Interesting that it can provide a high pulse of energy, but curious about the efficiency. Since that today when battery tech has lots of attention its easy to imagine that low power but high efficiency would be more desirable, where engines/reactors/etc are run at peak efficiency and the concept of demand spikes may not be that much of a problem But still the fact that a pulse of energy can be obtained in a single component might mean that it can be really useful for small applications, like perhaps in cars, or maybe a mobile phone? Its amusing that its always material science that limits our technology, and advance in it means advance in a lot of stuff. Hats off to the scientists
@grandpaobvious8 жыл бұрын
Interesting science. How can the reaction products be removed so that the device may be cycled?
@anthonydunn7297 жыл бұрын
The fuel line just has to make contact with the material and it wics from there
@aspirativemusicproduction21355 жыл бұрын
Stuttering increases when nervous.
@absolutethinker77645 жыл бұрын
7 years later and not a single battery from this I have seen. Cold fusion?
@gabydewilde12 жыл бұрын
Best science fiction story ever.
@ThailandAmazing7 жыл бұрын
Nuclear waste? Could it be reduced? And used. ??
@isn0t423 жыл бұрын
It's largely just more fuel that current reactor technology cannot burn. Of the Uranium oxide contained in the pellets that go into the modern solid fuel reactors only something like less than 5% is used up before the pellets begin to lose structural integrity and have to be replaced. So if you had a way to reprocess those pellets, they are still 95%+ fuel. But don't trust my word for it, look it up.
@XenogeneGray12 жыл бұрын
The stuttering was annoying, but the science was amazing :) YAY science! Also, yay for being first :D