Рет қаралды 199,078
關羽(160年-220年),字雲長,本字長生,司隸河東解人,約生於東漢桓帝延熹年間,漢末三國時劉備的重要將領。與張飛並稱“萬人敵”, “熊虎之將”。建安四年(199年),受封漢壽亭侯。赤壁之戰後,劉備助東吳周瑜攻打南郡曹仁,遣关羽绝北道,阻挡曹操援军,曹仁退走。後來刘备入益州,关羽留守荆州。建安二十四年(219年),关羽围襄樊二城,曹操派于禁前来增援,关羽擒获于禁,斩杀庞德,威震华夏,曹操一度想迁許都以避其锐。後曹派徐晃前来增援,而东吴背盟,遣陆逊、吕蒙偷袭荆州,关羽腹背受敌,兵败被杀。景耀三年(260年),蜀汉后主刘禅追谥壮缪侯。
Guan Yu ; died January or February 220),courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Along with Zhang Fei, he shared a brotherly relationship with Liu Bei and accompanied him on most of his early exploits. Guan Yu played a significant role in the events leading up to the end of the dynasty and the establishment Liu Bei's state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. While he is remembered for his loyalty towards Liu Bei, he is also known for repaying Cao Cao's kindness by slaying Yan Liang, a general under Cao Cao's rival Yuan Shao, at the Battle of Boma. After Liu Bei gained control of Yi Province in 214, Guan Yu remained in Jing Province to govern and defend the area for about seven years. In 219, while he was away fighting Cao Cao's forces at the Battle of Fancheng, Liu Bei's ally Sun Quan broke the Sun-Liu alliance and sent his general Lü Meng to conquer Liu Bei's territories in Jing Province. By the time Guan Yu found out about the loss of Jing Province after his defeat at Fancheng, it was too late. He was subsequently captured in an ambush by Sun Quan's forces and executed.