"the issue is that viegar is 2/6" - smites scuttle while drag is coming up 😭
@reddd76-g9fАй бұрын
32:00 "still winnable" actually delusional lmao
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
at least i give it 100% nothing wrong with that, in iron anything is winnable you'd be shocked actually
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 agree. Never give up. NEVER. Every game even in gold plat is winnable. Everyone trow away leads or become confident for then trow away shutdowns and lose momentum. And it's the right mindset for lead the team too as jungler, not flaming them but be positivi with the never give up mindset! :) cool man
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@carloazzolini4860 yeah people in this elo could have threw that, life if our vig which is a scaling champion just put a little effort he could have went hard to be honest. Like scaling champion but just kept inting was a rip indeed. I was quite fed could get some good plays
@johnlord1134Ай бұрын
this is made my day lol
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
yeah lol it was quite the game
@KrazyCouch2Ай бұрын
Wait this is cinema 🔥
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
Not being hater but the flash thing is true. You waste them in a illogical way, when they are not decisive/needed or simply wasted. And...chill in general😂 Your calls sometimes are good, others have no sense. At 19.20 you can see nocturne go for herald. Missing mid and missing top ( so probably at herald too). You should have realized you were literally jumping in a 1 v 3 with a clear outcome....Mundo tried to help but he was behind and his gain was only being taken down in hp = worse position in his lane after the trade. Being so low he was then killed, was killed the mid that came to help him and if wasn't enought...you then came in again in a 1 v 2 baited from 2 low hp enemies( that became a 1 v 3 )only for give them another kill. So with that action you achieved: 4 kills for the enemy team, top tower for the enemy team, herald. in a case like this one....just check what's happening walking in with some care and if you see you can't contest, just don't! They would have gained ONLY the herald this way😮 Min 22: you see they are making dragon and jump in , same thing you didn't saw the mid was missing so who else could have been with the jungler😂 Was 100% at least a 1 Vs 2 for Maybe a lucky steal, maybe. Min 23: you engage on your tower believing to fend off 4 people? Just leave it and group at the nexus towers. The hinib was lost anyway. The team wasn't great but you have a big share for the loss in this game, realize this and start to chill ingame too. Blaming others won't make them play better but will have the opposite effect. Try positive enforce it's way more productive! By a support main 😂
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
sure not saying these things are wrong but I have objections for some of them. Im doomed if I make the play im doomed if i dont type deal. Like I go for dragon steal and we may have a chance or i dont even attempt at all? its not the team wasnt great they didnt want the win at all, thats the point. The other team was willing to go objectives, and as jg if i dont try the other team will just get everything anyways
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 it's the thing you have to work on. The decision making, understand when something is an acceptable risk/worth the roll of the dice or it's inting. The 3 examples I said were clearly not even an option. While some of your macro choices are really surprisingly good , others like this on are just the opposite. It's like you alternate great plays to just unreasonable intend ones. No middle way XD.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@carloazzolini4860 well if i dont go for it how can we win? things are only going to get worse, the only thing i could have done better maybe get top side fed since bot lane was dumb af
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 you have to identify a worth the risk play from the one that will 100% fail and make the situation even worse. Just be patient and a better opportunity will rise for make a comeback. You agree that in that scenarios your action was, objectively, going to fail? Maybe in the moment you don't because you are angry or feel pressure or whatever...so just chill. Good attitude will bring good attitude from team too
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@carloazzolini4860 in iron there is good chance i can steal it if the jg wasted smite or something, and my death didnt exactly cost us the game. I know the play didnt work but nobody on our team was going to do anything it was already a lost cause. I think it was worth the try tbh
@creak3293Ай бұрын
You were honestly doing pretty well until around 10:25 where you lost your lead and tilted as a result of it. I like that you ganked Yasuo at level 6, but you struggled to commit to the gank entirely, which made it completely flop. Since you killed Nocturne earlier and put him behind, it's safe to assume you win a 2v2 there. Either you gank and kill him, or you proc his ult and back away, you can't do both. And since you have Yasuo, your focus should be setting up his ult. One tip I can give you is not to engage with W (10:25 and 15:00), but to hold it until the after enemy reacts to you. In a situation like that, the best move is to save your W and E in case Swain managed to get out of your range, and instead focus on walking up and landing your Q so Yasuo can ult him, which will also hold him still so you can guarantee your W. It's the same concept with a lot of champions, Blitzcrank being my favourite example-if you have an important ability available, you're able to put a lot more pressure on an enemy than if you were to use it and miss, like how you wouldn't be scared of a Blitzcrank if his hook is on cooldown. Also, if you simply walk in and cut off an enemy and they Flash away, you still have your W and E to gap close and kill them. Also, one thing I learned that helped me reach diamond is to focus entirely on your own gamepaly and decision-making instead of what your team is doing. If a fight looks good to you, take it, and if a fight looks bad, do something else instead. You're not forced to int with your team, even if they flame you for ignoring them. If you think an important fight is going to happen soon (elder/baron/drake soul), prepare for it beforehand. Ward/sweep the area, ping your team to help you, and try to pick and enemy off before taking the objective. You can easily turn a 5v5 into a 5v4 or 5v3 just with a bit of macro. And focus on dying as little as possible, especially if you have a lead. The last thing you want is for an enemy to get 1k gold from killing you, and your death timer will be longer which can completely throw a game. I hope this helps!
@CJEXPАй бұрын
Bad flashes all over the place
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
time to ban any comments that refer to flashes
@nyoodmono4681Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 Do not mind them. These engage use of flashes is something low elos don't do enough, so i say it is one of your strengths actually, just needs to be refined. Your biggest problem is the macro, understand where you are at when at the game and what is the key to win, beyond the next vacant objective. You need more constant awarenes of what is going on on the map. You and the support ougt to be the ones that ping and ward the most.
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
@@nyoodmono4681 engaging with flash is super effective and good. When are needed or secure the hit/stunn/kill. A couple of time he flashed so far away to be again too much away for making something consisting. One was Vs swain that wasn't even overextended so he just walked to his tower. This flashes are wasted completely and waste them like this can mean= no more for escape later or a better engage. Some time he uses them properly while others are no sense. Like the decision making. The grub steal with kill of nocture at the start was so good and smooth. That nocturne on that moment really tilted for sure 😃 while other decisions gave enemy huge advantages as said in my comment...so need to ban the bad decisions not the comments XD
@BetoSanchez-c9gАй бұрын
People suck in Iron, you should be able to get fed enough to carry them. ignore your teammates and don't assume they will do what they are supposed to, theirs a reason they are in iron. farm, farm, farm and farm more and gank when possible. ignore loosing lanes. etc.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
I never do assume that, but sometimes it feels like you're fcked no matter what you do. if you farm they will troll, if you help they will troll. I believe alot of games are winnable, but alot are also not
@Rob-fs7tlАй бұрын
you wanna duo?
@Rob-fs7tlАй бұрын
SPAM PING your teammates to back and then ping something else for them to do. Instead of just pinging them to back. So ping back, and then ping a turret for example. Or ping back and then ping dragon. It works well.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
lets be real i dont think they listen to most of them anyways lol
@nyoodmono4681Ай бұрын
The main problem in this elo is that people do not know how to end esp. with baron buff. Maybe you should focus on towers and abusing split pushes. They often dont understand the concept of cross mapping, meaning that while the top pushes and forces multiple players to deal with, the other side bot needs to be pushed. Demolish rune is very usefull, maybe hull breaker. Alsocamping top has a huge impact, peolpe can not deal with handling a losing lane. gotta be carefull though not leaching too much xp top-.Also: ward more, you sit on 2 wards for long
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@nyoodmono4681 perhaps I should have just camped top side, I did troll mid a bit
@nyoodmono4681Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 Well i am only Bronze myself. But it is good to look back at a game and think of where and when could i have changed this game. You maybe had the tools. Top Mundo win condition before Trundle power spikes, or terrorize their jungler more? Saying that you won but your team lost is a banality. I find jungle is the most stressfull role. I like to play it in normals and test these camp strategies. But ranked can be soo frustraitng jungling, imo. 🙃
@carloazzolini4860Ай бұрын
@@nyoodmono4681 I lost so many games because a fed top just eated everyone else (that was performing good). A fed top lane depending ok the champ can just solo win. Maybe not a teemo that if get stunned is done for but some heavy fighters or so just roll over everyone. A fed Mundo could have been unkillable, as chogat, Nasus and so. A fed mid or adc can deal more DMG and delete people BUT of get pinned down alone or heavy CC you can manage him.
@Gam3rDougАй бұрын
"I won; my team lost" is like ... the reason? only if you are legit playing a 1v 9 champ and scaling can you actually carry a game by solo 'winning'. You are playing a team game. if your team lost, you lost. The mental is broken lol. and this is Iron - literally every single game is a coin flip. Half the time, my team has un-ranked people in it and the other half is smurfs stuck in their own Elo. It's just the nature of how ranked works. And riot wants your win rate to be literally 50% - so winning every other game is like ... by design.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@Gam3rDoug once one guy completely ints it shifts the odds quite bad. Not like I say this every game I said it this one because it was a disaster in team work and the othwr team worked together
@xF3AREDSnIpeRАй бұрын
ur way too old to be acting like this LOL
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@xF3AREDSnIpeR bro who do you get to decide, I get tilted playing a game like wow?
@xF3AREDSnIpeRАй бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 Please get help
@BetoSanchez-c9gАй бұрын
you need to understand when to drop objectives and ignore them. and just take your camps or their jglers camps. for example if your bot lane is getting destroyed. they have bot prio, you cannot assume you will get any drakes, accept that and don't go in 3v1 like you did many times this game. Keep farming and get bigger.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
I get that, but if i give the other team every objective and never try its also bad result. The other team worked well together tbh, having a none existent lane does make the game way harder. Not saying i was perfect but i was one of the better people in this lobby
@luchaticat3661Ай бұрын
Bad flashes, everywhere. "How to epic"? More like, "How to fuck up every single flash". L player, L all around
@georgidimov1111Ай бұрын
besides the fundamentals, this is 2nd or 3rd game I see you are playing xin, you are randomly leveling up spells with no priority, lvl 13 you put your 2nd point in R :D also you are doing your combo wrong, I mean holy fuck everything is so bad and fun to watch at the same time, but I guess watch a freaking 2 minutes guide on the champion that you're playing before everything else xD nice content tho
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@georgidimov1111 I’ve played him decent amount with higher then 50% win rate in past tho
@georgidimov1111Ай бұрын
@@SaucySarcasm01 Probably, cause it's iron.. Doesn't make it correct or "optimal" way of playing it. I mean if that's your "build" of the champion, who am I to stop you, I'm just noticing that every game you level up your spells in different or we could say random order.
@IvanLopez-mh1fiАй бұрын
this is mad? yo ever seen tyler1 or barbakhan? XD
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
@@IvanLopez-mh1fi well yeah could be more mad but I’d rather not lol
@pagnet1335Ай бұрын
Ima be real the fact you didnt help bot once is whats wrong. You can see that they are doing bad so why wouldnt you help them like what? No point helping top lane if he is winning his lane. As a jungler you should be helping the lane that needs it now the lane that is winning. And also your getting so tilted over a game... Remember at the end of the day its not a life or death situation just gg go next lol.
@SaucySarcasm01Ай бұрын
im not going help that vig, if you watch the game hes not even playing the game. ganking losing lanes is not what you should do at all, usually you try gank winning lanes