Lakshmi 💯 resonates as Truth with this whole conversation and ❤ the milky ocean , Cosmic Mother, Amritta acknowledgement as we ground into the harmonic grids the remembering and we are on mission now ♾️ Sunday 19th in Avalon Beach NSW 🙏 🎉
@Elise2010able17 күн бұрын
Australia is not a part of Asia!!! It definitely was a part of Lemurya. We are not called the great southern land for no reason. Modern man think Australia is a part of Asia, people who have never travelled to Asia from Australia would have no idea just how far away from every other country Australia actually is.. Thank God!!
Thank you dear Elise, we did not mention the continents of Australasia or Zealandia as most of us who gathered for this call were standing there ... will do next time 🙏💞