I have 2 female Havanese... this video is true about their character and activity levels. They are very happy energetic dogs! ❤
@Kindwithin1237 ай бұрын
Love my Havachon!
@Quasimodo19577 ай бұрын
My wife and I inherited a 2-year-old female. She is quite entertaining and stands on her hind legs, runs through the house in a blur and makes these unbelievable leaps while running from the floor to the back of the couch in one fluid move. She loves lying on the deck in the sun but hates the winter and the cold. Scratches her bowls if she wants food and water and has a tiny whimper to get your attention that you think she's on the verge of speech. Oh yeah....no shedding.
@sjordan70853 ай бұрын
Sounds as adorable as my little rescue. Difficult to believe soneone left her at a shelter, she was so terrified, they claimed she would bite. She barely makes a tiny growl when she is afraid. She's the sweetest little creature anyone could hope for!
@denniscarver7681Ай бұрын
Love ours and goes both ways. Male / Female pups sweet.