I'd say piracy is morally not wrong after the consoles are no longer supported with no online stores or new physical releases and at that point then its morally correct. Especially since some games had less copies made and are being sold for a lot more than they are worth and none of the money from buying the game goes towards the game studio anymore.
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
I agree with this
@WernerVanWykgamerawesomes10 күн бұрын
I think you are the best KZbinr and some people are just full of nonsense I think you are the best streamer@@BigShirtGames
@AnthonyGonzalez-s2u9 күн бұрын
Do you sell the systems loaded like that. I would love to buy one
@AnthonyGonzalez-s2u9 күн бұрын
Especially a wii with all the game cube games
@Antman12011 күн бұрын
Being able to flip through the digital games like that, gets my juices flowing😮💨
@BigShirtGames11 күн бұрын
Ayo 😭
@CyPhaSaRin8 күн бұрын
21:46 not to be that guy, but my man, its not even that you can do that all on a pc, its that you can do it all on a pc worth probably 200 bucks american. i can emulate 360 just fine on a 3rd gen intel i7, thats a decade old pc, with a slightly better gpu, a 980ti, make it a 1080ti and you're laughing. However, depending on country, you CAN pick up a slim for $20-40 untested, 50-100 working. so while your point still stands, you don't actually need to drop a grand just to emulate. and real talk, if people can't come up with 200.. shit.. learn to trade up. i've been selling PS2 packs at 200 when i probably dropped 50 to get it.
@SDChargers932 күн бұрын
Yup current day PCs with a simple 1080 or 570 can emulate all or most games. Your not wrong
@austinbaccarie182211 күн бұрын
The biggest thing for me was game preservation. I did the RGH mod last month on my 360 and have been hooked. I even keep a backup of the ISO file for every game on my PC
@GrumpyIan11 күн бұрын
I sent my 360 in to get the RGH. Can't wait for it to play Xbox games I've never been able to play.
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
@itsAwesomeAngel2 күн бұрын
I have an rhg 360 & it's been great, playing delisted arcade games & dlc, play cancelled 360 games, being able to download a patch to play all original xbox games is awesome & especially because their are some mods that are only playable on rgh. I'm able to do more then a stock console. And at 2:58, you could've just said the esrb rating system but sure, let's go with what you said haha. Me getting my 360 rgh was the best thing ever.
@Kinglange075 күн бұрын
I use a rgh Xbox 360 as my daily driver and honestly I'm pretty fine with it the graphics are fine and the games are still fun
@Proven1811 күн бұрын
Great video bro keep up the good work man👍
@BigShirtGames11 күн бұрын
Thanks brother!
@IsaMasih11 күн бұрын
Awesome video bro. One quick question I just recently got a modded 360 and I was wondering for a few tips. What type of files do the games need to be in before I install them? ISO or another format? What software do you recommend to covert the files?
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
I would highly recommend having ur games in xex format you can convert them from iso using a program called iso to xex
@IsaMasihКүн бұрын
Where can I get a Daytona USA? I have searched and I can't find it anywhere. I missed out on buying it when it was still available on Xbox Marketplace. Does anyone know or help send me in the right direction?
@lukeyskywalker12519 күн бұрын
So is that like the whole 360 library how did you download it all at once and where?
@selfelected383211 күн бұрын
If I saw someone selling one of these, how much would be too much in US dollars, and what price would be right if I were theoretically thinking about getting one of these? Let's say one that was fully modded had no games. Let's say one that's fully loaded out and it has all the games, all the copies I own in my collection. Just asking for a what-if scenario in case I decide to get one of these
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Id say for a fully modded one no games dont pay anything over $300 usd unless they made some type of aesthetic modifications as well
@selfelected383210 күн бұрын
@@BigShirtGames Thank you I'm trying to learn as much about the stuff I personally have between 30 and 40 Xbox and Xbox 360 games I've always wanted to back up somehow I'm afraid of losing them forever due to disc rot
@Oni649 күн бұрын
I just got a PS3 Slim from the trash lol, works well, needed some cleaning and a new HDMI cable. Would you ever make a video on the PS3? I heard PS3Hen is the way to go. Im still researching the PKG's and RAP"s, ISO's, looks a bit complicated but easy at the same time.
@pabloescobar93702 күн бұрын
I bought ea’s Medal of Honor from like 2010 ish I can’t remember and Medal of Honor warfighter. I have been wanting to play them recently. Popped them into my series x and they wouldn’t play. I have a rgh3 modded halo reach slim 360 on the way. So excited to be able to rip those games to the 360 and play them soon
@Win_711 күн бұрын
piracy is a service problem and also its never stealing its always morally right to pirate from companies like adobe thats my stance
@GrumpyIan11 күн бұрын
Do also keep in mind it's something like 90% of the games ever sold aren't available to buy or download. I hope the game preservation organizations are able to break through in the government and actually make progress on officially preserving games.
@Win_710 күн бұрын
@GrumpyIan yea
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Ok i do have to agree with the adobe part
@yungfella6669 күн бұрын
Not to be that guy but dc and mortal kombat are both owned by warner so if they really wanted they could do a sequel or remaster but doubt it since theyd probably want more violent fatalities to make it more interesting
@BigBoss_249 күн бұрын
I want one with games I can pick how can I go about it boss?
@bladedsweep830311 күн бұрын
Could you add games to Aurora even if you only play with Discs?
@BigShirtGames11 күн бұрын
@nostalgicgamer1363Күн бұрын
Where can i purchase?
@GrumpyIan11 күн бұрын
It's called abandoned ware.
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Ive never heard of that term, thanks!
@GrumpyIan10 күн бұрын
@@BigShirtGames You're welcome. Here's the definition of it "Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, which can no longer be found for sale, and for which no official support is available and cannot be bought." It'll defiantly be a great talking point if you visit the topic again, also if you want to go down the rabbit hole with all this look up "Software Preservation Network" and "Library Copyright Alliance" they've been battling the US Copyright Office for years to have videogames be able to be lent out by libraries and museums so people can study them and not have to pirate them to do so. It's really infuriating that they're not really being successful because the publishers are basically saying "It'll affect sales" and that's somehow good enough for the Copywrite office to shoot it down.
@Oni649 күн бұрын
Having A Hacked XBOX 360 is the only way to play the 360 nowadays. No Marketplace and delisted digital games and App's lost in time.
@CyPhaSaRin8 күн бұрын
they're all backed up and playable on emulators, can even unlock the trial ones.
@disasterboy6511 күн бұрын
damn dude, how many GB's is your hard drive to store that many games??
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
This was 1TB plus the additional 320GB on the internal storage
@Proven1811 күн бұрын
mk vs dc is on series x ithink but only disc correct me if im wrong bro im not sure
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Well ill be damned. I look stupid now 😂
@Moe_Lester_fromUptwn5 күн бұрын
Good stuff.. Do it to it bro
@champiion10 күн бұрын
Don’t see anything wrong with downloading games that you have no option to pay for ( from the company) and developers have abandoned.
@Shaq3433211 күн бұрын
I love it! I still play my 360 and I love it! Can I get all that on my slim? Can you mod it for me?
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Thanks bro! Yes i could mod it but im still on the fence of wether or not i will start accepting orders again
@Shaq3433210 күн бұрын
@@BigShirtGames Bro, no matter what happens and/or what you decide, you have subscribers who believe in you, and I am one of them. I appreciate your content! Peace bro.
@OdayRLSS10 күн бұрын
Will you have then free xbox live
@richardroman62211 күн бұрын
Man I wish I had one! Nice!
@BigShirtGames10 күн бұрын
Thanks bro! Try to buy a cheap one from goodwill auction! Thats how i got mine