那個喜歡小孩但是擔心小孩有兩個爸爸的同志弟弟好可愛,哈哈。其實可以建議他往外國搜尋一下同志婚姻領養小孩的例子。美國通過同志婚姻法的州很多,英國也有過對同志家庭領養小孩的心理研究,其實上網找一下資訊還是滿多的,只是要讀英文。我自己因為跟別人討論過這議題有簡單看過一些資料,研究大概是說同志家庭與異性戀家庭領養小孩其實沒有顯著差異,主要差異還是在於領養的雙親是否有做好領養這個孩子的準備,包括金錢層面、心靈層面、以及陪伴孩子的時間與心力。 "Goldberg and Smith’s (2013) study of early-placed adopted children in gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parent families found that child adjustment did not differ by family type, but was associated with low levels of parental preparation for the adoption, high levels of parental depression, and high levels of parental relationship conflict." --引用於"Adoptive Gay Father Families: A Longitudinal Study of Children’s Adjustment at Early Adolescence"這篇文章