Best Way to Keep Worms: Hungry Bin Worm Farm vs Urban Worm Bag Review

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@UrbanWormCompany 5 жыл бұрын
I am the manufacturer of the Urban Worm Bag and I have to take issue with quite a bit of what I saw in this video. 1) The headline says "Urban Worm Bag 2", but what the video shows is a Version 1. This is is simply not an accurate representation of my product and calling it a "POS" is uncalled for. I have a warranty on my product and I will reach out the Ann Wigmore Center to offer a replacement which I have done for other customers, some of whom haven't even had the issues described in this video. 2) It is clear that this Bag has been exposed to direct rainfall and likely direct sunlight. Call it a limitation if you like, but I never claimed it was an all-weather bin. To be clear an all-plastic bin like the Hungry Bin is not going to be a hospitable environment in direct sunlight either. 3) What you're describing as "worm elixir" is leachate and is potentially pathogenic. The tap that is featured on stackable bins makes people think that leachate is a desirable byproduct of worm compost. It is not. A dripping bin is a bin that is too wet. 4) Why didn't we get to see what's inside either of the worm bins? Version 1 certainly came with its own problems and I am not hostile to honest reviews of the bin, but it is an absolute foul to call this a Version 2 in the headline. @John, please edit. Respectfully, Steve Churchill
@UrbanWormCompany 5 жыл бұрын
Hi@@graystonegardens1642, not at all. What drips out below is simply excess moisture from either watering or overfeeding that couldn't be absorbed by the vermicompost. While dripping from a new bin is normal until the moisture gets stabilized, it's a great sign to NOT have anything dripping from your bins in a mature system.
@johnkohler4905 5 жыл бұрын
Steve, I did edit the title. My apologies for the title.
@UrbanWormCompany 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you John. It looks like there is an existing relationship with the Hungry Bin folks but if you are interested in a 2nd gen Urban Worm Bag to review, please e-mail me at
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
I love my UWB 2 and recommend it highly. I have a stackable 360 and it can be diffcult to harvest. The ANC are in my UWB2 and are very happy. 😄
@Zennofobic 5 жыл бұрын
i'm a happy owner and I have the v1.0 bag... i wrote a review and posted it on this video.
@margaretkeays3434 5 жыл бұрын
Several years ago I watched a vermiculture KZbin video and decided I wanted to try keeping worms. I started with a plastic tub, ordered Red wigglers and had a successful season. I live in Eastern Washington state. A couple years later I found an unused triple decker worm bin at a yardsale.I Bought it and transferred my wigglers to it. In the summer I keep them in a totally shaded corner of my patio, and bring them into my basement for the winter. Its perfect for me and my worms. I have had them at least 6 years!
@martysgarden 5 жыл бұрын
Nice, love worms too,,
@alaskansourdoughwormsgarde4392 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately there are a few issues that I have with what you’ve talked about on this video. First off I have been worm farming for four years now and I don’t think anyone should start with anything but a cheap plastic tote. I say this because if a person does not learn how to take care of a small tote they certainly will not be able to take care of anything else. This is the second video that I’ve heard you talk about the leachate and that is a problem. There should never ever be leachate in a bin of any kind. Leachate is normally an overwatered bin with a mixture of too much vegetable matter that can grow phytotoxins that if applied to plants that are edible can make you sick. If you had watched videos about the hungry bin you would find that many people do not like it for a number of reasons. There is not enough air flow which causes the worms to crawl all over the place, the manufacturer suggests that you start with 3/4 full of compost which is not the purpose of a bin and another problem with the hungry bin is the fact that what comes out is usually too wet. As far as the UWB is concerned the creator has realized the issues with the zipper and has since fixed that, I realize that the frame may be too light but you should be taking castings regularly (every 3 months or so) so that your bag doesn’t become so full that it is that heavy.The liquid in that hungry bin should be put on ornamental plants only because of the ability to make people sick, especially children. I raise red wigglers, Africans and Euros in Alaska in my home. People who want to raise worms should do research before raising them in order to save themselves heartache. I use 6 lg. totes from Costco and have one Vermibag which I put on 3/4 in plastic tubing. It holds a lot of weight.
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%. I just pour any of my leachate if I have any into my out door hot composter. Good post. 👍
@alaskansourdoughwormsgarde4392 5 жыл бұрын
Melinda Schneider Thank you appreciate your post.
@slappygilmore6070 3 жыл бұрын
Why should there not be any leachate? Leachate occurs naturally when it rains in nature. The soil absorbs it, it runs off, or the plants take it up. Where else do you think it goes? He also called it “leachate”, and many other names that’s it’s called. You weren’t listening. Taking issue with the guy because he dogged your bag makes you look dumb. Especially since you acknowledged all of the problems with that he cited! The Hungry Bin is superior to the bag for many reasons. The main reasons are its build quality and features. It’s just better. The bag sucks period. I don’t believe they should be compared against each other either.
@alaskansourdoughwormsgarde4392 3 жыл бұрын
@@slappygilmore6070 leachate is liquid from vegetation and fruit juices mixed with an overly wet tote. If left it can develop phyto toxins that when put on gardens of edible food can make you sick. Especially children. Worm castings tea is made from the worm castings, water, a sugar and an aerator. You would brew it for 24-48 hrs. And then water on top of the plants or on the soil.
@slappygilmore6070 3 жыл бұрын
@@alaskansourdoughwormsgarde4392 I totally understand what leachate is. This process occurs in nature as well. Leachate is not bad if the bin is maintained properly. People tend to over water and over feed their bins/bags. Lack of air is another issue. The Hungry Bin has a pattern on the lid where more holes can be made.
@Karl_B 5 жыл бұрын
With all due respect the Urban Worm Bag in the video is the first version. Your title and descriptions say it is version 2 which would be incorrect. I hope you take a moment to correct the error. As "c rt" says below, the problems of ver. 1 were corrected. Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute should contact Steve (the maker of the UWB and owner of The Urban Worm Company).
@Zennofobic 5 жыл бұрын
I've had a v1.0 UWB for a year now. While I did have the same problems with the original plastic couplings failing and the zipper clogging up, the company was good enough to send me their v2.0 stronger couplings and have had no issues with it. While the original zipper design is problematic, I just got around it by attaching a strap to the zipper and spraying the tracks down and I can open and close it with very little issues. I certainly wouldn't call it a POS. I'm quite happy with what I have and I think it is aesthetically more pleasing than the big plastic trash can. The moisture level is never an issue... once I put the bin in my garage it has been extremely easy to maintain. Just keep feeding your worms kitchen scraps and renew their bedding (i.e. shredded newspaper, coir, bedding pellets). I keep a small plastic bin underneath filled with bedding pellets to catch the leche and then I add the pellets which have turned into saw dust into the compost pile. Best thing is the price, for those of you on a budget who want something better than a plastic tote bin I would get the UWB. It is definitely not a POS.
@Zennofobic 5 жыл бұрын
in fact I was offered a v2.0 bag either for free or discounted but I was quite happy with the original one and only asked for the new couplings which they were happy to send me.
@liliakogan3043 5 жыл бұрын
Lol. I guess the Urban Worm Bag has taken business away from the Hungry Bin if you are making this video. I have both systems, and while the issues with the UWB have been corrected ( sturdy stand, zipper protection ), the HB still has its issues. Not enough ventilation through those small holes, compacted material at the bottom needing help scraping it down, wet castings due to the plastic material, and worms still making their way to the bottom. I have 3 UWB's and 2 HB's and I would still prefer the bags over the bins.
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
Lilia you are 100% correct on that one. I wonder if he is getting a kick back from the HB???
@liliakogan3043 5 жыл бұрын
Melinda Schneider interesting thought.
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
@@liliakogan3043 Yeah if you go back on his videos like a year ago he is there in Australia with a manufacturer of the hungry bin. Money talks and BS walks. Sad but he is wrong to do this. People will spend money on the HB and not give the UWB2 or the Vermi bag a try. 😔
@liliakogan3043 5 жыл бұрын
Melinda Schneider it’s amazing that he didn’t find a single issue with the HB while pointing out a ton of them with the UWB. Not to mention that he didn’t inform his viewers that the 1st version has been updated and improved. I guess the HB is too perfect to criticize objectively. Lol
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
@@liliakogan3043 Yeah for his bottom line. LOL. 😉
@wk4240 3 жыл бұрын
Hi John. Really enjoy your videos. Was considering purchasing a flow-thru vermi-composting BIN system. Out of the two reviewed here, "The Hungry Bin" looks far better overall. Three things about this system I've heard some comment about: (1) Worms leaving the BIN (under the BIN lid) (2) Bin contents overheating (due to increased volume and compaction) (3) Worm leachate drying out in the exposed pan. (A suggested improvement on the design is to provide a spigot and overflow hole at the bottom) Thankyou for sharing.
@ausfoodgarden 5 жыл бұрын
I use a "worm feeding station" in a non productive area of my garden, basically as a worm trap. I relocate the worms and their castings into my raised beds :). My main worm bin is a Tumbleweed worm cafe - basically rectangular stackable bins on a raised base that stores the leachate. I only got it as my local authorities subsidize it so much that it only cost $10 more than a starter box of worms and comes with the worms and everything else you need. It's nice and compact and works really well.
@growingyourgreens 5 жыл бұрын
Jump to the following parts of this episode: 00:15 Episode Starts 01:44 Worm Bins vs Worms in Your Garden 03:40 Why Worm Compost is Healthier than Standard Compost 05:00 How I prefer to keep worms 05:47 What to Feed Your Worms 06:06 #1 Book on Worms: Worms Eat Your Garbage 06:50 Make a Worm Feeding Station is Best 10:43 Urban Worm Bag Review 15:13 Hungry Bin Review 20:00 Worm Leachate aka Worm Elixir 20:30 Keeping Proper Moisture Mixture for Worms 21:10 Interview with Kaelash 22:00 Why Did Ann Wigmore Start Keeping Worms? 24:39 Why does Ann Wigmore Keep Worms? 26:09 What have been your experience with the Worm Bins? 28:40 How much do your worms eat? 29:22 How often do you feed your worms? 31:26 Why do you consider your worms pets? 32:25 Any final comments about keeping worms you would like to share? 34:06 How do you make the more bin if you have it too wet? 34:50 Tell me more about the Ann Wigmore Institute? 35:55 How can someone learn more about the Ann Wigmore Institute?
@HYEpower 5 жыл бұрын
local quick shops sell worms with castings for fishing, i like to buy them for my garden and get knight crawlers and big ones ready to breed.
@RonaldLJones-xd3tt 5 жыл бұрын
Do you build Hugelkultur Mounds
@goglostick 3 жыл бұрын
Step 1: find good neighbor that will keep my worms while I’m on vacation.
@gilbertcouto8537 3 жыл бұрын
@thebluewormbin3444 5 жыл бұрын
You're comparing apples to oranges and seemingly don't know much about worm composting. The Urban Worm bag is intended to be indoors for residential composting the one you show has clearly been left outdoors against the companies recommendation. That's like complaining your Prius isn't any good for 4 wheeling. This is a version 1 of the UWB and yes it had issues, but would've, I'm sure been replaced with a V2 for the zipper issue. However now I wouldn't blame them for not replacing a unit that has so clearly been abused. Worm leachate or "elixir" as you're incorrectly calling it is an undesirable byproduct of an excessively wet composting system. Please stop talking about stuff you don't understand. My mission is to get people back on the right track after receiving such incorrect information as you are portraying here.
@waynetadlock9719 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. Enthusiastic misinformation is a pathetic excuse for experience and/or knowledge.
@johnjanedoe1676 4 жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you! I also have issue with him calling it a POS publicly, to his MANY viewers, especially when he HIMSELF has not tried the product! I would never review a product I didn't MYSELF try, after following the manufacturer's instructions. I came here for a fair comparison...This is not so!
@karencooper6634 5 жыл бұрын
I was disappointed in this video and your criticism of the UWB2, as I just purchased this system. I think I will find it to be perfect for my needs and according to the comments I just read, owners of the UWB2 are happy with the results. I believe you, John, were unfair in your remarks.
@Realdavidart 3 жыл бұрын
I've been using my Urban Worm Farm for two years in my garage in the SF Bay Area. If produces no smell. I extract from it monthly. I use coconut coir and shredded mail for bedding. It is way easier to store than that $500 trash can. It has no tears or defects even though I use it weekly all year. I keep a small bin underneath but it barely has liquid in it because I know what the hell I am doing and keep the bedding to waste ratio balanced.
@TedTheAtheist Жыл бұрын
How much money you make from it all?
@mac.jenkin 4 жыл бұрын
Before you buy a Hungry Bin: I ordered one in August 2020 from to add to my first bin purchased in 2018. When the new one arrived, I immediately noticed the quality of manufacturing was inferior to 2018 bin. The green plastic was marked/scratched and streaked with noticeable discolourations, and it had a series of minor issues like stripped screws and black grease smeared all over the legs and wheels. I contacted the distributor to ask about the discolouration, the most noticeable issue compared to the bin I've been using since 2018 (excellent quality). The manufacturer responded it was normal, but Greentools eventually agreed to send a new bin. The replacement arrived with the same quality issues, plus an inward dent in the lid. I let the greentools owner in Canada know about the repeat colour issue, and he responded "...I cannot control what is in the boxes from NZ and we both need to move on." Bad customer service, slipping manufacturing quality, and a waste of time dealing with it. If you care about quality and good service when you buy a $400 plastic worm bin, look elsewhere.
@sunflowergreens 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve had a worm farm in my apartment(s) for over 25 years. Doing it the way the original Wigmore books said. Drilling holes in 4-22 gal Rubbermaid bins. When I moved to Thailand for 2-1/2 years I saved half a bin in my storage unit to start up my greens again when I returned. 12 worms survived without food for 2-1/2 years!
@ale347baker Жыл бұрын
That was torture for the worms imo. You should have released them.
@JJamiah 2 ай бұрын
@lawsonhannah 5 жыл бұрын
John, it looked like the Hungry Bin had holes drilled on the top? I had to the same thing with mine, then cover holes in netting to keep other bugs out. There’s just not enough air flow with the HB as is.
@binyaminklempner6374 5 жыл бұрын
Hi John, One other problem with the Urban Worm Bag which I've had with mine (and I have two of them) besides the issues you've mentioned, is that, for whatever reason, my worm population had an unusually very difficult time establishing itself. I've had Urban Worm Bags now for almost one year and only recently are the worms beginning to proliferate and get established. I have big regrets this episode wasn't made a year earlier. I would have saved a lot of money and had a healthier worm population.
@crt9082 5 жыл бұрын
Do you use chlorinated water? I just learned that it can sterilize cocoons. Let your water air out for 2r hrs before using it in bin.
@maryannsmith8941 5 жыл бұрын
You're doing something wrong. The worms love this system and proliferate like crazy!
@lolitabonita08 5 жыл бұрын
thank you John for this video...recently i purchased a 10 Lb worm compost...I was shorted by 4 pounds..and when i tried to make tea, the water was murky and almost i got thinking...instead of been reap off again i am going to start my own worm casting box. So please people buy locally, and stay away from the internet that sells worms and worm castings the best experience from my part. Lesson learned for sure
@gennafer 3 жыл бұрын
This video seems very biased. You didn't show us how either of them work. How do you harvest castings in each? Why would either be better than plastic tote? You could have been standing in front of two trash cans for all we could tell.
@theoneandonly1158 4 жыл бұрын
They made an Urban Worm Bag 2. That one they say it's excellent.
@macmund 4 жыл бұрын
thanks for the comparison. Did they try to place Bowl with screen at the bottom of the worm bag”
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
It's not designed to work that way. 😉
@Jeditloc 4 жыл бұрын
I HB just looks like a more solidly built product. I don’t compost but an looking into it. Just my impressions over several comparisons of various reviews and websites.
@tanjarodriguez7357 3 жыл бұрын
Hi John, I’m interested in buying a hungry bin. I’m in central Florida I was wondering if I could keep it under the carport?
@AlvinMcManus 2 жыл бұрын
Hey John the Urban Worm Bag is now on version 2.0 and is a very well constructed and quality product. I purchased the bag only and adapted a garbage tote to hold it with a cut-out panel for harvesting the casting. You really should re-evaluate the bag and maybe apologize to Steve. Also note that the bag is half the price of the hungry bin which can be duplicated easily with a plastic garbage tote and some 1 inch PVC pipe and even greater savings. Let's face it you were compensated for promoting the Hungry Bin weren't you.🤨
@indee6190 10 ай бұрын
Yeah very disrespectful from John to shit on a product for minor flaws. That urban worm bag is clearly not being properly maintained by it's OWNERS, hence the stains and look. You can easily control the amount of castings that fall through with the drawstring and your hands to support the weight.
@DonaDavis 5 жыл бұрын
I have an unrelated question. When I prune my peppers and other veggies is it OK to eat the leaves I've pinched off. Will they taste like the plant ?
@crt9082 5 жыл бұрын
Hey check out subpod...they are crowd funding right now....its a worm bin that goes in raised garden bed. Also a great channel for vermicomposting is crazyworm lady.
@shaulgrantz9077 5 жыл бұрын
Subpod will be manufactured and sold from Australia. If you don't live in Australia, you will have to pay International Shipping charges plus (very good possibility) Customs and Import taxes and fees as well. Just be aware that though you may have purchased the item at a discount, the total amount you will end up paying may very well be 2 - 3 times the cost of the original item. One reason why I no longer shop Black Friday sales online.
@kicknadeadcat 2 жыл бұрын
After I thaw out the food I dehydrate it some to lose about a third to half of the moisture. Keeps the bin from getting too wet.
@JoshuaCromerTodd 5 жыл бұрын
So glad to watch your videos! Makes my gardening so much easier.
@stanleymckinney8916 3 жыл бұрын
john, picked up a hungry bin. im setting it set up before the worms get here. Im using50 % shredded cardboard and compost w manure, and its getting hot!!!! 88 deg in my basement, so I removed most of the cardboard compost mix and added Happy frog soil conditioner... any issues with using some happy frog in a worm farm / hungry bin?
@redcatsassociate 5 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know if I can use the worms they sell at tackle shops? I think they're called night crawlers.
@martysgarden 5 жыл бұрын
You can yes, same technique. There are many varieties of compost worms,,, Good luck with it. Martys Garden channel
@brianh1027 5 жыл бұрын
Normal night crawlers (North America) would not process material in this way when kept in an enclosure. Night crawlers have extensive burrows many feet into the ground. You’d be better off ordering a worm that is a surface feeding composting worm like red worm, African night crawler, Alabama jumpers.
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
Look on the label. If they were commercially produced there will be a scientific name. USUALLY in fine print! Eisenia Fetida/EF/Red Wiggler, Eisenia Hortensis/ENC/European Night Crawler, and Lumbricus Terrestris/CNC/Canadian Night Crawler are common bait worms. The CNC are very hard to keep in captivity without climate control and are slow breeders/slow growing.
@cindycasaceli8754 5 жыл бұрын
Can you put Microgreens spent soil in the bins for worms to eat?
@martysgarden 5 жыл бұрын
Sure can they love the old roots,,,I do that all the time to recycle my materials and keep in the closed loop
@Xingqiwu387 Жыл бұрын
Great video! THANKS!!
@LuisGonzalezMicrogreens 5 жыл бұрын
Dude your intro gets me every time 😂 You’re the traveling king. I need more information on composting. I want to post a KZbin video on composting microgreens
@riverrat7529 3 жыл бұрын
335.00 each
@shielatubber 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is just a salesman. I was hoping to see how convenient it really is to use the latch on the hungry bin in action. He does not even keep worms or have actual experience with them. Just travels around making videos to sell you expensive stuff you don't need.
@forthewagesofsinisdeath4967 5 жыл бұрын
Well, which is better?
@danielkingery2429 2 жыл бұрын
The first 10 minutes should have been a different video, unless it was intended as a 3 way comparison;)
@schaefercofarm2584 5 жыл бұрын
Feeding station, Feeding station, Feeding station. Lol Please
@akiglesias 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!! I learn so much through you. Keep up the great work!.
@yourwakeupcall510 5 жыл бұрын
PAULY SHORE of gardening great videos btw
@kromsnavelfun 7 ай бұрын
I, ve seen too many times (also with you in NZ) that there's not enough air in that system. And you're promoting this garbidge bin while yoy care about the living creatures? Best way stays horizontal migration n my opinion.
@MeandYouHello 5 жыл бұрын
tooshi tooshi John :)
@elliottjames671 5 жыл бұрын
Do one on lady bugs
@richstone2627 5 жыл бұрын
Worms are good. One day they'll eat us all
@forthewagesofsinisdeath4967 5 жыл бұрын
True... oddly enough
@fuerLutzi 5 жыл бұрын
They don't eat you. They eat your vessel. Make sure they can get to it.
@Equinella2 2 жыл бұрын
And no embalming fluid!
@BubbaTFlubba 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos are pretty garbage and obviously biased, must likely a paid for bias. Stop polluting information available on youtube please. You seem to have ethics for animal life I would advise you to consider your educational and economic ethics.
@immalivingagain3672 5 жыл бұрын
@Joseph_Dredd 5 жыл бұрын
I feed my worms to my chickens! Clay soil predominantly, with horse manure...
@scifitoilet 4 жыл бұрын
as someone who got into gardening ot reduce my environmental impact, neither seems like a good option
@snapsnap1 5 жыл бұрын
U ramble way to much. The other video about the hungry bin is over an hour and does not even show how u start the process.
@mindy779 5 жыл бұрын
I live in Florida zone 10 I have an UWB2 and it is in my utility room which gets quite warm and there are ANC in it. I have no issues and you should not disparage a product without reaching out to the person who manufacture its. This just shows ignorance on your part. There also is the Vermi bag out there too. You really need to do your research before telling your viewers which is better or worst per your opinion. 😕
@ontherocksinthesoilmichael6739 3 жыл бұрын
The staining and bottom zipper problems stems from over feeding. It is not designed for leachate. I've had my version 1 for years without difficulty because I know how to keep worms without getting leachate. My bags are always full without the frame breaking. It is obvious to me someone by themselves tried to manhandle a full bin to break the stand. I fixed the movement issues with putting my bags on furniture dollies. Easy peasy. An abused product beyond specifications and instructions WILL BREAK even the Hungrybin.
@mildahubbard6698 3 жыл бұрын
I too put mine on furniture dollies. Works perfect!! No problem with worms escaping out of bag, where I loose a lot out of hungry bin during rainy weather, even tho it is in my temperature controlled sewing room. Both smell fresh and earthy and are doing great!
@ontherocksinthesoilmichael6739 3 жыл бұрын
@@mildahubbard6698 I've heard from a friend with Hungry Bin that she had to drill more ventilation holes on lid and under rim to keep worms put. That and add a couple inches of dry shredded cardboard over working surface.
@mildahubbard6698 3 жыл бұрын
@@ontherocksinthesoilmichael6739 I will try drilling more holes. I've tried everything else I can think of. Even putting a low wattage lamp on top, thinking this might keep them from crawling out. I have lost many worms due to them crawling out. We had a wet spring and I was told that was natural instinct for them to go to "higher ground "...idk
@hazel552 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry this is thed worst comparison video I have ever seen on the subject - so much about the urban worm bag version 2 are wrong and that is to the detriment of the best product I have found for my area misrepresentation in the UK is an offence
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
Here in the USA that's not misrepresentation. Just the standard of ill informed back wash I've come to expect from the host.
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
Here in the USA that's not misrepresentation. Just the standard of ill informed back wash I've come to expect from the host.
@crt9082 5 жыл бұрын
Btw urban worm bag has corrected a lot of the problems with thier bag now its called a 2.0
@kap4020 3 жыл бұрын
Price! Urban Worm Bag v2 is $160, Hungry Bin is $335.
@julieedwards380 4 жыл бұрын
Some of the comments made me go do a little more looking at what I just ordered.... the Urban Worm bag Version 2. I just ordered it through Kevin's site, and the listing there and elsewhere (also looked at Amazon) say you can make great fertilizer inside or outside your home or apartment. Yet in looking through the Q&A on Amazon the response is it's better kept inside. I wish I'd seen that before ordering. We'll likely keep on our screened in porch since we don't have a garage knowing that, but I would think the description should be updated or it should be made more clear without having to dig.
@MrSeney1 5 жыл бұрын
the earthworms is very easy to maintain, you can even leave them without food 1 month and you will still have worms and a functional composter , no other pets can survive like this !!
@sarahnamazzi8855 4 жыл бұрын
Thx 4 information about the bag. The zip + plastic stands cant really work.
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
Not the way it's portrayed. There have been improvements over that version. The stand has always been metal but the connectors are plastic. If the bag is kept inside and on a flat, level surface- the stand is fine. Although I chose to make one from 2 x 4's for a bag I moved with me to the Nursing Home. It's in my room and happily composting 4-6 pounds of scraps every 4-6 weeks, more or less. 😉😎
@artandadventurerv 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m curious, if you put your worm bed in the ground, how do you harvest the castings?
@waynetadlock9719 3 жыл бұрын
Ma'am, many just leave them as a soil amendment to the garden. Or they can be shoveled up for sifting or "light harvesting." Migration separation is also used by some.
@crawford323 Жыл бұрын
$400 dollars is a chunk of change and not American made. It maybe a one time life time purchase but the price is still a barrier and that is really too bad.
@vickibee8451 Жыл бұрын
Are you shredding cardboard for bedding in your bins? If so, what cross cut shredder are you using and where can i get one?
@yeevita 5 жыл бұрын
I like to keep worms in the ground or in my growing containers, then mulch and drop all plant materials on the ground or in the containers.
@BenTvHowman 5 жыл бұрын
Hi John. Ben here from Melbourne Australia. I have been watching your channel for a few years now and have learned so much. Can worms work in a potted garden?
@martysgarden 5 жыл бұрын
Marty Ware here,,Aussie gardening channel. They sure can work in pots. I have lots of worms right through my gardens and pots. I feed my pots worm casts and compost from my garden and I always find compost worms in there. Have an awesome day ben Cheers Marty Ware
@Полуалигархвпорваныхштанах 5 жыл бұрын
@acid_519 4 жыл бұрын
Not sure what's with the UWB shill brigade. Most likely buttblasted customers doing anything to cope is my assumption. Video seems incredibly useful as far as I can tell.
@TylerTechUTube 5 жыл бұрын
You are awesome dude, so glad I found this channel. Just getting my start on a small raised bed garden here in TN :)
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