Next time may show her a song < Under Investigation > , a duet with Corsak. It will highlight some of ShenShen's style. There is a famous quote by Leonard Cohen " There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in " in Italian
@徐怡威Ай бұрын
@kathyl275Ай бұрын
@@徐怡威 they've also good choices. If I remember correctly there is a actual video with Eng sub. Have you seen Throga - Vocal Gym today ? They did a full reaction of ShenShen's album < ShenShelf>
@@徐怡威 if you have time should watch. The reactors were pretty spot on with their comments . I also love the ShenShen with Anda Union version of , it's so beautiful I cried. Made me long of home and family though I'm not Mongolian, weired
@徐怡威Ай бұрын
@ 會的,會找時間看完的😊
@hsinjenchiu26 күн бұрын
@km_lla26 күн бұрын
@henrywong9913Ай бұрын
@dogzhang26 күн бұрын
最近Tik Tok有很多周深演唱会直拍,可以给橘子老师看看手机拍出来的周深真实的样子
@sgsairl1706Ай бұрын
I wished you react to I'm a Star too, but there's no live for that song.
I don't know if kai chose the video or some one who works there did, but it seem so intentional he keeps picking all the other performance and not pick the most requested ones. Every time someone knew comes that rozette wants to show ZhouShen to, the song choice is also not the usual ZhouShen type of songs. I wonder how long you're going to hold out performance of his 2nd album, or his some of his birthday stream, or decoded. I mean I can't be the only one waiting for that reaction. I'm willing to bet most of the people who watch your videos want you to react on those. But I'm guessing you're holding it out to next year.
@etc8995Ай бұрын
This is two years old? If not covering more zhou shen's performances, i suggest react to the more recent master-pieces
@ruuuuiyii3509Ай бұрын
@ooch543Ай бұрын
+ 1
@raymondtang816815 күн бұрын
Zhou shen released his first world tour in 2025 including London, Vegas, Toronto, NYC, Melbourne, Sydney.
@-mrt9598Ай бұрын
Gabriel Henrique! Gabriel Henrique! Gabriel Henrique!
👏🏿👏🏿👀👀THIS would be a good Zhou Shen performance for your guest to hear next time: It's an upbeat duet, but shows off Zhou Shen's range and in parts his operatic tone in an interesting way.👌👌
我講真啦你唱功係好普通㗎咋 週深唱歌功力畀你 100倍 週深只係得一個 I want the world nobody fighting with him He can singing around language OK 週深 around the world is number one guide nobody fighting Within OK
@graceleu20 күн бұрын
@kaichungliew637027 күн бұрын
講真啦 你唱歌係好老歌脫嚟㗎喇 現在已經係唔入流㗎啦 聽多啲週深唱歌 增值打自己 OK
@kaichungliew637027 күн бұрын
你評價其他歌手可以 唱得好唔好 週深 全世界 都冇個歌星夠膽評判佢唱得好唔好 就算最厲害嘅歌星 因為佢都唔及週深 佢都要跟週深學習 OK 包括你哋啲澳洲美國人