i'm an unc and not really from england but this really feels like 2 middle age brits guy talm about football at the pub,really nice vibe
@LukePinguАй бұрын
@job0wnageАй бұрын
When you went Marseille Genoa I thought of Kevin Strootman, injury ruined his career but when the Netherlands had their stint of not even qualifying for WC and EC he was our best midfielder for a bit. Roma boy as well, what a player
@seankennedy9590Ай бұрын
Fair play to Aaron Hunt
@nikostsirogiannis7689Ай бұрын
14:38 fun fact, Xavi also played and retired at Al Sadd
@LukePinguАй бұрын
@barekaldmigalex1906Ай бұрын
Make a football history vid. I can’t just have Luke dropping all this lore left and right I’ve never heard of before. I just watched an older vid where he’s just casually dropping why inter is called internazionale, because ac Milan didn’t accept foreign players back in the days and juve wears stripes cause of notts fuccin county. I could probably find vids explaining stuff like that but Luke is just the goat, like a mentor. Just like the biggest what if moment in football history, imagine if Cristiano Ronaldo had mentored Antony at Man U.
@nagyarpi57Ай бұрын
and i thought i have good ball knowledge😂😂 you guys are on another level
@PixelFootballVidsАй бұрын
Imagine the player Stephen Ireland could've been if he came through the City ranks during Pep's time.
@danielthomas7960Ай бұрын
Pls get Itani on this for the vibes.
@LukePinguАй бұрын
@@danielthomas7960 he has been on the channel a while ago 💪
@Vi_XXiVАй бұрын
Pingu doing him dirty at the end to get the win
@gergoszabo4099Ай бұрын
I'd love to see Gera in one of these, but he only has 4 clubs and the Hungarian ones would easily give it away
@DYL2020Ай бұрын
I got Stephen Ireland from Stoke, had no idea he played for Bolton.. got Given on Newcastle aswell and that took me way too long to get and he was my hero growing up being a keeper😂
@benshadlock8969Ай бұрын
Love Aaron, hate the other guy
@jespermortensen-sj5flАй бұрын
God video og god weekend og fedt content
@ClarenceOdbodyAS2Ай бұрын
Do a 90's edition, I might have a chance of guessing the players 😅
@popi_johnnyАй бұрын
Shay Given - my legend in CM4 :)
@michaelanderson1134Ай бұрын
Stephen Ireland never played for bolton!?!?
@PreviewReviewPredictАй бұрын
I got Shay given at Aston Villa. Didn’t get Ireland.
@RATH678Ай бұрын
Is he former Wolfsburg and Hamburg player
@ZoniKITBАй бұрын
Please get cani on this
@LukePinguАй бұрын
@jimmytalkingАй бұрын
Raul is the easiest one ever
@eddiebelshaw5222Ай бұрын
When did Andy Carroll play for Preston?
@EetuTurustaАй бұрын
He was there on loan 2007-2008
@juliushardware7760Ай бұрын
Yeah, pretty sure Wijnaldum is Verratti's teammate over there in Qatar, crrect me if I'm wrong.