他三十幾歲時進入電動車行業,也在他三十幾歲時踏入太空產業,並挑戰當時被ULA壟斷的發射市場 從無到有發展了整個回收技術,你覺得他當初踏入太空產業是有機會嗎? 沒有機會就自己砍出機會,這才是大神。 你沒有的不是機會,你沒有的是能力是膽識是堅毅 Musk當初搞到spaceX、tesla都快破產每個人都在唱衰他 他甚至賣掉了房子,住到岳父家的地下室,但是他沒有放棄 順帶一提他那時每週工作100小時,台積電賣肝都不一定這麼操 如果你沒有這樣的能力、膽識、毅力 那就好好過你的小確幸because you earned it by weak
This might not be correct but the direct translation might be: We have nothing but just imagination, so what you said also makes sense.
@SrChatty4 жыл бұрын
@@misisshih Thank you for your reply and help! As I looked through my dictionary a bit more thouroughly, I found that 空 can function as an adverb, taking on a meaning like "in vain", "fruitless". As far as I can tell, [空 + verb] is a sort of "semi-fixed"(?) structure in itself, which, in the case of "空有", would/could, hence, be translated into something along the lines of "only have useless [something]" (in this case, "only have useless imagination"). I suppose saying that you *only* have (nothing but just) imagination expresses by and large the same meaning. 谢谢你! 🙂