Gurdjieff for a Time Between Worlds (Layman Pascal and Trevor Stewart)

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The Integral Stage

The Integral Stage

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@hermesnoelthefourthway 2 жыл бұрын
We are all very glad he's deeply under appreciated. Not "known" widely would be more fitting. When the news reporters turned up to interview him at the study center , The Prieure in Fountainbleu (the group were known as the forest philosophers ) when they approached him he played the role of the village idiot , and said , "me not philosopher , me workman , build walls , sheds , you want to see me build a wall , i show you , come". The reporters shook their heads and turned away in dismay and left the prieure grounds. When they'd gone Gurdjieff turned to Maurice Nicoll , and said , "that's the way to get rid of them". And so it was. Anything that is genuinely productive and rewarding in an esoteric sense avoids public attention. It's the very last thing it wants. A number of years ago I had the great fortune to meet and work with Gurdjieff's nephew , also called George. One of the highlights of my life. I made a film about my experience which is available on my channel , entitled The time I spent with Gurdjieff's nephew ,also called George. It has proven to be extremely popular. The fourth way works , miraculously , if we work
@waldek32 9 ай бұрын
Greetings from Poland.
@anarsim5926 Жыл бұрын
1.05.54. I wonder if this is a problem with thought/ belief systems in general. In those days there was alot of new ideas in thinking and discoveries. There is alot of wisdom in the old, most people on a path are searching for it in the past. Then our future arrived and it's alot harder in our time to find the New. The fourth way brings me back because it's message is about this search and that we need to be reminded. It's amazing that in a short period of time these different people weaved something so strange to be left as a puzzle. Instead of a closed system they just went deeper. Take the exercises, if you do them after a while you should notice your been mechanical and move on to something different. What other system has really tried to encourage something like this. Fascinating
@astralpilled1380 2 жыл бұрын
For me the Ravens have several meanings. They can be Gurdjieffs two Higher Centers. They can represent Higher Knowledge like in the Odin mythology. Also the first Raven is Gurdjieff until 1924. The second Raven is the evolved Gurdjieff after 1924, when he completley changed his teaching style.
@suedemiralay726 3 ай бұрын
@deepblack67 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, I thought the book was straight forward and amazing, great incites.
@rowdojo 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Layman are you still interviewing people for this series?
@theintegralstage8140 2 жыл бұрын
In the About section of our KZbin channel, you will see a link to get an email address. Write to us there....
@martinwilliams9866 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry can't listen to a "you know" merchant, talk about being a conditioned automata.
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