該從哪裡說起呢?這場由蔡康永與吳曉樂擔任的「情商乒乓談話記」,真的令個人玩味不已:就像吳曉樂所提及的「寵辱皆忘」,對著蔡康永談到的「死而有憾」,不都是極其睿智的人生態度嗎? 這兩位的論點其實都滿值得關注的:生命是無常的、學著去接受死亡,那這樣不就是將我們有些人常在困惑的「To live or to die?」的議題,給好好地昇華了嗎?無需為著他人而努力活著,一如蔡康永無需為著收視率而被迫要開慶功宴,也像吳曉樂不必為了銷售量而去寫出媚人的書籍,或許有人會說這般地「無為而治」,會顯得懶散、不妥、或甚且懦弱,可「放得下」才是「拿得起」吧? 於此憶起齊豫翻唱過的一首曲子「Islands」,這裡個人打算與諸君共享:「Islands from the first time we saw / We could wait for this moment, like rocks on the shore / We can never be closer somehow / For the moment that lasts, is this moment now / There's a new path that we found just today / I was lost in the forest and you showed me the way」感恩今晚的悸動。