Гробница алтайского скифа (1/5)

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17 жыл бұрын

Гробница алтайского скифа (The Tomb of the Scythian Prince)
Более двух тысячелетий назад в степях Центральной Азии скифы оставили после себя не города, не дворцы, а курганы, в которых хоронили умерших вместе с их имуществом. Кем были скифы - варварами или золотых дел мастерами? Какие тайны откроет ученым найденная могила скифа, чью судьбу они пытаются разгадать?
Выпущено: Франция, 2000
Скифы не имели письменности, их культура дошла до нас через сочинения персов, китайцев и греков. Основным источником информации стали труды греческого историка Геродота, жившего в четрвёртом веке до нашей эры. Но эти отрывочные сведения не могут полностью востановить жизнь скифских племён, в частности, восточного племени саков, к которым принадлежал человек похороненный в алтайском кургане. Скифы, саки и другие родственные им племена, олицетворяли собою архетип чужеродцев, тех кто жил не так как остальные народы. У них не было ни домов, ни земли, они предпочитали скотоводство земледелию, их обычаи считались абсолютно варварскими...
French documental about eastern Scythians, the Sakas.
Want to see how southern scythians looked like? Here it is: img517.imageshack.us/img517/93...
В композиции Сака тиграхауда, восседающий на белом коне воин, в золотой одежде иссыкского вождя. Резкие черты его лица почти в точности воспроизводят герасимовские реконструкции, в которые художница вдохнула жизнь, придав им мужественность и силу характера непобедимого царственного предводителя саков. Фоном в каждом случае служат известные ахеменидские рельефы в Персеполисе с изображением саков, персепольская розетка, будто превращающаяся в пульсирующий солнечный круг, крупный декоративный элемент, в котором узнается лотос - символ мироздания.
The inspiration for Saka-Tigrakhauda was based on an image the archeological finds in Issyk Kurgan, with the brave's sharp features reproduced accurately from Gerasimov's reconstruction. The artist imbued it with life, showing the Saka fighters courage and strength of character. At the background in the painting is the Achaemenian stone relief at Persepolis with the Procession of gift-bearing Saka's delegation.

Пікірлер: 49
@Google777com 7 жыл бұрын
Это прародина наших предков.
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
You're right about the red hair! What i'd like to do is link milesius back into scythian mythology.
@Marduniya 13 жыл бұрын
All I read in the comment section is, "The Scythians are (fill in ethnic group)!" Many peoples can technically claim Scythian ancestry, including the Ukrainians, Russians, Azaris, Lurs, and Jatts.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
They were first of all proto-turks, and even spoke in turk language, check out "Issyk Kurgan Turkic Runes" found on the golden mirror belonging to scythians. (Issyk drinking-cup)
@ADIMM0 11 жыл бұрын
that's what he is trying to say brother, and yes you are right.
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
Yes, you seem to have the gist of it alright. Mil left scythia for egypt where he stayed with pharo for 5 or 7 years depending on which account you read, he married pharo's daughter and migrated to spain when pharo was drowned in the red sea. Mil died in spain but his wife, pharo's daughter, known as scota, and his sons etc went on to settle in ireland. I think it would be interesting to see if scythian mythology can throw up anyone who might possibly correlate to mil. A long shot i know.
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
They weren't a nation in a conception we know it today, part of them who accepted persian rule stayed with persians forever and maybe some iranian ethnoses bear their blood, but the other part who prefered nomadic way of life forever remained in the steppes of Central Asia. Diplomatic contacts with the Saks were taken seriously by the Persians, and by Alexander the Great, who confronted them on Syrdarya in 328 ВС.
@Yersin88 14 жыл бұрын
The name Skyth is called "Sak" in kazakh language. And the word "kazakh" has came from the word "SAK". If you're really interested in the history of Asian skyths, you should read the book of Bulat Zhandarbekov. Although i'm not sure if the book has an english translation. i read it in russian.
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
@olliephelan. Thanks for your help, i have read the lebor gabbala and so am aware of Mil from egypt to spain. What i was hoping for was information on Mil prior to his flight from Scythia. Thanks all the same.
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
"One Sal ruler, Khaomavarga, became a subject of the Persian emperor. Mean while, by the end of that third century ВС, Sal political authority elsewhere stood aside from Persia to develop complex tribal unions in the nomadic regions of Central Asia, such as are evident from the ensuing period." Don't be egoistic, they weren't just n/w iranian people, they were nomads & evidence of them u can find from China Wall to Black Sea coast.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
loads , maybe all early cultures used drugs . the laurel wreath given at the greek olympics was a particularly special prize . LAUREL is a HALUCINAGEN. the winner literally went home and either inhaled the burnt fumes or ATE it . and then was able to COMMUNICATE or participate in the "otherworld " the DIVINE world , so he LITERALLY earned his right to become GODLIKE after winning the olympics....similar is the ORACLE at DELPHI. she breathed in noxious vapours from the fissures in her cave.
@Aziacool97 11 жыл бұрын
вааа моя родина *_*
@user-ie5oy9ov2x 7 жыл бұрын
это курган расскопал зейнолла самашев
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
thhe milesians according to irish legend " the book of invasions " say that they were the SONS OF MIL ESPAINE (espaine =spain)...the were one of the 4 mythical invasions (colonisations of ireland ) they conquered ireland from the TUATHA DE DANANN (people of godess danu /dana ). they agreed to divide ireland between them , the milesians took the upper half (above ground ) and they TUATHA below ground . they then inhabited the raths and "fairy hills" and basically became the "fairies / leprechauns
@tomasdolores1206 11 жыл бұрын
A study of 26 ancient Scythian burials dated from between the middle of the second millennium BC. to the 4th century AD revealed almost all individuals belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup R-M17. The R-M17 haplogroup is most commonly found today among Poles and Ukrainians, and among Pakistanis and Punjabis.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
@kittycorp true , even when new informaqtion or theories come to light , academics are very very slow to aknowledge them . it undermines them . so when supposed facts that theyve believed in all their lives are challenged or turned on its head , they resist it . ... i dont put full faith in "established" history at all ....and definately not high school books .
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
@soo6200 what was the name they gave to the tribe they discovered in western china (garves) a few years back . well preserved , tartan trousers , red braided hair and fair skinned ....almost celtic ??? cant remember much , only that they were a reaLLY unusual discovery so far east ??????????
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
Can any of you shed any light on a scythian general called milesius legendary progenitor if the modern irish?
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
the milesians were the "sons of MIL " who legend say came from the iberian peninsula . and invaded ireland . there were supposedly 4 invasions of ireland . according to the "book of invasions" lol. they conquered the TUATHA DE DANANN (people of the godess danu /dana ) the milesians agreed to divide ireland between them . the tuatha de danann took the lower half (UNDERGROUND ) and the milesians above ground . the TUATH de danann hence inhabited the "fairy mounds " etc .
@kittycorp 14 жыл бұрын
@olliephelan I do know that my people, the Anishnaabek carry the same DNA as the ancient people in Scotland and Northern Persia. Very interesting. Our anscestors were definitely far more mobile than anyone will learn in their High School history books.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
theyre ALL inter related at some point . the easiest way to picture it is as "a FAMILY TREE" ie the indo europeans as the grandfathers ...then the celts / latins / saxons etc as "cousins " some say that the SCYTHIANS had RED and blonde hair and FAIR complexions....the original inhabitants of ireland BEFORE the celts had RED/blonde hair and WHITE SKIN. so plenty of scholars believe theres a LINK with them and the early inhabitants of IRELAND ..( theres a misconception that celts had red hair
@kirischi 16 жыл бұрын
thats because most mainstream western historians have a bias against Turks, Scthyians were definitely the forefathers of Turks. They tested the DNA of a Saka mummy and his closest living relatives turned out to be the Kazakhs of today, a Turkic people
@YahSedQanu 15 жыл бұрын
ummm @ the link to the picture of the "scythian" it is a modernday rendition of what is thought to be a scythian. It would be much better to have a reconstruction on the basis of the skull preferably done by a forensic artist.....interesting nonetheless. Aren´t the scythians also related to the anglosaxons, scottish (not pictish) and the scandinavians?
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
@olliephelan I know of the discovery of what appeared to be celtic mummies in China. More than that i can't say- might be worth a search. Apparently there is evidence of trade between the celts and chinese but i've not come across it myself. Ogham carvings have been found on rocks in america and some indian tales speak of strange people, matching a celtic stereotype, wandering through thier lands. I think that ancient peoples were a lot more mobile than we are lead to believe.
@sspiritus999 13 жыл бұрын
The origianl mean of Slavic word "mogila"(grave) is "tomb hill"=kurgan.
@soo6200 14 жыл бұрын
It is interesting. But i'm not sure how much faith i put in dna tests. I am in total agreement with the idea of migration as opposed to invasion.
@Yersin88 13 жыл бұрын
@Marduniya This is not false. by searching on google i can get to my old point one more time. hope you ever watched the actual video above and were listening to it carefully. And i think i know about my own heritage more than you do.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
@soo6200 about connecting mil to scythia . when they say the "sons of mil" ,i think its like calling jesus the "son of david " ....sons of mil i would imagine would be the "tribe of mil" or "seed of mil " ....youd need to find out how MIL translates (in linuistic terms) to scythia .....like the P and Q celts. "MAC and MAB" CENN /CEANN and BEN ...MIL here maybe completely different linguistically there , may have been a very slow migration over a thousand years through different cultures
@mrtruthify 12 жыл бұрын
"Sythians" became the "Germani" (Latin, "genuine"), later "Germans". These are the Cimri, or Cimiru, the northern tribes of the house of ISRAEL. German language is 80% Hebrew.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
god , no idea ... but were dealing with MYTH here . now most MYTH or legend usualy has some basis in history . so ive no doubt that there was a king called MIL...btw SINCE youve read the lebor gabhala ? was i right , ? I havnt read it myself .
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
@soo6200...contd. the milesians are believed to be the first "CELTIC" peoples to have come to ireland . its kind of MYTH that has probable roots in REAL history . the tuatha de danann before them were supposedly magical (semi divine ) peoples ,and became the GODS of the celts or milesians after. when christianity came the monks shortened TUATHA DE DANANN to "TUATHA DE (people of god ) and were depicted as fallen angels , leprechauns/fairies etc . i think there were 4 sons of MIL .
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
At least you don't reject the fact they were from steppes of Central Asia, thanks for that. Btw I always wondered what is the origin of kurds, where they came from? I saw one map with kurds dwelling near Afghanistan, is this the place where you come from? You must be mixed I guess with many people by the way you got to Kurdistan, but where the word kurd did come from, do you know this?
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
as ye probably know , there was a study done nationwide across ireland , testing the DNA of school children , everywhere . it turns out that 98% are PRE CELTIC ..only 2 % were celtic or "other". so the vast majority of irish are megalitic or earlier......apparently there were no REAL invasions , just gradual "migrations " and we adopted the new tecnologies and more advanced costoms , so appeared to be celtic "as such " but werent of celtic stock . same with the PICTS in scotland
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
Do you mean azeri turks, or somebody else? Who are these Northern Iranians as a people now, can you tell me something about them, please.
@OrthoDogs 13 жыл бұрын
Turks !! Stand up and defend your glory heritage and teach the europeans of their Turk origin !!!
@Marduniya 13 жыл бұрын
@Yersin88 This is false. "Kazakh" has no relation to the Scythians in terms of etymology. A simple search of "Qazaq" on Google will show reveal to you its true meaning.
@olliephelan 14 жыл бұрын
is it not PERSIAN rather than " iranian ?
@mrtruthify 12 жыл бұрын
Then simply see my channel. Or... be content with the doctrine Whites simply fell out of the sky on the European side of the Caucasian mountains, your choice.
@mrtruthify 12 жыл бұрын
@Sforza100 I laugh when I see people indoctrinated into trying to describe GENetic/ETHNic identities in GEOGRAPHICAL words (as you just did). Bubba.. Man is not the DIRT he stands on. To prove the stupidity of this concept (identifying Geneology in geographical terms), you might try looking up the several hundred different names those LANDS you just used to describe flesh and blood actually had in the past!
@takedeepshhh 11 жыл бұрын
geeez, all ya ppl here do know nothing! no wonder if one look at history's mis-education all over the globe... still, amazing stupidness radiating from every comment (true its the same with almost every video about scythians)
@keithmccrary325 6 жыл бұрын
so whats a good and real video on Scythia then?
@mrtruthify 11 жыл бұрын
that's not funny man. and i'm not a jew, i was just screwing with you.
@mrtruthify 11 жыл бұрын
No, you're a nitwit who has bought into the jews commie secularizing/judaizing our history. lol.. You're a jew.. I can smell your stench from here.
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