@@yuetfung5251These are wise thoughts. Why didn't they secure the window with mesh so that the cat wouldn't fall out ?! I don't understand how the old lady could laugh when the kitten fell out the window ?! It's cruel. Such people should not have a cat. The window or balcony should be secured with a net!
你怕是不知道欧美的养娃手册。27 DOs and DON’Ts for Taking Care of Baby。猫在家里十几天不开窗,味道肯定也大,开窗户情有可原,也许他应该在开窗前把猫放进笼子里,但人在没有经验的情况下,什么样的事都有可能发生。换做是你,如果要你现在用完美的拉丁文证明牛顿第二定律你也不一定能写的出来,不是吗? 他们知识储备里就没有准备好怎么正确的养猫。我记得小时候长辈喂猫都是煮鱼粥,喂猫吃很咸的火腿肠午餐肉。猫流眼泪也不知道是感冒了,眼睛有炎症了,也是拿人的消炎药给猫吃,猫砂不存在的,就是碳灰。他们错了吗?不一定!因为他们没有资源去知道正确和错误,他们的方法就是他们身边人的养猫的经验和方法。现在有宠物医院了,知道有病去医院看,喂干湿猫粮,给猫猫剪指甲洗澡也知道用猫条和宠物零食引导,有自清洁猫砂盆,猫喝着流动水,也会有专门准备给猫准备的猫爬架和猫抓板。这个过程花了他们20年。我就想说,年轻人养猫也是需要一个时间去掌握这些知识的。有的人就是头脑一热买了猫,其他还没有准备好。失去一只猫的生命代价也许大了一点,也有点可惜,但他并没有虐猫,也没有故意伤害猫的本意,你们这么说真的就很极端。
If you want to adopt a cat that is wary of humans due to its past experiences, the owners have to be prepared that the relationship might be a loveless one for many years. It takes a lot of patience taking care of such cats, most of the time with no chances of showing love reciprocation. If they do not want you to pat them, just leave them alone. It takes time, and almost often a long long time for them to build trust with you.
It would be better to place the board with the pieces of food all the way to the balcony below on the right side of the window. For the cat to go down to that balcony alone? These people should never have a cat! The mesh should be on the window! They don't think and aren't responsible.