This is one of the best Playthroughs of all your channel!!! Well, of all Internet!!
@jeremycarlson11895 ай бұрын
I put the Oath series as first, but this is a close second. Can't wait to see how this ends. I am hoping for Jon's religious jihad to win here, but I also want to see Kyle pull off whatever the hell that wraith does. It feels like Ken should be dominating here with how the board looks, but he seems stuck in first gear. Crazy game.
@the_luggage5 ай бұрын
Love this; _really_ want to play this Wehrle classic. Poor Ken, unusually he just can't get in the game, then didn't choose his C either. Love Klye's enthusiasm on the stream and Jon & Edward are playing like pros 🤩
@EnergySurge4 ай бұрын
24:47 Edward played an Event card, which copies the lead card, the Four of Mobilization, giving him three action pips for Move or Influence. He then takes four influence actions. He could have taken that fourth action by spending one of his Psionic resources, but he did not spend any of his resources.
@EnergySurge4 ай бұрын
I don't think Kyle's strategy of sending spent Golems to Edward to fill up his resource slots actually accomplishes his desire of negatively affecting his ability to hold resources. The Golems Law treat Golems like resources: "[They] can be discard, rearranged and spent like resource tokens." The core rules allow you to rearrange any resources in your resource slots when you take or gain a resource to make an empty space for the new token. And after rearranging you discard the ones you cannot hold. If you don't have room, you can rearrange a Golem to make an empty slot and discard the Golem. "When a Golem is spent or discarded, flip it to Sleeping and place it in a Rival's empty resource slot." So you just pass the unwanted Golem off to another player. Because of the Golem laws, I don't believe the rules as written allow Golems to clog resource slots. I don't even think there is an intention of it in the rules. The wording of "placing" them, in my opinion, is to just make sure we don't use the term "give" which would allow the receiving player to rearrange any of their resources. It allows the player spending or discarding the Golem to choose a slot with less keys to make it easier to take back through a raid.
@EnergySurge4 ай бұрын
1:24:00 Excess normal hits can be applied to buildings, after all ships of that player have been removed. The Galactic Rifles card even mentions this at the bottom of it's rules text, "(Hit ships before buildings.)" The more interesting question is can Edward attack Jon with Imperial ships present in Edward's system? Rules as written, the Truce Law states Regents cannot harm Rival Regents in systems with Imperial ships. There were no Imperial ships in Jon's system with the city, so he was not protected from Rival Regents. However, Rules as Thematic, it seems strange that not only will the Imperial ships turn a blind eye to Edward shooting at a Rival Regent in an adjacent system, they will also participate in the shooting and add their firepower. Edit - On closer inspection, I don't think Galactic Rifles will let you add dice for Imperial ships. It only specifies Loyal ships. And it isn't an actual battle, so the rules that allow you to add Imperial ships to a battle do not apply. So Edward could only roll two blue skirmish dice to Fire Rifles at the city.
@SuperSeagull125 ай бұрын
Just FYI the agents you get from ransacking the court go to Trophies not Captives
@deljohnson32644 ай бұрын
Golems don't "clog up" resource slots as you can always discard any resource you own to make room for another resource.
@Cpunkstoad5 ай бұрын
at 02:12:19, Edward should have won warlord since agent go to trophie when you are ransak the court
@Heavycardboard5 ай бұрын
DAMMIT! You’re totally right. We missed that. Thanks for the catch. 👍🏼
@efarien1405 ай бұрын
Commenting as I watch...Does someone catch that Sworn Guardians would have protected The Young Light from Silver Tongues?
@efarien1405 ай бұрын
Huzzah!! The extortionist is rebuffed!!
@deljohnson32644 ай бұрын
Kyle couldn't have stolen the Young Light. Jon had Sword Guardians.
@maquisardnh5 ай бұрын
I like Ken. Full disclosure: I imagine he's Patton Oswalt
@leavemydogalone5 ай бұрын
No one has tried to take first regent from Edward in 2 games. Yikes. The point distribution definitely shows it
@Heavycardboard5 ай бұрын
Given what everyone’s Fate is directing them to do, it makes sense. Keep watching….;)
@JanusZudnik5 ай бұрын
Thought the same, but then again, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole campaign thing and it still seems like a delicious mystery I'm watching here, or oftentimes just listen to.. on another note, I've seen a new Oath campaign arising here, and since I've tried the PnP expansion content lately I was kind of disappointed that you didn't give it a spin. I may be wrong.