What if you use Operator to create the perfect clog target for those Viper Witchers? I have seen that you are often forced to clog the opponents with cards still playable by him (because of his deck archetype), maybe it isn't only the quantity of the clog that matters but also the quality, you should try to clog him with really crap stuff, like Cynthia does. In my opinion the Viper Witcher Adepts could be the perfect clog targets to create with Operator, because since you will put a bunch of cards on the opponents deck you will always have less cards than him, so for you they'll work as an engine for points and for him they will be some vanilla 4 points completely useless. That's my int on the deck, maybe you can cook something cool with it.
@SpeciCards3 күн бұрын
yeah honestly this could be an idea. I wanna give clog another go tbh
@JangezK5 күн бұрын
.lol... playing a Kolgrim deck Proceeds to give away Kolgrim ~18:00