Can't find the lyrics of this song. If someone knows where to find, please post here. My english is not that good to write/understand it.
@LexicondevilllКүн бұрын
Running now in circles baby Left behind your righteous mind Searching for forgiveness It is time to close your mind So afraid of this life Jaded by opinion baby Suffocated, inundated by the others outside talk And now that you've seen the light Angry against a wall of insecurity I find I cast a shadow on my way back To find a reason why I have seen it in your eyes Freeform flying undenying Pressure to be glitter wild Let me tease you Let me please you It's my will to change my mind And now that you've seen the light Angry against a wall of insecurity I find I cast a shadow on my way back To find a reason why Taught a long time ago to place the world upon my shoulders They'll never see the meaning of the words A little pity a little passion Sometimes you get it Never too much You give it all away And now and then and now and then You know it's over You look inside and feel the milk inside your pain And now and then and now and then ask why