最初のオーストラリアの方、本当に日本通ですごかったですね。その中で「津波の痕跡」として訪問した先を、「気仙沼の高校」と字幕が入っていますが、"We went to Kesennnuma Junior High School"とお答えでしたので、震災遺構となっている旧気仙沼中学校のことを言っていたものと思われます。 イスラエルの方に一言。「熊を見たい」ということでしたが、かなり危険な体験になるかもしれません。会った瞬間に襲われているかもしれませんから…
When a man who had been to Japan seven years ago came to Japan this time, he felt that there were more people who could speak English than before. I think the number of Asian people working in Japan, sightseeing, and speaking English has increased. It is unlikely that the number of Japanese people who use English in daily conversation or work will increase in the next few years. There is almost no need for Japanese people to speak English with foreigners living in Japan. Japanese people don't go out of their way to converse in English in Japan.