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Harry Potter dating door game l Philosopher’s stone edition

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𝚁𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚠 𝚡 𝚠𝚒𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑

𝚁𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚠 𝚡 𝚠𝚒𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑

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@Ravenclawxwiitch 9 ай бұрын
Hey! I have some questions for ya’ll. It would be nice if you could answer these as I am looking for ways to improve my videos! 🌸 1. Is my content in my door game videos too directed at ladies? (The clothes, the accessories etc…) 2. Are my videos aesthetically plain? (Is it just a few pictures on a screen? Could it look better and more exciting?) 3. Do you prefer calm music in my videos or music with lyrics? Thank you if you answered, I appreciate all of your support! 🌻
@sihyunkim7721 Жыл бұрын
Fred and George (Yes) McGonagall (Sorry those croissants looked nice) Gryffindor (Nice Books) Asked Hagrid (Although I would have liked to see Snape in pink) Gets Dizzy So I stand there and watch (NIce how this connects with the one before) Queen Catch up on homework 30
@iconicczz Жыл бұрын
Whipped up a story
@Ravenclawxwiitch Жыл бұрын
@iconicczz Жыл бұрын
@@Ravenclawxwiitch I love how ur always replying to me :')
@monkeymadnessplaytime4857 Жыл бұрын
Love it. It’s like I was there.
@Penguinispenguinispenguin Жыл бұрын
I used this song for one of my videos too 😊!
@reinafox7639 Жыл бұрын
I groan as I drag my heavy suitcase onto the train. Someone sees me struggle and offer to help me with my suitcase and introduce themselves as Hermione Granger. We soon become good friends. But on my first Hogwarts lesson, I met Professor Dumbledore and didn't like him. I dreaded his lessons. It is now finally time for the first quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor VS Slytherin. Even though my best friend is Hermione, I decide to cheer for Slytherin after much deliberation. I notice Harry, Ron and Hermione in class one day whispering. About the philosopher's Stone. I know what that is. Hermione asked me to join their attempts to protect the philosopher's Stone. I say yes. I help them out by accidentally finding myself on the third floor corridor, in front of Fluffy's door. When I enter the trapdoor and face the devil snare I try to wrestle it. When we enter the next room with keys flying around, I grab the key and open the door. Now it's chest. I hate logic games but still help out by encouraging whoever was in charge. After we decide that I should take run up to the hospital wing and get some free time are use that to study and catch up on homework. At the end of year feast I only get awarded 20 points because Dumbledore hates me.
@Ravenclawxwiitch Жыл бұрын
Woah! Really nice and detailed :)
@honeyuchimaki2665 Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to be a jerk, but it’s Sorcerer's Stone.. I still love this!!! And here are my Answers. And I’m not changing them after the answers are revealed 1. Draco Malfoy 2. Prof. Dumbledore. I’m sorry 3. Gryffindor. Funny I’m originally a Slytherin. This is fun 😀 4. You “accidentally” found yourself on the 3rd floor corridor, in front of Fluffy’s door 5. Remain calm 6. You stand near the door, as far away from the keys as possible 7. You were in charge telling people where to move. I don’t think this is going to turn out ok… 8. Lay in bed and do nothing at all 9. 10 (your still amazing)
@sillyrizz373 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos thank you! :)
@Lindoesart Жыл бұрын
tried to write something (sry English isnt my first language D:) I stood at the Platform 9 3/4 and looked at the train then at my suitcase which was really heavy. I groaned and tried to drag it to the train when two older students with ginger hair came over to me. As far as I could tell they were twins. They told me that their names were Fred and George and they helped me with my suitcase. We became great friends after that and then my first day at Hogwarts started. My first lesson was potions and I instantly didnt like Professor Snape. I heard many bad things about him from Fred and George and he also gave some weird vibes. At the first Quidditch match of the season I supported gryffindor of course! Mostly because Fred and George were in Gryffindor and despised Slytherin. After the match Hermoine Granger came over to me and asked me if I could help them with protecting the stone. I instanly said yes and I researched about it. To protect the stonewe also entered the trapdoor but we got caught in the devils snare so I remembered what I was told in herbology and remained calm to suprise of the others. Afterwards we got into a room with flying keys. I stayed on the ground and started to look around to find the right key. Because of that Harry got the key faster than expected! in the next room we had to play chess. I dont really enjoy playing chess neither I understand it but i enouraged the others while they were playing. Only two people could enter the room so I decided to take Ron to the hospital wing because he fell off his knight. FInally I had some time for myself and I chose to just lay in bed and do nothing after this long day. Due to our hard work we all got rewarded with 40 point for our house and won the house cup!
@Ravenclawxwiitch Жыл бұрын
Your writing is really good! I also read your other comment, and it’s funny how they kind of go against each other… Because you know… you don’t like Potions in this one and in the other one your favourite lesson was potions.
@Lindoesart Жыл бұрын
@@Ravenclawxwiitch yeah very funny
@cashcanter7449 Жыл бұрын
I walk my way up onto the train, noticing somebody to help me. Hermione Granger she tells me while arguing with her friends over silly reasons, we become friends and sit on the train introducing ourselves. We soon don't like Dumbledore, talking about it after class through the hall ways. Soon the qiuttich match starts, We are on team Gryffindor!! I accidentally find myself on the 3rd floor knocking on a door. I soon to be just remaining calm.
@TheHoddieChild1234 Жыл бұрын
fred and george, dumbledor, gryfindor, you casually ask dumbledor about nicholas flamels special objects, you remain calm, you start finding the corect key, you where encourageing who ever was in charge, play a musical instrament, 40,
@moonlightshadow6743 Жыл бұрын
I’m trying to carry my heavy suitcase onto the train. Two redheads see me struggling and offer to help me with my suitcase. They’re obviously Weasleys, I think. My parents have told me about them. Sure enough, they introduce themselves as Fred and George Weasley. I quickly become good friends with them, even though I know my parents won’t approve of that. At Hogwarts I get sorted into Gryffindor unlike my brother Draco. He’s a Slytherin of course. On my first Hogwarts lesson I meet Dumbledore. I don’t really like him, even though I have no reason not to. The first Quidditch match of the year is Gryffindor against Slytherin. I support Gryffindor, even though my whole family consists of Slytherins. But Gryffindor is my house and I’m trying to be proud about it. One day I notice Harry, Ron and Hermione in class whispering about the philosopher’s stone. Hermione asks me to join their attemps to protect the stone and I say yes. I ask Hagrid how to pass the 3 headed dog but he starts telling me about bowtruckles. When the time has arrived to enter the trapdoor, we first meet devil’s snare and start screaming. Eventually we get past the devil’s snare. That’s when we hear fluttering. The next room is full of keys flying around. I start finding the correct key. Harry finds it after a while and we move on to the next room. There’s a huge chess board. We’re clearly supposed to play chess. I hate chess and I’m bad at it so I can’t do much but I encourage Ron who was in charge of the chess game. At the end of the game, Ron is unconscious. Only 2 people are allowed to the next room at once, so we decide that I’II leave and take Ron to the hospital wing. After that I have time for myself and I just lay in bed and do nothing. We all get rewarded with 20 points.
@Ravenclawxwiitch Жыл бұрын
@sofiaventura453 7 ай бұрын
I’m struggling with my suitcase and Draco Malfoy helps me and we become good friends. I don’t like Pomona Sprout. I am on Slytherin’s side. I research about the philosophers stone to help out. When I meet the devil’s snare I remain calm. I encourage whoever is flying. I help out by shouting at people while I was doing the wrong thing. With the extra time I catch up on extra homework. I got awarded 40 points.
@garvioddis3696 Жыл бұрын
This story will also be based on results of the last video hope you enjoy [ WARNING THIS IS VERY LONG ] My life of hogwarts was fun. Despite loathing Snape I was really passionate on potions and became my favorite subject. After class ended, I was struggling while carrying a basket filled with jars of items that will be needed in my potion, bat blood, porqupine quils, snape fangs, spider eyes, butterfly wings, and so many other stuff cluttering the basket. Struggling by the weight of the basket while climbing the stairs, a ravenclaw girl, help me up by carrying some of the items in the basket and gone to the Gryffindor common room. As I made it there I thanked her and asked her name. She goes by the name, Luna Lovegood, and smiled at me while she was skipping her way to her common room. I was just standing there with a blush on my cheeks till the fat lady screamed at me if I wanted to go inside or what. I went inside and started to brew the potion that was due for tomorrow. The next day as I reluctantly gone inside the herbology class. Its not like I hated herbology, I needed to learn it so I can improve in potions, its just I dislike the proffessor teaching, Proffessor Sprout. "Come on [insert name] if you want to get better at potions, then get better at paying attention at herbology class." And I just frowned at her and muttered curses under my breath. Me and Hermione had a weird relationship with eachother. We met at the train to hogwarts and became friends immediately, but while spending time together more, it was more like friends but then enemies sort of thing. As I was crushing butterfly wings for my concuction, I hear Hermione and her friends, Ron and Harry, mutter about the Philospher's stone, then I told them I had a brief knowledge on what it was. Then Hermione looked at me and asked if I could help them find it. Widdle ole me, attending her first year at hogwarts, didn't know how foolish this was, agreed. Late at midnight, I sneaking my way back to the common room, with a jar of rosemaries at my hand for I needed it for my potions homework that was due tomorrow, I tip toed my way back till I heard Filch coming across my direction. My heart racing fast, I dashed my way out of there far from filch till I stumbled upon bucket of water at the hallway making a huge "clank!" sound. Now terrified of my life, I heard footsteps closer and closer, I ran away as fast as I can and entered a room. I spotted a door and tried to open it only to find it locked. Then luckily, I remember the charm Hermione taught me. I brought out my wand and whispered under my breath. "Alohamora" Ching! The door was unlocked and I entered the dark room and closed the door behind. I started to breath and calm my nerves till I heard something...snoring? I lifted my wand and whispered. "Lumos" as light shined through the tip of my wand. Then my face went pale as I saw a three-headed-dog lying there. It woke up and started to growl at me. I opened the door immediately and storm out of there not caring if Filch caught me or not. Luckily I wasn't caught and scrambled the password to the drowsy fat lady and the potrait opened. At breakfast, I told Hermione and her friends of what I just saw last night while laughing to myself. But Hermione wasn't taking this as a joke and asked. "Was it guarding anything?" Then I remembered it lying on a trapdoor and knew on what everyone was thinking about. Quidditch match came, and I forced Hermione to attend it instead of researching for hours straight. We reached the match and all of us supported Gryffindor and cheered the team on. After the quidditch match ended and having Harry added to my bucket list of the people I fancied. Hermione then told us the plan on how to enter and to stop Snape from getting the stone. Night arrived and all of us sneaked into the room, played music to the three-headed-dog and entered the next room only to fall to a bunch of devil snare. Screaming for my life, Ron then reminded Hermione that she was a witch and that she didn't need food to start a fire, then Hermione casted the spell "Incendio" and all of the devil snare went fleeing, while I was regaining myself. Then as we entered the next room, birds were flying swiftly around at the room almost hitting us, as Harry grabbed one of the brooms there and started to find the key. Then luckily I spotted the key and yelled to Harry where it was and he dashed towards it and grabbed it. He flew down immediately and unlock the door and we all stormed out of there. We entered upon the next room, and oh dear, for us to pass we had to win a game of chess, and what I know is that I wasn't the brightest of my family nor strategic either. I then told Ron to do it since he was the best at chess even when we were at home and encouraged him the whole match. After the winning the match, I insisted that Hermione and Harry will have to go to the next room without me because I needed to help my brother to the hospital wing. We all agreed and I was piggiebanking Ron to the hospital wing. As we reached there, I decided to write a letter to Mum and Dad that Ron was gonna be alright and assured them they didn't need to come here. I tied the letter to my pet owl Riley and sent him off to the Burrow. After seeing him fly away, I dozed off at the hospital wing only to be woken up by Hermione. Trying to keep my eyes opened, Hermione rambled the whole story to me and told me that it was Proffessor Quirrel who want the Philospher's stone not Snape, and how she cleverly chose the right potion at the next room and for the whole time kept boasting on how clever she was which made me plead for this to end.The ceremony arrived and the room hung Slytherin flags for they won house cup. While listening to Proffessor Dumbledore he suddenly made another announcement. "I have a few last-minute points to dish out." A total silence broke out. "First to Miss [insert name] Weasley, for ensuring the safety of her brother and carried him to the hospital wing, I award Gryffindor forty points." I went total scarlett and grinned brightly and Hermione and the others all applauded at me which made me even more red. "Second to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points." I started to applaud Ron and gave him a slap on the back of approval, and Percy ensuring everyone that Ron is his brother in pure boastfulness, but then the silence broke once more. "Third- to Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool logic at the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points." Hermione buried her face in her arms and I complimented her and applaud her aswell. "Fourth- to Mr Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty points." Tho that meant that Slytherin and Gryffindor were tied I gave a loud cheer of joy and applauded to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. But then Dumbledore still had something to say. "There are all kinds of courage, it takes a great deal to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Nevile Longbottom." Just as the quidditch match, the Gryffindors go wild and cheered to Nevile and shouted for joy for we finally won house cup, while the Slytherins groaned in defeat and the flags change into the Gryffindor flag as we all yell in glory. That was one hell of a first year in Hogwarts wasn't it?
@Ravenclawxwiitch Жыл бұрын
Woaaaaahhhhhhhhh… THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A STORY!
@nyrshano6087 Жыл бұрын
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