Hajj Q&A: Frequently Asked Questions | Shaykh Akram Nadwi

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Al-Salam Institute

Al-Salam Institute

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In the last and final part of the webinar, Shaykh Akram answers some of the most pressing and common questions people ask before, during and after Hajj.
Questions answered:
00:04 - How do we offer Asr Salah in Hajj?
00:39 - The ruling on touching or kissing the Kaaba
01:41 - Overcoming the waswasa of not believing we have done enough in Hajj
03:31 - How to do Tawaf al-Ifada and Tawaf al-Wada'? And is there Sa'ee after Tawaf al-Wada'
04:31 - Can you do some minimal work activities whilst on Hajj?
05:18 - Can medical items be worn with Ihram?
06:30 - Surah Al-Nahl:120 Explanation of Ummah of Ibrahim
08:38 - When is the latest time to put on Ihram before Hajj?
09:41 - Do you have to sleep in Ihram? And can you change Ihram whilst in Ihram?
10:37 - Do I get reward of doing Hajj for someone else, such as my parents?
12:26 - Permissibility of using sun block, creams and cosmetics with a light smell
13:05 - Can we cut hair and nails in Dhul Hijjah?
14:52 - Do men have to shave their head, or is trimming sufficient?
15:42 - If someone makes multiple mistakes, does one payment of fidya suffice all of them?
16:43 - Should we prepare a will before leaving for Hajj?
17:34 - Can we pay for Hajj with a credit card?
18:18 - Can we do multiple Umrahs whilst in Makkah?
19:05 - For Hajj Tamattu, do we have to go straight to the Haram to do Umrah or can we freshen up in the hotel first?
19:41 - Can women change their clothing whilst in the state of Ihram?
20:52 - Hanafi conditions for combining Zuhr and Asr on the day of Arafah
21:39 - I follow a particular madhhab, what should I do if i have a question on Hajj while there and can't find a scholar of my madhhab?
23:05 - Can you combine between Tawaf if you're running short?
23:34 - Do hujjaj have to do qurbani?
24:29 - For Hajj Tamattu, we will do one Umrah, then go Madina, then return to Makkah, which Umrah counts as our Umrah for Hajj Tamattu?
25:29 - Intending Hajj or Umrah for another person who has passed away
25:55 - Do you have to give qurbani for family?
27:01 - Is there more virtue in staying in Mina until the 13th of Dhul Hijjah?
27:51 - If women become pure after their menses whilst in Makkah, do they need to go to the Miqat to put on Ihram?
28:36 - Should those not going on Hajj do qurbani in other countries as its cheaper and easier?
31:42 - Ruling on women taking medication to stop period during Hajj
31:56 - Can we spend some time in Jeddah without putting on Ihram?
32:24 - Is there any deadline for entering Ihram?
32:55 - Does a mahram have to cut a woman's hair after hajj?
33:11 - Can one household do one animal qurbani?
34:34 - Do you have to do qurbani when going for Hajj in Makkah?
35:32 - Can women go alone for Hajj with their own money?
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@ayesha.iqbal157 6 ай бұрын
جزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا Really appreciate the timestamps!
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