Hi Carla and Oliwar, 最近发生在我身上的经历,想说和你请教一下,就是在去年农历七月,当时的状况的确是迷茫也蛮负能量的,听到各种怪声。但那阵子却又不断看见天使数字并且发生相应事件,也给了我的力量。 有天早晨,睡醒前的几秒钟,有把声音和我说话,说:别急着找我,我一直都在你身边,我是会帮你的。 当时我害怕极了,不知道是什么声音,害怕是灵异事件,所以醒来后我就对自己说,我相信你会帮我的,但是请不要再这个方式出现。我会害怕。怎么知道,接下来就真的没有任何声音了,就连半夜听到的怪声也没了。 但又在今天早上,睡醒前,有一把声音在提点我,说是要我认真看待和某位朋友的关系与权衡的拿捏。在忙碌生活中,没想过甚至是在睡醒前的几秒那么准确的说中要害,醒来一股当头棒喝。如此清晰的声音,请问是高灵吗? 如何更好的与高灵高我相处呢?就像是时时都能找到他这样,可以做到吗?
1. Higher guidance identity from lowest heaven: Catumaharajika (heaven of the 4 great kings), Tavatimsa (heaven of the 33) up to higher heaven? Or past personal celestial master could be link to your karmic past as guidance 🙏🏻 2. Could be demonic beings fake into any higher celestial beings even using dim fake light or change into any Deva which u know in your knowledge as all this knowledge which u read see kept in your consciousness like a SD card. These demonic or celestial demonic beings able to tap into your consciousness information gave your fake guidance. We also have to be careful what we read or get the information from some of these texts r fake through out lasting many centuries as we able to read them get these information unknown they r fake one then believing it to be true. These information change our mindset and plant them like a seed into our consciousness carry them countless rebirth and practice them wrongly. I believe if we believe and practice wrongly even this life we got the celestial eyes we will still see them wrongly as the info was projected from our past false knowledge and practice in this way we will stuck in countless rebirth with the false information.