I bought in Hawaii, NYC and SF and they required me to buy other stuff for Birkin, Constance n Kelly. All the other bags are available without buying anything else. ( I live in SF ). One more thing, Constance is indeed avail in the airport duty free shop ( Paris and SFO ).
Hermes SAs in HK are always much much much too snooty and rude to new customers, therefore I'd never buy from them. My friend was set to buy a specific wallet, but their service anda attitude was so insulting and rude that she was so turned off and went to chanel and bought a wallet there instead. Why would anyone wish to buy something expensive and be treated that poorly? High end products, high end prices, worse than low end service. I feel like they're trying to say "oh we're exclusive and premium brand, so we make the buying process exclusive and difficult to reflect how difficult to buy here, so our brand will be seen as so exclusive", but if i'm going to be paying premium prices, who wants to be begging the SAs to buy something?
@belll33445 жыл бұрын
whateverwhateverwhatever exactly. I sooooo want to tell them, darling you work for the brand you don’t own the brand.... But again, there are enough women want to kiss arse of the sales. So don’t blame them looking down on customers because it’s the customers allow them so. 🤷♀️
@yan88763 жыл бұрын
只不過係你咁岩有一堆野鍾意而要買, 先會係短時間有累積金額紀錄。配貨只係一個terms,到最後要買birkin kelly constance, 呢d 額外銷費都係走唔甩,除非你去到其他偏遠地區既Hermes店,或者日本店,先會 " 有可能" 遇到呢d 百年難得一見機會。
近期市道不景,遊客少了,只要多去巡舖其實好大機會買到袋。 我上星期入手了 evelyne mini 真的無諗過在店內就有,仲要係GHW真心無法唔買的。 買袋唔好心急 我深信一定會搵到真愛 。 要享受去睇睇搵袋的過程 btw 利園 and 海港城店員工都nice的。
@willchow775 жыл бұрын
@jacquelinecheung34475 жыл бұрын
Must have shopping history if you want to buy B/K/C but no matter what shopper should have patience to wait. This is my experience when shopping in hk Hermes shop. Now I changed to shop in reseller which I can get the right product immediately. No need to wait.
I don’t have so much money to invest on this so called relationships so I just go to reseller but I do go to get some smaller items from the boutique and it’s always quite ok in Singapore. Malaysia hermes boutique is very rude
@elizabethwong70385 жыл бұрын
很有趣又漫長的購買經歷, 謝謝你的分享
@ClaraZeela5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing - I am also starting to buy things from Hermes but agree you need to buy things you want. Unlike Chanel there seems to be less things I like as the style feel more “mature” to me - I don’t mind paying a bit more for resellers but am always just too worried about fakes as there are too many.
唔洗,但聽朋友講過連picotin都要配1:1,少幾百都話唔得仲要配啲唔中意既野,我諗睇SA啦,我上次買一條twilly同一隻手扼,SA主動問我要唔要Lindy,我話我有唔需要(係xx站炒價買的26黑色銀扣),雖然貴但起碼條氣順同快手拎走,唔洗周旋咁耐。其實買H家既袋真係要有明確既目標同想法,我心目中真係Birkin or Kelly先值得配貨,有就有,冇就算,久唔久買下啲自己中意既野再佛系咁等。