RIP Yianni ur one of a kind and always in our hearts and thoughts x
@villos6916 жыл бұрын
yiannis grivas if family r reading this, this man was a legend. rip griva u were da best from panos man utd fan litsas son lela
@antreaskotsapas26547 жыл бұрын
Pani A
@mrgreekish1216 жыл бұрын
r.i.p yanni griva you will be missed x x x x
@aspectsofreality16 жыл бұрын
My condolances Kyri, to you and all your family at the death of your father. I was not able to be with you for the funeral in London yesterday, but I spent the time 'with you all in spirit' ... making and placing a copy of the entirety of this video performance by your dad onto the web, and have sent you a private message with the URL details which KZbin does not allow us to publish.