I felt the accuracy was the best one to upgrade first and got a +1 for 16.5%. This is worth 20500 if I choose to unravel, but I only have 10 in inventory to remake it.... not worth it to unravel. When I collect enough, it would be a good idea to unravel and retry so I could have extra thread for a change as this is a very scarce resource in game.
@PatrickNeufeld9 ай бұрын
I agree that you will get a lot of golden thread when unravelling the patterns. The issue I have is that this method assumes that you have the patterns required to rebuild the pattern. Pattern counts is very low even with more maps coming out, so it will take 6 to 8 weeks, maybe longer to be able to rebuild the red pattern. I believe 32 is required to make a red. I should also mention, that if you do roll badly on the upgrade, then you have the opportunity to remove the pattern which would cost emeralds. So yes, it would save you 5k emeralds not equipping it, but the benefit of having a red pattern for all the arenas, guild wars is not worth the $2.00 in emeralds you would save by not equipping it.
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
Yes, you can use red pattern and then spend 5000 emeralds, but this trick will help you to safe golden threads for budluck upgrade after red level. Main idea not just to keep red pattern in the bag, idea is not to upgrade it more then 1 time after red.
@eddc45058 ай бұрын
This is the big issue I agree. It is that when you unravel a red, you lose all the patterns that you built to make it red, and so you have to rebuild again, and you won't be able to do this straight away!
@aml77588 ай бұрын
Nice, very smart, thank you!
@D3BEP9 ай бұрын
Great idea, will try
@johngalt92111 күн бұрын
Perhaps you should have mentioned that we should make sure we have enough patterns (which take time to acquire) to start leveling a flag from scratch!
@destonwong25779 ай бұрын
For most players upgrade and socket patterns to purple. Farm the rest of patterns to red and above. Another $$$$$ sink for whales. Golden question is can I defeat teams on max flag patterns using counter teams with just blue or purple patterns?
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
sure you can! check table, it is ~10% between purple and red ~max level. And just for 3 stats. So enemy will have
@aml77588 ай бұрын
If you use a counter team, you can defeat the team with twice your power, so the flag should not be a problem. The problems arise when we use similar or non-counter teams
@destonwong25779 ай бұрын
Can u share what is the best flag and patterns for tank + dante + iris setup?
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
depend also with what pet. Most strong players will say that it will be pet flag and i will agree with them. But i anyway will use red flag, coz pet flag with Axel is not very good.
@azeriztatime51209 ай бұрын
Thank you. after I watched your video. I accept to lost all patterns and all are unraveled even get 15% red flag for stack up golden thread for the future. I think Golden thread need a lot it cost 18750 for one ultimate red flag, so it better than unravel none ultimate red flag now for me. but I think weaving pattern event come every month so in a month you can get 3650 from evert 500 from chest flag = 4150. maybe 4 months for one ultimate red flag. now I have 90000 golden threads i will not lost move to chestflag. ** I am new player PVP rank 300 so i dont care the flag today **
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
Also with this stratagy can be done other way. As you saw, i spend 18750 golden threads and got red+5, so i can unravel in for 30500 golden threads. So i can have free 11750 threads for free, but got just 7.4% for it. And with 100% i can get all i spend for 1 upgrade ufter red.
@aml77584 ай бұрын
Wait a minute Deda, after you got level 5 red pattern, why don't you unravel it and try again and again until you get level 6?
@dedaherowars4 ай бұрын
I don't have so much patterns. For level 6 i got just 2%, so need ~50*32 patterns for red+6. so i will just stay with +5 or +6. Other i will unravel, even +4 ^^
@aml77584 ай бұрын
@@dedaherowarsThank you bro
@maksparamokhin67619 ай бұрын
То есть с роспуска можно получить больше нитей, чем вложил? Приколько, конечно, но только если иметь мешок узоров в запасе. А так на 1 красный надо год собирать. И нужно их 6 штук (лучше 9).
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
Да, именно. Начиная с красного+1 можно получить 100% вложений или больше, в зависимости от удачи. Я вложил 18750, а распустить могу за 30500 (но на это 7.4% было). Но вопрос в том, нужно ли распускать предпоследний уровень или нет, т.к. шанс его получить довольно маленький. Хочу ли я быстрее сделать 6-9 красных узоров или мне важно получить меньше красных, но более высокой прокачки... Да, это стратегия не на 5 минут, а на длительное время. Но именно по ней получится собрать 6-9 узоров красных прокаченных уровней чуть быстрее.
@miguelpanta8 ай бұрын
but, i am not sure I understand. you get the golden treat back, but what happens with the input patterns, are they lost? or put differently, what do you have when you unravel a red pattern (apart from the golden threat)?
@dedaherowars8 ай бұрын
i get just golden threads after i unravel red patterns. Yes, you need much patterns for it, but you anyway unravel rey patters for upgrade others. So in my way i can get just more free golden threads and i got in this video free 11750 golden threads if i unravel it.
@MakaayYazhnam8 ай бұрын
If I get red ultimate +1 on first try and I try to upgrade again - can I get lower level? Do I keep the +1 one or does it change to red ultimate?
@dedaherowars8 ай бұрын
you can't get lower level, but you can get same level and lose 3750 golden threads.
@MakaayYazhnam8 ай бұрын
@@dedaherowars ok, so if I get +(2,3,4,5) red pattern level it can't be brought back on a lower level again. it can be same or higher...thanks
@Yevhen_Lymonov9 ай бұрын
Я не понял. То есть при неудачном апгрейде я могу распустить его и вернуть нити, но паттерны же я не верну. Для следующей попытки апгрейда мне нужно опять собирать паттерны. Так и в чем тогда хак?
@dedaherowars9 ай бұрын
Сейчас ты распускаешь узоры(паттерны) серого цвета на нити. Идея в том, что этого делать не надо будет. После того, как прокачаешь красный узор 1 раз - следующий раз у тебя будет рандом на улучшение и ты можешь просто так потерять 3750 нитей. Поэтому если ты прокачал неудачно( на 1-2 уровня), то этот узор далее не нужно улучшать. А если скопилось достаточное кол-во других узоров - то этот неудачный нужно распустить на нити и попытать удачу с другими. Хак в том, что ты не будешь никогда терять 3750 нитей при улучшении. Да, понадобится много узоров, но для красных уровней золотые НИТИ БОЛЕЕ ЦЕННЫЙ РЕСУРС, чем сами узоры. А распуская например 2-3 уровень можно будет заработать дополнительные нити. И таким образом соберешь максимальное кол-во красных прокаченных узоров быстрее, чем другие при равном кол-ве доступных ресурсов.