From 10:37, the guy is shouting ladies to stand up based on the year of participation in this event. First year, second year, third year, and fourth year (which was only one lady, so that is why audience praised with "wow" and more applause for being veteran; you are right, she may be captain, but she's considered "senpai" in this case based on the years of experience).
いつも、見ているこちらが嬉しくなるリアクションだから、また見ようという気になります。By the way. I learning English now. Bat, my memory speed is so slow progress. It is ashamed.So, please teac me. How to your leaning Japanese? My English skil is like a kindergarten children . スラングも使っているテリちゃんは、すごいと思います。←Abruptly l use Japanese.Thanks, Bye!