Guantanamo Turns 20: Ex-Prisoner Moazzam Begg Calls on Biden to Close Site & End Legacy of Torture

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Democracy Now!

Democracy Now!

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On the 20th anniversary of the first prisoner's arrival at Guantánamo Bay, we spend the hour with former detainees, starting with Moazzam Begg, who was imprisoned for three years at the military prison and eventually released without ever being charged with a crime. He now advocates on behalf of victims of the so-called war on terror, calling on the Biden administration to follow through on promises to shut down the military prison and release the remaining 39 prisoners. Twenty years after the detention center opened, Begg reflects on the absurdity and lawlessness of Guantánamo, describing how its torture methods were not only unethical but ultimately extracted very little credible intelligence. "The legacy of this place is imprisonment without trial, torture, the absence of the rule of law, the removal of the presumption of innocence," says Begg.
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@user-em6ie2be7x 2 жыл бұрын
20 Years, Billions wasted, & people locked up without ever being charged with anything...America The picture Incompetence.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
Military Industrial Corporatocracy Coup d'état Nov. 22, 1963
@herahagstoz6934 2 жыл бұрын
No, not incompetence. It was actually an extremely focused and highly competent act by our country. If anything, the ability to make such fine arguments for the legality of torture as not-torture-if says much to the ability to do anything if only one has the resources and political will for it. And do it so well it could stand up in a court of law. This isn’t incompetence, it’s evil genius and the US and friends are absolutely guilty with intent.
@Tonywozere99 2 жыл бұрын
@@herahagstoz6934 deffo out of Stalin's handbook, same with Assange being held in London prison
@defianceforhumanity 2 жыл бұрын
End the illegal occupation, embargo and sanctions of Cuba. Hold those accountable for torture of Cuba’s society, civilization at whole and for those and their loved ones that have suffered from this cruelty.
@southernladybrown5092 2 жыл бұрын
These men should be paid for the pain and their suffering. What a tragedy 🤔
@herahagstoz6934 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s a clue. If you ever find yourself needing to quibble over the fine points of what does or doesn’t legally qualify as “torture”, you’re probably torturing people. This is kidnapping, this is extraordinary rendition of people who are innocent of any kind of chargeable crimes and yet apparently they committed imaginary thought crimes against our country (maybe in writing, maybe in a dream at some point, maybe through osmosis, but it definitely probably certainly perhaps happened-but it absolutely 100% happened in the minds of others) and so had to be forced to admit to this and regardless they had to stay confined because they were probably going to be dangerous after the infliction of the not-actually-torture torture treatments or had an elevated probability of most likely imagining being dangerous afterwards if they were freed or taking dangerous actions post release, dangerous actions as defined by those who might be endangered by their own loss of freedom and agency if said actions were enacted legally speaking. Omg, who are these Uber-Nazi psychologists, who assisted them, where are they now? This is what I would like to know. They need to be in prison and barred from all professional practice immediately. It’s these individuals who actually pose the greatest danger to the people of our country and the world. If their actions are left unremarked upon it will enable horrors that are as yet unimaginable becoming not just possible but as standard of acceptable methods and means. There was a reason for the legal framework behind the trials of WWII. It’s interesting who was included and who was just forgotten by most historical remembrance in the criminal charges at Nuremberg and among the Axis nations themselves; for example the white washing of equally barbaric and grotesque crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Japanese Imperial Military simply because they essentially promised to behave themselves and give the US all their research. The research which was culled from this monstrosity of human inquiry cloaked as science but actually just cruel and sadistic torture. It’s exactly in this kind of forgetfulness and legal quibbles over the ethicality and potential user friendly standardization of such barbarism that we find currently in places like Gitmo and the conference calls in Washington which ought concern us greatly. Once this kind of reality is legitimized it’s very difficult to undo (usually only possible by world conflict and deadly revolts by the people) and it becomes almost pandemisized in its ability to become acceptable and normal treatment globally. One only need to recall the notion of mundane normalcy found as a course of business within the hundreds of years of barbarity and cruelties beyond imagination for a modern person today, which was completely legalized, standardized, and conducted in the sunlight on city streets daily, known colloquially as the Slave Trade. One could sell an infant, a toddler, or an entire family to anyone who could pay just as simply as one sells a pet or livestock. Gifting or bequeathing humans to others was also totally acceptable and normal. Completely legal. (I know it’s real, my family has the paperwork and it will continue to unhinge and haunt me every time I am privileged to think about it from a long distance of time-but the shock, disappointment, and desire for understanding remains). I just wonder how many times the discussion of what does and does not constitute the legal definition of enslavement was had, or what does it mean to be legally human that we will never know about that shapes how we think and act today? Again, once a discussion about any human cruelty turns into legal definitions of or what fine tuning actually include and excludes it, humanity has once again lost its way.
@aldenpadilla1773 2 жыл бұрын
you are a legend 👍
@amandasaunders4679 2 жыл бұрын
Media's "investigative" alertness and coverage of the 9 1 1 attacks made all that has since befallen us possible.
@DorTur 2 жыл бұрын
Which entity is making money of this prison?
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
military contractors, hundreds of them
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
When I was @ the FCI University in Colorado, there was a Marielitos Cuban "Boatperson" refugee who had been in Federal Custody for 12 years. He came to me for legal help because I was working in the Law Library. He had a mangled arm from restraints and no proper medical care for years. While talking to him, I found he was there on a Customs hold, FOR 12 YEARS!!! No charges. Indefinite detention lost in the system? America violates Human Rights on a daily basis. I filed him a Writ of Hebus Corpus and he went to court locally. Got in front of a judge who was as shocked as I was to hear the facts of his non-case. The judge said to the prosecutor to be sure the man was released by 4 p.m. that day! Or he wanted to see everyone back in court tomorrow if he wasn't. The guy came back from court crying like a baby and thanked me as he packed his things. All that time and he came across no one else that could file him a simple writ. I had to finish my 5 years for a passport violation. Political prisoners are all over amerikkka in federal institutions.
@domsigno41 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing thank you for helping him. This is what we need people to take action.
@danhaywood5696 2 жыл бұрын
Good job. It's crushing to realize we are the Evil Empire. I've known for awhile, but it's still crushing to me. It's scary and enraging. Now I hate our entire society everyday all the time, as our endless crimes against humanity continue unabated both domestically and abroad. So awesome you got that man freed. Of course there will be no justice upon those who wrongfully imprisoned, tortured, and crippled him for so long. They're all making boku bank exploiting and destroying yet more innocent lives now, I have no doubt. It brave to help somebody who is being tortured to escape such. Especially when you are so vulnerable yourself. Your a true hero.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@danhaywood5696 Nah, no hero. I help a lot of people with their legal work. Couldn't do nothing for my own "political prisoner" status, so why not help anyone ya can? I could tell you stories all day long about people in Fed prison for BS. Retaliation from little IES agents who cop attitudes. Any Federal Prosecutor who gets a nut off persecuting not just prosecuting people. I did 5 years for a passport violation, every day of it. Non violent, non drug related, no weapons, no violence, no victims, a paper crime. And these violent armed assholes who stormed the capitol get off with a slap on the wrist. There is no justice in amerika. There is JustUS for the rich and JustICE for the rest. Yea free ice in prison or an ICE ride to the border. LOL No big it was a free education. I consider it my military years. But hero? LOL not me.
@kels847 Жыл бұрын
Wow your story makes me tear up to think he waited 12 years and the simple action you took got him to freedom. May God reward you.
@g7washingtong7washington90 2 жыл бұрын
You need a good lawyer to go up against the federal government
@anonanon7235 2 жыл бұрын
The Chinese are angels compared to Americans.
@jaychen512 2 жыл бұрын
it's ridiculous that western public blame the government did wrong things. The fact is democratically elected government could do it because it was supported to some extent by the public who were brainwashed by media who have an illusion of high moral ground by creating fantacy evils. Western people share the same guilty as their government. Now the same cause still exist today. But the evil is not terrorists but China. The strategy of massive weapon of deception is the same: fabricating genocide with 'evidence' so western journalists and people still can have a sense of having humanity. That's why you believe the lies of MSM about China. Unfortunately that's the root cause of the people of many middle East countries suffering: Western people need evils or enemies to fulfill their spiritual needs.
@72marshflower15 2 жыл бұрын
A prison based on lies.. just like thee are it was founded on..
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
three buildings in a day MSM YV Show, by two ufos
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
And where is all of this money going? Corruption? Because no one investigated it
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
Pentagram WAR contractors, you have some in your neighborhood.
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
@@pohakumana4288 a pentagram is a circle ⭕️ of protection
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@loriann1506 The Last Bastillion. funded by Trillions, of citizen's stole wealth.
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
@@pohakumana4288 too bad no one holds corruption accountable.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@loriann1506 yea they FAILED their audit and get a $25 Billion BONUS!
@John_Richardson_Meadows 2 жыл бұрын
The use of any government position to commit any crime or any violation of any human right is the capital crime of sedition and merits the capital punishment that legitimate government can impose, perpetual bondage, for which there is no statute of limitations for prosecution, no immunity to prosecution, and no applicable mitigating circumstances. Those who facilitate, support, or suborn such crime, or harbor such criminals from justice; are guilty of the same crime and merit the same capital punishment.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for the cut and paste, brought to you by, The Military Industrial Corporatocracy, Coup d'état Nov. 22, 1963
@bpalpha 2 жыл бұрын
No eye for an eye BS, but this behavior (use of torture) must stop and those who facilitated these acts should be persecuted and incarcerated.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@bpalpha You know that the US BOP tortures Federal prisoners right?
@bpalpha 2 жыл бұрын
@@pohakumana4288 How?
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@bpalpha How? LOTS of ways. I guess you didn't know. Research it.
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
They won’t close GITMO down because it’s easier to skirt American law. Gina’s layer
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
and it's profitable, lots of gravy for contractors
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
@@pohakumana4288 obviously 🙄 $$$$$$$$$ gravy train 🚂
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@loriann1506 I have doubt this country will ever get educated enough to realize they're been played for near six decades since the MIC Cop d'état of Nov. 22 1963. We HAD a Democratic (adjective) Republic (noun). I wish MSM would stop pushing mob rule. We now live under the MICorpratocracy Inc. Doesn't matter to me, it's all propaganda for the binary split. I don't PLAY the Lib/Con MSM TV Voting Game Show. I learned in 71' that contemporary presidents were bought and sold, not voted for. Just like in Robber Barron days. Why didn't everyone get that message in HS? I keep posting... "It's NOT red, It's NOT blue, It's the damn 1%, vs Me and YOU!" My little sister's name is loriann, she morphed it from Loretta Ann...
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
@@pohakumana4288 I like that saying you say you keep posting. The international corporations always mess with the local governments. It was just a matter of time before they had the USA so corrupted that our constitution is being tested and about to fail. The right to vote is essentially what democracy is. Lori Ann is my first and middle name. I accidentally morphed it on my license. Lory in England is a truck. I’m not a truck 😂🤣😂🤣
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
@@loriann1506 LOL You SURELY don't look like any truck. I mean people say my truck is beautiful anytime I drive it anywhere. (32 Chevy on an 85' GMC 4x4) But, if your picture is really you they don't know what beauty is. We lost the country to the Corpratocray and there is no getting it back. The largess of the public is so.. unable, to get off their lazy boy/couch to get another beer let alone storm the bastille. If that last clown attempt was supposed to resemble anything happening around the world it's proof enough we're the last ones who will see any kine of equality. I no kera. I moved to Paradise 25 years ago when I intuitively KNEW the 💩 would be hitting the fan shortly after Y2K. I wasn't wrong. For me, the 3 buildings in a day show, 08' crash, the changing of the puppets in the WH or the plandemic do nothing to alter my normal. I love my 2450 mi. moat. It's ALL entertainment on YT. A Hui Huo
@Larkinchance 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't they call them what they are? Hostages!
@NellieKAdaba 2 жыл бұрын
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
Juan and Amy, can you both please research & advocate for full intellectual property (IP) abolition? This is the most important activist aim for working class people! A just economy (& most leftist projects) has very little chance without first abolishing IP. IP is the most severe & oppressive tool of the rich & powerful. Please see the work of Stephan Kinsella, Michele Boldrin, & David K. Levine. These are the best experts on intellectual property in the world. Everyone who cares about seriously improving things for humanity needs to know what IP abolition is about.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
IP laws make no sense from either left or right politics. The ‘property’ in intellectual property is a false term used for propaganda purposes. Intellectual property is not property in any sense. It’s monopoly. IP actually stifles innovation & creativity. And IP seriously screws up our economy & stacks it for the rich & powerful more than any other tool (especially IP with digital tech and the internet). IP abolition is the most important aim to liberate artists, programmers, inventors, etc. and make them all better off financially.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
All 4 types of IP must be fully abolished in any & all countries ASAP: patents, copyright, trademarks & trade secrets.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
IP provides for censorship. IP is the main component of cultural control, propaganda, & advertising. Copyright does not just monopolize art- copyright also monopolizes all text, video, audio, photos, images, software & websites. And patents monopolize important aspects of media infrastructure. Therefore, IP is the main component which allows media conglomerates to “manufacture consent”.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
The 2008 economics book ‘Against Intellectual Monopoly’ and the 2001 essay ‘Against Intellectual Property’ are both as important as Marx’s ‘Capital’! Each has nearly flawless argumentation. All leftists need to read both (free online). If you can’t read them now, then write down both titles so you can tell others so they can read them.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k 2 жыл бұрын
And Uniquenameosaurus has two excellent and entertaining videos from April 2021 about IP abolition. Patricia Taxxon has another excellent one from October 2017 about copyright abolition.
@DjWellDressedMan 2 жыл бұрын
I have been to CUBA and the people are amazing and should not have to live under the thumb of the USA!
@GjaP_242 2 жыл бұрын
Guantanamo Bay prison remains an unresolved legacy of 9/11 Sep 9, 2021 'The White House says it intends to shutter the prison on the U.S. base in Cuba, which opened in January 2002 and where most of the 39 men still held have never been charged with a crime.' Source: PBS
@GjaP_242 2 жыл бұрын
@mariaelenacastro6996 2 жыл бұрын
Tawny years of Guantanmo is enough!
@julieannmyers8714 2 жыл бұрын
I rue the day I was born in this country.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
It's not all bad.
@feargach2107 2 жыл бұрын
Torture and lawlessness. It's what makes America shamed before the world.
@judithobrien1692 2 жыл бұрын
I am sorry you had to experience this = it makes me sick to think that Americans are not so loving = quite the opposite !!!!!!! not all but some ! Please know ! there are good people here = it's past time for us to open our eyes * roll up our sleeves and do what it takes to "BE" the medicine that begins and ends the lies and deceit, and it begins with each of us .! in each living moment . Our choices destroy or heal ****
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
let me know the con the don is locked up ok?
@domsigno41 2 жыл бұрын
wow this is terrible
@GjaP_242 2 жыл бұрын
The Confession review - profound Guantánamo Bay documentary 'Moazzam Begg is interviewed about his incarceration in Cuba in a documentary of great clarity and gravitas' Mike McCahill - 11 Aug 2016 Source: The Guardian
@GjaP_242 2 жыл бұрын
@rickgrosser6671 2 жыл бұрын
This person says there were no bad people put there ? I doubt that......
@danhaywood5696 2 жыл бұрын
Your parents have any kids that lived?
@kalthoummahmoud6655 Жыл бұрын
Did you not hear anything this man said? Do you know how many ppl there were innocent they even made a movie with Jodie Foster in it about a man in that prison who was innocent 🙄
@ronfigg1 2 жыл бұрын
Fauci and Gates for Gitmo 2022!
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
trumptard, cheney, baby bush, and you!
@amandasaunders4679 2 жыл бұрын
DN. If you need your memory nudged, it's the "news" channel for you
@GjaP_242 2 жыл бұрын
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
Catch 22 It’s a no win situation
@loriann1506 2 жыл бұрын
You can keep editing my comments to scrub , but nothing is permanently deleted. I made sure of that. I know manipulation when I see it. And I’m not gonna stop talking about Gina
@denisecorzette1676 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Amy ✌
@amareshroy7732 2 жыл бұрын
There are demonstration, rally, sit in America see tod
@AssanRaelian 2 жыл бұрын
@gingergrant6759 2 жыл бұрын
Send the insurrectists there 20 yrs treason.
@pohakumana4288 2 жыл бұрын
baby bush is still alive, they should make it a nursing home for war criminals, Kissassinger is still alive, 99 but still breathing. He should be brought there to be buried.
The Muslim who survived Guantanamo | Moazzam Begg (Full Podcast)
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