Kikeo she need to learn how to work how to take care of a self not every time you have to do everything for her I know it’s hard, but she need to learn how to take care of a cell like simple thing she should do it not just sit there, and one people do everything for her. She’s kind a lazy person that I see, she always excuse that she have no one to take care of her son but now her son is big already. She is too lazy you please tell her you do a good job to show her what she need to do but she need to still learn how to do stuff like out of people not want people to do everything for her. She is very person she is the mom she’s not let a kid not just sit there and one people do everything for her.👍🏽🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️