离开风城12年了,时间过得好快。看到这里的些许片断,想到当年在城南(Garfield)坐红线,跑上站台时城铁已经启动,而司机居然从窗口探出头问我Where are you heading,当时唬的我有些目瞪口呆,回了一个Chinatown,那位司机大哥哈哈一坐Hold-on然后我就看到那城铁居然慢慢地停下来了。。。。
It was my favorite film for the past 29 years. I think it was best film of Sandra Bullock!
@sylviasokwaiszeto4234 Жыл бұрын
Watched this movie many times. Heart warming. Love it, be it the storyline, the actors, actresses. A romantic comedy that I would not be tired of keep watching over and over again.