OMG , Den San 嘅口味同我真係一樣啊 😆 he got the same comments as mine !!!!! 「我唔鍾意, 覺得太濃!!! 」「食四川麻辣嗰啲又唔同」 我唔係食得太多度,但係我個人 暫時覺得最驚為天人 係 喺輕井澤 王子outlet 嘅”濃熟鶏白湯 らーめん 錦”
Hi Dan, there is a small probability that the removed cyst could regrow after surgical removal. If the cyst was drained using a needle, then the cyst wall would remain and regrowth would result in many cases.
Den San, you might have an Epidermoid cyst on your cheek. It can come back ever after excision when the sac wall wasn't removed totally. There is a small chance that it could be scar tissue if Den San picked on it often or it had experience trauma (e.g. a flying softball to the face, repeatedly :P). Go to a dermatologist and have it checked out if it bothers you. It is hardly noticeable. Take care!