The part that got me with the epilogue, in addition to Yuna and Tidus's farewell to each other, was Tidus's high-five to his dad. For the longest time, he harbored a lot of resentment and bitterness toward his father. However, this quick shot showed how they made peace with each other. That alone tugged at my heartstrings. Final Fantasy X had probably the most emotionally charged ending in the series. Beautifully done, I think.
@rawrharhar5 ай бұрын
This is also the part that got me as well. Everything was already sad, but so much of Tidus's character was his resentment to his father, and in this one moment, he made peace, and his story completed. 10/10
@rraarr359510 ай бұрын
I love you 肯定派が増えててうれしい!そうなんだよね!これ I love you なんよほんと
@dako1548 ай бұрын
日本語版が『ありがとう』で 英語版が『I love you』ってゆう違う意味なのに 思いは変わらないってゆうのがわかるから最高に好き
I am glad I am White, we are able to understand the nuances of love and have the courage to say it, unlike Japanese.
@DAVELEAP6 ай бұрын
This game is the perfect match between an amazing visual realisation, a enormous music composition and and a heart touching story. I know I'll play it one last time before I die.
@ndennant2 жыл бұрын
20 years later and the powerful ending still brings tears. What an incredible legacy this game has left. It's storytelling perfection. #FFX forever.
@t0pit0742 жыл бұрын
This truly hurts me! In the heart! Really. I cannot hold this any longer. Final Fantasy. I... I love you. Truly. You gave me passion in living every day connected with fantasy itself. You gave me a reason to go on. It's because of you that i had found the strength to live everyday as a true human. That i have found the hope to stay with people. KZbinrs, your cries are my cry. Your tears are mine. Your commotion. Your pain. Your nostalgy. Every of them, are also mine. I will not forget final fantasy, and you? If you hear this message, please. Unleash your tears and never stop to cry. That'll make you feel better. Because your pain will be washed away by cry and you'll be set free of your sadness and sorrow. Please, if you all hear me, do never forget that final fantasy will be always with you. No one will take it away from you. Never. It's only yours and yours alone. Remember that. Merry 2023 by T0pit0 😭😭😭😭💓
@kazuaki19702 жыл бұрын
I couldn't stop crying and then the last song made me cry even more...
@Fuinhaa3 жыл бұрын
Best game ever made imho. Since it's realease it has been my all time greatest game!
@boiiiiiii57417 ай бұрын
Yep it's my favourite as well
@hidekiyamamoto58214 ай бұрын
100年経っても色褪せることのない、史上最高のRPGだと思います。 🇯🇵It is the greatest RPG ever produced by Japan, and I believe it will continue to be beloved even 100 years into the future.🇯🇵
日本人が「ありがとう」にいろんな意味を感じるように 英語圏の「I love you 」もいろんな意味の含まれてるものやからね 訳すとどっちも「愛してる」だけじゃないし「thank you」だけじゃない
@yukin93352 жыл бұрын
@@ysk8026 そうなんすよ!多分、サンキューではなく、もっと深い言葉。泣 本当っ名作。
@shinxmasyu1902 жыл бұрын
@IntheSecond8 ай бұрын
インターナショナル版は未プレイでこの動画で初めて英語版を聞いたけれども、ユウナの「ありがとう」を「I love you」にしているのがなんかエモいw 初めてプレイしてからもう何年経ったか、何回細胞が入れ替わったかわからないけど、未だに涙してしまう最高のエンディング。 名作に国境はないということを実感させてくれるいい動画でした。
@DanTheMan330886 ай бұрын
You know this game's a masterpiece when it makes even men cry
@Shiro_0822 жыл бұрын
@黒ひげ-u5y8 ай бұрын
@yasumiryo4 ай бұрын
愛してるってところ、日本だと ありがとう、なんだよな。 色んな思いが詰まったありがとう
@kentarohayashi55592 жыл бұрын
@Gamefreq1844 ай бұрын
Just played this again myself and wanted to see reactions of others. I'm so surprised during that of all scenes one of them took time to shout out subs and read chat.
2:01 It's been over 20 years since I've seen this scene. I didn't know the story at all, but this scene where Tida passes through Yuna was really shocking. At that time, I realized the greatness of the 3D technology that Square showed.
@kumiten_9 ай бұрын
@swagikuro25 күн бұрын
whos the girl on the top left corner? her reaction is priceless
@exalkalibor9242 жыл бұрын
Pain: those who finished the entire game...know pain.
If you unlocked the Best Ending in FFX-2, you will noticed the ending here in X where Tidus came back from the Farplane and resurrected and he was underwater of Besaid, woke up. Then in X-2, he will dive above the water and see the Airship where Yuna jumped and hugged him.
@sasukeikari2 ай бұрын
1:57 get you a man that holds yuna like tidus does, with his.. ghost arms 😂
発売当初は「ありがとう」以外はちょっとなぁ……って感じてたけど、最近は直接ティーダに伝える「I love you」も良いなって思えるようになった
@桜吹雪-p9w7 ай бұрын
お互いに自分が居なくなるであろう未来を知ってあえて恋心を秘めていたのに、最後に「I love you」はティーダにとって残酷だと思いました。私としては(スピラを救ってくれて)(一緒に闘ってくれて)(いつも寄り添ってくれて)そして(愛を教えてくれて)を内包した「ありがとう」の方が良かったと思います。
@TK-pv4lhАй бұрын
少なくとも英語のニュアンスで言うと、I love you は日本語の「好きです」という告白の言葉ではないです。あなたをずっと愛し続けるという約束の言葉です。 今まさに別れんとする中ユウナがこの言葉をあえて口にしたことで、ティーダはユウナの強くて深い愛を知ることができたと思います。だから残酷なんてことはないと思います。 (というか、普通にティーダとユウナってキスして気持ち確かめあってましたよね)