You're more than welcome!! Thanks for watching!! :)
@multiHappyHacker5 жыл бұрын
interesting to watch
@bluehandsvideo5 жыл бұрын
Thanks. The next vid....who knows when.....will have the thread milling content. It still amazes me when I watch it. lol :)
@weldmachine5 жыл бұрын
Hey Mike Nice work on the machining. Second time round worked out for the better. We are all wiser after the fact, that is true. You do a great job for what you have available machine wise. Reading the Description. Noted that you are stopping work in general from what i read. Is there any reasons why. And what for the future, other than KZbin video,s ? I will keep watching and see what your plans are for the future. Peter.
@bluehandsvideo5 жыл бұрын
yep...shutting down. There's not enough money in it to go legit and if I don't go legit, I can't properly protect the house. I never really wanted to do all the production.....only the prototyping. If I can find an outlet for my designs, great. If not, I'll still be designing and creating new stuff, but only for personal use and youtube content. I've got a ton of video to get caught up on, then I'll concentrate on some new projects. :)
@weldmachine5 жыл бұрын
@@bluehandsvideo ( edited for the correct spacing in my paragraphs, lol ) Hey Mike. It,s the right decision if it,s what makes you happy. At the end of the day. Your need to enjoy what you do. The MONEY ???? Unfortunately is the driving force behind every choice we make. You never know what the future holds for you. I always believe One Door Needs To Close, For Another To Open. Thanks for letting me know where your at. Very much appreciate your reply. And Wish you all the Best for the Future. I will keep watching. Peter.
@bluehandsvideo5 жыл бұрын
@@weldmachine Thanks Peter! I'm planning on....hoping to....looking forward to.....doing more prototyping and design work. I've got quite a few things waiting in the wings that I've wanted to build/make for years and haven't gotten to them. Hopefully, they'll make for some good youtube content. My plan is to put my efforts into the YT channel. The work I do there only has to be done once and it will continue to pay. The parts production only pays if I continue to make parts and then only if the market continues to want them. It's a part time job with an unknown end date. I'd like to find an option where someone else takes over all the production and sales and I just get a small "commission" on the sales. The commission would basically just be a royalty for the design use since I never actually make anything off that. We'll see what the future holds. Everything is still in transition and may take some time to get worked out.
@weldmachine5 жыл бұрын
@@bluehandsvideo Hey Mike. All Good things in time. It seems you are in limbo at the moment. Which is a good thing. Because this gives you time to decide what to do next. But saying that, sounds like you have some direction of what next. Parts Production ???? Is a Love Hate thing for me. You put a lot of effort into a part hoping it sells well. Then customers ask you to do it cheaper ???? I Hate Manufacturing. Designs that don,t get paid and prices that always need to go down. But need to improve Quality, LOL. It,s good though, as i can keep watching and see what happens next. Thanks for your reply. Always appreciate the conversations. Peter.
@testyourdesign2335 жыл бұрын
Lol we've all had those days but I usually just do as Mr. Pete instructed... "Just walk away and try again tomorrow. There is no use in continuing any further." Massive chips were awesome to watch but what happened to the coolant?
@bluehandsvideo5 жыл бұрын
I basically did walk away. I think I mention at one point about the grief from yesterday.....or maybe that got edited out. I'm running mist coolant. you can usually hear it more than see it. Thanks!! :)
@chrisstephens66735 жыл бұрын
Still doing your bit to end the world shortage of Aluminium chips, i see.😉
@bluehandsvideo5 жыл бұрын
I did that machining over a year ago. LOL I've got 4? bags of chips sitting outside for the scrap guy. I'm shutting the shop down to part production and outside work, so my chip production should drop off drastically!!! Sorry. LOL