Every day, without fail at 2:30 am, my mom engages in prayer, a tradition passed down from her grandmother. I truly believe her prayers bring peace to our lives. Just a few days back, my great-grandmother received a dementia diagnosis, casting a shadow over our family. But last night, something incredible happened-during her prayers, she was assured by God of her healing. By morning, her mental fog had lifted completely. We all awoke early to express our gratitude for this miraculous recovery. Let us all praise His name for this blessing
@MUSICAxESPECIAL25 күн бұрын
todas las canciones navideñas son tristes y mas si te imaginas a james y lily bailar juntos
@welikefly16 күн бұрын
@MUSICAxESPECIAL25 күн бұрын
y pensar que james potter y lily evans bailaron por ultima vez...que pena
@MUSICAxESPECIAL25 күн бұрын
hay libros con las aventuras de james potter...creo que no quiero leerlo