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Happy D. Artist

Happy D. Artist

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@aurora6392 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I copy artworks quite frequently, just because I don't know what I like and what I want to draw. It helps me to figure out what I am interested of and of course improve my technical skills. However, I would never upload them or even dare to call them an original work.
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Yup! I think what you're doing is fine, since you're not uploading them or trying to benefit off of them :D
@ZiggiWillpower 7 жыл бұрын
Aurora As Happy says, copying is a way to practice and study someone's work. No shame in practicing! We all do it!
@zaisempai7267 7 жыл бұрын
If you want to upload your artworks just make sure that you put on the credits of the original artist. I also frequently copied arts too. Its not that I am claiming its mine. I am also putting the credits of the original artist.
@RaspberryBeee 7 жыл бұрын
I do the same thing and that help me a lot with my painting skills. I think this is a good way to pratice and because I never upload them anywhere, I respect the artist and his work. :)
@leledeed90 7 жыл бұрын
Aurora same here it helps learn and get better at art. It's my own personal thing I do at home. I don't show anyone or post anything. I think people should be allowed maybe just not post it and say it's "an original". Wanting to draw someone's art because u admire them is good. It's how we grow and learn to become better artists.
@eagleartist809 7 жыл бұрын
the worst case scenario isn't tracers, it's people who steal your art and post the exact same art just with a trademark of the art thief
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Ugh YES :(
@sammylewis1913 7 жыл бұрын
My internet is too slow so I can't load the video - but I thought it would be appropriate to ask here: I always see a lot of artists who post the work on Instagram, of pieces such as (I'll use a prominent example) Harley Quinn art works. I'm just wondering, because I do see them advertising that those works are for sale, are there any legal issues regarding copyright infringement etc. that those artists have to take into consideration? Because it is quite normal for artists to promote their work on e.g. Instagram of their art pieces directly using pop culture icons etc. and I just want to know if at any point this becomes illegal, or if it is - but because no one will enforce any liabilities, then all is well? I'm not asking out of malice - I've just sincerely wanted to know the boundaries of such situations... also sorry if the answer is obvious, I like the common sense to understand these things sometimes
@artsybre5343 7 жыл бұрын
Sammy Lewis I never post my art on Instagram etc because an artist took my art as there own and made money from something they said was there's but was mine. I tried to sue them but there was no "prof".
@candycatthirtyfour2199 7 жыл бұрын
EagleArtist someone has done that to me TWICE. IT'S SO ANNOYING
@maxwellonmars8627 7 жыл бұрын
deviant art is worse. if you get theifed you will only be able to see the year of its upload. THE FUCKING YEAR!
@ElysiaLloydJonesArt 7 жыл бұрын
I think it's okay to use an artist's work as reference if you are using a range or artists and pick out specific elements such as brush strokes, colour, mediums, etc from each one and then apply their way of working to your own work, this also helps to create your own style, picking out things you like and then making it your own in your own way
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Yup I agree! The more variety of art that you consume/learn from, the more you're equipped to come up with a unique combination that is uniquely yours! :)
@cynthiabrogan9215 7 жыл бұрын
Elysia Jones the last time I used another art piece (not including photography) as even a reference it was for the anatomy and wasn't even in the same pose.
@myrkflinn4331 7 жыл бұрын
Darnit... I already had my style starting a year ago XD it won't change whatever I attempt lel
@x_selestial_x5331 7 жыл бұрын
see I like the way you say it. I love happy D artist. so much I put her in a PowerPoint I did. she very much inspires me. I like to make pieces that are study's of the original work. I don't copy I use my skills. I don't want to ramble because this video is very opinionated and that's okay I love to hear how she thinks. (this isn't meant to sound mean I promise)💖💖💖 all the love.
@cheriesmith5140 7 жыл бұрын
Elysia Jones exactly.
@hullo9872 7 жыл бұрын
Why don't people understand the diffrence between INSIPIRATION and PLAGIARISM? I mean, its so easy. Dont you notice it??.. it's the spelling.
@johannastrand9597 7 жыл бұрын
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
@MissChelle 7 жыл бұрын
Happy D. Artist 🦋 thank you for making these look more like butterflies. I adore your work, however I have a moth phobia, I usually speed past certain sections of your videos. I loved this entire one! I didn't even flinch! ❣️🇦🇺🦋
@no6024 7 жыл бұрын
ozshell72 {Miss.Chelle.Aus} 9aye
@sammylewis1913 7 жыл бұрын
My internet is too slow so I can't load the video - but I thought it would be appropriate to ask here: I always see a lot of artists who post the work on Instagram, of pieces such as (I'll use a prominent example) Harley Quinn art works. I'm just wondering, because I do see them advertising that those works are for sale, are there any legal issues regarding copyright infringement etc. that those artists have to take into consideration? Because it is quite normal for artists to promote their work on e.g. Instagram of their art pieces directly using pop culture icons etc. and I just want to know if at any point this becomes illegal, or if it is - but because no one will enforce any liabilities, then all is well? I'm not asking out of malice - I've just sincerely wanted to know the boundaries of such situations... also sorry if the answer is obvious, I like the common sense to understand these things sometimes
@jusdarbaby 7 жыл бұрын
Using reference is considered inspiration and is not any kind of plagiarism. Plagiarism is when u take someone else's work and saying its yours. At the end of the day, everything has been heavily referenced or copied from something else. Nothing can be completely original.
@roisinnighabhann9752 7 жыл бұрын
Darien Mcconico preach
@jojoxoxo3901 7 жыл бұрын
@ollieslovelyworld6330 6 жыл бұрын
Its D.K.G. So I'm quite confused here, I really love Maplespyders (who is a warrior cat artist) artwork, I made things in my style similar to hers, I really love the way she draws eyes, the eyes are so beautiful and striking, in real life eyes are the first thing you would look at and she perfectly makes people focus on her characters faces with the striking, almost cold looking eyes, I make my eyes similar but I make sure that they aren't the same, her eyes are fully drawn where the eyes I draw normally would have no lines where a nose or muzzle would be placed, I also love the way she does fur, but I make it slightly different, where as hers is normally sticking up I draw fur relaxed on the body of the animal character, I make sure to not make it too similar and I never look at her art when drawing, currently I've been thinking that people wouldn't call this my style since it's similar to Maple's, I gave my characters skinner bodies which was from Finchwings style, only I didn't make my characters as flexible and as skinny as hers, I made my art have water color which was also inspired by her art since it give her characters so much light and makes them bouncy, I didn't take everything from one style and I kept my style a bit realistic aside from there skinny bodies, but I'm still doubting this style that I've merged together out of nowhere, is this stealing?
@bangtwitterandtwicetagram830 5 жыл бұрын
Ollie's lovely World this is extremely late but no, this isn’t stealing, just heavy referencing :)
@jenavevesnowolf13 7 жыл бұрын
I used to copy art all the time. it was how I learned. but once I got onto deviant art, I felt super bad if I posted any of it and would always make it abundantly clear that it was a direct reference and list a link of the original or state where I found it if possible. I've blossomed quite a bit over the past few years moving away from that and now my originals are almost as good as those copied pieces.
@cxsghcu 7 жыл бұрын
jenavevesnowolf13 this was exactly me too
@myrkflinn4331 7 жыл бұрын
DA isn't the best place to post at all. It's now adays used for weird fanart or fetishes... which pushed me off to ever visit DA as much as I used to did... I now more like come to youtube, patreon, twitch creative, etc to see some true art happening. I started off copying and redrawing things/people of life too.
@jenavevesnowolf13 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Deviant art still has some good content but you have to sift through allot of garbage and even porn now. I've just recently broke down and got an Instagram account. At least that keeps you in a community based on what you follow. KZbin has been a wonderful source of inspiration and allot of help with tutorials.
@jenavevesnowolf13 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion
@MickyWilburn 7 жыл бұрын
your paintings are always so bright and full of color. they really pop against my wall, they are the main source of color in my room now lol. I love this girl and her fluffy cloudy white hair.
@cheriesmith5140 7 жыл бұрын
Micky right?! Lol color porn
@blueskyline7560 7 жыл бұрын
What about characters from pop culture, like animated tv shows, video games etc? They are drawn by someone else and therefore technically their work, but they are very recognizable so most people will understand that it's not original. For example if someone where to post a drawing they did of Rick and Mortey and caption it "I drew Rick and Mortey". I'm not saying that I think this is plagiarism or I don't think this is plagiarism, just curious what people think.
@auzafatima928 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly. A lot of the fan art. Is quite similar. Wether it’s just sketches or it’s coloured over. I mean the colour used is about the same and the sketch is tried to make as close as it can be to the character or celebrity.
@myrasart3954 7 жыл бұрын
Well I have to admit I have used peoples artwork as reference for drawing noses. It's much easier to see how the nose works by looking at how someone else has drawn it so I can apply that knowledge to my own work in the future.
@bluehairedgirlyes.5618 7 жыл бұрын
I regularly draw pictures of someone else's art, however I don't claim it as my own. I just try to use it as a base to help myself practice changing things in it to try and figure out what I'm good at (: I always credit the original artist
@justme2673 5 жыл бұрын
Same but in my case i forgot to do that:( and now i get comments related to that even tho I then commented where i got it from but it didn't make it to top comment
@matthewschuman52 7 жыл бұрын
this painting is to die for! I definitely get the Ryden vibe from the colors
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@sheryllfeuerhelm8310 7 жыл бұрын
Very valid what you were saying the video. Wish you would talk more about reference photos vs. plagiarism, how to use references properly. I know you have kinda touched on the subject but a video on this would be great. there are alot of artist that take there own photos for refrence of a subject to have more realism. love your work and what you do!
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Great idea! I'll do a video about reference photos soon! :)
@musicinthematrix 7 жыл бұрын
I good tip is to ask the photographer if you can use their photos as references. I am always doing this because my watercolors tend to be very realistic in the way that I draw and paint faces. My experiences are always amazing, they usually love, and being surrealistic in my work, I give my own twist way to the creation and use the brushes and colors in a way that talks to my own self-expression. I use pinterest and especially instagram to find amazing works, but that depends on what you like to create. Also, being from Brazil I do preferer to find photographers from my country, that way I can chat with then more easily and I already met some of then personally :D
@morgothlotr1573 6 жыл бұрын
what you can also do for that is going to reference photo sites such as paint my photo
@earthlingtrinity 7 жыл бұрын
Happy D Artist- I just want you to know how astonishing your artwork is! It is just so beautiful! Thank you for the wonderful advice! :D Sending love, joy, & peace❤
@jaianna1985 7 жыл бұрын
I can't explain this but my art is soooooo much better when I watch your videos
@hex9200 7 жыл бұрын
ehditinghelp sameee
@georgeparasol8674 7 жыл бұрын
ehditinghelp same
@bangtwitterandtwicetagram830 6 жыл бұрын
@rhopalo2114 7 жыл бұрын
I think it's so cool how you always include butterflies or moths in so many of your works. Butterflies have always followed me around my entire life, and so it's cool to see how you incorporate them!
@dracomalfoy333 7 жыл бұрын
How did you gain the confidence to add a second layer without hesitation? I find it hard afding a layer im fear of ruining the piece. Do you have any advice or tips on this?
@AutomHatter 7 жыл бұрын
So, I started my very first oil painting about a week ago and at first I was a little nervous about that second layer too, worried I would smudge the first layer if I needed to wipe some new paint away because of a mistake or something, however I knew in my head that it would not wipe away, (because it was dry underneath) and just had to remind myself that if I were to somehow make an irreversible mistake, then I could go back later after it is dry and repaint that area. This helps ease my mind while I paint, because I am much more used to watercolor where those kinds of mistakes are usually not able to be fixed. =) Hope that helps!
@dracomalfoy333 7 жыл бұрын
AutomHatter Same with me. My main medium is watercolour. And I dabble a bit in gouache and acrylic. And I want to try oil painting but I find painting over a layer seems a little frightful. Since watercolour is suck a forgiving medium that if I make a mistake I could easily lift the paint. Do you mind me asking how you, as a watercolour artist, feel about the transition between watercolour and oil paints.
@AutomHatter 7 жыл бұрын
How interesting, I am opposite of you and find watercolor to be NOT as forgiving! hehe ^_^ About the transition, I think my knowledge and experience with watercolor has definitely helped ease the learning curve of the oils. I think the biggest transitions hurdle has been the dry time.... which actually might be a part of your anxiety with it. With watercolor you have to correct your mistake right away or it becomes permanent, but with oil, you may have to let that layer dry before correcting it (if wiping the paint away is not an option because of the location, or another dynamic of the picture) and painting over it. So it could be a bit bothersome to have to look at that mistake for possibly days before being able to fix it. Actually, your experience with gauche and acrylic might give you more of an edge for learning oil, because it is one step closer to it! Now, I am still extremely new to oil, so please take my advise with a grain of salt. =)
@dracomalfoy333 7 жыл бұрын
AutomHatter Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Your answers was extremely knowledgeable and helped me alot! It's true it will be extremely frustrating to see your mistakes and not being able to correct it. It seem that I will have to buy some quick drying solvent before starting to paint with oil paints.I could never bear to look at my mistake for longer than a day. Thanks again for the useful info!
@AutomHatter 7 жыл бұрын
My pleasure! Happy painting!
@shaunstapleton3197 7 жыл бұрын
I am glad to see a video like this put out there to educate people. I know I have struggled as an artist to make original creations in the past...but you are right, we shouldn't copy or anything like that!
@KreativeKill 7 жыл бұрын
despite how much you covered in this video, which has a lot of good points btw, theres still many specific points to cover on the topic of copying and inspiration. the thing is, even among youtube artists ALOT of youtubers still have reference photos as well as other artists work to help guide their own work. and its more of a matter of trying to remember what certain objects, poses, and faces look like and not trying to redraw or copy an artists work. an example is sara tepes work she always has so many photo and other references she uses while working on one photo. i know not using references at all is the ideal, and that using one piece of work as reference can end up becoming copying, but ALMOST EVERYONE i know uses references all the time. and i for one am finding a hard time trying to memorize how everything looks and only recently can draw my cartoons from memory (my realistic work is obviously not there yet. its insanely hard to draw from memory). perhaps maybe an updated videos on how to or not to use references would be a good idea. and remember Happy, you've gotten to the point where your faces have become built into your long term memory. Most people arent like that and probably would like a nice video on the stepping stones to get to that point, which would also help prevent copying artwork, etc. i am not trying to sound harsh. i watch alot of your videos. i just wanted to point out your level of proficiency, if you hadnt considered the extent of it, is incredibly high. most people copy to practice to get to that point. so drawing from memory isnt an option yet for most (and owuld probably be an option in 3 years tbh if they drew everyday. thats just an estimate)
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
KreativeKill yes I agree that using reference is crucial to improving!! All I'm saying is if you copy a single photograph too closely (without being able to combine many different photos or alter them enough to be your unique style) then it is appropriate to credit the source :)
@KreativeKill 7 жыл бұрын
yeah i got that. thats very true, i still think you should make a video about making inspired work for those in the art world who cant yet draw from memory. ive seen people confused about the topic elsewhere on youtube and i think thats the demographic that probably needs a video since its possibly a bigger demographic than those who can draw from memory and maybe even those who are just starting out. i just feel like those just starting out wouldnt watch arttube as much as those still improving. its just some ideas im throwing around. i agree with you on copying a single drawing tho, that should definitely be labeled copying and be labeled as such. i remember sinix saying something like writing copying/ not the original next to the drawing or painting. anyway, when i eventually start a proper art channel, this is definitely the specific topic i want to address. the artists in the middle are perhaps the most confused.( and the middle period is by far the worst time in the art journey. the beginning is so fun, then its a slog)
@Scorptique 7 жыл бұрын
I am afraid to create art as I cannot draw from memory, especially anatomy and poses, and if i get references... i am scared it might end up being labelled as plagiarism. The only way around it is taking the photos myself... but that is difficult especially if that object I want to photograph is physically not within my a bird not found in my country. How many "many" different photos are you referring to here? I feel confused :/
@jessicaharrold2635 7 жыл бұрын
Do not be afraid to reference. Do not be afraid to draw however makes you happy. Everyone has their own style, even if it is similar to others. Never be afraid to share it.
@tomosobi3603 7 жыл бұрын
raven scorptique every artist will tell you to draw from life. Anatomy posts on the internet are supposed to be used to help artists understand. Ive met many artists who look up anatomy and copy it just to practice it. I think what she's trying to say is to not completely copy the artwork (if it is artwork). Using a reference and copying it on your own time for your own satisfaction and practice is okay. Just don't try to sell it, or post it on social media saying that it was yours originally. Studying someone's style and how they do things can also really help. But just remember, an artists style is what makes them unique. So try not to steal it. Think of using references as a way to develop your style or art. Not completely copying everything for every art piece you make, but using stuff that you have learned from different artists and making a whole new style out of that. (Sorry I may have just rambled on :P)
@2004ale 7 жыл бұрын
I usually just use someone else's art as a reference, I don't copy every single thing, I just use the head, posture, and body as a reference on finding my art style, I then try to come up with ideas of what the theme of my drawing/painting is going to be like so I make a list of some items I like, and finally I start to create the drawing/painting, I really don't consider myself to be "stealing" someone's art sense I just use the posture and body shape (not facial details, or body details).
@aqualust5016 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to explain all this. As a new art student I'm learning that your portfolio and process work is your ONLY proof of originality, and is especially useful if you end up being copied down the road. Always keep your process work if it's something you intend to gain professional credit or money from. Still, I believe it's useful to "copy" work for the purpose of studying the development of an art piece. Just watching your video taught me so much more than working "back to front" as painters do. Great piece btw! My fiance would love something like this in our office/studio.
@EllieMandyArt 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Happy! I've personally never copied any of your work or any artist, but you're just an amazing artist and I love to listen to you and the sound of your voice is so soothing. I can't wait to see how you continue to grow and INSPIRE Others 💕
@thatanimationchannel783 6 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love your art style and the wispy feel + flow of the strokes
@shumakerart 7 жыл бұрын
Great video & lovely artwork!! I love her hair color and the dainty features. I remember in High School Language Arts, they would advise us to read a page for research and then close out of it and write a summary without looking at the page (and still credit it)... this technique works just as well for making art! I like to make a Pinterest board and close out of it and get to my sketchbook and then devise my references that way.
@BeingShweta 5 жыл бұрын
I don't have enough words to appreciate your work and skills. It's beautiful and finesse is astounding. Thank you so much for talking about such sensitive topic, it helped me and I'm sure it will help many others. Many blessings to you ...🌷
@rivkavanbreugel2500 7 жыл бұрын
You are my absolute favorite artist and I totally agree. You are my inspiration and I am making art inspired by you right now. I can't and never will copy you but I will take elements from your work, like flowers and girls but not in detail. Thank you for being the person you are and making me a better artist and person ❤️ . You are the reason that I get motivated to do art and the reason I really want to learn more and want to go to art school. Thank you ❤️
@bilamila 7 жыл бұрын
Totally correct! Hey, how did you choose the name "happy d."??
@giaonguyen3799 7 жыл бұрын
Camila Sinimbu it's her actual name 😂
@chaireko 7 жыл бұрын
I think Happy is her actual name...
@bilamila 7 жыл бұрын
@TheLittleMew 7 жыл бұрын
Camila Sinimbu aye siiir!! 😸
@chaireko 7 жыл бұрын
The Little Mew Happy from Fairy Taillll
@fathimahanan3436 7 жыл бұрын
What if your a fanartist and drew a picture of a celebrity? I mean its possible alot of people drew the same picture.
@xxsabv8524 4 жыл бұрын
Omg we have the same problem😆, im like " ok sure im going to draw this kind of skirt but changed", "wait people have drawn this skirt" Then i go to a corner imagining what skirt i could draw But then when i imagined it "oh that!" Then realize "wait i got that imagination from something" PLAGIARISM!, but is it plagiarism if like you change the scenery?🤔 but same pose🤔🤔🤔
@PoppyKiddo7 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. It has been a long time since I have painted. This is a great reminder and refresher.
@BocolatePlays 7 жыл бұрын
Everytime I watch/re-watch studio sessions or 30 days of art I always get inspired because of your art
@LarisaCarliArt 7 жыл бұрын
I loved this painting sooo much on your website but couldn't find a timelapse of it on youtube. Thank you for sharing it! :)
@mariaboschmanart2205 6 жыл бұрын
Yes and that is why the way that I draw I use a picture of the person and just draw however I want and it never actually turns out looking like them, so basically I just use a picture that I like of a person and take bits and pieces of it and if it turns out to look like them well then that’s great, so I hardly ever take someone else’s art piece and use it as a reference photo. This is great advice, and this painting is so beautiful I’m a huge fan 💜💜
@vivememorleti7117 7 жыл бұрын
When I was new to art, I drew other people's work in my sketch book to try to learn about different styles and ideas. But I'd never claim their work as mine. For me, it was just a learning curve. And that's how I ended up being good at drawing eyes and gore. You just need to use it as inspiration but along the way, create your own style.
@mikaylahealey7430 7 жыл бұрын
I'm actually really glad that artists make videos like these because when I was younger, I was definitely difficult of copying artists. But, it was mostly because I was trying to practice different styles, so that I could learn.
@GamerGirl9314 7 жыл бұрын
I also just wanted to say you are practically my idol... I'm constantly checking for a new video haha. It just amazes me how someone can be so productive and planned out. In your vlogs you seem to have a very busy life and manage your time still and I admire that so much. You're so dedicated to the life of art while still going about everything logically, in a sense of making sure you can live haha. I'm just so astonished of how one person can work so hard and do so much. I could try to do that but I end up staring at a wall for 2 hours if i sit down lol but I also do that a lot. I just really love your work and deeply admire your self-discipline. Don't know how you do it, but keep on doing it Happy. You're living your dream.
@cassius9975 7 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad I passed over this video. I will admit, in the past, i have copied a pose perhaps of the character (never traced!) and colored it to match my own character with a different background. of course, I always credited "inspiration" from the artist. After watching this video, I completely understand. I still do reference, though. not copying the position of the character, but perhaps the brush strokes or colours in the piece to get practice with such colors. if I ever am inspired, I still mention the artist I get inspiration from. I do thank you for mentioning this subject, as I can see it is an important topic to understand. :)
@shannahbanana 7 жыл бұрын
This painting is just so beautiful and amazing!
@GlitterandReverie 7 жыл бұрын
This is soooo beautiful! I love the brightness in it!
@Elina6236 7 жыл бұрын
I really like doing recreations or draw of other peoples artwork, sometimes they end up looking alot like the original piece, almost identic, sometimes it looks different but has some details or other things that still shows. Although, I do that simply for the purpose of exploring my identity in art, practice and also because I'm really not that good at art, but it makes me feel really good, just to sit and draw or paint, it helps my anxiety a lot. Also sometimes I trace lines that I've always had a hard time doing so that I can kind of train my muscle memory to remember how the lines are done correctly for say example anatomy, I have a hard time doing. I have never nor would ever post someone elses original artwork and claim it. I understand artists pain a lot on that, because I would never ever want someone else to get the exact same tattoo as me, if it was a piece I myself together with an artist originally created. I love your art so much. Thank you for sharing your opinion/facts.
@solveigfrank 7 жыл бұрын
I think "copying" like specific handposes or bodyposes etc well more like using it a reference is fine if u got some problems put it into ur drawing i do it myself quite often i rly having issues with putting my original idea from mind to paper once i gathered all the refs i need to get my idea to work i start sketching while using in my case i draw on ipad pro having few folders with refs, stepbystep sketchbases etc and still creating my very own original drawings o-o but there r thos kind of ppl ..copy-upload someones art 1:1 and call it their own r the worse..
@angelshavepinkhair 7 жыл бұрын
When I am drawing, I browse through different artists and artworks to get inspired and have some references up for the sake of it. I don't think combining some elements through different references is a bad thing or even considered copying. While I disagree with that part of your opinions, I think it's important what you said. There's a line between plagiarism and inspiration that we shouldn't cross. Having references up can be of great help for artists, to improve their style and skills.
@roralyn 7 жыл бұрын
Tbh, the art community is so harsh. I've seen a lot of artists get bombarded by accusations of stealing things from others though they did not. And if it's not that, then you're faced with hate. I'm happy I'm invisible... (P.S: this isn't about what this artist said, just the community in general...)
@joannakwon7032 7 жыл бұрын
I got disqualified from an art competition my freshman year of high school due to plagiarism, and it wasn't even intentional. Fortunately I've learned the difference and I won't do it again! I'm glad you made this video
@starlitsky4156 7 жыл бұрын
I love this painting so much! beautiful
@freyaahidk509 6 жыл бұрын
Yep...I'm guilty to nearly all of these & I'm new to art. Thankyou for the information... your channel has helped so much!
@grass7245 6 жыл бұрын
I love this piece most! So Preetty!
@mariesart6491 7 жыл бұрын
I don't do oil painting but really love your channel and art work !!
@lisapauli3640 7 жыл бұрын
do you think it is okay to copy colour schemes? If the subject matter is entirely different from the reference but the way the colours are used is copied from someone else, would you still say it is plagiarism? I think this is probably in the grey area
@berryzem 7 жыл бұрын
You could say it's a bit iffy. I personally think it's okay because you could think of it like paraphrasing. The (artist) source doesn't own the words (color) and they can be used to convey an entirely different meaning in your piece. At the end of the day, when in doubt, credit the original artist. At the very least, you will be spreading the word about an artist you admire.
@pnkemoji 7 жыл бұрын
nah lol as long as its not exactly the same i think its totally fine.
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah that is hard to say haha. I think maybe if one artist is known for their very unique color scheme and their color scheme is their signature/defining feature of their style, and you want to study it, it's not bad to give them a little love/shout out. But if someone else painted blue skies and green grass and you also paint blue skies and green grass, then maybe it's not that necessary since it's quite a common color combination haha
@lisapauli3640 7 жыл бұрын
yeah I guess if someone is particularly known for the way they colour it wouldn't be a bad idea to credit them. But then again you can't reinvent colours entirely and there are only so many possible combinations you can do that you are bound to have similar colours to other peoples work. I definitely think it's a very interesting topic of discussion about where plagiarism starts with colouring.
@olgahein4384 7 жыл бұрын
Still, when you make a drawing/painting completely in different shades of blue, you are NOT copying Picasso ;)
@bpanini_head5415 7 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful 😍 And I also liked how in the video you explained the differences between the three and that in some cases are okay
@anna_conda1222 7 жыл бұрын
In love with this piece ! You're blending is amazing , and I totally agree.
@munchia- 7 жыл бұрын
Finally someone gets it! Too many times you hear people whinning about other people using inspiration from an art style. I don't care what anyone else thinks... art styles are fair game! Like you said though... copying someone's image without making their own original piece with whatever art style they were inspired by and then posting it is wrong.
@spiritedkate 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry, this question is not related to this video but I was wondering how you embellish your prints with glitter. Do you use some kind of acrylic medium or glue? And do you use a fixative or not? Btw I LOOOVE your art, you're very talented, I love you!
@jennysoulsofabundance2380 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for discussing this I think you explained it really well. I am in my mid 50s and am a textile artist, have taught myself many fine crafts, but have never been able to draw or paint at all. At the beginning of last year I developed this urge to finally stop saying I can't draw and to just try. You are one of four artists on You Tube that have given me so much to learn from, and to be inspired by however I adore my garden, mother nature in general, most kinds of fantasy elements, many things metaphysical and my two most favourite artists ever John Waterhouuse and the amazing Alphonse Mucha. You and your vlogs are amazing I can't wait until the day comes when I can post a piece of my own work as GOOD piece of art lol. By the way many of your vlogs such as this one relate so well to me in my designing and creating world I am constantly thinking YES I can soooo relate to that situation lol.. Anyway thanks again :)
@MrMeooowie 7 жыл бұрын
Great explanation. Can you show us how you blend the skin so smooth??
@Karen-uu5fj 7 жыл бұрын
Great topic :D (This is a compliment it just comes out random) so beautiful painting
@FoxtailFeather 7 жыл бұрын
Ok, this is a genuine question, no sarcasm intended. If someone saw this piece of your's and really loved the butterflies in her hair and decided to incorporate that into their own work, would you call that plagiarism, copying or inspiration?
@RenStrawn 7 жыл бұрын
I'd say inspiration. As long as you do what she said and put the artwork away, and then incorporate the elements that you like. Butterflies in your painting's hair is an element, but think about what you can do to make it your own! For instance, don't draw the same butterflies that are in her painting, go on google images and find different ones. Then you're only using the element of the concept and not copying anything. ^^
@noname89325 7 жыл бұрын
Lauren Strawn But then again your stealing from the photographer, right?
@RenStrawn 7 жыл бұрын
If you think that every art piece that references a photograph is theft, how do you propose that people learn anatomy, figure out the right way to pose something, or really learn to draw in general? With that logic, just about every painting/drawing is theft. Photographers don't get rights to designs in nature when they photograph someone. If someone takes a picture of someone standing up, that doesn't mean that no one can ever draw someone standing up because it would too closely resemble that photograph. With your logic, wouldn't photographers be stealing from real life? That just doesn't pan out.
@LDXReal 7 жыл бұрын
Foxtail Feather i think if they copied the butterflies on their own, it might not, but if they did the whole painting the hair the face the butterflies, and saying it was their own, plagiarizing
@morgothlotr1573 6 жыл бұрын
That is in fact copyright infringement and illegal you can be sued. instead get the images from copyright free sited such as paint my photo or pixabay ( always reverse search images to make sure they are not actually from national geographic) . There is a difference between studies and works of art. A study is were you learn and work stuff out like anatomy. The most used method both modern and historical to learn to draw is life drawing not photos. Traditionally you would hire a live model. So that is really an entirely different animal from what you are proposing happened. Please stop stealing from photographers, after all how can we say that our art should not be stolen if we steal to make it.
@NoemiCaraballo 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with the part that one must reference and credit anyone from whom you have used information to apply to one's own work. It is called "reference material," a method used by all education institutions! A person, or any living thing, with any level of intelligence, imitates or "copy" to a certain extent a behavior or skill in order to learn, i.e. all living creatures - humans and animals alike! The problem and ethical issue is when you use that reference for personal gain -- that is a flat out No-No! The way you are addressing this issue shows more of your personal feeling about anyone using or copying your work. It is ok, and it is your right, to request that no one use your work as any type of reference rather than masking it with and educational intention, that I consider preposterous!!
@AutomHatter 7 жыл бұрын
Yesssss! New art video!
@kristinatinalazic4871 7 жыл бұрын
Love your work!!! ♥️ I'm still a beginner with drawing and painting. Any advice for keeping at it until you're finally happy with your work? Advice for finding your own personal style?
@Lily-vq2mx 7 жыл бұрын
Great, great video. Good topic, great art! I have done this in the past (never posted it of course) and I have already stopped of course though.
@gsagadin 6 жыл бұрын
I have had students copy me up to and including my signature. eeek. strange. It is maddening. I am inspired by your work. Thank you!
@sharonsparkles7176 7 жыл бұрын
Omg that's such a pretty painting!!!
@Isabella-vm3ir 7 жыл бұрын
Wow this painting came out beautiful!
@jungkookstimberlands2250 7 жыл бұрын
this video helped soo much!~ i just find inspiration so hard to find.... do you have any advice???
@juprila2425 4 жыл бұрын
And then there is me. I don't know if I cross that line. I use many pictures as reference and try to combine them. I like Star Wars, for example, then I use certain scenes from film & series to find a nice pose and instead of Anakin or Obi-Wan (or whoever) I just put my OC in. Is this inspired already or is this already stolen? I do not know.
@itzsopretty 7 жыл бұрын
Hey happy!. Mark Ryden is also one of my favorites. I love your work and use of color. do you ever think you will do more than just girls, or the character work you've been Doing? I'd love to see more from you. more backgrounds with your work.. mermaids, unicorns, lol!!
@adelegilesart 7 жыл бұрын
Very informative! Really this this soft colour palette you have gone for. Also the pink around the eyes and cheeks looks lovely!
@Tamagojani 7 жыл бұрын
Your art is such a big inspiration! Im always so excited when i get up and see that you posted a new video. It makes my day so much better right in the beginning
@merveilletheartist 7 жыл бұрын
hi :) I wanted to ask what kind of camera/general equipment you use for filming your tutorials? if you have already mentioned it somewhere would you or anyone who is reading this send me the link to this information? Would be highly appreciated.:). I love this channel. Very inspiring in so many ways. Keep it up ☺
@noradennis4361 7 жыл бұрын
What my art professor told us is if you are copying another artists work you put AFTER Da Vinci, or AFTER Rafael. But you let the viewer know that while you may have painted it is a copy of someone else's work. By the way, your painting is lovely! It's nice to see young people using the old school way of creating an art piece rather than using a computer program. You're very talented.
@maceyloubrown 7 жыл бұрын
I love this painting so much!! 💖💖💖💖
@kellybowman479 7 жыл бұрын
Happy D. Artist is my favorite artists. I really want to buy one of her prints, she is so talented.
@mikaylabrown4267 7 жыл бұрын
Omg your painting is amazing it looks so smooth 😍😍😍😍
@dymonddozen 6 жыл бұрын
Okay so I saw a photograph and I painted a figure that looked like the person but in my style (very abstract) and directly linked the photographer's info. I also was inspired to make more pieces in that same style. Was I wrong?
@businesszeus6864 7 жыл бұрын
6:40 Well, when I was 12, I used to print picture, trace the big lines on another paper and try to do the shading myself But, I never claimed it was my own and I did that to learn how to draw certain things (example: eyes, hands, animals, hair, different body shapes (because not everyone is the same) and boys, etc) I know this is probably a part or learning art, though I'm 15 now and I have a lot of ideas, though I only start to make them when I find a reference picture with something that makes them only more complete and that fits into the feeling I want to give Sometimes, I do take a little something to place it somewhere else (I never do do the same scene) however I always try to make it different
@NgaNguyen-pc4nr 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Happy, I’ve been trying to re-paint your painting(s), as I just started to paint with oil a couple of times and followed you on both youtube and patreon!!! Hope this doesn’t mean plagiarism because this will be for my own reference/practice :P Your paintings inspire me a lot! I’m in my 30s so hopefully it’s not too late to start painting. Thank you for sharing your works! They’re beautiful!
@NgaNguyen-pc4nr 6 жыл бұрын
ahh... by the way it seems impossible to paint like you do :’(
@ThaoNguyen-us6fh 7 жыл бұрын
I ❤️ Happy D Artist- I love your art so much😊❤️- I love every topic you talk about - your videos are so inspiring
@suchatimeasthis1958 7 жыл бұрын
I see this all the time especially in groups on FB they post their art and say "I was inspired by a PICTURE on the web" and they show original artwork along side of their art and it is definitely copied with no name of original artist. someone will post please post original artist, so in comment section they do but it is not with the picture of artwork. I always wondered if this was wrong to do or not. Being new to painting i want to learn as much as I can and do the right thing. Thank you for this video you are very kind in the way you put it for people like me just starting out.
@christineingram55 5 жыл бұрын
So true..I learnt from a kid drawing cartoons from comics ..did not look much like them at first but got better about 9 yrs old lol..but then I was doing my own silly caractures and all sorts ..but no matter what I draw or what you draw it has you all over it which is your style ..This has turned out beautiful..she has a gorgeous face and the grey white hair makes her very her 😀
@klaudialacayo2333 7 жыл бұрын
Always love your advice!!!☺
@MissChelle 7 жыл бұрын
Wow the challenge vids were awesome. Well done 👍 everyone!
@erynrasmus 7 жыл бұрын
I take art classes and I'm at at the so advanced level that I make my own artwork. I have started making my own artwork for my high school portfolio, but in my classes, we use photos just online. We do this just to get used to using the materials and get better. I have a Instagram and most of the art is painted from a picture online. Should I delete them? When I'm older I'm definitely planning on deleting them and just posting my own work, but what about now?
@deimanteganyte1904 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't need notifications 'cause I'm always on KZbin :')
@aleksandrapiligriu7314 7 жыл бұрын
you're so unoriginal...this comment is in all the youtube videos so just say sth else omg this video good and the painting is so beautiful
@KingDayDayDay00 7 жыл бұрын
Alexa yeah what a plagiarizer
@HORIZONNNN 7 жыл бұрын
Deimantė Ganytė I found a follow YOI fan!
@nyansutorakiOwO 7 жыл бұрын
Your comment is unoriginal as well. It's also petty. If you don't like what they commented, then don't try to fight them. You aren't any better with you unoriginal dog filter. Stop being vacuous and you don't have to agree with people, just respect them and their opinions. I know you're going to say: "You're unoriginal as well for disobeying your own preferences." In my defense, I was defending someone. So don't even try it, honey.
@leekfoxyt7035 7 жыл бұрын
Kayurata They didn't try to fight him you guys are taking this to seriously,man!
@alyssapenner3924 7 жыл бұрын
great job explaining this !!! Yes I will use this video next time I want to educate someone on this topic. Thanks happy d!
@sammylewis1913 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Happy D. Artist! I'm really sorry if you've covered this is any of your other videos but (also if anyone else has an answer feel free to comment) my question is more of a yes or no type! Question: If I were to use a character such as Michelangelo's David, yet stylised it in a way e.g. with patterns and flora - would it be considered plagiarism even if his work is over 70 years old (public domain I think) if I were to sell prints/the original of my appropriated version? or if I were to just draw a picture of the sculpture of David by Michelangelo and sell that, or prints of it, with no added stylistic elements of my own, would that be considered illegal? (I just used Michelangelo because he was the most famous example I could think of - but I also was implying works that were several decades, to centuries old - like Da Vinci's works etc) - Is it okay so long as I don't claim that I was the original artist for the concept of Michelangelo's David, in that I didn't come up with the design of "David" itself?)
@BleachFactory 7 жыл бұрын
I'm so excited to see you paint the piece I fell in love with when I first saw it and I love to hear your opinion on this topic
@thatbookie870 7 жыл бұрын
Hello I am new to the art world and I was wondering if you use a photograph and turn that into a drawing or painting is that still seen as plagiarism or is it a reference?
@nomerompanlasbolasjaja3711 7 жыл бұрын
Me dan muchas ganas de dibujar cuando veo esto! wow ^^
@eleonora2942 7 жыл бұрын
Another amazing video! I love the colour you used for her eyes ^^
@childofthesnow7198 7 жыл бұрын
I like drawing landscapes so I have been working on faces which is an entirely new concept to me. I will look at KZbin videos and not copy but watch the video and try to emulate the angle at which the faces are positioned .I do not trace or print out the picture. Should I claim the art as my own?
@alyssakaatmann1880 7 жыл бұрын
What kind of camera do you use to record your work? I am hoping to start an art KZbin channel like yours, but I don't know where to start!
@lieseloth.6161 7 жыл бұрын
Loish really inspires me. Especially the way the hair flows in her art style. Like ribbons, but in a very unique way. I now also create that ribbon effect to even make sloppy sketches look interesting. I don't copy. But sometimes use some of her pictures as reference when drawing bangs. I k ow that once I mastered it I won't need the pictures anymore. But I still feel guilty... Help.
@myrkflinn4331 7 жыл бұрын
It's inevitable really, because I do it too. I use several refs from google for instance or some from artists and use their way of drawing in my work, but not fully.. still, I feel guilty because now adays, copyright claims are everywhere, even for the dumbest and smallest things.
@MargoProductions 7 жыл бұрын
you shouldn't feel guilty at all!! it's still your work. there is absolutely nothing wrong with referencing other artists and learning from their techniques. it'll help you figure out what your preferences are and subsequently develop your style as an artist! :)
@audreyh6628 7 жыл бұрын
If you feel guilty, that's your conscience telling you that you are copying. You basically just admitted you copy aspect of their work directly. Even if it is just one element of a bigger work, you are still stealing that concept
@roisinnighabhann9752 7 жыл бұрын
You do you , all art has been done before !!. as long as you enjoy your work that's the main thing but don't forget to give credit where credit is due and youre good :)
@LordofFullmetal 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly, copying ASPECTS of an artist is how most artists create their own style. It's impossible to create anything truly original, because there's an upper limit on human creativity. As long as you're incorporating those aspects of another's art with your OWN, to create a different style, it's really not fair - and can be hypocritical since again, MOST artists do this even if it's subconscious - to call that plagarism. That's just being possessive of something that never really belonged to you in the first place.
@asmi3424 7 жыл бұрын
I often copy other artists work... I have done a line art of someone else's drawing and coloured it in as well. But I never put it up on social media. Those were because i was too uninspired to draw something on my own and i wanted to practice colouring. But I do have a question. I have seen an artist's work and the process of work and tried to understand it and apply it in my own. Would that be copying?
@missmayfair2716 7 жыл бұрын
I love this piece, the girl almost looks like her eyes are puffy from crying, even if this was intentional it adds so much to the painting...
@hecateart1982 7 жыл бұрын
I make copies of other artwork often as well (though I don't post them) because I'm trying to find my 'art style' I guess? Which I still don't know how to develop. Any alternatives or tips?
@0junipersknott034 7 жыл бұрын
Would it be considered copying if you have the piece up to reference the skin color to try and get a similar skin tone? I am a young artist and I was wondering about that. I have not done it but I was thinking about trying it to help get more accurate skin tones.
@sgtfullmetal 7 жыл бұрын
is there a way to like see the piece you're working on in a new way while working on a traditional art piece like flipping the canvas on digital?
@Fernnanda 7 жыл бұрын
hello !! What oil paints do you start to use when you started as painter? im beginer at this and i really love your work, can you tell me?
@hannahhannarig685 7 жыл бұрын
I have a question:I love painting on my eye lid and I think you could call it makeup art (?)...It is quite challenging but can I use one of your paintings as a reference?And if it turns out fine I would love to post it so you can see it...Would that be okay or not?I totally understand if you don't allow it ♡ :)
@amandaalicea3837 7 жыл бұрын
This has been something I’ve been Wondering about for a while now. Would you classify this as plagiarism/copying or being inspired? -one artist I really like who does landscape within a persons face. I really love that, if I were to do that but change it it with my personal style of doing faces which differs a lot from this artist style what would that be considered?
@bella-cf4rb 7 жыл бұрын
can you talk about how you go about getting/using references for a piece without copying anything
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
What I do is come up with a concept sketch without looking at anything, and then I use many reference photos and I alter/combine many together to make something entirely original. This may be hard at first when you're just starting out, so there are many options to find "royalty free" photos (aka you're free to copy/reproduce them) if you want to copy something 1:1 for practice. You can also use photos that you take yourself! :)
@bella-cf4rb 7 жыл бұрын
Happy D. Artist if you could make a video showing how you do it I think that'd be very useful to new artists. I think the biggest problem is not knowing what's considered a reference and considered copying. or not knowing how to put multiple references together. For example I can draw and paint very well if I see what I'm drawing but its a lot harder to know where things go when I'm not looking at anything. I'm talking from pictures not other people's paintings. But it can be very confusing especially if you're just starting to take art seriously.
@HappyDArtist 7 жыл бұрын
Noted! Added that to my videos list :D
BAD ARTIST HABITS (& how to avoid them) 🎨 Studio Sessions Ep. 22
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Happy D. Artist
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Inspiration vs Plagiarism
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Happy D. Artist
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