He's Studied 1,000+ Near-Death Experiences and Says This Is Why He Believes They Prove the Bible

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@lindaphillips4246 9 ай бұрын
My mom, just minutes from her death at home, and weak, suddenly sat straight up, and looking straight ahead said with vigor "MOM, OH MOM " and then, looking lower down said "OH EMMA", addressing both her already passed mother, and her grand daughter who died at age 2. With her face beaming with joy, she laid back and peacefully passed.
@YayHahvsj 9 ай бұрын
Be careful demons can do that to decieved those who watch them die to think that you should live as they did. Watch Bryan Melvin's hell experience he explains this.
@YayHahvsj 9 ай бұрын
Demons pretend to be dead relatives on earth all the time. They should be seeing Jesus .
@LambOfGod1516 9 ай бұрын
My grandmother passed very similar! When I was a child and she would come to visit she’d always raise her arms and call our name when she got off the airplane. When she was dying, she sat straight up, raised her hands like she did when she greeted us, smiled so big and drew her last breath! Her smile stayed on her face. We rejoiced that she was no longer in pain from her cancer.
@teresabroadway8383 9 ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@realcanadiangirl64 9 ай бұрын
​@@LambOfGod1516This same thing happened with my aunt a few hours before she died. It was beautiful
@DianeVictoria-j8i 9 ай бұрын
I died in a hospital when I was 4 years old. I sat up in my body, looked at myself dead, flew through the wall above the door & hovered above my family in the waiting room. I was yanked through the ceiling & ended up on Jesus' Lap in Heaven. Jesus Spoke to me that He had to Put His GLORY into my spirit to heal my body... "Grow up in me and I Will Come back for you." The DEEPEST LOVE. My angel took my left hand & we flew into the hospital & I was immediately Healed.
@vivienneyeki3894 9 ай бұрын
What a beautiful memory for you!
@DianeVictoria-j8i 9 ай бұрын
@@vivienneyeki3894 The memory of it is so vivid like yesterday. I wasn't allowed to see Heaven, but Jesus was my Reward. He kissed my cheek & He LOVES every one if us the same - So Much, that He can't love us any deeper. We Fill His Heart & every thought. Papa God Knows how many hairs are on our heads (Psalm 139) & He Keeps books on every one of us. Malachi 3:16-18. God AWESOMELY BLESS You. See you in Heaven, Forever Family. ❤
@candicerufe2413 9 ай бұрын
@stephieg.2580 9 ай бұрын
Wild hallucinations
@candicerufe2413 9 ай бұрын
​@@stephieg.2580a fool says in his heart, there is no God!
@juliac9170 10 ай бұрын
Wow! I just lost my dog last month and to hear him say someone went back and was greeted by his beloved dog made me cry. God is sooooo good! It is a great comfort to me as I'm still grieving.
@believestthouthis7 10 ай бұрын
I'm definitely sorry for your loss but we still don't have Biblical evidence that indicates this to be true. We do know that believers today will come back riding on white horses during the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only time will tell what heaven is truly like. Revelation 19:14 KJV - And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
@moyermelissa150 10 ай бұрын
My thoughts is this. If we had a. Pet or pets we loved like Family and devoted our care to like family and God knows how much we Loved them I can very much see us reunited with them .weather it's in the Bible or notJesus came to give human beings Salvation and that's the big thing And just because it doesn't say anything of our pets Doesn't mean they won't be there.
@kellyhiller3977 10 ай бұрын
I believe it. When my dachshund passed I had an image of him greeting me in heaven running down a hill with green grass. I just knew that I knew it was God assuring me.
@mariepearlcenidoza808 10 ай бұрын
Who are you? Who do you think you really are? You mock GOD? Dont wait until you have cancer before you ask forgiveness! Dont wait until your flesh and soul rots!
@lisapimentel7915 10 ай бұрын
I believe that God loves us so much and knows how much we love and care for our furbabies, that I don't think he would not let without our furbabies. God created our furbabies for a reason.
@mossiapetersen2491 9 ай бұрын
This is absolutely amazing. I have esophagus cancer stage 4 I'm a Christian ✝️ Praise God that He never leave me or forsake me. I'm praying for God to heal me, I'm also getting everything ready for my death. This video has given me so much insight as I'm getting ready to go home to be with my Lord✝️ Thank you so much. ❤
@speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 9 ай бұрын
God be with you and bless you. I had cervical cancer, a long hard battle I still have much chronic pain from, no one understands those nights alone in a hospital bed, everything beeping, etc... My heart goes out to you. I'm going to try Essiac tea tinctures soon as they recently found two masses. I go tomorrow for follow up... I don't get into just everything like this guy, but I know some have true dreams and visions. I can testify God was with me. Many times. I was close to death, especially after they accidently over dosed me on chemo.. Anyway, the experience was like a foggy white light immersion and a knowing, for one, I had a choice to go or stay by God's grace, and I gained understanding about God, forgiveness, what really matters... I talked with God in my heart and he answered... I knew I was in his hands without doubt. I'll never forget it. God is so good. I pray your healed. In Jesus name, amen and amen 🙏🏻😔🕯️📖🕊️❣️
@jeannemarie5908 9 ай бұрын
May the Grace of God surround you, comfort you, lift you and bring you peace, now and forever.
@SP-hs6bj 9 ай бұрын
Please look up Chris beat cancer. He is a Christian like us. I will pray for you and no matter what happens, if you believe and trust in Christ, you will go to heaven and be in eternal peace and love. I wish you the best in Christ Jesus.
@sheilatt9589 9 ай бұрын
May the Lord bless you and keep you. Our God is faithful. His love for you abides forever.🙏
@carlospalma_ 9 ай бұрын
My man, I cannot imagine how does it may feel like to say something like: “I’m preparing my death” it sounds horrible and I hope you can get healthy again.
@cieramist1 9 ай бұрын
I don't know if anyone else out there goes through this, and I almost feel "stupid" to ask this, or admit this happens to me ALL THE TIME, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I bow my head to pray, I start crying...uncontrollably, and it even happens sometimes while I'm listening to Christian music....I CRY. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that I get so filled up with the Holy Spirit that my Soul WEEPS????? So, I look up and I thank God for FILLING UP MY CUP till it RUNS OVER...and then I feel better.
@joejen70 9 ай бұрын
You're not the only one. ❤
@jeanhowarth1852 9 ай бұрын
Your writing my life! This is amazing. I to cry during worship music(some) I never knew why. Or even thought about it. Ty so much.❤
@Annie-fz2gv 9 ай бұрын
It happens to me too but not every time I pray - maybe half of the time.
@sarajillianshepherd3858 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I do and I feel the same. When I pray and speak to God, I feel so loved by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ❤️🙏❤️
@cieramist1 9 ай бұрын
@@jeanhowarth1852 Thank you so much! I was beginning to worry that maybe it's just me, and that maybe I'm just an overly emotional person or something. I just feel so close to the Lord while I'm praying that my eyes begin to weep...and I honestly feel like it's just that I'm filled so high with the Holy Spirit, that MY CUP IS RUNNING OVER, because I just cannot contain it all.
@thepretendingpretender9163 10 ай бұрын
God blessed me with a near death experience in 1974 when I was 12 years old. Nobody was talking about this then and I kept it to myself for years. When I was able to process it years later, I began to tell everybody I know about it. Oh, if only everyone could feel what I felt! What peace it has given me! I hope my story has given others just a bit of the faith it provided me. Praise the Father in Heaven!
@Servant2112 9 ай бұрын
Read HERE I AM by Marshall Schoenke.....on all digital formats......wow
@Lisa-yc1mn 9 ай бұрын
Check out Robert breaker
@estelledean6563 9 ай бұрын
@joycersingh2221 9 ай бұрын
Yes Jesus is the god of all Nations is the god of India durgadevil I 😈👿👿👿😈😈 Jesus is lord of Lord King of kings he is my God
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
Yes! The peace and absolute LOVE I was three when it happened to me, my spirit left my body, I was hugging Jesus up toward the ceiling, He is Love
@Freddy78909 7 ай бұрын
As a believer I think NDEs are some of the best evidence we have of an afterlife and that's a reason to celebrate! 🌟
@JOE-DAN 4 ай бұрын
Praise GOD, nevermind Prayers lol , he knows we we need and want.
@777Witness 6 ай бұрын
Brothers and sisters. Please pray for me. For more then 10 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. I am in my mid 30s and would still love to be able to have strength to serve my Savior. Jesus is my Healer. Thank you all 🙏🏻 Also, please pray that God gives me strength to go through this valley with thankfulness and humility.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 6 ай бұрын
Sending good thoughts and prayers to you in the name of our Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ.
@gardenjoy5223 6 ай бұрын
Well, I seem to be in a similar situation. Chronic Lyme is the name of the debilitating sickness, that has made me a shadow of a shadow of myself. I am in my mid 50s though. And yes, I would also love to be able to have strength to serve my Savior. Such an illness isolates you. I also believe, that Jesus still heals. Have no clue, why He didn't already. I will pray for you. Will you pray for me? This valley must end! May God indeed restore you body and soul and make you a strong witness of His power and love! You have my high regards. Love, a sister in Christ.
@777Witness 6 ай бұрын
@@gardenjoy5223 Thank you dear sister. Yes I will pray for you. Lean on God with your whole heart and trust that He is good no matter the circumstance. In valleys like these, we have an opportunity to be heroes of faith when we go through them with praises and thankfulness. These are some passages that give me strength and lift up my spirit. «Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.» ‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬ «Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Why do you complain, Jacob? Why do you say, Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God”? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.» ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭26‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬ «Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.» ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭73‬:‭23‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬ May our Lord give you strength to persevere. «Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.» ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ God bless you dear sister. «“ ‘ “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’» ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@777Witness 6 ай бұрын
What are your symptoms if you don’t mind me asking?
@gardenjoy5223 6 ай бұрын
@@777Witness Sent you a list of symptoms yesterday. For reasons of privacy, I'm removing them again now. Hope it helped you somehow.
@hermangregory4480 9 ай бұрын
Today I can HONESTLY Say… based on my experience of years of addiction of drugs and alcohol, GOD has absolutely saved me and has given me the power to help others recover. Thank you .
@rainmanj9978 5 ай бұрын
I need help can you give me advice? What were you on?
@jeff_forsythe 5 ай бұрын
It is not your job to help others. Their lives have been designed for them. Dying does not hurt, living does and it is meant to. We all fell here as a last chance to suffer, to remove the black karma from our souls and to return home to Heaven.................Falun Dafa
@rainmanj9978 5 ай бұрын
@jeff_forsythe it's not your job to help others? You mentioned the afterlife, do you have any ideas 💡 on what happens next? Do we carry our struggles with us? Is there a heaven and hell or something like that? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated 👏
@jeff_forsythe 5 ай бұрын
@@rainmanj9978 When we die, your body falls away and you, the soul, are directed into a new fetus and return here. Visit Falun Dafa for all the answers to your questions.
@Dreamworld789_ 3 ай бұрын
YEAHHHHH SO PROUD OF YOU HONEY 🎉 that’s an amazing journey of yours to share with us. So happy you were able to know God was there for you, protecting you, and guiding you to do what’s right. So proud and so happy you’re hear with us ❤
@ldgonzales1 9 ай бұрын
I was home alone for one week and died of a fatal heat stroke during that time. After dying from the heat stroke I felt my soul leave my body and my soul entered a void like place that was filled an extreme amount of unconditional love, joy and happiness. My soul couldn't hardly wait to reach God/Jesus. The further my soul was being pulled the more intense it got. But, when my soul was stopped abruptly from being pulled, I thought I wasn't going to be able to get near them. I was saddened at that but just for a second. The next thing I knew the most beautiful male voice talked to me (telepathically). I told Him I wanted to stay. He ended up sending my soul back to my body, I took the biggest breath of my life and my eyes opened. I was too weak to get up so I slid across the restroom floor to the tub to try and get some water. I then blacked out right there on the floor. When I woke up it was three days later and I saw that I was tucked (tucked like a child) very neatly into my king size bed. My husband had passed away three months earlier and my children were at my mothers for the week. No earthly person was at my home other than me. I honestly believe a heavenly being or beings helped me for those three days. There is a bit more to my experience... this is the shorter version.
@albreiki5725 7 ай бұрын
Wow.. Amazing. Please share the longer version
@ldgonzales1 7 ай бұрын
@@albreiki5725 I left out a couple of details from my experience. I didn't figure anyone would want to read about my gruesome detailed heat stroke so I didn't add it in. Let's see, the other thing was when my soul left my body, it didn't just leave all at once. It lifted out from one end of my body until it was all the way out from the other end. And it softly tingles as it exits the body and re-enters the body. It does not hurt at all. it feels wonderful. One more thing...immediately after dying I remember thinking there is no more pain. I could not remember anything else back on earth. Once I finally met up with that sweet male voice, HE let me remember everything back on earth again. God is amazing! Praise Jesus! Blessings!
@jeff_forsythe 5 ай бұрын
We keep being reborn here until our soul is pure. Dying does not hurt, living does and it is meant to. We all fell here as a last chance to suffer, to remove the black karma from our souls and to return home to Heaven.................Falun Dafa
@tehnewsguy 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing such a blissful experience. But I must ask... were you a true Christian or believer in Christ and did you give your life to Jesus before this happened to you???
@jeff_forsythe 3 ай бұрын
@@tehnewsguy You and many others think that because Jesus said He was the only Way it was true when He said it but since then it is known that Buddha was the Way also. Right now Falun Dafa can Bless you also. Do not insist that Jesus is the only route back to Heaven, it is not so.
@lauren4434 6 ай бұрын
God came to me in a Zen Buddhist monastery. I was 23 years old, on a 3 month silent retreat at a Zen monastery, saying a Buddhist mantra, sitting cross-legged. I was also asking "the universe" what was love? The face of Christ on his cross came to me, and blew me away, it was so incredibly real. I had never witnessed such love and sorrow mixed, and the love just filled me, from the center of my being.... Something in me felt like it was melting. i said, "Lord, what can I do??" and I had never said "Lord" in all my life. From that moment on, I have followed him, and loved him. It was like the most ancient memory, of my dearest friend, God, brother, and Guide..... And one more thing: I suddenly knew, I was a child of God. I never thought that as a buddhist, nothing rermotely like that. I felt so deeply saved and not forgotten...... All that was 40 years ago......
@Jo-tm3zq111 6 ай бұрын
You do not qualify. you did not experience trauma or nearly die of drugs, disease, or an accident. LOL However, while right now trauma is the headline story, spiritual encounters will be next, and then Miracles. Thanks for your story.
@lauren4434 6 ай бұрын
I believe so too .@@Jo-tm3zq111
@cchemmes-seeseeart3948 5 ай бұрын
Please pray for the salvation of my adult children, who are estranged from me, because I live faith centered, & they persecute me for it & reject me.
@lauren4434 5 ай бұрын
@@cchemmes-seeseeart3948 praying now
@ellenadams7354 5 ай бұрын
You don't have to die of almost die to have a vision from The Lord. God Bless you 🙏 ❤️
@mariepearlcenidoza808 10 ай бұрын
I had an NDE after my surgery and I saw Jesus Christ! And all the treasures in the world doesnt matter!
@DON_CUMDUMPSTER 10 ай бұрын
@fsully3379 10 ай бұрын
I believe you because Jesus visited me too.
@KingJesus41 10 ай бұрын
He is so awesome! He loves us so much!
@kevinkelly2162 10 ай бұрын
Muslims having NDEs see Mohamed.
@rainmanj9978 5 ай бұрын
Does God save everyone what did God tell you?
@SusanHarrell530 10 ай бұрын
Jesus came to me in a dream 15+ years ago. I'd just been thru something traumatic 3 months before. I said to Him, I wouldn't have been afraid had You been with me. He said, I am Always with you. The peace and love I felt from Him can't be expressed in words big enough. I didn't see His face. I don't remember what He was wearing. I don't even remember His voice. I Do know it was Him. My mind couldn't fabricate something that my words couldn't do justice to. Praying Jesus comes soon. We need Him!😢🙏🙏🙏
@PrayThenBreathe1528 9 ай бұрын
🙌 how beautiful of an experience 😭
@SusanHarrell530 9 ай бұрын
@@PrayThenBreathe1528 I cherish it. It gets me through some difficult times.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
When He hugged me during my NDE as a small child, He wore white, curly hair lovely smile and the kindest of eyes, but He had a glow coming from Him with a gold tinge I remember. He is complete Love and Peace, God bless
@janglandis773 9 ай бұрын
A study of near death experiences was done that spanned many religions. It was discovered than the NDE was dependent on the particular god the person worshipped. Muslims Hindu's etc. saw their own god/ gods during their own NDE. Not Jesus. What do you make of that.
@SusanHarrell530 9 ай бұрын
@@janglandis773 A study? I don't believe everything I hear/read. I believe the Bible and the Lord. God bless!
@ChristineLawtie 9 ай бұрын
I believe that I'm on this planet for a reason and I believe that my Angels have protected me many times ❤
@ncg5560 9 ай бұрын
@michaelstetzer3144 9 ай бұрын
Amen. I’ve had a number of critical experiences and believe I was spared for a greater purpose by a greater power.
@Jo-tm3zq111 6 ай бұрын
Me too. God allowed me to remember my purpose and reasons in 2017.
@bilalkhan4168 6 ай бұрын
My sweet sweeeeeet MOM passed away from Cancer,bacterial meningitis,lungs infection,kidney failure,strokes and finally heart failure.She was only 48 year old ,but I know she’s in Heaven!!! She wasn’t just my mom,but my best friend.please pray for her.
@zackrodriguez2406 5 ай бұрын
She is in heaven and having a great time! You will be with her someday! All will be okay
@kainosktisis777 4 ай бұрын
Being in heaven, she prays for you.
@Vents-. 10 ай бұрын
My ex did not die or go to heaven but was critically ill and was heading toward death if the doctors had no figured out his malady so quickly. He was in the hospital for about 6 days and a year of recovery at home with PT. He later shared that the fist or second night in the hospital Jesus appeared to the right side of his bed in the form of a bright light. Jesus did not speak but my ex had a sense that Jesus was there to bring him home if he wanted. He was not ready, but it gave him reassurance that Jesus had forgiven him for things he had not forgiven himself for.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
During my NDE Jesus had a bright light emanating from Him, but I remember it having a gold tinge to it. Best hug I ever had. One day hope to hug Him again.
@fierro7771 9 ай бұрын
​@@AnnDaly-lt7sbcould you see his face clearly? What did he look like???
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
@@fierro7771 I remember curly or wavy hair, a kind smile and eyes but so much light coming from His face/ skin. clothes which is hard to describe, a look of peace. But I was a child and a grandma now. Mostly I hugged into his chest and shoulder. Just really kind face is what I recall the most about Him
@QuestionThingsUseLogic 9 ай бұрын
I've heard that NDEs are a result of lack of oxygen to the brain. The mind tries to make sense of this and NDEs are the result. It's actually not proof of an afterlife as people think it is.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
@@fierro7771 I was only 3 so I didn't know about races or anything, I found Him quite handsome, very much looked like a man but a beautiful smile, no wings like an angel or anything, great teeth and very kind eyes, there was so much light from Him and his clothes with a soft golden glow, high cheekbones, curly hair, but because of the light even though I could see Him I cannot properly tell His colouring because of the beautiful glow of light and energy. Mostly I remember His face is kind, and He told me "don't look at her" when I looked down at my body. I was still being attacked even though I was gone so He stopped me from looking. In my soul form there was no pain or hurt just love and peace like nothing on earth. Wish I could help you better. I know I did not want to go back.
@corrieparod4351 7 ай бұрын
My daughter, at the age of 6, has a dream of Jesus coming to her, hugging her, and telling her he loved her during her bone marrow stem cell transplant. She described his love as a love that is way bigger than the way humans love. She kept trying to find new "bigger" ways to describe his love...as big as a mountain, the sun, a volcano exploding. There was so much more to her dream, this beautiful visitation during a tremendously difficult time of her cancer treatment.
@LindaBaird-l2u 2 ай бұрын
@LindaBaird-l2u 2 ай бұрын
@TzsahallThomas-x6u 10 ай бұрын
I was choking on steak once at a large bank banquet, my wife was a bank officer/reconciler. I slumped slightly in my chair and not to embarrass me or my wife I thought of bolting out the door to the parking lot. So I went into this perfectly peaceful state of being, I must have relaxed enough to swallow the too big piece of steak. When I opened my very watery eyes, everyone was yakking and talking and no one ever noticed me. I'll not be afraid of passing from this life. For me to live is Christ and die is gain. Thank you for this!
@seanodwyer4322 9 ай бұрын
no wonder you joined the hare krshnas in New zealand.'''
@DontknowSina 8 ай бұрын
Wow, I would have panicked
@cristilaye5912 6 ай бұрын
Not supposed to eat meat. That's what happens
@5banjostrings 3 ай бұрын
You need a EGD endoscopy.
@icecreamladydriver1606 9 ай бұрын
When my daughter was a teen she worked at Burger King. The next day she told me that the night before when she was on her knees praying and was so tired that her brain was off a bit and she said to God, in the middle of praying, "Welcome to Burger King, May I take your order"? She came to her senses when she actually heard God laugh. So we learned that God does have a sense of humor.
@vivienneyeki3894 9 ай бұрын
What a beautiful interaction😊!!
@icecreamladydriver1606 9 ай бұрын
@@vivienneyeki3894 It really was something special and has helped her through some tough times.
@DivineLoveArchive 7 ай бұрын
burger king😆 😭
@gemschaeffer7291 9 ай бұрын
All honor,praise and glory be to our lord Jesus Christ
@janglandis773 9 ай бұрын
A study of near death experiences was done that spanned many religions. It was discovered than the NDE was dependent on the particular god the person worshipped. Muslims Hindu's etc. saw their own god/ gods during their own NDE. Not Jesus. What do you make of that.
@mikeb9223 9 ай бұрын
@srso4660 7 ай бұрын
@@janglandis773 Good point! 🔥
@AccountName-fm7ic 3 ай бұрын
@@janglandis773 As he said in the video, there is numerous claims of people reciting what Jesus said in scripture or seeing what would be exactly described as Jesus when they are Muslims etc.. not sure that you watched the video or have read in to credible sources.
@Ad-ny4cx 10 ай бұрын
Jesus...I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
@SuperRijul 7 ай бұрын
I recently just got back to following Jesus and the Catholic faith, but I do have a question thats worrying me lately: Jesus died and suffered for our sins so we could be saved, after His death most of the world was changed and his Word spread. There was a time when majority of this earth was filled with believers.... But why is it taking so long for Jesus to return? For judgement day? The longer time it takes the more people turn away from God. All the work Jesus had done all the followers gained is decreasing in number. At this moment there are more non believers than those that believe. More people that have suffered on this Earth and then will suffer in Hell? Why would he allow that to happen. Didn't Jesus want to save as many people as he could? Shouldn't he have come sooner for Judgement when there were more souls that believed and could be saved? Thats been on my mind lately. Would be helpful if there was some explanation on this..
@darth_27 7 ай бұрын
@@SuperRijul gets me wondering as well
@treadsideways 7 ай бұрын
@@SuperRijul Hello my friend, I know it may seem like it, but actually millions are coming to Jesus each year. Have faith my brother. ”The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.“ ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬ And here it says Israel has been partially hardened until the fullness of the gentiles are saved. ”For I do not want you, brothers and sisters, to be uninformed of this mystery-so that you will not be wise in your own estimation-that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬ All is working according to His plan beloved. Be praising Him and walking with Him and He will be your comforter and guide. Go with love.
@douma1131 5 ай бұрын
@@SuperRijul All i can say is never question god's reason for doing things.....he is at a much higher lvl than any of us and we're his creation therefore we are in no position to question or doubt him. Just keep ur trust and faith in him till the end brother and everything will be fine
@godfeelsgood 4 ай бұрын
"Better than you can imagine" and "You won't miss a thing!" Is exactly how God has revealed himself to me!
@lynncarlson1543 9 ай бұрын
@gordon8282 9 ай бұрын
@yennguyen-uj3ri 9 ай бұрын
My grandma and I had a NDE’s, the message was the same. We both heard a man’s voice above us as we were floating above our bodies. The voice said it was not our time and he needs us to help people.
@donaldsmolder7152 9 ай бұрын
Turn off caps
@traciegraves8142 4 ай бұрын
I believe the reason so many Christians challenge near death experiences is completely out of fear, and I blame the multitude of religions for that. God is bigger than that, far more mysterious, and far more awesome than any of us could ever perceive…..
@adriagui6923 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! God is bigger than religion! ❤
@johnnichols2710 2 ай бұрын
Actually is more of a biblical reason.
@infinite8382 26 күн бұрын
gods are human inventions.
@blessed_by_grace 25 күн бұрын
I believe this as well. While I am a die hard Christian I have absolute faith and belief God is far greater than what I can understand even with the teachings in the Bible. My assumption is that while my beliefs are 100% valid my understanding is not 100% full. If that means that God extends mercy love and grace to more than I understand the word to imply who would I be, and what would it say about me if I was mad that is the case. It’s not as though if that is the case somehow my faith and belief and trying to live a loving and righteous isn’t worth it, was not needed, because I believe we are called to try and live a life that is as Christlike as possible, but if Christs love is greater than I can comprehend, how could that ever be a bad thing, That’s a beautiful thing unless deep down I am actually a self righteous vengeful and unloving person.
@margaretpuyang2531 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor, it is so great and delightful to hear you share these. Our God is so awesome, it makes my heart so glad 🙌🙌🙌
@KingJesus41 10 ай бұрын
I have Imagine Heaven on Audible... absolutely love this! Many experiences were not of Christian people and those who were professionals. They all saw Jesus. I use those experiences to others to witness... I've gifted this book to those who lost loved ones, so they may get the glimpse themselves of Heaven. God bless you all. 🙏
@ros6111 10 ай бұрын
They all see Jesus? Read and see. Nintendo characters? Santa Clause? Yamatoots? Yamraj? For those who want to know the full story.......... THE NDE STUDIES.....(LA Times excerpts) Researchers estimate that around 17% of people have an NDE. That means about 80% don't. Scratch beneath those alleged flat EKG lines and the stories are a veritable Twilight Zone of inconsistencies. Some near-death voyagers claim to have met God - BUT A FEW SAW ELVIS PRESLEY OR GROUCHO MARX, researchers say. Others get to heaven not through the famous "tunnel", but ABOARD GHOSTLY TAXI CABS, FERRIES THAT CROSS THE RIVER STYX, OR SPANGLED COWS. Even some children - often touted as the best source of unbiased information - sometimes return from "death" CLAIMING THEY WERE GREETED IN THE OTHER WORLD by STILL LIVING TEACHERS, and NINTENDO CHARACTERS, and COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. If encounters with conscious plants, talking insects, roosters, and turtles, doesn’t give you pause about NDEs, perhaps NDEs THAT INCLUDE ENCOUNTERS WITH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS WILL. Melvin Morse reports that a 10-year-old boy had an NDE where he ENCOUNTERED A VIDEO-GAMING WIZARD who loved Nintendo. Karl Jansen similarly reports finding childhood NDEs THAT INCLUDE ENCOUNTERS WITH VIDEO GAME AND COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. In a collection of pediatric NDEs published in 1990, Serdahely even found a case where A GIRL ENCOUNTERED A FAVORITE TOY DURING HER NDE - AN OLD STUFFED ANIMAL. They differ between people and cultures. Instead of a tunnel and angels, EAST INDIANS MAY DESCRIBE THE RIVER GANGES AND A PARTICULAR GURU. HINDUS WHO BELIEVE IN YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of death, EXPERIENCED MEETING HIM. A Hindu girl "died" AND WENT TO HEAVEN ON A COW. Would that mean western people will be riding cows to heaven? Jews who don't believe in Jesus or "hell", experienced meeting God as described in the Old Testament, while messianic Jews experienced God as Jesus. Any reports of Christians meeting Muhammad, or Muslims meeting the Virgin Mary, or Jews meeting Guru Nanak, if they exist, have not been publicized. Dr. Richard Eby had an NDE and allegedly Jesus told him he had to back, and that he (Jesus) would be returning (2nd coming) before he died permanently. BUT DR. RICHARD EBY HAS NOW DIED AND JESUS HAS NOT RETURNED. A few hospitals have placed signs in their cardiac units - with nonsensical messages visible only from above - BUT SO FAR NOBODY HAS RETURNED FROM DEATH CLAIMING TO HAVE FLOATED UP AND SEEN ONE. In one study carried out, the experiences of 16 Asian Indians were compared with those of Americans, and IT WAS FOUND THAT THE INDIANS HAD ENCOUNTERED YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of the dead, WHILE THE AMERICANS HAD NOT. You would expect that if any one particular religious account of the afterlife was true, NDEs would be pretty much the same. BUT THESE ACCOUNTS ARE SO VARIED AND ARE ARE ALL BASED ON CULTURAL EXPOSURE. IN INDIA, PEOPLE SEE HINDU GODS; IN SAUDI ARABIA ITS ALLAH, MOHAMED, AND A BUNCH OF VIRGINS. The kid from the book/movie Heaven Is For Real, saw a Jesus with sea-green blue eyes ON A RAINBOW COLORED HORSE, GOD WITH HUGE WINGS, YELLOW HAIR AND BLUE EYES; and ONE LITTLE GIRL WENT TO HEAVEN AND WAS GREETED BY A PORTLY MAN WITH A WHITE BEARD AND RED CAP, aka SANTA CLAUSE. The Mapuche people of South America and residents of Hawaii are more likely to SEE LANDSCAPES AND VOLCANOES, whereas NDEs in Thailand rarely involve landmarks, tunnels, or light. For Tibetans, light features more heavily AS DO ILLUSIONS OF REINCARNATION. Europeans and North Americans often visualize beautiful gardens; intriguingly the Kalai of Melanesia are more inclined to SEE AN INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD OF FACTORIES. An NDEr's subjective recollections can be attributed to many factors: THE NDEr's PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, ETC., NOT JUST CULTURE. The terrain of Heaven also varies wildly - from gardens, forests, and CATTLE FILLED PASTURES in some accounts, to clouds, COMPUTER ROOMS OR CASTLES, in others. A TEXAN SAW BARBED WIRE FENCES IN THE AFTERLIFE. Micronesians describe LARGE NOISY CITIES WITH CARS AND SKYSCRAPERS. Drug addicts, alcoholics, felons (murder), suicides, hedonists, abusers, mean people, and gay people, have all claimed to encounter heaven. Strangely, people have claimed to enter some "hell" FOR THE SAME REASONS. EVEN THE INFAMOUS ADOLF HITLER HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN HEAVEN. Again, strangely, he's also been seen in some "hell". Contradictions abound. There are reports of bad NDE trips involving TORTURES BY ELVES, GIANTS, MONSTERS, etc. Some parapsychologists take these as evidence of the mythical places of various religions. But, IF SO, THEN WHAT IS ONE TO CONCLUDE FROM THE FACT THAT OVER 80% OF PEOPLE NEAR DEATH DO NOT EXPERIENCE ANYTHING, neither the heavenly or the diabolical? This is a wonder. Is the hereafter actually mining and refining raw materials needed to build castles, cars, barbed wire fences, computers, and skyscrapers? From where do they get this material and the tools? Not to mention the raw materials and tools needed to construct an ever increasing number of those cages and cubes in the Christian hell, as a few claim. Who builds those cages? And which of the variety of "hells" do you actually go to? Christian? Buddhist? Spiritualist? Hindu? Muslim? Some other one? The answer seems to be whichever one the experiencer has been exposed to, as Thai NDErs regularly claim to encounter LORD YAMA AND YAMATOOTS, COMPLETE WITH TALKING DECEASED ROOSTERS, and being sentenced to Buddhist "hell" for butchering and eating chicken, then reincarnated as birds. DOES THAT MEAN WESTERNERS WILL UNKNOWINGLY BE HEADING TO BUDDHIST "HELL" FOR EATING CHICKEN? Thai accounts state that butchers become lumps of meat in Buddhist "hell", so what then awaits Western slaughterhouse workers? Even in her rather homogeneous Western European clientele, Kubler-Ross could see the effects of early enculturation: " I NEVER ENCOUNTERED A PROTESTANT CHILD WHO SAW THE VIRGIN MARY IN HIS LAST MINUTES, YET SHE WAS PERCEIVED BY MANY CATHOLIC CHILDREN." But there also are some hard-to-explain differences, Melvin Morse says. Whereas American near-death survivors are typically sent back by God because “it’s not your time yet,” INDIA'S AFTERLIFE VISITORS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE TOLD THERE WAS A “CLERICAL ERROR.” Even more curious: SOMETIMES THE BEING OF LIGHT IS ELVIS PRESLEY. Moody has chronicled at least two such sightings. A PERSON MAY APPEAR DEAD TO OUR SENSES OR OUR SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT, BUT STILL BE PERCEIVING. In fact, we now have evidence that patients who appear brain dead, may in fact be capable of conscious thought. In 2006, scientists in the UK and Belgium did an fMRI on a woman in a vegetative state and FOUND THAT PARTS OF HER BRAIN SHOWED ACTIVITY WHEN SHE WAS SPOKEN TO, AND ASKED TO THINK ABOUT THINGS LIKE PLAYING TENNIS. Yet the evidence for near-death paranormal powers remains shaky at best. TWO STUDIES HAVE FOUND THAT PATIENTS’ “OUT OF BODY” ACCOUNTS OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPERATING ROOM WERE WRONG. So were the 1988 Armageddon forecasts hyped by Ring and others. Michael Sabom, however, offers a compromise stance: He rejects the idea that they provide glimpses of a heaven or hell. "I’m not saying these people didn’t experience something odd. But I am saying that we should take it with a grain of salt, because IF ANECDOTES MEET YOUR STANDARD FOR WHAT QUALIFIES AS EVIDENCE, then you should probably start buying tin foil and food buckets, because THERE ARE JUST AS MANY PEOPLE WHO REPORT SEEING REPTILIANS AND WHO HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS." But what about veridical NDEs - near-death experiences in which the person supposedly sees something they couldn’t otherwise have known while ‘flat-lining’ and others are able to verify that what they saw is indeed correct. The most notorious example of this is Maria’s shoe. A lady named Maria reportedly left her body, floated around and saw a shoe on a ledge outside her hospital window, that she ‘couldn’t have possibly seen.’ Her critical care provider, Kimberly Clark, looked outside and saw the shoe, just as described. BUT WHEN RESEARCHERS TRIED TO TRACK DOWN MARIA TO CONFIRM CLARK'S STORY, THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO FIND ANY SUCH PERSON OR ANYONE ELSE TO CORROBORATE THE ACCOUNT. And when they placed a shoe on the ledge, it was clearly visible from the hospital room, PROVING CLARK HAD EXAGGERATED AT LEAST PART OF THE STORY. Here’s the topper. There is no record of Maria being in that hospital. Sixty years ago, Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, poked around the right temporal lobe of some epileptic patients and discovered that they would hear heavenly music, relive their pasts in 3D, and have out-of-body visions. Similar experiments continue. There is Dr. Melvin Morse's discovery of "a portal" in the brain that when stimulated, triggers a NDE. He writes that some are threatened by this, as the discovery makes the experience seem unreal. There’s growing evidence that the temporal lobe plays a huge role in creating NDEs. When patients had their brains scanned after an NDE, it was discovered that they had increased levels of temporal lobe activity compared with those in a control group. THAT COULD EXPLAIN WHY ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE HAVE NDEs. When Dr. Olaf Blanke implanted electrodes into the brains of patients, HE WAS ABLE TO TRIGGER SUPERNATURAL AND OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES BY STIMULATING THE TEMPORAL PARIETAL JUNCTION.
@everydaymiraclespodcast1395 10 ай бұрын
Much respect for John Burke. I receive these testimonies and at first I wasn’t sure what to make of them. His work helped me so much. I have been interviewing for 5 years and I have to say the NDE guests are the most passionate about God and the Bible. Their transformation alone is another testament to what they experienced. Thanks for having him on your show. Loved his books! They will change lives.
@michaelwhitehead1373 9 ай бұрын
Amen about the transforming force, and experience. Right on!
@danielessex2162 9 ай бұрын
What about the Hindu ones who don't meet a god? What about Chinese people who meet multiple gods? Why is it only the ones you interview for the Christian belief are...... oh, that's why because it is biased......
@MrStudo67 9 ай бұрын
@janglandis773 9 ай бұрын
A study of near death experiences was done that spanned many religions. It was discovered than the NDE was dependent on the particular god the person worshipped. Muslims Hindu's etc. saw their own god/ gods during their own NDE. Not Jesus. What do you make of that.
@cocoa-cola 9 ай бұрын
@@danielessex2162 did you watch the interview at all?…….
@Deshon-t4g 9 ай бұрын
Even though I have mental health conditions and born partly blind I am still a christain and trust God and I also love hearing NDE testimonials .
@vukvukmirovic9046 9 ай бұрын
May God abundantly bless you with his love trough out your journey in this life. People like you always remind me to be thankful for everything and pray for brothers and sisters who are carrying heavier cross than I do. You comment shows me how strong and beautiful you are! God bless you so much and thank you for your comment. 🙏 Praised be Jesus Christ!!!
@johnnicholas1488 9 ай бұрын
Bless you dear soul.
@scoutndad1941 9 ай бұрын
You will see with great indescribale clarity in paradise.
@natureiscrazy 9 ай бұрын
Whats your conditions?
@johnnicholas1488 9 ай бұрын
@@natureiscrazy 75 years old. I pray everyday to the Blessed Virgin to ease the suffering of all creatures, peace and universal kindness. You are in my prayers brother.
@yennguyen-uj3ri 9 ай бұрын
My grandma and I had NDE’s and we had the similar message. The man’s voice above us said to go back and to help people.
@Zuntvm4 9 ай бұрын
Thank you bothers, I needed that. I have been not praying for a while now, I don’t know what happened to me, I am very discouraged. But this conversation really helped me and give me some hope and encouragement. Jesus I love you.
@kathymacellis9478 10 ай бұрын
My Grandson ( 4 months old) passed away last week. Where was our miracle ? We prayed so hard ! Please pray for me and for my family !
@Temp97 10 ай бұрын
Sending love and prayers
@predestined97 10 ай бұрын
Are you implying that if we pray "hard" enough, God has to do what we want him to do? Remember that we are but men who know nothing by ourselves, and before we even existed God was, and forever will be sovereign. He does as he judges rightly in his infinite wisdom, although he shows us mercy even when we do not deserve it. I am sorry for the suffering you have endured through the loss of a grandchild, but let it not cause you to forget these things. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is eternal life.
@fawnleegreene7688 10 ай бұрын
Your precious grandson is with the Lord again. We don't know why...but know God is Sovereign.
@NorCalNeel 10 ай бұрын
Holy Father Hear my prayer, please,, that a peace that surpasses all understanding come upon this Family and Comfort their grief.
@amberchase7959 10 ай бұрын
Your grandson is with Jesus now
@HomeSweetBeagle 10 ай бұрын
I was born again whilst reading Imagine Heaven and my life has never been the same. I can’t wait to read Imagine the God of Heaven! ❤
@rosasdaughter2734 9 ай бұрын
@@Q2WE45TY62 I gave your comment a thumps down. Your reply to Valerie was totally in the wrong spirit. I understand what she was feeling and share her joy in finding her true love.
@patrickian8843 9 ай бұрын
@@Q2WE45TY62 Trolls like you should avoid people.
@tipigi3570 5 ай бұрын
One interesting point that I'd like to make. I am an English teacher, teaching students (mostly from Asia) how to speak English. One of my students is a Christian pastor living in Tokyo, and preparing to come to the U.S. to work here soon. We got on the subject of NDE's about three weeks ago. He said that people in Japan that have these, experience them a bit differently. Instead of the usual white light/tunnel experience that we often hear about, many Japanese experience standing on one side of a river, and then moving across it to the other side of the river. I found that very interesting, almost like God is providing what is comfortable for each person.
@InspiredJourney2 7 ай бұрын
Your kindness reflects the heart of Jesus. Keep spreading His love!
@Foxfrenzy5489 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate this. A gentleman at church gave me push back about believing in NDEs. We live in a supernatural world, Praise Jesus
@erichfeit7779 9 ай бұрын
Yes, many times and many circumstances my spirit man gets to overflow because of Christian music or a beautiful sermon and then I cry. And I'm a man 75 years old!
@Drowning_Girl 9 ай бұрын
That gentleman had the discernment of the holy spirit. Please read the Bible and you will see NDEs are not a biblical experience at all. All we need is our scripture nothing more.
@belenmazzeo8799 9 ай бұрын
​​@@Drowning_GirlWhat about the vision John saw? The temple that Ezekiel described? Isaiah seeing God with his eyes? Visions and dreams are recurring things on the bible. Another example, the dream where Jacob saw angels going up and down from the sky and then he woke up and said that God was there. Nds are just visions, the visions happen when your spirit is taken by the lord, when we die our spirit is taken to be with him. It's the spiritual realm
@Drowning_Girl 9 ай бұрын
@@belenmazzeo8799 your misunderstanding me completely. All those things are people that are written about in the Bible. I'm speaking about people not in the Bible so once again they are not valid. I don't seek people outside of the bible to give me new revelation.
@janglandis773 9 ай бұрын
What about the Old Testament story in which god sent bears to maul rascally children for making fun of a bald man. How was that a fair, loving, wise punishment? @@belenmazzeo8799
@marymcmann9546 10 ай бұрын
I read Imagine Heaven twice. I loved it. It really brought my Christian journey more exciting. Being an older Christian for more than 50 years my heart resonates with this book. Can’t wait to read the new book!
@susanfrazer4341 9 ай бұрын
I can understand people finding it hard to believe...Even after after experiencing it myself its just too Amazing for Words to describe...The feeling of Divine Love and Purity is Life changing ❤️
@charzard1000 9 ай бұрын
you experienced it?
@pamelaphillips2313 10 ай бұрын
He lives in me. I can't deny it. That makes me crazy and fanatical in some people's eyes. I pray that God will draw people to him for it is his desire that none should be lost.
@justice8718 10 ай бұрын
You have to pull the Bible and qoute acts 2:17 and mark 2:16-17 for them to finally see and met Jesus in their life. We have dominion over this earth, and under God’s word, our dominion will be supreme enough to command the heavens to be unleashed to the lost and the unsaved. For Christ to see them face-to-face
@carolranes91 9 ай бұрын
I died when I was 28! It was confirmed with my physician who did not want to discuss it because it terrified him he was terrified he could not bring it back. Once I was on the other side, I heard a voice from behind my head, which the Bible says, when we get off the right path, we shall hear a voice from behind our head, telling us which way to go that boys called me by name it said Carol you’re not done yet, and as soon as I heard that I went immediately back into my body! You cannot tell me there is not a God you cannot tell me that Jesus is not the son of God. You cannot tell me that we’re not here to learn a lesson before we return to our home, which is with God, you cannot tell me that God is not pure! I was a person of faith at 28 but still totally completely changed my life! After this experience, I no longer fear death, and I was able to take care of both my parents and be with them as they transition to the other side! It helped me to remove their fear so that they were ready for that transition. That was the greatest gift that God could’ve given me was to be with my parents as they passed! If anyone tries to tell me that what I experienced was not in the Bible then I said you obviously have never read the Bible, or have never read it at the depth that God meant for you to read it! it is clearly there it is clearly obvious that we do not experience death, but we experience a passing to another to be at home with God! There are many in the Bible that did not experience death. Reread your Bible at a deeper understanding ask God to guide you in that understanding when you read your Bible and ask a question of God because you don’t understand it he will answer immediately! He will clear up any of those misunderstandings most people when they read the Bible they never ask God for understanding, it’s a profound experience. I’m glad you wrote the book will read it and will be open to the possibilities.
@tinabattle718 9 ай бұрын
I was 26. Died in childbirth. Saw everything happening below me and went through like a wormhole towards a brilliant white light. Most wonderful peace love warmth beyond belief and a womans voice said no not now go back and instantly back in my body. I was dead for 5 minutes and noone would talk about it.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
@@tinabattle718 Yes, it is the most wonderful love and peace, so hard to describe to people who have not had their soul leave their body. God bless and keep you dear
@trulyso734 9 ай бұрын
So you were not dead then but only asleep as Jesus would say. Good.
@trulyso734 9 ай бұрын
@@tinabattle718 yeah right you remember that from birth. Sorry Im keeping my amused skepticism this is an account to glorify God
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
@@trulyso734 She was the mother at 26 not the baby
@samuelmachado6088 7 ай бұрын
Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is now sick with a tumor in her small intestines..we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17 Praise Report - Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@nysavvy9241 6 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord! Amen
@MrJiggerG 8 ай бұрын
I am in tears and I haven't even met God or Jesus, yet. My heart aches for this reunion.
@PUPPYBONZ 6 ай бұрын
When cancer had beaten my mother along with chemo in 87' , It was my turn to sit with her and at 2 a.m. she sat up and said "Jesus is here" , the room literally felt enerigzed . I told her to go and we would be fine. She said she had to say goodbye to my dad first. My brother , sleeping nearby sprang up and said "What's going on ?" My Dad woke up and came in asking same thing . I lost it. It was Mother's Day , Sunday morning , my 5 brothers and I went to church and when we got home she died with one leg hanging out of bed.
@room2growrose623 9 ай бұрын
He is such a good, loving Father and has done everything in His power, without violating our autonomy to bring us back into relationship with Him ❤
@shinyshinyman3777 9 ай бұрын
I believe one verse describes this experience of being in God’s presence: “ In Your Presence is Fulness of Joy; at Your right hand there are Pleasures forevermore!”(Psalm 16:11) Those who seek other things to satisfy simply have not truly experienced God in reality.
@cl-audio322 9 ай бұрын
Our God is an awesome God, and we truly know so little about him. I cannot wait to meet him by Faith through his Grace. Praise Jesus!
@DjKjA14 9 ай бұрын
These NDE testimonies are gifts from God to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Mark 12 v 30 & 31 Matthew 7 v 13 & 14
@jazzycattruthkitten4101 9 ай бұрын
Yes,but 40 % of NDE’rs believe in reincarnation and regard it as a good thing . I don’t trust this mysterious light being ( whoever that is ) ????
@smoyer6306 9 ай бұрын
As a believer, or so I thought, I was resuscitated twice which means I died twice. BUT I realized, after seeing only darkness, that God is teaching me something. Thank you, Lord, for allowing that tree to fall on me.
@ItCanChangeYouToo 3 ай бұрын
I can't wait to see my fur babies in heaven! The part about the dog makes me wanna cry.
@kellydinitz6727 9 ай бұрын
I burst into tears when you told the story of the man seeing his dog! Just lost mine about a month ago. Oh i pray shes there to greet me!!
@nathanhearn8914 8 ай бұрын
Your dog will be there.
@macpduff2119 6 ай бұрын
I just added my testimony about our dogs death and my vision
@terrencemcnally3453 5 ай бұрын
But animals have no spirit, scripture doesn't mention animals being in heaven
@edwarddorsheimer2055 4 ай бұрын
@@terrencemcnally3453 We have known for some time that the higher animal life forms have souls. They are different from human souls. Look up the works of Dr. Hugh Ross. He goes into the concepts of human and animal souls. Very interesting study 📚.
@PaulaSanders-tp1wr 9 ай бұрын
I have had out of body experience, it was the most loving and peace and joyful place I have seen, it’s real pure love and peace and everything was Golden light and I seen my Celestial Body, I have had many times of in counters with Holy angels where I have been protected from evil things that happened to me, Jesus Christ is real, Repent and be saved!!!
@tinahollis2510 10 ай бұрын
God has so much more for us than what we are living now
@KingJesus41 10 ай бұрын
We are taught this way... not that. This scripture gets me most! Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12 KJV What greater works? I am praying for Muslims, Hindus, even catholics to be seen by Jesus in their dreams that they may know Him. We should be healing and casting out demons like he did.
@jennynevins6329 9 ай бұрын
Several credible reports from pastors saying Muslim men in Gaza are experiencing Christ appearing to them in their dreams.
@olivialafield7518 9 ай бұрын
Reading Imagine Heaven TOTALLY changed my perspective of heaven. Because of this book, I CANNOT WAIT TO GO THERE!!! I talk about the book to people all the time. I teach in a Christian school and my students are reading it!!! Now I cannot wait to get his new book. Hallelujah!!!
@danielessex2162 9 ай бұрын
Yes let's talk about the imaginary place no one has been too and everyone who claims to have been have different reports of what they saw...... and not one of them are anything like whst is said in your mythology book.
@carmenhavik9954 9 ай бұрын
I know that my Lord is so kind and Loving God. He is more than how we know Him in the bible.🙏☝️💗🙏❤
@TaniaLovesJesus 9 ай бұрын
All praise, honour, glory and thanks to the King of kings, Lord of Lords, the great I AM, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Hallelujah. Amen🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼
@gordydexter2615 6 ай бұрын
Great video, I have been following NDE videos since 2007, almost 18 years now. I have been Born Again in Christ Jesus since a teenager. I came to Jesus at a Nicky Cruz crusade put on by David Wilkerson. In 2020 I was going through spinal surgery when I died on the operating table for 15 minutes. I did not have a NDE and was disappointed that I didn’t. While in the ICU, I asked The Lord why I didn’t have the NDE Experience after I had watched and studied thousands of these reported stories and The Lord told me that my faith was where it needed to be and that I didn’t need this experience. Oh well I was hoping to validate what I knew to be true but The Lord obviously didn’t want me to have this. I look forward to reading your second book!!! 👍👊💪💖🇺🇸✝️
@Jo-tm3zq111 6 ай бұрын
Faith is way more important than experiences.... John 20-29 JESUS said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20-30 JESUS performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written ....
@alexandredacunha4224 10 ай бұрын
I find amazing how God is getting closer in almost impossible situations and inside close borders as comunism and islamism…Praise him.
@beatlesrgear 10 ай бұрын
What is "Islamism"?? It's just Islam.
@mikeslemonade 6 ай бұрын
I want to make a correction. We don’t live on a globe. We live in a biblical plane earth. God is true, and seek truth.
@annairwin8147 9 ай бұрын
People ask..” what will we do in Heaven “… We will be WORSHIPING Him and singing His praises 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@BeyondMillennium 9 ай бұрын
Ruling the Universe with Him. A never-ending adventure, party, and family reunion that never gets boring. -"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." -"Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him." -"And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." -"But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."
@GodOfMySalvationIsYeshua 3 ай бұрын
My mother passed away in my arms at the hospital and left in peace, having done communion. This is 2 weeks ago. Her sister called from Another country and said she hugged very strongly in her dream, telling her she loved her and that she was leaving. My aunt did not know my mother was passing away
@marysusla 8 ай бұрын
When I had a NDE, I didn’t want to come back, was told it was not my time. I was 14 years old at the time. I had a second NDE 30 years later when I fell down concrete stairs, chose to come back so my son wouldn’t have to suffer.
@carmenhavik9954 9 ай бұрын
John 6:39 And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day.
@familylifetoo9541 9 ай бұрын
@shannonostrander5481 9 ай бұрын
He took me to the judgement, and I was in Heaven and the love and peace you have is unmeasurable
@allisonking2942 9 ай бұрын
This happened to me when i was 12 yrs old. I felt my heart slow down and stop beating. Then i saw the brightest incredible light that i was heading towards. A shadowy figure came to me and motioned to go back. Then i was looking down at my lifeless body and realised if i didn't get back Into my body I'd die. In seconds of that thought i was back in my body. This experience terrified me at the time because i thought it was a warning of my death. I was scared to go to sleep. As i grew in my faith i felt a peace and reassurance of what will happen when i die.
@angelagabhart4188 Ай бұрын
Awesome interview!!!! Sharing the good news! Praise God! Praise Jesus!
@AaronGallant 5 ай бұрын
Years ago, I was shot in the heart with a handgun, died, and came back to life. This experience solidified my believe in the existence of God, however, it also made me turn away from the Bible's and the Church's interpretation of spirituality. Sorry if that is not what you want to hear but that is my experience with death and religion.
@juliannewelch5854 Ай бұрын
I'm.glad you said that. I don't think there is religion in the afterlife. Maybe for Christians that are focused on seeing Jesus they will see Jesus. I heard one guy saying he was talking to a bird deity who said his name was Ra
@MrsBenjamin2010 9 ай бұрын
Awesome, God is Love. Be blessed, thank you Jesus ❤
@NextStopJesus 9 ай бұрын
LANGUAGE IN HEAVEN Will we speak one language in heaven As we worship the Almighty King Will we hear all language together When we lift up our voices to sing Will we know every language in heaven As we speak to each other and walk Will our Savior smile and lead the way When he listens to us as we talk Will we rejoice to know every language As we speak to our Savior in praise Will we long for His voice, touch & hugs As we journey in heaven's pathways Will we long to know all language As we wait for our Savior to come Will we think how long it took to get here When we see what we all have become Shirley ❤ Arizona
@laramatthews2082 9 ай бұрын
I kinda always imagine everyone will be like "polyglots", but without the possibility of error or misunderstanding
@vilmabock478 9 ай бұрын
@@laramatthews2082 Exactly 💯
@frankinspired6486 9 ай бұрын
My Experience on june 4th 2018. His love is "warm liquid tangible living love". I felt it in every cell of my body. When He speaks the love grew overwhelmingly so great within me. Then He told me his name is LOVE. When He said this i felt like i was exploding within, a surge of love rushed all through me like a thunderbolt. There is simply no worldly terminologies to explain the experience with charity. I love Jesus!!
@janglandis773 9 ай бұрын
A study of near death experiences was done that spanned many religions. It was discovered than the NDE was dependent on the particular god the person worshipped. Muslims Hindu's etc. saw their own god/ gods during their own NDE. Not Jesus. What do you make of that.
@frankinspired6486 9 ай бұрын
@@janglandis773 Well, my NDE was 4 days earlier on May 30th 2018, and it was a scary one. But He came in a very bright light rescued me from the dark forces. But the next experience on June 4th 2018 wasnt an NDE. I was very much awake. He visited me in my room from 8pm to last time i checked time was 1am. And it went on till next day, which literally felt like 2minutes, for in eternal realm time feels as having stopped. About other religions seeing their gods isnt much a surprise. Even traditionalists who worship ancestral spirits have reported seeing their dead ancestors in NDEs. Its expected each soul will be received by the god it made itself one with while on earth. Worship makes us one with our object of worship. The question is will those gods have an eternal place for them? Has any of those gods promised them forgiveness of sins and eternal life, or a place prepared for them? It can be expected the fate those gods will suffer from the Supreme God n judge shall also be the same fate to those who worshipped them. Yet the kind of LOVE i experienced made me fully convinced that This "God of Love" (for his Being is "made" of pure love) doesnt want anyone, whoseover it be to miss on His eternal life/love. In this LOVE i never felt judged, i felt like i have never sinned, like i was His only, i felt so pure. The love heals too cos i had a bad knee and as love radiated through my body i was healed. I later read in the Bible scriptures given to me, one said "God is LOVE", "he who LOVES knows God", "he who hates his "brother" doesnt know God". "For so God LOVED the world that He gave his only beggoten son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life" etc.. The major difference between This God and other gods is LOVE! The life in Him is pure LOVE. And so much He taught me on love, and am now teaching n preaching love as he taught me, and witnessing "miracles of love".
@nilmaa3272 9 ай бұрын
Do you mind describing Love that you saw pls.? Thanks
@frankinspired6486 9 ай бұрын
@@nilmaa3272 Our worldly language is so poor that there is NO vocabulary that can clearly explain that divine love. But closer enough, the Divine love is LIFE, its the purest sweetest LIVING light, its ETERNITY INself.. In this realm we see light with the eye, hear voice with the ear, talk with the mouth, feel with the flesh, we are fragmented in 5 senses. But there our whole BEing JUST sees without turning to look, my whole being just heard when he THOUGHT and when i thought He heard and thats how we spoke telepathetically. The thought/speech itself would send a surge of love through my being and the BLISS would be amplified, so you just want to keep "tallking" with him, yet not with but INhim, for i spoke inHim and He spoke INme. You are paired as one with this light n love, you are two beings yet one! There is no individualism there, all things a knit together in this ONE love, one life and one mind. Functions like Kind of like different "computers" joined into one "server". The access code being LOVE "BEINGness"! To have a hint, just combine all good states n feelings of Peace, JOY, Love, Kindness, gentleness, contentment, abudance, etc and let you experience all at once! Its ECTACY, Its eternal Bliss, and the JOY is out of this world! The love made me WEIGHTLESS. I would float like one in space/moon. At times He wanted me to pray/worship and i would literally involuntarily be lifted n floated by this love and turned into a praying position and so gently as if one handling a one week old baby. And for the next few days i had light shining on my face like a mirror reflecting. walking in town people and drivers would keep turning n gazing. Much more happened, i cant exhaust here. Am fully convinced, GOD is LOVE!! God is living LIGHT!Thats the God Jesus taught n revealed, quite different from the god of religion.. This world is like a giant classroom, and we are here to learn only one thing ...that is " HOW TO LOVE". Love is the narrow path which only few find and walk. Whoever walks this path knows God and has eternal life. For God is love. Three things are faith, hope and love, and love is the greatest. And the greatest test of love being love for your enemies, "for whoever loves his enemies has NO enemies". And such a one loves ALL people, for without enemies you are a perfect LOVE BEING!
@sueholdener4135 7 ай бұрын
I used to be a fundamentalist Christian, hard core, and pretty much afraid of God. I read Bettie Eadie’s NDE experience and i everything I read I took to the Bible- and I found it there. It was things like- a day with the Lord is like a thousand years. NDEers come back saying that time is an earth thing. I found a God who is more loving than I could fathom and so much greater than fundamentalism teaches. We have so much to learn and it’s all good.
@macpduff2119 6 ай бұрын
2012 my husband was bedridden brain injured from an accident. Our terrier lay dying on the floor next to our bed. I was in our home office on the computer. Suddenly a transparent vision overlayed my monitor of Jack dog running gleefully up golden hills with blue skies . Suddenly Jack paused, turned round and looked down the hill to someone/something. Then coming up the hill from my right came my husband Michael, - but not injured and sick . Michael was about 30 yrs old, in jeans and a white t-shirt. Healed, vibrant and young. jack dog and Michael ran to each other, then walked up the hill together. I was shaken, got up and went to the bedroom. Our dear pet had no pulse but was warm and flexible,- newly dead. Still I was confused about my hubby appearing in the dream. Four years later 2016 my husband died and joined our sweet terrier. Since then I know that all pets go to heaven. Jesus has infinite compassion and love so He rejoins us with others we loved. This entire vision may have lasted 1 or 2 seconds.
@veronikadimac3008 10 ай бұрын
I belive all you said. God is so mighty and wonderful, in HIS LOVE HE ia showig us HIS MAJESTY and existence...❤❤❤
@ros6111 10 ай бұрын
And do you also believe these? Nintendo characters? Santa Clause? Yamatoots? Yamraj? For those who want to know the full story.......... THE NDE STUDIES.....(LA Times excerpts) Researchers estimate that around 17% of people have an NDE. That means about 80% don't. Scratch beneath those alleged flat EKG lines and the stories are a veritable Twilight Zone of inconsistencies. Some near-death voyagers claim to have met God - BUT A FEW SAW ELVIS PRESLEY OR GROUCHO MARX, researchers say. Others get to heaven not through the famous "tunnel", but ABOARD GHOSTLY TAXI CABS, FERRIES THAT CROSS THE RIVER STYX, OR SPANGLED COWS. Even some children - often touted as the best source of unbiased information - sometimes return from "death" CLAIMING THEY WERE GREETED IN THE OTHER WORLD by STILL LIVING TEACHERS, and NINTENDO CHARACTERS, and COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. If encounters with conscious plants, talking insects, roosters, and turtles, doesn’t give you pause about NDEs, perhaps NDEs THAT INCLUDE ENCOUNTERS WITH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS WILL. Melvin Morse reports that a 10-year-old boy had an NDE where he ENCOUNTERED A VIDEO-GAMING WIZARD who loved Nintendo. Karl Jansen similarly reports finding childhood NDEs THAT INCLUDE ENCOUNTERS WITH VIDEO GAME AND COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. In a collection of pediatric NDEs published in 1990, Serdahely even found a case where A GIRL ENCOUNTERED A FAVORITE TOY DURING HER NDE - AN OLD STUFFED ANIMAL. They differ between people and cultures. Instead of a tunnel and angels, EAST INDIANS MAY DESCRIBE THE RIVER GANGES AND A PARTICULAR GURU. HINDUS WHO BELIEVE IN YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of death, EXPERIENCED MEETING HIM. A Hindu girl "died" AND WENT TO HEAVEN ON A COW. Would that mean western people will be riding cows to heaven? Jews who don't believe in Jesus or "hell", experienced meeting God as described in the Old Testament, while messianic Jews experienced God as Jesus. Any reports of Christians meeting Muhammad, or Muslims meeting the Virgin Mary, or Jews meeting Guru Nanak, if they exist, have not been publicized. Dr. Richard Eby had an NDE and allegedly Jesus told him he had to back, and that he (Jesus) would be returning (2nd coming) before he died permanently. BUT DR. RICHARD EBY HAS NOW DIED AND JESUS HAS NOT RETURNED. A few hospitals have placed signs in their cardiac units - with nonsensical messages visible only from above - BUT SO FAR NOBODY HAS RETURNED FROM DEATH CLAIMING TO HAVE FLOATED UP AND SEEN ONE. In one study carried out, the experiences of 16 Asian Indians were compared with those of Americans, and IT WAS FOUND THAT THE INDIANS HAD ENCOUNTERED YAMRAJ, the Hindu god of the dead, WHILE THE AMERICANS HAD NOT. You would expect that if any one particular religious account of the afterlife was true, NDEs would be pretty much the same. BUT THESE ACCOUNTS ARE SO VARIED AND ARE ARE ALL BASED ON CULTURAL EXPOSURE. IN INDIA, PEOPLE SEE HINDU GODS; IN SAUDI ARABIA ITS ALLAH, MOHAMED, AND A BUNCH OF VIRGINS. The kid from the book/movie Heaven Is For Real, saw a Jesus with sea-green blue eyes ON A RAINBOW COLORED HORSE, GOD WITH HUGE WINGS, YELLOW HAIR AND BLUE EYES; and ONE LITTLE GIRL WENT TO HEAVEN AND WAS GREETED BY A PORTLY MAN WITH A WHITE BEARD AND RED CAP, aka SANTA CLAUSE. The Mapuche people of South America and residents of Hawaii are more likely to SEE LANDSCAPES AND VOLCANOES, whereas NDEs in Thailand rarely involve landmarks, tunnels, or light. For Tibetans, light features more heavily AS DO ILLUSIONS OF REINCARNATION. Europeans and North Americans often visualize beautiful gardens; intriguingly the Kalai of Melanesia are more inclined to SEE AN INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD OF FACTORIES. An NDEr's subjective recollections can be attributed to many factors: THE NDEr's PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, ETC., NOT JUST CULTURE. The terrain of Heaven also varies wildly - from gardens, forests, and CATTLE FILLED PASTURES in some accounts, to clouds, COMPUTER ROOMS OR CASTLES, in others. A TEXAN SAW BARBED WIRE FENCES IN THE AFTERLIFE. Micronesians describe LARGE NOISY CITIES WITH CARS AND SKYSCRAPERS. Drug addicts, alcoholics, felons (murder), suicides, hedonists, abusers, mean people, and gay people, have all claimed to encounter heaven. Strangely, people have claimed to enter some "hell" FOR THE SAME REASONS. EVEN THE INFAMOUS ADOLF HITLER HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN HEAVEN. Again, strangely, he's also been seen in some "hell". Contradictions abound. There are reports of bad NDE trips involving TORTURES BY ELVES, GIANTS, MONSTERS, etc. Some parapsychologists take these as evidence of the mythical places of various religions. But, IF SO, THEN WHAT IS ONE TO CONCLUDE FROM THE FACT THAT OVER 80% OF PEOPLE NEAR DEATH DO NOT EXPERIENCE ANYTHING, neither the heavenly or the diabolical? This is a wonder. Is the hereafter actually mining and refining raw materials needed to build castles, cars, barbed wire fences, computers, and skyscrapers? From where do they get this material and the tools? Not to mention the raw materials and tools needed to construct an ever increasing number of those cages and cubes in the Christian hell, as a few claim. Who builds those cages? And which of the variety of "hells" do you actually go to? Christian? Buddhist? Spiritualist? Hindu? Muslim? Some other one? The answer seems to be whichever one the experiencer has been exposed to, as Thai NDErs regularly claim to encounter LORD YAMA AND YAMATOOTS, COMPLETE WITH TALKING DECEASED ROOSTERS, and being sentenced to Buddhist "hell" for butchering and eating chicken, then reincarnated as birds. DOES THAT MEAN WESTERNERS WILL UNKNOWINGLY BE HEADING TO BUDDHIST "HELL" FOR EATING CHICKEN? Thai accounts state that butchers become lumps of meat in Buddhist "hell", so what then awaits Western slaughterhouse workers? Even in her rather homogeneous Western European clientele, Kubler-Ross could see the effects of early enculturation: " I NEVER ENCOUNTERED A PROTESTANT CHILD WHO SAW THE VIRGIN MARY IN HIS LAST MINUTES, YET SHE WAS PERCEIVED BY MANY CATHOLIC CHILDREN." But there also are some hard-to-explain differences, Melvin Morse says. Whereas American near-death survivors are typically sent back by God because “it’s not your time yet,” INDIA'S AFTERLIFE VISITORS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE TOLD THERE WAS A “CLERICAL ERROR.” Even more curious: SOMETIMES THE BEING OF LIGHT IS ELVIS PRESLEY. Moody has chronicled at least two such sightings. A PERSON MAY APPEAR DEAD TO OUR SENSES OR OUR SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT, BUT STILL BE PERCEIVING. In fact, we now have evidence that patients who appear brain dead, may in fact be capable of conscious thought. In 2006, scientists in the UK and Belgium did an fMRI on a woman in a vegetative state and FOUND THAT PARTS OF HER BRAIN SHOWED ACTIVITY WHEN SHE WAS SPOKEN TO, AND ASKED TO THINK ABOUT THINGS LIKE PLAYING TENNIS. Yet the evidence for near-death paranormal powers remains shaky at best. TWO STUDIES HAVE FOUND THAT PATIENTS’ “OUT OF BODY” ACCOUNTS OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPERATING ROOM WERE WRONG. So were the 1988 Armageddon forecasts hyped by Ring and others. Michael Sabom, however, offers a compromise stance: He rejects the idea that they provide glimpses of a heaven or hell. "I’m not saying these people didn’t experience something odd. But I am saying that we should take it with a grain of salt, because IF ANECDOTES MEET YOUR STANDARD FOR WHAT QUALIFIES AS EVIDENCE, then you should probably start buying tin foil and food buckets, because THERE ARE JUST AS MANY PEOPLE WHO REPORT SEEING REPTILIANS AND WHO HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS." But what about veridical NDEs - near-death experiences in which the person supposedly sees something they couldn’t otherwise have known while ‘flat-lining’ and others are able to verify that what they saw is indeed correct. The most notorious example of this is Maria’s shoe. A lady named Maria reportedly left her body, floated around and saw a shoe on a ledge outside her hospital window, that she ‘couldn’t have possibly seen.’ Her critical care provider, Kimberly Clark, looked outside and saw the shoe, just as described. BUT WHEN RESEARCHERS TRIED TO TRACK DOWN MARIA TO CONFIRM CLARK'S STORY, THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO FIND ANY SUCH PERSON OR ANYONE ELSE TO CORROBORATE THE ACCOUNT. And when they placed a shoe on the ledge, it was clearly visible from the hospital room, PROVING CLARK HAD EXAGGERATED AT LEAST PART OF THE STORY. Here’s the topper. There is no record of Maria being in that hospital. Sixty years ago, Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, poked around the right temporal lobe of some epileptic patients and discovered that they would hear heavenly music, relive their pasts in 3D, and have out-of-body visions. Similar experiments continue. There is Dr. Melvin Morse's discovery of "a portal" in the brain that when stimulated, triggers a NDE. He writes that some are threatened by this, as the discovery makes the experience seem unreal. There’s growing evidence that the temporal lobe plays a huge role in creating NDEs. When patients had their brains scanned after an NDE, it was discovered that they had increased levels of temporal lobe activity compared with those in a control group. THAT COULD EXPLAIN WHY ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE HAVE NDEs. When Dr. Olaf Blanke implanted electrodes into the brains of patients, HE WAS ABLE TO TRIGGER SUPERNATURAL AND OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES BY STIMULATING THE TEMPORAL PARIETAL JUNCTION.
@Lanore01 9 ай бұрын
I also had an NDE🙏🙏🙏Yahweh is the reason I'm still here! I posted this with my story on my channel❤Thank you for this call to share my story❤
@debaterforhim 9 ай бұрын
I remember when I was a teenager I got very sick to the point that I could not get out of bed for over a week. I was unable to eat or drink much, I could not pee, etc. and I developed a very high fever. After a few days, (the doctor after I was well said my lung must have collapsed as when he pressed on my chest it caved in), I felt immense pressure in my lungs and could barely breathe. At one point, I was either close to death, or dead and I saw 7 demons come through the wall to get my soul. I remember mustering all my strength to say "Jesus", then a very bright light came in to the room and I could sense their presence, but the light was so blinding I could not look at them. They came to the side of my bed, and I felt a cold hand come over my forehead, and breath came back to my lungs. I spoke to them and said: "Im ready" for I was happy to go with them. They spoke back to me and said, "It is not yet your time, my child." I got better immediately. A few minutes later I walked out of my bed for the first time in a week. God really healed me, I am sure of it. When I get discouraged and have doubts, I remember that time in my life, and I know that God exists! I remind myself He has a purpose and we all have our time. One day my time will come. I hope He is happy with what I have done with the life He gave me back. ❤
@debaterforhim 8 ай бұрын
@falten1110 everyone is bad. Not a single one of us deserves Heaven.
@JohnnyLag1776 9 ай бұрын
Wow! God bless you both. I bought the book while watching this video. I love having my faith reinforced.
@DecodingReligion 9 ай бұрын
same here
@margiehankins-jerde6094 9 ай бұрын
I have had an experience of going up into a tunnel of light where I was fighting all the way because I had 2 little girls I did not want to leave. This light was inside and outside with someone coming into my mind telling me my girls will be OK. When I said inside my head ok Lord your will be done. As soon as I relinquish my will I shot back down that tunnel of light. When I opened my eyes my husband was standing over me and said I wasn't breathing and had no pulse. He thought I was gone. I have never forgotten that feeling of peace once I let go and stopped fighting. If that was a death experience and I believe it was there is absolutely no reason to fear death. The light becomes part of you and you become part of it. I never had it confirm but it has changed me and I know we will be with God when we pass.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
So good to hear others testimony of their NDE experiences, I did not mention mine for years, it was a real miracle during a terrible experience. God bless
@LOVEISTRUTH300 9 ай бұрын
It's real. Years ago I'd say I'm nuts because I never believed. I was wrong. I now know the Holy Spirit is LOVE💖💖💖 it changed my life. I knew nothing about what I had learned during my experiences beforehand because I had zero interest in religion. I never grew up around it. After my experiences and then listening to ndes and learning about the Holy Spirit and how it lined up with my experiences, I have no doubt my experiences were real.
@monekiaroque8151 8 ай бұрын
True Christianity, where we are followers and children of Jesus Christ (hence the title), and are saved is the only "religion" that can lead you to the truth and then salvation if you believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Our hearts, and anything that we can do (ever notice that Christianity is the only religion that requires that we only believe to be saved, bc there's nothing that we can do?), can never save us for the Bible tells us that our hearts are desperately wicked, who can know them? The answer to that is God, because most times, we don't even know our own hearts. We must believe that the Son of almighty God, who was born of a virgin and lived a perfect sinless life, died the horrific death of the cross taking the full wrath of His Father as punishment for OUR sins, was buried just like the scriptures said He'd be, and arose on the third day! We are saved if we truly believe that and trust in the Lord Jesus.
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 8 ай бұрын
@@monekiaroque8151 Agree am non denominational Christian I believe that belief in the Son of God and the Gospel is the way.
@deeannhale5327 9 ай бұрын
When I was around 5 years old I dreamed of Heaven. The road I was on was big square rocks I could see through, different colors. There was a stream running down on my left that was so beautiful and so clear you could see through it as well. I was walking slightly up hill. In the dream I knew where I was. Years later when I could read the Bible, Gods word does say that there is a fountain of life. And it does talk about the road is made of all the precious stones.
@jumpmaninspired 8 ай бұрын
Once when I was 28 years old and very low and depressed in life I was driving on the freeway during a storm. A church with a cross was on the left side of the freeway and I asked God if Christ was real please strike the cross with lightning. In the very moment I finished that thought a lightning bolt struck the top of the cross. It happened so precisely as I finished that thought that there was zero time to doubt what I had asked.
@margretsims1322 5 ай бұрын
Oh, how wonderful!
@cftoscano 9 ай бұрын
After reading many NDE I read that these people don't always see Jesus at all. They all describe that they went to this beautiful peaceful place, felt no pain or fear but only love. They usually describe that they can understand and talk without ever hearing or actually talking. They usually describe meeting loved ones who have died and are usually being guided by angels but not always Jesus. I read over and over again that what they feel is this intense feeling of being loved and that you can do no wrong in heaven. There's no judging just peace and love. From what I can get out of these stories is that Heaven is for everyone who wants it. Praise God!
@ravinderkaur-wz4lv 3 ай бұрын
Speechless 😊
@Doc-xb3nh 2 ай бұрын
Jesus Himself said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” Jesus Christ is the only way to be in heaven. Faith in Him dying for your sins alone.
@Annjoylozz 3 күн бұрын
The God of heaven appeared to me. And asked me why I doubted his existence. 😢 this encounter changed my life forever.
@marcome 3 ай бұрын
Be blessed John Burke for letting God pass through you and reach us more and more!
@royalgarner8403 9 ай бұрын
I love this so so much. I had a spiritual NDE snd sae a piece of Heaven but was in hell known as the "Lid of hell" or " Abrahams Bosom" and to skip so so many details i saw JESUS and it was more than breath taking and i saw people who had died in the Faith who were waiting for me and i knew that. But it was incredible beautiful and amazing shaken up together and layed in your lap. But this was also a special commission experience because when i came back i dedicated my life to serving GOD and helping all those who come across my path. Once again i am skipping a tremendous amount of details but its real. ABBA is real. JESUS CHRIST is real. The HOLY SPIRIT IS REAL!!!❤️ And i am now a professing christian and preacher of sorts. All because of His Divine transformative Power. Shalom❤
@AnnDaly-lt7sb 9 ай бұрын
I was a small child, He hugged me, He also told me "do not look at her" referring to my body cause something bad was done to me to cause my soul to leave. I did not get as far as heaven though, just up towards the ceiling hugging Him, He glowed with light, gold tinged, and I felt complete love, safety and peace. I did not want to go back. But I have grandkids now and there must have been a reason I returned to my body. God bless and keep you dear.
@PositiveEnergy733 9 ай бұрын
If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine. ✨💖🌟
@stephieg.2580 9 ай бұрын
Sound good but.....nope
@RighteousPursuitMinistries 8 ай бұрын
You've missed the point here. Jesus is the Lord and all these testimonies point to Him, and His book, the Bible. You gotta repent of your Buddhist, self prosperity path, repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus. He is the ONLY Way.
@lynncarlson1543 9 ай бұрын
@egeyermusic 4 ай бұрын
I have watched hundreds of NDEs and read Raymond Moody's research and for years, learn as much as I can about this. Nearly all experiencers I have seen return and become less religious, saying love is the centre of it all, not scripture.
@Doc-xb3nh 2 ай бұрын
But the Bible said about itself that it is the Word of God, Jesus Christ and that God is love. Therefore the Bible is love.
@Jo-tm3zq111 6 ай бұрын
True. When communicating with God, there is no greater feeling, knowledge, trust, joy, patience, love .......
@catmations5631 9 ай бұрын
Amen! Praise you Lord Jesus Christ! Behold He is coming soon!
@kaibaby998 10 ай бұрын
Amen! GOD is so much more loving, glorious and beyond amazing than how the Bible depicts Him! I often say to GOD why are you so understated in the Bible as the Bible does not even come close to describing You?
@merrandakimble2196 9 ай бұрын
Praying daily and that connection with you & god is personal...doesnt matter what anyone elses relationship is ...that's the beauty of it ... 💓
@thomastessier4529 3 ай бұрын
I have listened to quite a few NDE's from different people; men, women, children, Muslims, atheists, etc. and they all say just about the same thing. Basically what I take away from the NDE's that I have watched / listened to is that there is a bright light, like you are being bathed in love, and none of them wanted to come back to their body. And when they did, they said it was like coming into a cold prison. And the Bible says being out of the body is being present with the Lord.
@juliabishop1968 9 ай бұрын
The picture on the thumbnail is fascinating to me, because I was allowed to see a vision of a young Roman Catholic Priest when he died as he walked up a stairs just like that. The difference was that on each step on either side stood an Angel beating a drum, singing (male voice choir) "Come then, beloved of My Soul." It was beautiful and solemn as he entered Heaven, and he was utterly amazed at the reception he was getting.
@priceless1284 9 ай бұрын
I cant wait to be with you Jesus and all your followers 🙏
@macpduff2119 6 ай бұрын
When I was 5 or 6 my sister, her fiancé, and I went iceskating. Henry broke his leg doing a leap on the ice. days after his hospital surgery, he told me that during the operation, he floated above his body and watched the doctors. This was early 1950's before talk of NDE
@corinnestefanko5300 6 ай бұрын
My dad in 1974 had bi pass heart surgery. 2 days later in the hospital he had a fibrillation event. He told me after he was shocked back to the correct heart rhythm that he saw his body in his bed with the doctor and nurses working on him. Dad lived about 20 years more. He said it was very peaceful outside his body.
@amberchase7959 10 ай бұрын
Jesus is the only way to heaven
@Chicago_Cabbie 9 ай бұрын
Who said ?
@amberchase7959 9 ай бұрын
@@Chicago_Cabbie Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
@Chicago_Cabbie 9 ай бұрын
@@amberchase7959 how do you know he said that ?
@Doc-xb3nh 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@Chicago_Cabbieit is in the Bible. The Bible states of itself as the inerrant Word of God. Jesus is identified as the Word of God. Why should we believe any historical statements? Or what Danny said about himself yesterday in Des Moines Iowa? According to your premise.
@BenHackett-x7m 8 ай бұрын
God reaches out to us where we are, no matter who or where we are. It's up to us to reciprocate.
@sarahm6234 9 ай бұрын
I love this. God is so graciously hinting to us all!!! Especially with the decline in morals and behavior.
@luciuskaesar6409 6 күн бұрын
This compilation by this man is just amazing. It verifies Scripture. I’m very thankful for his studies of NDEs that has given us this knowledge. And thanks to the channel for having him on. Great job 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️
@kenschauer3781 9 ай бұрын
Thanks! great show! I asked God once "what am I," God answered by saying in my head, "YOU STAND IN THE BLESSING OF GOD'S CREATION". I was wowed...
@mikeymike2256 4 ай бұрын
How do the NDEs prove the Bible? It's literally different from anything taught in the Bible. Even believers confirm that their experience is different from anything they expected.
@isay6757 4 ай бұрын
If it proves the Bible then Christians wouldn’t have to walk by faith.
@amandavanzyl8160 9 ай бұрын
Thank you...Early March 2007, I experienced an Encounter in Heaven...WORLD please that is more words can describe! Don't missed it for this world! Repent 1 Corinthians 15:1-4' Be Blessed... God is Real...Jesus is real and our time is up!
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