WuWa, in which my artefacts/relics are literally wandering the open world and I send prayers to heaven everytime I use one of my tuners. 😂
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
It's quite the grind. Wuthering Waves has been testing me lately, and I think I'm failing xd
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Huh? Where exactly in wuthering waves do you need perfect stats to clear content? Other than tower and hologram 5/6, both of which are endgame content as you said. You can easily do every content in the game up to endgame with a f2p chixia solo with decent relics if you’re not underleveled
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
@@puenboy1 to be fair you dont need any stats to clear content if you are good at dodging and parrying xD ... but please lets not use that as the stanard LOL
@緑-x6z 3 ай бұрын
@@puenboy1 Because combat is much more important in WuWa than in GI, even world enemies (like mobs) hit harder. Enemies are also much more plentiful in Sol-3 than in Teyvat and farming can get really annoying, if you can’t kill them fast. Just yesterday I was picking…or rather was trying to pick some poppies for my Verina and was constantly attacked by enemies. Something which should have taken me one minute took five, because I kept being attacked. But that's just my experience. I also haven't played too much WuWa, because I had terrible problems with the game in the first two weeks (lagging and ping going haywire). It has been much better in the last few days, so I'm actually just now experiencing the full combat experience. Might change my mind.
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
@@緑-x6z Trust me, good main stat echoes leveled alone with free Chixia will easily beat everything in overworld including bosses. Only would struggle with fusion cubes (immune to fusion) and hell rider (resist fusion) but even then I've been killing the aero monkey boss with jiyan since day 1 when my echoes were bad. Also, you can just ignore enemies and run past them, they don't follow you very far at all
@krystalwhispers 3 ай бұрын
Artifact RNG is my OCD's worst nightmare :( (where is my 40 CV wanderer feather mihoyo i've been farming for a year😭)
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
"And you'll farm for another year more" -MiHoYo, probably On a serious note, it's just a patience game. If you keep trying for it and hoping for it, it'll hurt every time you don't get it. If you just kind of... go with it and get what you get, the shiny thing will be much shinier xd
@thepeanutter9972 3 ай бұрын
I honestly think there's no need to spend so much time editing for these videos. You don't need a visual stimuli for every thing you say to get your point accross. Though I do like the chibi characters.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Sorry if it seems a bit much. I edit these in a way that would satisfy my short attention span. That is to say, I edit these mostly for people that like seeing things move around and get distracted by the sound of their own breathing if there's nothing visually catching xd
@andychua2766 3 ай бұрын
Artifact and Relic suck ass. I’ve played genshin for 4 years I still do not have good artifacts especially compared to my friends like it’s crazy how Rng it is I’m always a substat over set bonus person because 1 it’s better 2 I don’t have the luxury of luck. In Genshin and HSR you can have a good piece be utterly wasted if it doesn’t roll crit btw I can still clear abyss you don’t particularly need great artifacts to do that National team + a well invested dps on the other side usually suffices. In Wuwa especially for 4 and 1 costs you can get multiple, then unlock and check a substat if it’s trash move on if it’s crit check the next substat and so on until you exhaust your echo options and pick the best of what you have and max that foddering your trash you had gotten earlier. The only true grind is 3 costs which are also the only thing I actually grind now but over the course of time tacet fields and events actually do drop on set element 3 costs echos so that’s where it’s truly the most Rng. Still much better than genshin and hsr. There is a lot of complaints about echo exp and tuners but I don’t find it a big issue every gacha game has a bottleneck it’s still pretty early in Wuwa no shit you lack resources. Imagine if you could get 5 star relics and artifacts at the start of the game. You’d actually want to level them of course the resources would run out. Every gacha has their bottleneck at one point in genshin and hsr it’s artifact/relic xp then it’s mora. It’s just once it’s endgame those are pretty bygone times.
@sunlaa7221 3 ай бұрын
Good video! I will say as someone that just started star rail recently, it's always a worry if the game's higher level content like MOC or pure fiction will scale out of control and what I can do if my relics still stay crap. I think the game does a good job with replayable events to get resources older players got, but the lack of good relics feels like a wall that will always get higher. In your opinion, has MOC/pure fiction's difficulty been good at staying at a reasonable difficulty overtime?
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Yes and no. I think MoC/PF are mostly tuned fairly. Every once in a while, we get a phase that's a little rougher than usual, but in a lot of cases, a different strategy can help get the clear. I personally find it to be reasonable, but because of so many players at so many different levels of investment, you might find some people are sitting at that threshold where they're right in between a full clear and missing a star and they may disagree.
@sunlaa7221 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle Thats fair, thank you for the reply! It's a bit comforting to know that it's not ramping that much. Keep up the good work!
@Featherko 3 ай бұрын
f dad :c
@xxx-lq7ho 3 ай бұрын
This why I like playing offline games like fallout 4 and Eldenring no daily all fun. Only update is optional
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I definitely enjoy the occasional single player not-a-gacha RPG every so often, even though Elden Ring beat my ass xd
@Mehemmed65 3 ай бұрын
Its either correct main stat and cringe neither cringe substat with correct main stats, yesterday I got crit rate crit damage piece for neuvillete and its main stat is DEF ;/ I hate all things are gacha, but at least hsr has better for relic strongbox, hope kuro games can make some changes too
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Based on their recent developer notes, it looks like Kuro is gonna help us out a bit next patch, but just how much, I'm not sure yet. I remain hopeful!
@Mehemmed65 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle let them cook:) Edit: I lost my hopes in genshin
@rawbinYT 3 ай бұрын
is 0:05 an editing error?
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Nope, intentional! The spoken line was about getting good artifacts and the joke is I have no media to use xd
@mugen1119 3 ай бұрын
big this, i miss the system from gbf
@mendics 3 ай бұрын
all fucking true, idc if one or the other is "better" theyre all bad. we're already fucked by the gacha, why is progression also rng. there are other gachas that dont have them.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Other gachas don't have these systems because there are other forms of long-term progression (albeit less painful) in place instead. Arknights is an example I like since it has no gear or RNG in character stats at all, but you have a team size of 12 and almost 300 characters, so your long-term goal for that game is to build up a variety of units to handle any problems the game presents. It's also why Arknights's gacha system is much more forgiving (2% vs Genshin/HSR's .6% and a soft pity of 50 vs ~75), since you'll need many more units for a better experience. But I agree, the artifact grind can feel pretty terrible. I'll finish my Raiden one day...
@mendics 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle youre right, i've also played arknights, fgo and many others that don't have rng in their gears to progress. They are more heavily reliant on having multiple teams, and counters for gameplay but still doesn't make it feel good to progress in gacha's that have rng in their progression, even tho i understand why they do it. In genshin i have more characters than i have artifacts to gear them with, sometimes it even makes me think pulling for characters is not worth the trouble cause that just means they'll need the artifacts I'm already in debt with.
@AverieS820 3 ай бұрын
The artifact system is the whole reason I decided to drop HSR, because I couldn't mentally handle managing artifacts and relics at the same time (well, that and how much I disliked the High-Cloud Quintet story). At least for Genshin, after close to 4 years of playing, I can tell almost immediately if an artifact has potential, while in HSR, I always felt unsure of what to lock. At least for WW, I generally don't worry too much about getting the right main stat, since that is generally quite grindable, and sets bonuses clear cut enough that I know a 3 cost fusion% piece will be useless in an spectro set. I hate how it takes 2 different materials to level an echo though, and I doubt I'll keep playing once I hit endgame, for the same reason I stopped playing HSR.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I don't blame you, I definitely find the viability of a Relic in Star Rail to be much more ambiguous than in Genshin. It's easy to let things pile up because something can have a use for a number of applications, then sorting through everything to find a specific piece can be a pain in the butt. This can also have its advantages, like seeing something with potential even if it's lacking crit stats, but then you still have the problem of rummaging through your stuff just to find you're king of a pile of trash xd Wuthering Waves is kind of nice in that it's easy to tell if an Echo will be useful or not, but I'm actually not overly fond of the grinding part, despite thinking I would be. Grinding (for me, at least) can be fun if I know it's optional, but when there's a lot of power locked behind it, it ends up feeling more like a chore after a while. Supposedly the developers are looking into alleviating this and the experience bottleneck, so I have faith that it'll get (or at least feel) better \o/
@AverieS820 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle Absolutely agree on the grinding in WW, atm I think I just care less about echo quality since I haven't reached endgame, but it definitely would feel like a chore in future.
@ok1230 3 ай бұрын
Nice vid ❤🎉
@zerosanity3057 3 ай бұрын
Just stop giving them money whenever there is not a single improvement in your account in a month, from dolphin to ftp btw
@LongDeadArtist 3 ай бұрын
My best Ganyu circlet has 1,046 HP :) I got another one and it rolled 67 DEF :) Gonna kill myself
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Look at it this way - you only have room to improve!
@Silver-Arrow 3 ай бұрын
the only time im glad fgo is a 9 year old game
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Plenty of gacha games that don’t use this horrible gear system. Nikke is much more generous with its gear (some characters need a couple max ammo rolls, anything else is luxury) and Limbus Company literally has no gear (and no dupes to pull for)
@KoopaKoot 3 ай бұрын
I've made peace with the fact that my relics will always be garbage. That's what it means to be a Trashblazer 🦝
@justsomeguy727 3 ай бұрын
The down with the sickness reference with wuwa is exactly the kind of comedic gold i signed up for. Have my like, funny youtube man.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
The copyright strike will be worth it knowing at least one person liked that joke
@X1erra 3 ай бұрын
I totally get that relic / artifact farming is the gameplay loop of the endgame, but I still hate how long it can take to find that “diamond in the rough” perfect stats; it’s like a bucket list that I can never finish.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I don't blame you, it can get demoralizing after a while xd
@Mr.MasterOfTheMonsters 3 ай бұрын
Feeling good when you finally get a good piece/drop/whatever after 200 failed attempts is called "Gambling addiction". I'm pretty sure having like 5 different builds to try with every character would feel much better than a momentary relief before going back to endelss grind.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I don't disagree that having more builds would feel better in general, but I don't think it'd have the same effect (for the average person) as the system imposed on us now. I like to think about Arknights in this context where Arknights has no gear or RNG in character stats, but you build a lot of units instead. You have a lot of different options and combinations of units you can bring, and while I enjoy the flexibility in what I can do with that game, the highs don't feel as high when something nice happens (because most things in that game are fairly consistent). I suppose you could argue that's what gambling addicts feel, but I wouldn't really say it's directly a gambling addiction. What I feel when I get a good Artifact in Genshin is probably closer to the feeling I get when someone gives me a gift when I'm not expecting it. Both of them are equally rare xd
@RandomPerson-cf3gt 3 ай бұрын
I don't mind a little rng. But multiple layers of rng and limited artifacts are my main problem. There are currently five layers of rng to get through to get decent artifacts 1, the 50% chance to get the artifact set you grinding for 2. Than the piece you're looking for 3, than the main stat 4, than the random amount of substats 5, how those substats level up Also as f2p player, leveling up a artifact is kinda of a risky gamble as I'll run out of artifact exp. My suggestion is too just rework the droprate of the main stat of artifact. Like for example, just lower the droprate of def, most don't scale on def anyway.
@RandomPerson-cf3gt 3 ай бұрын
It makes it less frustrating
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
There are a lot of things they could do. I'm just hoping they do something xd I'm definitely tired of rolling defense, though
@RandomPerson-cf3gt 3 ай бұрын
@@ALittleSIMPle especially with specialized artifacts like maiden and ocema hued clam. Almost all healer units scale on HP or atk and only c4 gorou and Noelle heals scale on def
@TacticalDimples 3 ай бұрын
My biggest suggestion is to incorporate an artifact reset feature. I’m okay with RNG, but what makes it horrible is when you finally do get a good piece and everything just rolls fcking flat stats… also, it allows for people to min-max if they’re unsatisfied with their rolls.
@krystalwhispers 3 ай бұрын
3:27 a wise man told me "violence is not the answer, its a question. and the answer is YES" this wise man was my dad jokes aside; i do believe if hoyoverse games didnt have a resin system, either 1) artifact grind would easily burn out players very quickly 2) it would allow players to build units in less than a month if they choose to spend, lets say, 15 hours daily in the same domain 3) worst case scenario, both mentioned above neither of those are good for the player (instant gratification + burnout) nor for the company (less incentive to log in everyday)
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
The wise man does sound wise, indeed. A daily grind is theoretically not so bad as long as a player knows to pace themselves. Problem is most people are impatient xd
@Warr1on 3 ай бұрын
On the other hand, it feels so ass when you're dumping all of your most valuable for progression resource in the form of stamina (resin/tbpower/waveplates) for weeks and months straight without seeing any return on your investment in the form of gear upgrades because of the asinine RNG system with layers upon layers of randomness and chances that are weighted against your favor. In the end it turns into disappointment after disappointment with no reward every single day, which is not fun at all. And the only thing that's in my mind after grinding artifacts for months and finally getting a good piece is just "fucking finally, about damn time". At this stage i don't even feel great about it, i just feel emptiness after the long feeling of frustration. And even getting new characters is a lot less appealing, as i just remember that i'd have to get through this bullshit all over again to gear these characters up.
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
1. People who play a game for 5 mins a day shouldnt really be deciding that. But on top of that feeling like your getting nowhere is also massive burnout 2. In less than a month we always get new units to replace them, this is a collectathon. That is what gacha is selling you 3. Refer to 1 and 2
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
@@Warr1on this sadge .... honestly resin/trailblaze powder/waveplates wouldnt be so bad if these stamina systems werent universal to all of the content in their respective games. If you didnt get cucked out of progress for one thing by doing something else
@bloodmay 3 ай бұрын
Reverse1999 has no artifact grind (because it has no artifacts or equivalent). There are these things called psychubes, which are weapon equivalent (one and done upgrade, no randomized stats), and that thing called resonance (at max size it's a 10x10 grid where you slot in tetris like puzzle blocks with stats - this is a source of builds, like if you want more crit, you slot more crit, if you want more hp/def you slot those; you get tetris blocks for free by upgrading the resonance level, you can respec for free, you have full manual control over your stat build). The game celebrated 1 year anniversary in CN, and posted a really well received devblog for what's to come in 2.0. In global we're having half anniversary right now. In May 2024 it was 14th in the world combined revenue from all regions, mobile ($11 mil). The game also has native PC client with payments not going through google/appple, so they are even more financially solid. Why am I writing this? Because it shows that you can make game with no randomization, and no soulless endless artifact grind, and it will sell well and be popular. How do they keep players playing then? That's very simple. They provide us with content. New lengthy event stories every patch, new main story every few patches (that is pivotal & gripping, meaningful or irreversible things happen), bunch of event minigames, 3 endgame modes (Limbo which is like MoC, UTTU which hard to explain, every season we get new card set that modifies how characters play and interact with each other, and then we strategize how to beat challenging stages using new tactics, and Mane's Bulletin which is basically a boss raid, there are 3 different bosses per patch), then there is a recurring roguelite mode (it's active right now, but it doesn't return every patch, probably because it can take a lot of time replaying so they don't want to overload players every patch with this time commitment), there is 1 permanent endgame mode (it's largely puzzle based, and how it works is that they will drop 3 laaaarge stages, which are one time only, but then after 2 patches they will drop 3 new laaarge stages). And of course there are bunch of casual modes (like Wilderness for example, which is like Serenitea Pot, but instead of buildings you place entire landscapes). You don't have to make players run in circles ad infinitum by grinding rng artifacts (since there is nothing else to do), if you provide them with meaningful things to do instead. Genshin opted for one boring endgame mode, that at this point of time no one considers challenging or engaging. Genshin devs opted to do lazy mode, instead of creating engaging content and new modes, they made players chase their own tail. In R1999 it doesn't matter that character upgrades are one and done, when we're constantly provided with many interesting ways to utilize those characters.
@effortlessfury 3 ай бұрын
Another solid take, and a well-made vid. Pog Honestly, only thing I'd add is that I think Genshin understands that they've struck an equilibrium and they're not confident that changing that equilibrium can be done without it going poorly (for them). Star Rail hit the ground prepared to make tweaks and adjustments, and leveraged an existing equilibrium and molded it into something else as players made the jump; they also seem to have a firm strategy in terms of how aggressive their meta shifting and character release schedule will be. WuWa hasn't hit any sort of equilibrium with their community, and I think is going to be chasing their desires until A. They firm up on what they want to do over what the community wants or B. They'll chase forever. I'm curious to see if they can somehow manage to strike a happy equilibrium with the community.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Wuthering Waves has honestly been concerning me a little lately, not necessarily because of the core gameplay, but because of developer responses. It might make for an interesting video topic, but I think if they cater too much to their players, it may end up ruining a balance they're trying to establish to maintain the game's longevity. Like you said, Genshin did a thing and that thing has seen very little adjustment over the years, because HoYo has that thing where they want it. I would even argue that Star Rail's maintained similar consistency. Off the top of my head, I can't recall anything that changed how Relics or drops work permanently, so I'm inclined to believe anything else they do for those systems are already calculated for (Planar Fissures, calyx drop events, et cetera). With Wuthering Waves, we've already seen a number of compensations come out granting pulls and resources, which is a great feeling for a player, but I'm noticing a lot of people bored already. Their generosity has allowed me to get the units I want and I'm on a steady track for weapons, so my only real goal right now is the gear grind (and by extension, Tower of Adversity), which they're looking to address (or at least alleviate) next patch. Feeling like you're "done" with something can be kind of nice, but it also becomes less rewarding if it didn't feel like a struggle to get there, and Wuthering Waves isn't even a month old yet. But who knows, maybe all of these compensations were in Kuro Games's plans all along xd Sounds like a fun video topic, but I have a lot of things on my list and I'm having trouble figuring out what I want to prioritize... As always, thanks for your input!
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
What do you even mean by ‘stuck an equilibrium’?
@effortlessfury 3 ай бұрын
@@puenboy1 I should note that I said “struck an”, not “stuck in an.” What I mean is that the player base knows what to expect and how players are playing is within HoYo’s desired range of “acceptability.”
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
@@effortlessfury I understand what you wrote, that was a typo on my part. I don't think that's a good thing, because I know to expect absolute horrible rng from hoyo and make me leave their game for a better one. After I spent 50 fragile resin farming furina's domain I just decided that after 3 years things aren't better, and will never get better so I stopped farming artifacts. Then I played wuwa for a week and came back to Genshin's new patch for a couple days. Then I asked myself, why am I still playing this game, this isn't any fun, the rates are terrible, the artifact system is bad. I think the only reason I managed to stay this long is that I managed to dig out a good set of artifacts from my mountain of trash gladitor's set for arlecchino. Haven't touched genshin ever since. Is wuwa gearing any better? I dunno, there are more substats but the main stats feel better to grind and normal, heavy, skill and ult damage subs don't feel as bad as flat def and hp. I can get along by building good 4 cost and 1 cost echoes and just wing it with the right main stat 3 costs. Biggest problem I have is looking for energy recharge main stat on 3 costs for mortefi and verina. And the sucky echo xp and tuner gain. But at least wuwa makes up for that a bit with fun gameplay.
@effortlessfury 3 ай бұрын
@@puenboy1 every game’s equilibrium will end up with many players deciding it isn’t for them. That’s how it has been for me and every grind game other than Genshin. Genshin’s is an unusual one that appeals more to people who don’t typically like the genre and does not really appeal to those who typically do like the genre.
@adriandaliva1341 3 ай бұрын
arknights players: hehehehehe
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
My original script actually had an entire paragraph dedicated to Arknights! It's neat how there's no RNG in character stats and units have a ceiling that players can reasonably attain, but the long-term goal for that game is the five thousand units you want to build xd I was really on the fence about including that segment, but decided against it 'cause I hate editing and it didn't really feel like "gearing."
@cyanix0 3 ай бұрын
only rng in arknights is rock farming 💪
@Kindi001 3 ай бұрын
or doing auto run farming
@user-s4g1qw5d74 3 ай бұрын
@andro5t 3 ай бұрын
I'm not excited for the forth installment of the artifact system in zzz
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Really hoping they improve it or change the system entirely, I'm not sure I want to handle it a third time xd
@c.ry.o 3 ай бұрын
Thats why Reverse 1999 is forever the best gacha
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
We do have some defense-scaling units in Wuthering Waves, but I agree that right now, there aren't enough units to make some things applicable. Though, when I chose the cringe pieces, I tried to go for ones that wouldn't make as much sense (like attack main stat and defense subs, since the only characters that could really benefit from that are units that scale on both). Another issue I'm having is getting the wrong elemental damage main stat for a set that doesn't buff that element (Glacio on the Fusion Sonata Effect, for example), but I can see a world where maybe some characters can utilize two elements and maybe an argument can be made for it in the future. I'm looking forward to seeing new character designs from Wuthering Waves
@Evitzeoshowerthoughts 3 ай бұрын
small question I hope someone can answer. How many self modeling resin does star rail give? like...per patch I guess. Is it like farmable? When I played it was 1 per bp from memory. I always believed the relic system barely is any different from genshin.... And these things were just feathers so you can't actually see the spikes your falling on. If the SR resin isn't of plentiful amount, it's literally useless feathers Oh, I'm asking cause I stopped playing star rail during the first patch or something because turn based me no like, and them cliffhanging the luofu story quest and then doing a silverwolf story quest patch wtf mihoyoverse
@SignOne 3 ай бұрын
where are the self modeling resins for Genshin? Genshin cn..
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Maybe one day... hopefully...
@tranquility6789 3 ай бұрын
​@@ALittleSIMPleonly real chance is if Wuwa can sustain a high level of revenue and market cap to actually threaten mihoyo's own earnings, and honestly that isn't happening. They did feel threatened enough to increase the resin cap, but right now wuwa has far too many of its own issues to actually challenge genshin properly. Not to mention what might happen when imaginarium threater or especially natlan comes out. That being said I do hope it does provide real competition, but honestly it feels like we're gonna have 2 gacha games with no endgame and horrible grind rather than none
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
No one is gonna care about imaginarium theater beyond the gems it gives you (which is like, 20 more wow so generous hoyo). Natlan people will care about for the first couple days it takes for them to do the story. Genshin has just been rotting on its throne for too long
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
@@tranquility6789 and increasing the resin cap did litterally nothing ... back when i was still playing my resin never even reached the 120 cap ... and while i slacked off at the 160 range it never hit that either ... bigger bowl doesnt mean more food
@jamalhossain-zt2gk 3 ай бұрын
Wheres your off piece lil bro?
@triii8939 3 ай бұрын
You have farm same abyss like 6 month or 1 year for what you want from sub state roll or event more month if game keep f you from grindind
@Bravo6 3 ай бұрын
I prefer this over p2w gears that requires you to pull to significantly get stronger. Like hi3....
@Zeg-eh5ik 3 ай бұрын
Master Red Lotus/Exalted Agony III is the spot brute forcing abyss with farmable teams or brute force ones (HoF, HoT with SToR, Lunar Vow and IMG Trio) even after Part 2 extreme powercreep For months I retained Exalted Red Lotus with 100-300 Bracket points
@jaystrike3270 3 ай бұрын
the dopamine rush after getting a good artifact is never worth the pain to get it, I have no idea what those people are on. I just want to be able to use my characters well and these artifacts are in the way, I HATE THEM
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Those people are probably damaged, and tbh, so am I xd
@dakkadakka3889 3 ай бұрын
I have an addiction to star rail that doesn't come close to most games nowadays. But JESUS PLEASE HELP ME I CAN'T WAIT I HAVE A FIREFLY TEAM TO BUILD WHY MUST I WAIT DAMN YOU. (Apologies I have been abused on relic farming and planar ornament farming way too many times.)
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Think of the satisfaction you'll feel when (if) you finish their builds, though!
@stumpedtroper 3 ай бұрын
terrible artifact luck and losing 50/50 at hard pity. Genshin tests my patience sometimes
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
And I have confidence you'll pass! It does kinda suck, though xd
@ZECRA602 3 ай бұрын
Flat Def prayge
@itsame7491 3 ай бұрын
I sorta don't mind grinding in genshin tht much, just because it has coop but man I'm tired of echoes in just two weeks
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
Over the past few days, I've started taking Echoes a lot less seriously. It's been an overall less frustrating experience, but at the same time, I feel like I'm stagnating a bit. Kuro Games says they're looking to help out more for Echo experience next patch, so maybe it won't feel so bad soon...
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Coop is kind of a waste of my time when I can run a domain with arlecchino in like 20 seconds without multipler hp boost for enemies
@Yuri_Burger 3 ай бұрын
You should try Limbus Company! It got none of that!
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I've heard of it but never got the time to pick it up! I may give it a shot if I find myself with some spare time
@Aman_Mondal 3 ай бұрын
I am dying in the current Abyss 4.7 this is pure torture
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I tried it for the first time today, it is definitely rougher than the rest. Godspeed, pilgrim
@raindrop9396 3 ай бұрын
The relic system is one of the only things making hsr fun for me. Whenever I get a new 5* I’m always thinking how I’m gonna build them
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I like this mindset. Looking forward to the potential instead of being upset at the temporary present seems much nicer for the blood pressure xd
@ixirion 3 ай бұрын
my first impression on Wuwa echo system is that far easier to get double crit pieces. I have 7-8 double crits already at UL 45 - 2 weeks play. on 5 star echoes.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
You're much luckier than I am, I think I have two and I started day one xd
@ixirion 3 ай бұрын
it may be so but its also a strategy. If an echo dont roll 1 crit stat until second tune or 2 crits at third I scrap it.
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
@@ixirion I also generally stop at the second tune if I don't hit a good stat. Sometimes I cope my way to a third, but I don't usually see anything impressive xd
@AliceAngel66698 3 ай бұрын
Yo if you get HP sense with 1500 flat hp your nilou will kill everything in one hit. In gi and hsr the characters that want trash stats for everyone else except them in wuwa probably will happen to but we are too early in the game
@Truck-kun11 3 ай бұрын
Just the fact that you can have an Off-Piece is a big advantage in favor of Artifacts in Genshin, since: - You don't have to hunt for a complete set - Very good pieces can be used on other characters regardless of the set - More flexibility for mix and match different pieces, even more so when you are farming a new domain
@jamalhossain-zt2gk 3 ай бұрын
Even though it’s still grindy asf, people underestimate how friendly off piece are, genshins only artifact problem is not being able to choose mainstat
@deluviophile 3 ай бұрын
I may or may not be part of the group that enjoys the artifact grind, it's what keeps me simultaneously sane yet insane at the same time lmao. It's rewarding to be able to see my favorite characters dishing out smooth damage and it's also a way for me to show appreciation towards them. The banality is also a great bonus, it's my routine no matter how infuriating the rates may be sometimes(all the time) 😅
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I think this is a good way to look at it O -O)b
@ElevatorIsStuck 3 ай бұрын
But the 40+ cv dopamine rush
@hiage66666 3 ай бұрын
I never realized how stacked against us the relic rng is in Honkai, but hey, it does make for funny moments when you roll outgoing healing boost on a DPS SET AAARGH
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
We love to see it but we hate to feel it
@holywitch13 3 ай бұрын
Honkai impact players: >:)))
@hilo01 3 ай бұрын
I actually like how we can also get Echoes in WuWa by killing monsters in the Overworld other than a mere Tacet Field. It adds something to the core of the game - Open World. That said, this is still RNG we're talking about, so here we mald!
@ALittleSIMPle 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad Wuthering Waves has that system in place, it's a nice change of pace compared to Genshin! Even though the RNG is there, sometimes I just enjoy some mindless slaughter xd
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
Wuthering waves echo farming wouldn’t be as tragic as it is right now if it wasn’t the 3 cost farming hell. Farming 1 cost and 4 cost is actually relatively lenient
@rullieaa2399 3 ай бұрын
Epic Seven grinding be like
@xxx-lq7ho 3 ай бұрын
Artifact is Worst ever if your game is built with it people get tired getting DEF and quit the game
@puenboy1 3 ай бұрын
It’s not because of bad luck either, artifacts are actually coded to roll more useless stats like def while crit rate and crit damage (and speed for hsr case) are coded to be the rarest
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