今天才看一個影片講黎巴嫩... 說真的我們住在亞洲, 會比那些跟希臘做鄰居,跟希臘打交道的歐洲人還暸解希臘?好像上網查查資料弄個反面說法,營造希臘是風評受害者就行了嗎?講之前有印象是希臘政客為了選舉才去舉債搞一堆政策利多(其實很常見)收買人民把國家搞垮。歐盟所有國家都不爽希臘,真的是因為大家對希臘都誤解了?腦補會不會太誇張了?看到黎巴嫩那個影片講到經濟學家約瑟夫·熊彼得寫過的: “The spirit of a people, its cultural level, its social structure, the deeds its policy may prepare - all this and more is written in its fiscal history, tripped of all phrases... The public finances are one of the best starting points for an investigation of society, especially though not exclusively of its political life.“ 再回頭看看希臘的財政史,不就是呈現了一個民族的精神風貌、文明程度、社會結構,以及政策可能釀成的行為方式嗎?