關於8:00二重身和人格分裂那段有些想補充,首先要區分一下人格分裂和精神分裂的差別,人格分裂其實是非正式名稱,通常指的是多重人格障礙,即後來改稱「解離性身分疾患」的精神疾病;精神分裂則是舊稱,現代台灣稱作「思覺失調症」,兩者在臨床醫學上是不同的喔。 用個不那麼嚴謹的比喻,如果說常人的精神是一顆裝在玻璃瓶裡的石頭,那麼人格分裂(解離性身分疾患)就像在瓶子裡有複數顆石頭;而精神分裂(思覺失調)則是和常人相同只有一顆石頭,但石頭上有裂痕或奇特的色彩。 我還沒能拜讀《魔鬼的迷魂湯》原文,但1886年的《化身博士》(英文:Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde)可以算被認為是典型的人格分裂(解離性身分疾患)故事,應該可以讓讀者明確感覺到是有兩顆石頭的。 影片中對其描述有點將兩個症狀混在一起,不知道BA了解上述後有沒有意願再解釋細些? 另外對於二重身在作品中的運用,我認為可能是因為有創作上的常見技巧「對比」,才這麼常被創作者青睞。 在相似的外貌下卻做著截然不同的行為與選擇,更能突出兩者之間的相異處。 但10:26Mary的例子我認為更像是「轉變」而非「Doppelgänger 」,心性如同名字一般改變了,但始終是同一個體,二重身我認為應該是「實際」個體上的兩者,不一定是肉體,但一定不是相同「石頭」。轉變是同一顆石頭在時間軸上縱向的延伸,石頭可能會被風化破損,但始終是那顆石頭;而Doppelgänger 則是橫向的在同一時間存在兩個石頭。我感覺混用會造成詞語的歧異與混亂,到後面有點大家都Doppelgängers 的感覺XDD 以上只是我僅有的少少知識補充和看法,謝謝創作者給我們帶來這麼棒的細節展示,即便是還沒體驗過遊戲的觀眾也能深深感受到其魅力與被喜愛的程度,雖然有些內容比較不嚴謹,但在求證時也因此延伸閱讀了好多課外知識,希望之後可以看見更優質的內容,期待下一部作品!
Immortal temptation takes over my mind Condemned Fallen weak on my knees, summon the strength Of mayhem I am the storm that is approaching Provoking black clouds in isolation I am reclaimer of my name Born in flames, I have been blessed My family crest is a demon of death Forsakened, I am awakened A phoenix's ash in dark divine Descending misery Destiny chasing time Inherit the nightmare, surrounded by fate Can't run away Keep walking the line between the light Led astray Through vacant halls I won't surrendеr The truth revеaled in eyes of ember We fight through fire and ice forever Two souls once lost, and now they remember I am the storm that is approaching Provoking black clouds and isolation I am reclaimer of my name Born in flames, I have been blessed My family crest is a demon of death Forsakened, I am awakened A phoenix's ash in dark divine Descending misery Destiny chasing time Disappear into the night Lost shadows left behind Obsession's pulling me Fading, I've come to take what's mine Lurking in the shadows under veil of night Constellations of blood pirouette Dancing through the graves of those who stand at my feet Dreams of the black throne I keep on repeat A derelict of darkness, summoned from the ashes The puppetmaster congregates all the masses Pulling strings, twisting minds as blades hit You want this power? Then come try and take it Beyond the tree Fire burns Secret love Bloodline yearns Dark minds embrace Crimson joy Does your dim heart Heal or destroy? Bury the light deep within Cast aside, there's no coming home We're burning chaos in the wind Drifting in the ocean all alone 超愛整部遊戲的中二和音樂 這個頻道真的讚