I thought there would be a translation for this song by now... But I couldn't found it so here is a translation for it! Not really suitable for singing english cover, but I think this is a relatively accurate translation for what this song want to tell! :3 Hope you enjoy! ヘドニストの幸福な食卓 Hedonist’s Happy Dining 大してこの世界に望みなど無くて I have no more hope left for this cruel world. 愛して、そんな声は裏蓋が打ち落とした “I love you” such voice has been shot down by the back cover (of the camera). フロイデ、薄らいでく 表も裏も Oh My freude (Old German for joy) was drained from both of my sides. そうしてこの想いは移ろぎ、昇っていく Stopping myself from thinking this nonsense, I then started to climb up. 足の裏はテーブルから離れてく新たな世界へと Stepping forward from the edge of the table to the underworld. 堕ちた Falling down. 快楽の果て 開幕 夜明け This life of mine has thereby ended. 高まる心拍 急降下 My fasten heartbeat has stopped. 明滅の眼で軽蔑を見つめ My blinking eyes stared at their disdain. 薄ら笑み浮かべたよ A faint smile has shown on my face. 混濁の中、承諾を経て蛹は孵る Even in chaos, a pupa could hatch with assents. 戯曲は今、さんざめくThis life of mine just gotten noisy and noisier. 満たされぬ Such dissatisfaction. なんで、この世界で意識があるのか Why am I still conscious in this world? 解したこの心は舟に乗ったはずなのに My regret-less heart should have gone far away with the Ferryman. フロイト、心はまだ此処にありますよ Oh Freude, my heart still exists somewhere in this place. 廃した計画たち 果てから見つめていた Therefore I started to re-examine my discarded plans from the end. 冷えた朝は水溜りを晒して 全てを暴き出す It was all started at that morning, when a cold puddle of water has reflected all. 醒めた Woken from 泡沫な夢 崩落 背後で リアルがニヒリズムを語る My shattered butterfly dream, reality is again talking Nihilism to me. 鮮烈な絵と善人はきっと Those vivid drawings and saints probably 侮蔑を込めて言うよ Would gossip about me with contempt. 蒙昧な眼と盲目な眼に With their ignorant eyes, their blinded eyes 羽を広げる They stretches their wings 烏はただ、泣き喚き、哭き喚くAll those crows could do was mourn and cry. 煩わしいな Such annoyance. 満更でもない表情で観測を続けていた I continued my observation thinking this was not all that bad. 止まないチャイム、放たれた帳と Unstopping Chime, scattered notes and 食べきれずに残したパンケーキ Leftovers of Half-eaten pancakes. 苦悶に歪む肖像画 鏡を見てるよう だった I was just looking at my crooked Self-portrait, as looking through mirror. だのに、なのに、どうして Ah, But why? Why? 口の端は釣り上がるのだろう? Why am I smiling so happily? 刹那、ざわめいた Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed. 望まれない生は骸を喰らってた My unwanted life has thereby ended. 愛されない生は問いを続けた In this undesired life of mine, I have continually asked myself what is love, 痛覚さえも、蹂躙さえも、 性罰さえも、醜悪さえも、 Even at times when I was in pain, abused, and sexually assaulted. 愛おしくて I adored them all. 快楽の果て 快楽を得て At this very end of my life, I have finally obtained happiness, 初めて私は人となる becoming a human for the first time. 快楽の果て 快楽を以って At this very end of my life, 皆さまを迎えるよ I am finally able to face and greet everyone happily. 快楽の果て 快楽の、はて? But at this very happy ending, why? 何故泣いてるの? Why are you crying? 望みは今、叶えられ、噛み締めて 満たされたのに When I have finally be able to embrace my happiness?
@Cahir1765 жыл бұрын
On behalf of whole English speaking community I'd like to thank you for this ^^