@AhmedRabin-s9m. In The Name of The Father The Son The Holy Spirit, One God, Amen 🙏. Iesous Kristos came to give us & show us THE NEW TESTAMENT, which was COVERED by THE OLD TESTAMENT, where THE LAW was The Essence of Life; it wasn’t The Perfect Way! Iesous Kristos came with The Reformed Life, BA’TA’WAHIDO AND BA’TA’HADISO, as THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE…; The Essence of The New Testament, which’s AGAINST killing, Insulting, Hating, Worshiping other gods-Pictures, Shapes and figures…-that are the FALSE representations of The Lord and His Saints…! On the other hand, Iesous Kristos (The New Testament ) TEACHES to PRAY for our ENEMIES and to LOVE them; to do GOOD for those who do us HARM ; etc. So why are we, in The Tewahido Orthodox, are full of VENOMOUS AND EVIL 👿 THOUGHTS AND DOINGS(DEEDS)? We’ve different views and sects (Yeta’wahido Lijoch, Yekarra Lijoch, Yeqibbat Lijoch, Ya’ta’hadiso Lijoch, Yeza’ta’gn Ma’la’kkot Lijoch (A cult), all these in our Beloved Tewahido Orthodox Churches In Eritrea and Ethiopia, & around the globe! I, as an Orthodox (Tewahido) CHILD of God, in The Messiah, of course, I’m following The Messiah and His Messages; & NOT the funny stories of Zebene and Abba G/KIDDAN, & the likes of them-The Holy Bible (The Holy Scriptures of Judeo-Christian) and our FUNNY STORIES in the multitude of the books 📚 of our Tewahido Church are CONTRADICTORY of each other! So let’s PRAY 🙏 for our beloved Tewahido Orthodox followers in Eritrea and Ethiopia and around the world, in The Name of The Messiah 🩸❤️📖3️⃣✝️🙏1️⃣. Amen 🙏. Igzio MAHARRANNA Kristos; Wasibihat Laigziabher basimu la Iesous Kristos; Maranata Iesous Kristos Maranata; TOLLO NNA Iesous Gheta ❤. Amen 🙏