Deepak has such a gift for bringing it to us simply and beautifully. Makes it easy to absorb! Thanks Deepak!
@kathmandau14 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, and for the work you are doing. Namaste, CG
@FunNotNuts15 жыл бұрын
When I was groping around for some truth many years ago, I personally discovered that MOTIVE was extremely important. That without knowing what our motive was, we were rudderless. And if we also ask, "What would love do?" when we ask ourselves what our motives are, we find the results are easier to recognize when they manifest. A group of meditators brought the crime rate down in DC. Life is a chair of bowlies.
@Sooonniiaa14 жыл бұрын
i lov deepack chopra.lov his thinking
@Andromeda174116 жыл бұрын
thanks for uploading !
@winterflame196512 жыл бұрын
Wonderful... Thank u
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
Erikgee--thanks again. You've been great w/giving me feedback. This is a slow process for me, but I'm trying to come to realization and understanding. When visualizing about what we want, how often should this be done? Because I'm afraid that it could turn obsessive especially when it's about a specific person. How can one visualize/hope for a future with a specific person without becoming obsessed and hung up?
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
Absolutely thoughts have an energy frequency. But I'm coming to the conclusion that you could put your desire/thoughts out there but that person's thoughts/desires have to eventually match yours. And the ultimate decider of that is the universe. So, I'm beginning to learn you can desire, ask, but then have to let go and accept whatever the universe decides to give you. Which may or may not be the person you desire. It's sooo hard. That's the hardest part. Any thoughts??
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you so much. I am also learning that if I want the connection between us to manifest again in the future. I must let him go and use the "Law of Detachment". Can you explain this law to me and how I should apply it? How do I detach from him while keeping him in my mind and intentions daily?
@harkamalsharma14 жыл бұрын
if everone realized the importance of INTENTION as a powerful force,many many lives would change towards the much desired outcomes.Infact, use of Intention in this manner can be applied to get whatever you want.
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
thanks erikgee. this brings me to my next question of "visualizing." I tend to visualize us in the future. I visualize scenarios. When you say "visualize in the now" can you explain that a little more? Is it wrong to visualize/fantasize about the future relationship I want? Thanks a bunch!
@abundanceinall15 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know if Deepak will be in the new film by Douglas Vermeeren "The Gratitude Experiment?"
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
Erikgee--again thank you for your feedback. Bear with me as I attempt to understand this. So if I am imaging "us" in the future and our joy. How can I detach since I'm visualizing it everyday? Am I not getting more attached to the idea/outcome? I don't understand how to "take myself out of it" if I'm imaging it. Sorry, bear with me. I'm new at this. Thank you again.
@erikgee15 жыл бұрын
@lexyucla yeah dont let it become obsessive, you can ruin something by wanting it to much, thats ego, your ego thinks in lack, your spirit is content and wants nothing because it is already connected to everything including what your ego feels is missing in your life, when you visualize you feel like what you want is already in your life so in that way visualizing aligns you with the abundance of the universe and you will begin to see it in your life.
@nysmuseum14 жыл бұрын
Deepak, what are you doing with these other tools?
@erikgee15 жыл бұрын
@lexyucla no its not wrong to visualize the future, everyone does it, but the key to visualizing is feeling it in the now, so ask yourself how it would feel to have that experience now, and then feel that joy and happiness and lightness, and those feelings are a physical force in the universe to manifest your desire, just practice feeling those feelings in the now :) peace and much love to ya
@erikgee15 жыл бұрын
@lexyucla yeah i know it sounds so paradoxical doesn't it? but its easier then it seems, all you have to do is remember you intent by visualizing it like its already here, feeling the feelings of joy of you and that person being together again everyday, then you let it find you. you detach by taking youself out of it, you put others first and ask how you can give back to the world and then do it, thats the best way to detach. hope that helps
@lexyucla15 жыл бұрын
Question to EVERYONE: I have fallen for someone that has feelings for me but not to the extent I do. I fell hard for him while he kept himself emotionally unavailable to me. IS it possible to manifest the person you love in your life? Is it possible to ask the universe to bring realization and an open heart to the one you love so they accept you and desire you? Is it possible for the universe to allow him to fall in love with me? Thank you all for your constructive feedback.
@PersianKamancheh11 жыл бұрын
I just love you .....
@erikgee15 жыл бұрын
@lexyucla its ok it takes time. so when you visualize see it as now, feel the joy now this aligns you with the universe because in the spritual realm your intent has already happened, its beyond space/time so everything happens at once. visualizing is just the focusing of your intent, then you detach and let go by trusting that all the details are being taken care of for you and by asking what can i give instead of whats in it for me this removes ego when you help others your intent flows to you
@erikgee15 жыл бұрын
@lexyucla if that is what you want you should ask yourself if your intention will bring joy and fulfillment to you and everyone around you, if the answer is yes then your intent will fufill itself because it benefits all and is in harmony with the universe, but if not then it is from the ego and will only bring you frustration. peace and much love to you. good luck
@zibtihaj321315 жыл бұрын
keep it simple. IT IS EASY YOU KNOW.
@YamiPoyo14 жыл бұрын
I thought Deepak chopra was just a character in a movie lol.
@1freddytorres14 жыл бұрын
@MonacoRocha - I make $15000-$20000 a year. I love life. I'm not "..making Lots of Millions." I consider myself "Mr. Positive." If people focus on Hell thats what will appear in front of them. If people focus on the good things happening all around them, they will see Heaven. Heaven and Hell are both here on Earth. Where do U choose to focus. Obviously u've made your choice. Live and let live. Enjoy your Hell.
@Science1st13 жыл бұрын
Close the hospitals! We can all 'think' ourselves to health! Why didn't we think of this sooner?
@mahtabmawla87923 ай бұрын
How about the war industry which kills, maim, hurt innocent people?
@LogicDecoded15 жыл бұрын
you know whats funny, youtube using this video to advertise antidepressant drugs as they are doing right now, in looking at it loll one is trying to heal and one is trying to make money
@Science1st13 жыл бұрын
He's not selling "intention," he's selling bullshit that exclusively makes HIM money.