Are you sure? What chinese requires is the ability go understand literature and abstract concepts.. do you think it is basic for every hk students?
@libxeraxtehkrexvolutixonof31463 жыл бұрын
@lucasss29203 жыл бұрын
@@libxeraxtehkrexvolutixonof3146 You’re a HongKongers and don’t know Chinese, it not to be okay. If you got Lv2, u also can go asso, than go U. That have many way.
我永遠記得我大學教授問我們的問題..Do you want A without knowing anything or you get C but you learn a lot? 不意外...好多學生回答...他們要A...教授也不意外...然後他說: OK, who wants A I can give you right now, but trust me, no one gonna hire you!
A = $50000??? C = $13000??? Haha... And $50000 without knowing anything = you are a fraud and will be fired any time soon What did you want the professor to say, "It doesn't matter whether you get an A or a C, you are all beautiful inside and that's your value to me"
+Original The +Original The +Original The 我覺得考試內容之所以會變成咁死板係因為要追求「公平」,要有相對一致嘅「標準答案」先容易評分(不過可能因為政治或者各種問題所以要求變得越嚟越奇怪,尤其係主科。我自己讀中史文學反而感覺呢兩科反而相對寬鬆自由,特別係文學作文未去到話寫咩都得,但係負面野完全可以寫)。然後按照你嘅提議根據每人專業再去進修可行性都唔高,首先唔好話香港,就算係外國主流都係讀書好,如果係社會風氣未改變嘅情況下恐怕如果我想去做其他嘢第一個反對嘅就係屋企人😂其次當競爭嘅人大左考核總會出現,唔可以好理想咁諗全部人嘅夢想工作同埋社會嘅工作需求都係平均分配,當某啲工作競爭大到一個程度嘅時候你想進入一間好啲嘅學校進修咪都係要靠考試黎選擇,咁咪又係一個死循環?(當然根據特定需求產生嘅考試應該比較好) 最後我冇話其他考試制度冇效率唔公平,只係話dse現時來講 「相對 」公平有效率,我自己都冇話認同呢個制度,純粹係諗到多半人(重點!多半人非全部)往往都係淨係批評而無建議提出而生嘅感慨。(ps感覺我覆youtube留言仲俾心機以前做功課😂😂)