Hearthstone: Nefarian card sounds in 14 languages -BRM -Blackrock

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LFP Gaming

LFP Gaming

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@dr.badtimes3660 7 жыл бұрын
Nefarian: Priest, the light serves me now! Anduin: The light has betrayed me! Nefarian: Yeah, no shit.
@thuglyfe709 7 жыл бұрын
Dr. Badtimes Tirion: put ur faith in the light Anduin: the light has betrayed me
@scipion3679 7 жыл бұрын
Uther: By the Holy Light *Summon Light Ragnaros* THE LIGHT PURGES! *Dies anyway The light justice has failed
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
0:10 *English* 1:16 *German* 2:22 *Spanish* 3:32 *Lat. Spanish* 4:38 *French* 5:36 *Italian* 6:39 *Japanese* 7:41 *Korean* 9:06 *Polish* 10:12 *Portuguese* 11:09 *Russian* 12:25 *Thai* 13:37 *Chinese* 14:48 *Taiwanese*
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
*Happy Father's Day* 1:03
@363gaming7 8 жыл бұрын
Its his real dialogue?
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely... If it was fan-made sounds or anything like that then I would definitely have indicated it in the video.
@363gaming7 8 жыл бұрын
+LFP Gaming thanks
@creekee1124 8 жыл бұрын
Nefarian's eyes though that time....
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
In case you haven't yet seen it, check out my WoW Origin video for *Nefarian:* kzbin.info/www/bejne/jGOon3l_g6amqKM
@MrChieff117 8 жыл бұрын
WARLOCK !! You play with magic beyond your understanding. - Damn, this is so cool.
@zerlichr426 7 жыл бұрын
Deathwing: I AM power INCARNATE! Nefarian -Please d-daddy don't spank me D:
@Wilczyca27 7 жыл бұрын
I think Korean wins here, it really shows that Mad Scientist side of Nefarian, fits extremely well with his Blackwing Descend OST from WoW.
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Background art is by Ruan Jia: www.artstation.com/artist/ruanjia
@yimmouv7825 8 жыл бұрын
Korean voice is supercool
@Vengir 8 жыл бұрын
Polish: -Twoja magia należy do mnie! -Druidzie, dzikie ostępy są teraz moim królestwem! -Łowca staje się zwierzyną! -Magowie zbyt lekkomyślnie igrają z magią. -Paladynie, czyżby światłość cię opuściła? -Kapłanie, teraz światłość jest moim sprzymierzeńcem! -Przestań się chować w cieniu i stań do walki! -Szamanie, teraz ja władam żywiołami! -Czarnoksiężniku, igrasz z magią, której nie jesteś w stanie pojąć! -Wojowniku, siła okaże się twoją słabością! -T-tatuś? -Niech rozpocznie się gra!
@sutairu2312 7 жыл бұрын
Why i so much love the paladin line in russian, english and korean?
@aesthetic4829 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know why but I love the way he says Paladin!
@gadunka888 8 жыл бұрын
Mainland Chinese Nef says "Father?" (more formal) but Taiwanese Chinese (both are Mandarin) says "Daddy?" Rogue in Mainland Chinese is something like "Stealth-walker" but in Taiwanese Chinese it's "Bandit". Sounds more like Anduin tbh...
@V1c10u5K1d 8 жыл бұрын
Russian: -Теперь я владею твоей магией! (Play) -Дикая природа теперь подвластна мне, Друид! (Play vs. Druid) -Охотник становится добычей! (Play vs. Hunter) -Тебе следует осторожнее вести себя с магией! (Play vs. Mage) -Неужели, свет оставил тебя, Паладин? (Play vs. Paladin) -Теперь свет служит мне, Жрец! (Playe vs. Priest) -Хватит прятаться, выйди и сразись со мной! (Play vs. Rogue) -Стихии теперь подчиняются мне, Шаман! (Play vs. Shaman) -Ты играешь с магией недоступной твоему разумению! (Play vs. Warlock) -Твоя сила стала твоей слабостью, Воин! (Play vs. Warrior) -Папа? (Play vs. Deathwing) -Ну что ж, поиграем? (Attack) -*Dragon orgasm sounds* (Death)
@dogetastic2846 4 жыл бұрын
0 dislikes for over 4 years. This is literally perfect.
@robertoloborosas5592 7 жыл бұрын
03:20 LMAO! just look that eyes XD
@곰닭탕 8 жыл бұрын
Korean: 7:41 -네 능력은 내 것이다! (상대 영웅이 라그나로스 등일 경우) -자연의 힘을 부리는건 나다, 드루이드여. (Druid) -사냥꾼이라, 사냥감이 더 낫겠군. (Hunter) -마법사인가, 마법을 가지고 장난칠 상대를 고를 때는 좀 더 신중했어야지. (Mage) -성기사라, 빛의 힘 없이도 싸울 수 있겠느냐. (Paladin) -사제여, 빛은 이제 날 섬긴다. (Priest) -도적이라고? 숨어다니지만 말고 나와서 내게 맞서라. (Rouge) -정령들은 이제 내게 복종한다, 주술사여. (Shaman) -흑마법사여, 네가 이해하지도 못하는 마법을 가지고 장난을 쳐서야 쓰나. (Warlock) -전사여, 네 힘이 곧 약점이 되리라. (Warrior) -아...아빠? (Deathwing) -게임을 시작하자. (Attack)
@곰닭탕 8 жыл бұрын
7:30 hmm?!?! Papa?! (lol xD)
@곰닭탕 7 жыл бұрын
테디코디 thx
@79세남상필할아범 7 жыл бұрын
'쳐서야'가 맞습니다
@dr.f607 8 жыл бұрын
*German:* (Play): Eure Magie gehört mir! (vs. Druid): Druide, die Wildnis untersteht nun meinem Befehl! (vs. Hunter): Der Jäger wird zum Gejagten! (vs. Mage): Magier, Ihr solltet vorsichtiger sein wenn Ihr mit Magie spielt! (vs. Paladin): Paladin, hat Euch das Licht etwa verlassen? (vs. Priest): Priester, das Licht dient nun mir! (vs. Rogue): Schurke, kommt aus den Schatten und zeigt Euch! (vs. Shaman): Schamane, die Elemente gehorchen nun mir! (vs. Warlock): Hexenmeister, Ihr solltet nicht mit Magie spielen, die Ihr nicht versteht! (vs. Warrior): Krieger, Eure Stärke ist nun Eure Schwäche! (vs. Deathwing): Papa? (Attack): Lasst die Spiele beginnen! *French:* (Play): Votre magie m'appartient! (vs. Druid): Druide, la nature est sous mon contrôle! (vs. Hunter): Le chasseur devient la proie! (vs. Mage): Mage, vous devriez faire plus attention quand vous utilisez la magie! (vs. Paladin): Paladin, la Lumière, vous a-t-elle abandonné? (vs. Priest): Prêtre, la Lumière me sert désormais! (vs. Rogue): Voleur, arrêtez de vous cacher et affrontez-moi! (vs. Shaman): Chaman, les éléments m'obéissent maintenant! (vs. Warlock): Démoniste, vous jouez avec des forces au-delà de votre compréhension! (vs. Warrior): Guerrier, votre force est votre faiblesse! (vs. Deathwing): Papa?! (Attack): Que la partie commence!
@吉良吉影-x9q 8 жыл бұрын
nefarian roasts nine heroes in a row PogChamp
@MASTERHAENIR 7 жыл бұрын
Hahahahaha the Deathwing edit is very funny xD
@benbrodejr.2184 8 жыл бұрын
portuguese druid, I control the green
@AwesomeJohnny4 8 жыл бұрын
@Vengir 8 жыл бұрын
So you found some indicators in the gamefiles to help you match the sounds or are you simply that good at recognizing it? :)
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Blizz fixed the game files some time between now, and when BRM was released. I don't know why (maybe because Nefarian is the only card in the game which's 'Play' sound differs depending on who he is played against), but his audio in the game files used to be a complete fucking mess. Like, there used to be 10 files called "BRM_030_Play_Generic" in a single folder, which had the nasty consequence of renaming themselves when you extract the game files (since you can't have duplicate file names in the same folder), which basically means that unless you are able to speak and understand all 14 languages, that you're fucked, because then you won't know which voice line belongs to which language... so yeah, that's basically why I just decided to not do this card's video until Blizzard fixed his stuff... and Blackrock Mountain was released over 1year ago, so Nefarian has been waiting quite a long time to get his video made lol... and it was a sub called "Krolm" who made the effort to go through all my videos and notify me of which ones I haven't done yet (apparently I haven't done the Ragnaros hero's video yet either), so it's because of him that I got the motivation to even make this video... but still, even with Nefarian's game files being in the correct format, it still took hours to edit the video, since he has 180+ sound files, which is alot more than the usual 42 which a normal 'play, attack, death' card has.
@LAHAAH_ 6 жыл бұрын
3:33 Español Latino.
@riptide8562 4 жыл бұрын
The Japanese voice lines sound like someone from JOJO’s
@BaldurPrime 8 жыл бұрын
nice video....thanks...just 1 question when nefarian play vs deadwing?
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Anytime that you play Nefarian, whilst your opponent has Deathwing on their side of the field.
@BaldurPrime 8 жыл бұрын
oo...i see...ok, thanks :3
@BrunoSantosW 6 жыл бұрын
@melangwalyhill 8 жыл бұрын
Is it Chris Metzen?
@LFPGaming 8 жыл бұрын
It is Matthew Mercer, who also voices Rexxar (Hunter) and Ragnaros
@gregora31 8 жыл бұрын
Russian: so what? Lets play
@REaSIoM 8 жыл бұрын
The french one is for sure the best one !
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