Say ma man, this helped me out so much. I was a bit scared after I got to the gear housing. I thought it was sealed shut! It only needed a few taps with ah hammer, and it slid right off. I had left it alone for bout three weeks. After i was watching the video one night, i just went in the garage and struck it twice. "Right off!" Thanks Scott, Scott
@VirberelloScooterTips4 жыл бұрын
Great video Thank you
@dundycbr236 жыл бұрын
what speed did u guet with this mod
@csb7725 жыл бұрын
150cc GY6 here. I have a new variator and clutch. Adjusted valves, new everything ignition wise, new carb new instake manifold. Still have this issue. The GY6 runs smooth and revs great!! High rpm. The issue is it will not go past 16-18 mph. This is a 150cc ATV btw that should do 40mph easy. Also it vibrates the shit out of you. I have unchained the rear axle to rev it and it still vibrates bad so it not the axle. Only thing I can think is these gears being bad. Help what do you think?!?!?
@tacticalbert8 жыл бұрын
Changing the gasket is recommended. 8lbs torque on those bolts.
@Hoopty914 жыл бұрын
Are these gears steel?.. Reason I question is because I was wondering if GL-5 gear oil is safe.. ( it wears soft metals, but I can seem to confirm the gear material, and I dont have access to GL-4.. just picked up a scraper, 2013 Jonway150 and got it running, and wanted to change out the gear oil.. any response would be appreciated.~
@danielmoore3943 жыл бұрын
I just ordered that gear set.
@billwill73834 ай бұрын
Your magic ✨
@martinziek2 жыл бұрын
Hello please Need your help, I want to increase TOP Speed slightly, so wich one of these I need to set? : 15x37T // 16x36T // 17x36T Ive got same scooter as you 150cc gy6 157qmj
@RossHooge8 жыл бұрын
Hey Nick, did you do any testing on your speed changes before and after? Is your scoot still 150cc? Most people say you should leave the gearing the same unless you go BBK.
@gy6nick8838 жыл бұрын
Ross Hooge of course I tested. top speed was 66 with stock gearing. and that's not true you can re gear a 150. you will probably have to retune ur carb and the CVT to performed the way you want. with the 14/37 I sit straight up at 60. instead of 52. havent went for a new top speed yet but I'll post one soon. top speed speed with 13/40 was 66. yes this is still just a 150cc
@RossHooge8 жыл бұрын
Gy6 Nick Thanks for the reply man. I like your videos. Let me know what your new top speed :)
@RossHooge8 жыл бұрын
Hey Nick did you get a chance to test max speed with the new gear set?
@badBikerz5 жыл бұрын
@@RossHooge gy6 great videos, but I am little confused about ross hooge. you said, top speed was 66 with stock gearing, i assume you mean with the 13/40, then you said with the 14/37 you sit straight up at 60 instead of 52, but you said with stock gears top speed was 66, then you say again top speed with 13/40 was 66. So it seems like you giving 2 pretty top speeds stock, 52 and 66. 14mph difference, are you saying somehow by leaning down on the bike you cut 14mph of wind resistance from your body ???
@Lil_eee Жыл бұрын
@@badBikerzhe said 66 is top speed but he noticed the difference on cruise in like stock gear u gotta give it more throttle to stay on 52
@tonnguyen76188 жыл бұрын
what carb and what main and pilot jet are you using ? do you have a cdi limitator?
@gy6nick8838 жыл бұрын
Ton nguyen 24mm Oko carb. slow jet is 38 and main is 115. when it gets Colder ill upjet if the plug reads lean.
@danielmoore3943 жыл бұрын
Do think 16 /36 is to much for a stock 150cc?
@foreignnwhipcrasherАй бұрын
I got a question my gearbox cover is on the right side opposite side of the clutch will the steps be the same once I take the cover off?
@jamesberry18588 жыл бұрын
were did you get your engine
@jamesberry18588 жыл бұрын
I'm looking to do a sick ruckus were did u get your gy6 engined
@gy6nick8838 жыл бұрын
James Berry i got my 228cc from and i got my 150cc from drowsports. a lot of my friends buy theres from amazon since it comes with carb, manifold, and cdi box.
@jamesberry18588 жыл бұрын
Gy6 Nick thanks man one more question did your friends engine come leaking from amazon due to poor shipping?
@bradenfisher44673 жыл бұрын
Thank helps a ton
@kortneyscott10413 жыл бұрын
What tool did you use to take off the clutch??
@gy6nick8833 жыл бұрын
For the main nut? Just an impact gun.
@badBikerz5 жыл бұрын
So I tried his advice, swapped from 13/40 to 15/37. Result was a loss in rpm's, by about 1000 resulting in exactly no top speed gain or loss. acceleration didn't seem to be affected. Anyway it was my result with your typical chinese scooter gy6 Lancer 150, CY150D, used to be called eagle 150. So my advice, unless your gonna do some other fairly major engine work to maintain rpms its a waste of time and money, unless ur taotao was somehow undergeared to begin with.
@gy6nick8835 жыл бұрын
Glenn P with the higher gear you will travel at higher speeds with lower rpm compared to lower gear. However if your CVT is stock then that will limit your speed. To see more results upgrade to an 842 belt. That alone will get you higher top speed with any gear. To see even more result upgrade to a Dr pulley variator with Dr pulley sliders. (15/16Gram). These upgrades are not expensive. 842 belt- $25 Dr pulley variator- $75 Dr pulley sliders- $20
@badBikerz5 жыл бұрын
@@gy6nick883 Thanks for reply. The thing about the belt alone helping, to my understanding is it would only help if the current stock belt 835 was too short (ie the belt isn't going as high as possible on the variator and if thats true i guess it follows its not going as low as possible on the clutch limiting my highest gear possible) I saw in a video about marking the variator with a sharpie from top to bottom to see how high the belt climbs up the variator. I did that and find my belt rides up the variator to 1/16 of an inch from the top, right to edge of the variator where there is a slight indentation at a greater angle as the rest of the variator and i read that that is there to prevent the belt from climbing over the variator. If what i am saying is accurate can a longer belt give me more speed, it would seem to me that the belt is long enough if it can go all the way to top of variator, unless somehow it does that but doesnt drop all the way down in the clutch, but i dont see how that would be possible ?
@gy6nick8835 жыл бұрын
Glenn P yes that’s a good way to get a read on the variator. You can also look at the back of the drive face and see how high the belt is reaching just by seeing the belt lines on the drive face, a long belt will definitely give you better top speed. You will notice the belt reaches higher on the variator. You will notice a little torque loss with the bigger belt but better top speed. With a tighter belt (835) it grabs the clutch tighter on take off but will only stretch to its limit. Trust me. 842 belt. Dr pulley variator. 60mph all day
@badBikerz5 жыл бұрын
@@gy6nick883 Well I may try it. If i definitely knew it would do that I would change it in a heartbeat. I just don't know for sure. I had thought your scoot here was pretty much stock when you did the gears, but that was just my mistake. You were not in any way misleading, which i kinda thought you were at first, my bad. It seems you did a lot of upgrading and maybe all those things came together to get you what you got. With mine pretty much stock max i ever got once or twice for brief periods was 57-58 but spend 99 percent of the time between 48-52. Good news is it gets to 45 pretty quick but i need an uninterrupted straight run of like 2 1/4 miles to get close to 55 or more. Thanks for the info and will take it under advisement.
@badBikerz5 жыл бұрын
@@gy6nick883 Well i tried it. Just the 842 belt and all it does it starts slipping at 40-45 mph.Why, because the belt is too long. Its kinda what I figured. So your 0 for 2 with me.
@jkenstube2 жыл бұрын
U didn't press it on
@gy6nick8832 жыл бұрын
Of course I did. You can also buy them pre pressed
@jkenstube2 жыл бұрын
@@gy6nick883 just jk😃 I needed to get your attention. I was riding my 200cc jasscol and the forward gear froze up on me. Bike starts goes reverse but no forward. I put a new clutch on thinking it would fix the issue but it didn't same problem, can't go in drive. Gy6 cvt transmission