Helldivers 2 PSA: Use the Shield Relay, not the Pack

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I tested the Shield Generator Relay. It is so much better than the Generator Pack it's not even close.
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@deanofett 5 ай бұрын
My main concern with shield bubble over backpack is the best playstyle is hit and run... The role of the shield backpack is to get you to cover & let you peek more safely, not as a way to block damage outright, and it is very good at doing that, while you are being evasive it will more than double your base HP, allowing you to dip from cover to cover more easily.
@SaintGerbilUK 5 ай бұрын
Yep this is what I was thinking trying to out gun the bots leads to spending 30 minutes wasted not doing objectives, and that's if you don't run out of ammo first.
@SekiberiusWelkesh 5 ай бұрын
It'd still be handy for at least one person to run it as you will almost always get seriously ambushed at least once per game against the bots, in those situations this shield could be the difference between wiping and not.
@TheQcjoe47 5 ай бұрын
When I use the bubble I use a AUTOCANON turret with it. You drop both and move somewhere else it kill so many enemy and agro them there it give you time to run an position yourself better. By that time the bubble cool-down has ended. Next Bubble you can use the turret again
@honrethgaming8347 5 ай бұрын
Thats a fact! This is a fortification strat... the pack is superior for mobile game play.
@adlindorsal9877 5 ай бұрын
the bubble isn't that reliable either if you want to hold ground, if you are absolutely swarmed, tanks, rocket devastators and constant fire will bring the shield down quickly. At that point, it's better to just hit and run. I will say that the fast cooldown makes it viable, if you ever need to do an objective safely for a few seconds, that will help.
@kallanmccutcheon4091 5 ай бұрын
Last night, we embarked on a Helldive mission, facing an overwhelming onslaught of gunships and a barrage of fire from all directions. The pivotal element that saw us through was the Shield Relay Generator. Despite its potential, we seldom experienced the shield's full 30-second uptime due to the relentless attacks from the Automatons. At best, we managed a mere four seconds before the shield would falter. Each of us equipped with a Shield Relay, we found a way to hunker down amidst chaos. From my experience, the Generator Relay emerges as that crucial stratagem allowing us a brief respite to regroup and strategize with our teammates. Faced with the choice to either stand our ground or execute a strategic withdrawal, I lean towards the latter. Engaging in a continuous battle with the Automatons proves to be a futile endeavor. More strategically, this setup allowed us to designate a firing direction, momentarily drop our shields to cover our retreat, and swiftly move to a new location. This tactic ensured we kept moving, maximizing our chances of survival and maintaining the upper hand in our relentless environment.
@Shinobubu 5 ай бұрын
Drop Shield relay and put an auto cannon turret inside it.
@ft-w8052 5 ай бұрын
This reads like it was written by AI
@man3358 5 ай бұрын
Why are you using AI to write comments
@RobAlberto_4 5 ай бұрын
@@man3358the future is now. Ai for sure but well written.
@joemorales4288 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it is helpful to use it as a barrier when retreating as long as you don't plan on firing back, since I've seen the bots get to use the shield to their benefit as they chase you and pass through inside.
@arthurcallahan4735 5 ай бұрын
can we STOP calling good things Over Powered. I don't want the devs to nerf every gun/stratagem in the game thats fun to use because it kills. RIP breaker that nobody uses anymore.
@dunadan7136 5 ай бұрын
Woooooah the Breaker now has 3 less shells in the mag and shoots half a round slower, literally unplayable ZOMFG how dare AH nurf my one trick pony I mean favourite toy waaaaaah
@arthurcallahan4735 5 ай бұрын
@@dunadan7136 makes no sense to use it. nobody uses it now as it already ran oit of ammo quick. its now just there. not how you balance anything guy.
@dunadan7136 5 ай бұрын
@@arthurcallahan4735 No reason to take the Breaker? Are you high or something? In my experience, no other primary weapon has the raw close range damage output of the Breaker. This makes it extremely useful against Stalkers if you want to account for that. If ammo is an issue, get a supply pack. You should be using this over the shield generator anyway. Ammo boxes are also not the hardest things to find. Breaker is far from the worst primary I have used. Get over yourself and stop crying over a "nerf" that is really more of a slap on the wrist.
@SeanoldBeasley 5 ай бұрын
Breaker is CHEESE Use the liberator like a MAN
@Damglador 5 ай бұрын
Nah, breaker is still good... maybe a bit outshined by other weapons, but good
@lj1653 5 ай бұрын
"Hey look, if I don't use cover at all, this stratagem that essentially provides cover is really effective"
@kompatybilijny9348 5 ай бұрын
When you are using cover, you are not shooting at enemies. It simply magnifies your damage output
@yuki1zz668 5 ай бұрын
​@@kompatybilijny9348 the point op is making is that shield relay relies on you not having good cover sense while its useful especially on defense missions where you have to stay put and extract, its nearly useless when you realise you have to keep moving to complete objectives and the backpack shield allows you to get to cover and then not get stunned when trying to fire back (its not a im a tank now stratagem) while yes you can coordinate 4 people in order to have it up at all times but you sacrifice efficiency and mobility as you have all to be generaly close in order to make it work while with backpack shield you can work independent around the same base to attack.
@kompatybilijny9348 5 ай бұрын
@@yuki1zz668 That's kind of true. The only problem is that shield backpack absolutely sucks
@Cloaktastic 5 ай бұрын
@@kompatybilijny9348 please elaborate
@klopko249 5 ай бұрын
Another isue is that autor didnt shov what hapens ven you fight in real firefight. He shov when hi was fighting single patrol that they suprise or single hulk and with good reason beacouse when you habe 5 rocket devastators 3 heavy deva. and 2 hulks with like 8-12 little guis that shild will not last more than 5-8 sec. And then you are all on one place wyth no cover. Another problem is that most of shots that bots fire are stray shots that will not hit you normali but this shild is too big it wil tank shots that wouldnt do nothing othervice. There is reason why is it neesh stratogem it doesnt need nerf it need a buff.
@mawnkey 5 ай бұрын
Heavy armor with Med-Kit or Fortified, SMG, Stun Grenades, Ballistic Shield, Shield Generator, EMS turret, and Quasar Cannon is my go to tank setup against the bots. I tell the team to use me as cover and throw up the Gen every time mediums and heavies show up on the field. Allows me to absorb hilarious amounts of firepower for the team.
@MrMulligan7 5 ай бұрын
What level do you use this build on? As in is there level where this starts to get more risky?
@mawnkey 5 ай бұрын
@@MrMulligan7 I've used it in 7 and 8. Works fine, just requires that the rest of the team stick together and be super aggressive against any aggro and focus down anything with explosive attacks. Haven't tried it on 9 yet but I suspect it'll work fine.
@GM_Loona 5 ай бұрын
@@mawnkeyauto cannon and shield relay can make higher difficulties feel like a cake walk sometimes
@gayema664 5 ай бұрын
​@@mawnkeygot destroyed on 9 with shield relay. Better to just hide behind rock or something be in open with with a drop shield.
@mawnkey 5 ай бұрын
@@gayema664 I'm sure there's easier playstyles like you're describing, but are they more fun? No. No they aren't.
@Nat-ri3ip 5 ай бұрын
Don't get me wrong, I like the shield relay and it's definitely worht taking. It has, however, anti-synergy with the best tactics against bots that the backpack does not. The best thing to do is split up, jump from cover to cover and be mobile. Bots will continue shooting in the last direction they saw you, their projectiles are slow enough to be dodged at medium to long distance, if they all are concentrating firepower in a single area, all the bots are shooting at all the helldivers and most of the bots are very vulnerable to being flanked because they turn slowly and generally have large weak point in the back. (except for berserkers but being immobile against berserkers is obvioulsy the best way to get a chainsaw through the torso). Knowing that, the shield pack help a lot making this strategy work. It allow you to tank a little bit of splash damage, allow you to peak out of cover or run to another, and more importantly it doesn't concentrate fire on your team. That and the worse bot objective is arguably the have stratagem scrambler, and it completely counter that.
@platyhelminthes2877 5 ай бұрын
There's no situation where you're going to be just standing there patiently waiting for a rocket devastator to shoot you. That's not what the shield backpack is for, and no one who uses it is going to be intentionally taking rockets to the face in normal gameplay. The whole purpose of the shield backpack is to give you freedom of movement. It allows you to safely maneuver and reposition under fire. The static shield emplacement is great too, but it's static. You can't bring it with you if and when the bots overrun your position, and you'll wish you had the shield backpack once you have to abandon your defensive position under fire and/or once it goes on cooldown.
@monoespacial 5 ай бұрын
When you run away from the bots it will act as a wall. Bring more than 1 and it becomes a mobile dome.
@Pygex 5 ай бұрын
The backpack and the relay are for two totally different functions. The use for the backpack is not to eat a full volley, it is to protect you from stray bullets or that random rocket to the head, which it excels at regardless of the difficulty. In addition, if you mount a HMG or mech, the shield will protect that as well which functions really well when fighting from the distance. Shield generator relay is supposed to provide you a good firing position and enable you to deal with enemies. However, it completely falls of at diff 9 (Helldive) since the sheer amount of rocket devastators simply wipe it out in seconds. At that point you are better off at taking any stratagem that kills enemies instead. If anything, the shield generator relay needs a buff, it has to last a constant duration and get rid of the HP of the shield bubble in order to carry the functionality evenly at all difficulty levels, only the generating node should have an HP pool.
@baconation2637 5 ай бұрын
it works if you see the trouble coming in an open environment. if youre fighting things in an open plain that require allies to flank to kill (tanks, hulks) then the enemies will just walk into the shield and murder the whole team. It has its uses for sure, and 1 person per squad SHOULD take it because it has very strong "stand your ground" potential with its cooldown of like 1.5 minutes.
@joshwhite1606 5 ай бұрын
The thing that makes the orbital laser good is its precision. It will kill all the enemies, yes. Light the ground on fire, sure. But it won't blow you or your teammates up or kill you out of nowhere. You can drop it at your feet and not have to run away.
@thepocketwatchman 5 ай бұрын
About shield on bugs. It works like a taunt device there. You can throw it, and bugs going to swarm around it because they have aggro priority on structures. You can 500kg them after they are nice and togetehr. Shield also stop chargers charge for some reason. It's make them crash into shield if they not walk normally. Also it can reflect bile titan spit and can kill them if they are close.
@Doggogamer-n3g 5 ай бұрын
I definitely think that the orbital airburst strike is an underrated stratagem. One of the best for dealing with medium-large hordes of enemies in my opinion.
@Terminatorm101 5 ай бұрын
Quake 2 OST right spot on! Thank for the tips, should wait until I can buy and try one 😅. I hope up until that time I can get the shield it won't be nerfed yet😅
@troyvanleeuwen3296 5 ай бұрын
Ever since I unlocked it, I've been running Shield Generator Relay on every Automaton mission without question. It's insane how often you can use it, and it allows your team to stand their ground or run away. It also allows for safe respawns and resupplies in the middle of a fight, and lets you hit those red glowing skulls without your aim getting thrown off by the damage you take from a stray bullet/missile. It's just so good. My go-to build vs Automatons is: Scorcher and Redeemer Stun grenades (easier headshots vs Hulks) AMR and Jump Pack Shield Relay HMG Emplacement or Autocannon Sentry or EAT-17
@Baruch05 5 ай бұрын
A connoisseur of the "critical drinker" i see in your dialogue. Well done my friend.
@ninjaknight6715 5 ай бұрын
The Shield Dome can stop Charger's Charges and Bile Titan Spew. So yes, it has advantages on the Bug Front.
@coriux 5 ай бұрын
The challenge with relay is that it doesnt allow you to move, and there are very few moments where you are stationarily fighting automatons. The only scenario I can think of is when defending an ICBM, generator, or civillian extract. Scientist extract, extraction, and all other scenarios really dont see a use because you're either too close for it to matter (theyll easily just walk through your shield, and then shoot you) or you're just... not trying to fight the automatons. Many objectives and outposts are hit-and-run and staying and fighting is pointless.
@ArtemSayapov 5 ай бұрын
It's really good for this as well! Throw it under you as you retreat, and not only does it cover your ass from bullets, it also distracts enemies as they will try to destroy it before pursuing you. It usually gives you enough time to get automatons to lose track of you. 70 second cooldown, btw, as a reminder.
@bluelense7 5 ай бұрын
The shield relay can bounce bile titan spit back in its face, killing it instantly.
@ryanbyers3120 5 ай бұрын
If your looking for mobile protection, I'd recommend the Ballistic Shield. I use it often for Bots.
@thearchitect5405 5 ай бұрын
I'm realizing that the main downside to the shield generator backpack is it's hitbox. It doesn't really help you tank extra bullets if most of the bullets it tanks are ones that would've otherwise missed you regardless.
@Paul-A01 5 ай бұрын
I love the relay. It deploys in 3 seconds, and is great for getting into position
@pse2020 5 ай бұрын
it also good vs bugs... it can stop chargers and kill bile titans
@imouhtside 5 ай бұрын
ive always ran with this shield it gives me a rewarding feeling to see my team assemble on me in thier time of need
@theblackneon5396 5 ай бұрын
Shield backpack is misunderstood. It's not to protect you from enemies, but your friends.
@DarthLeuan 5 ай бұрын
It's actually great against bugs too! If I remember, I'll link a video about it later.
@alexlucas9535 5 ай бұрын
people sleep on eagle smoke and the orbital precision strike, eagle smoke lays a great big smoke wall and as long as you think, okay I'll have the smoke wall here, run into it then run behind that rock and have broken line of sight 2 times, it's great for clean get away from automatons. The orbital precision strike pairs well with eagle strike cause you can knock out fabs with ease, especially if you can throw accurately with the 30% throw range on various armors. Basically you have accuracy and fast reload that makes this work, compared to the slow cooldown of barrages and orbital laser the precision strike is really good, as an example you can throw the eagle strike on two fabs that are close together and knock them both out in one if you line it up right then hit the last fab with the precision, quick and easy no guess work, and if needed you've got more eagle strikes in a matter of seconds, works great for light and medium bases Also just to point this out, I don't like the shield that much anymore, I used to use it all the time but I realized especially against bots, it just makes you a bigger target, I've noticed that rockets will explode on the shield, that would have missed me, only cause of the aoe from impacting on the shield I get rag dolled anyway, plus auto canon supremacy
@Astrothunderkat 5 ай бұрын
You've got it backwards. Relay stops acid and makes titans kill themselves, also stop chargers. Relay suck for bots, it explodes and sends you flying when its depleted
@GLJ94 5 ай бұрын
Im going to respectfully say that the reason you prefer the larger shield is because you use it far differently than I do. I use my personal shield for supplement protection while getting to cover. The shield is not meant to tank anything but to give you the chance for good hard cover. I never face bots in open ground because thats just a sewer slide idea.
@boomerix 5 ай бұрын
I think because it needs a coordinated team, it won't get a debuff. It is very effective if used right and not at all if used wrong and therefore is perfectly balanced in my opinion.
@tlk889 5 ай бұрын
I've always liked the relay more than the backpack from a cinematic point of view, and also the backpack has felt kinda cheap... I actually think the current balance is pretty nice, with the backpack giving you a protection against random schrapnel and attack from behind (very useful against bugs in that regard), while the relay provides you with a temporary strongpoint of your own in the middle of enemy holdouts. I guess it could survive a small nerf though, from what you described it feels a bit too good. 7+ difficulties should not feel this easy 😂
@kanadyerpude9265 5 ай бұрын
i am using it in the new defense mission , i use it in automaton mission , rocket devastator one shot my sentrys and i was feed up by them becoming useless , then i thought about the shield generator , and used it and got addicted to it , it protects just enough time , that my sentry can use up all its ammo (depsnds on how much fire it is taing ) and has impacted my play style a lot , in the same mission is use it when my teammates are team reloading or stacked up at a point to prevent getting overrun , and it helps there a lot too
@HarmonicResonanceScale 5 ай бұрын
The shield backpack isnt rendered useless when a bot inevitably gets around your chokepoints. Also a big shield doesnt do anything when you catch a random salvo from 200m in the fog.
@MangoesMan10 5 ай бұрын
The shield pack is supposed to protect you from the occasional hits before getting to cover, recharge and repeat. Main issue with the relay is that it's single use and the cooldown is kinda bad, not really worth the stratagem slot.
@Rafael96xD 4 ай бұрын
Ill say, that the generator pack its better against bugs if you are using the flamethrower. After all, It lets you tank stalkers.
@datdeerdude5139 4 ай бұрын
I love the shield relay! it’s so good! … until the rocket devastator comes in and i can’t shoot them through the bubble, but that could be prevented with better positioning and coordination
@Nohhbahdi 5 ай бұрын
So a freind and I have been running the supply pack Synergy with the recoiless rifle, and had been thinking of how to steady our selves in combat and thought of the shield backpack. but hadn't considered this for some reason. lol but probably mix this in when fighting bots.
@Maxipuwu 5 ай бұрын
i know a less power doesnt always mean worse, the strafing run eagle is my fav strat in the game easily
@isaan01 5 ай бұрын
Light stealth armor is my shield. What they don't see they don't shoot at.
@recordflybass 5 ай бұрын
I don't really see this getting nerfed, because this looks to be the actual intention for the shield barrier. I think most people's problem with it will be needing to maneuver outside the shield to deal with enemies if they aren't coordinating stratagems that can be used from inside the bubble, meaning that really the teamwork is making the shield overpowered, and not the shield itself. I'm gonna try dropping the mounted MG and then the bubble shield and see what happens.
@MrAwesomeBart 5 ай бұрын
So you used a stratagem as intended? Shield Relay is also good against the bugs because it aggro them and it's quite beefy so it can tank a horde while you clean them up. It can also kills bile titans if they are using their range attack too close to the shield.
@Fazuchi24 5 ай бұрын
These comments are wild. All this guy did was make a videos talking about a fun and affective way to play for HIM AND HIS FRIENDS, not you and your friends. All he said was for other people to give it a try. Why tell him he's having fun wrong?
@bastmaster1 5 ай бұрын
Ok so yes this is a hidden gem me and my crew have been using this method for survival missions 4 hell divers 4 mortar in that 4 shields easy win
@soundsofapollo 5 ай бұрын
I dont think theyre going to nerf this simply because of how coordinated you have to be to do this properly.
@julianchin1251 5 ай бұрын
I feel like this guy watches the Critical Drinker.
@williamzou8833 5 ай бұрын
Every time I use Shield Relay in the middle of a firefight, it makes me feel like Master Chief.
@boxant 5 ай бұрын
killing a bile titan with a shield relay is very fun
@xxdarkphoenixxx1 5 ай бұрын
When fighting the bots, I think that cover could make something quite similar. If well positionned, you dont have to stay behind a shield what so ever (including the backpack one). Could be usefull in some static defense engagements but I thing destroy carriers before they can drop is more important.
@spriggy5176 5 ай бұрын
Interesting strategy, but it's super rare that I run with more than 1 person, if not solo while the rest spread across the map.
@Gamba16374 5 ай бұрын
0:34 the big shield can block charcher attacks and bile titan spew so the titan kills itsself with it
@garstazg3488 5 ай бұрын
Been a big fan of the jump pack i think its super strong and under used
@eljuancho2 5 ай бұрын
I tried the the sentry shield 2 of us had it and it was a game changer 60 seconds new of safety is fantastic with 3 energy generators you will fight inside a shield almost 100% of the fights
@starfuryms582 5 ай бұрын
Why is it baffling? Relay is stationary, backpack is portable. Got to keep moving to complete objectives.
@nicholasnguyen2883 5 ай бұрын
That's what's needed for escort missions
@T3CH-_-X 5 ай бұрын
Backpack is portable so naturally a stationary variant would have to be stronger. Game wouldn’t be fun if you’re running around like a kryptonian
@arudimentaryimplant 5 ай бұрын
Its way too situational and slow, best way to utilize the shield pack is to treat it as extra protection when going for risky plays or provde you an oppurtunity to react like when 1 or 2 rocket hits your shield whether it breaks or not you can use that oppurtunity to dive immediately to hopefully avoid the rest of the rocket barrage Plus you can do all that while on the move
@xryuran 5 ай бұрын
Im glad my desision to unlock the relay the other day is vendicated
@zlkanglwrth2776 5 ай бұрын
Shield stuns bugs walking into the shield. It works
@kogasoldier9379 5 ай бұрын
Shields relay is actually useful against the bugs because it draws aggro…
@mrspy4994 3 ай бұрын
i always take 500, airstrike, railgun and autocannon. stopped using shield long time ago cus my skill is much higher since then, shield guarants you higher chance survivability but it takes spot for such great weapons like autocannon, recoilless, jump pack, supplypack or guard dog's (optional), so in my opinion i'd rather to have somthing to attack not to take cover behind something that can be unsafe if times up or shooted down
@Mr.Hun13r 5 ай бұрын
I dont think it will be nerfed, the level of firepower your squad was laying down required alot of teamwork and requires 4 strategems to work that have to be constantly layered with each other along with general game competence and the ability to effectively use offensive strategems.
@astroman1027 5 ай бұрын
I just hate it when every single diver on a 4 stack takes shield pack instead of sharing, effectively making -1
@HELLios6 5 ай бұрын
I tested both and on higher difficulties the backpack is just better. You need to move all the time at 8 and 9 levels and often time the team gets split up by incoming waves and very few times you get grouped up in the same spot without moving. The relay is not bad in theory but doesn't work that well in higher difficulty missions. The shield pack is just a safe bet 90% of the time.
@iwillnotcomply1707 4 ай бұрын
The shield relay is the goat for the bots. It's saved me many times.
@TheManOfTheHourEveryHour 5 ай бұрын
I'm Barry Sanders in the field, fam, Shield Backpack is OP.
@13RedbloodeD13 5 ай бұрын
"It requires coordination" You have no coordination in public lobbies People leave level 8 mission after they die two times. People attack patrols that are camping the emergency extraction zone in overtime instead of just hiding and waiting, which results in a massive waives of bot drops that include heavy enemies EVEN THOUGH you told them on comms NOT TO. If your team starts to crumble, two people die let's say, the shield relay strat will go to hell because now you need to disengage, you will have to wait 1-2 min to stabilize. Which is good compared to the backpack shield that has 6 min cooldown or has to be retrieved. But in public lobbies - every moron feels bad about dying and presses W into the place they died to get their weapons and samples back ("see, nothing happened, I did not die, I am a pro"). I was running behind a teammate yesterday spamming "I need supplies" when I was low and had no stims for solid two minutes. I died after that because my torso was damaged due to bleeding. Can you fucking imagine running any sort of shield relay strat with this guy. He had stims btw. Shield pack covers you while you are RUNNING (for your life, or for a big solo play). Having it makes big, nasty SOLO plays to be possible: "3 minutes until the emergency extraction, I know where super rare samples were dropped. I can get them and run back under heavy fire because some of the damage will be eaten by the shield pack". Everyone brings the shield pack to avoid oneshots OR to sprint to safety while 300 bots are pushing. To run from a wave of bots, to flank and cheese the objectives or to trigger a bot drop and in order to push a different objective for free - this is how you play this game with randoms (there can be only one drop bot on the map at a time). Shield relay helps none if you want to flank the enemy too (there are very many cases in this game where the team is more effective when everyone is NOT sitting behind the same rock) Not to mention: what if you accidentally misplace the shield dome?
@ValcryeTheSecond 5 ай бұрын
I really do not think that the shield relay should or even risk the potential of getting nerfed. It has a pretty shockingly low amount of health for the amount of surface area it covers, regularly being downed by 2 heavy devastators pretty easily
@zxzbg1236 5 ай бұрын
The relay should have only infinite health instead of just health, maybe the lifetime can be reduced to 20/15 seconds for balance reasons.
@wessidemd 5 ай бұрын
The need for coordination IS the nerf
@theShantai 5 ай бұрын
Bring the HMG emplacement with the shield and the bots will be shitting bricks in no time
@ericbartlett3244 5 ай бұрын
"How do you get away after the 30 seconds?" You dont lol have 3 other teammates throw their shit down 💀
@eddomore3521 5 ай бұрын
I like the big relay shield I always bring it with me on bot missions but I use the auto canon so I don’t have backpack spot but it comes back so fast and I mainly use it when we at and objective or if we are just getting cooked by and army of bots it always comes in clutch gives us enough time to breath reload throw stratagem and find cover but I don’t think everyone needs to run it honestly 1 person is definitely enough
@therandomcommenter6629 5 ай бұрын
There's just not enough reason to stay in one place and hold the line for it to be truly effective (and the LeapFrog style strategy of having four of them and using them to advance is unreliable simply because you forget that these are gamers not soldiers do not expect a proper coordinated squad) helldivers are most definitely hit-and-run shock troopers with air superiority and with a small amount of guerrilla warfare Mixed in a four man squad simply isn't big enough to warrant this mostly because we're always getting outnumbered if you just sat in the bubble you'd end up getting surrounded sure the bubble works but it doesn't put you in a good scenario
@therandomcommenter6629 5 ай бұрын
And oh once you get surrounded by like 5 rocket devastators two heavy devastators and like 12 troopers that shield will disappear in seconds and that makes you even more fucked because now you're surrounded all grouped up together with most likely no cover and your enemy specialises in rockets in their military doctrine
@MatzeMB85 5 ай бұрын
The relay has it's uses for sure but the need for coordination and loss of mobility is a steep price to pay. So not OP at all. I will still run the backpack when I can as that tiny buff is enough to shrug off the few hard hits I take while I'm still moving around. Allows me to pick my fights and while that doesn't have measurable stats it's still the best way to stay alive.
@jasonjordan8376 5 ай бұрын
The shield back pack has saved my life so many times it’s not even funny.
@robertprice965 5 ай бұрын
I love the relay but most ppl hate it for some reason and ive had a whole group of randoms die right outside of the one I dropped rather than utilize it. Bunch of meta gamers
@MattWeber 5 ай бұрын
The 110 is better than the laser... not really. The point of the laser is if you get a group of heavies. It will pick them apart until dead. 110 barely dents heavies. Different use cases.
@GZhechev 5 ай бұрын
I have a question, how good is the artillery walking barrage in its purpose? Curios about the next video :)
@honrethgaming8347 5 ай бұрын
So how do you handle a swarm of berserkers? Or a heavy Dev squad that just walks through your shield?
@GameGod77 5 ай бұрын
Use a weapon with stagger, such as the punisher shotgun or JAR5 dominator.
@Sasamori_Ai 5 ай бұрын
Not related but PSA makes me think of prostate specific antigen first, Dane I must be sick
@pnutbteronbwlz9799 5 ай бұрын
Shield relay is good against bugs, it can be used as a distraction to group up and kaboom a ton of bugs. Also the backpack gives protection on the move. Imagine how much less useful the big shield is on a blitz mission. It also doesn’t regenerate and has a cooldown. Yes the cooldown is nuts, but it’s worth noting. They both have uses.
@AteBrush 5 ай бұрын
Shield relay + auto cannon turret will destroy any heavy bot units
@preyIVme 5 ай бұрын
I swore that bots could walk into the shield
@alcatraz-nc2814 5 ай бұрын
You are comparing 2 tools that arent made for the same situation. In pretty much all the footage you're showing, you're comparing the backpack shield when hunkering down on a position mostly open vs the shield relay under the same condition. Of course the shield relay is going to win in this scenario because it is designed to do that. The stratagem has a few second to drop in (can be extended with the call time debuff which is often found on bots mission) and cannot move with you so it has to offer a much better security. However try going on a long distance fast using the shield relay. I can guarantee you the shield backpack is going to be better because it is designed to allow you to ignore few hits as you move. Both stratagem are very good in their respective situation but if know an objective is going to have some protection I can move around, then I'll take the bagpack over the shield relay. But if I have to hold the line on a plain with few cover then yeah I'll definitely use the shield relay.
@CrownsEnd1 5 ай бұрын
definitely an interesting angle on this underused part of equipment, is there a specific reason you went for Diff 8? I would think 9 is also working with a bit of coordination training beforehand
@monoespacial 5 ай бұрын
Not really, but of the 4 players I was the only one that had some actual experience with it, so I didn't think we should tackle 9 with players that don't really play 9 and had just unlocked the stratagem for the video. I'm looking for a crew to do this kind of runs with though, lvl 50> with everything unlocked and willing to experiment.
@Gya-roo 5 ай бұрын
@@monoespacial Need any volunteers for that effort?
@iperformm5793 5 ай бұрын
'i honestly worry Devs might nerf this after seeing' Yeah its strong in a co-ordinated team against robots, but let's be real...Devs are laughing at this video and never nerfing
@jacobbragg1032 5 ай бұрын
I want to use smoke but I'm getting reviews that say no and some that say yes. Some kits are situational is there a time when smoke will work as intended in order to break line of site? Thanks for the vid I love the shield relay!
@mkit18 5 ай бұрын
I've seen someone eat a bullseye rocket to the face thru smoke, and there's no way to spot the culprit.
@Hoodini2253 5 ай бұрын
The shield packs better to not constantly be slowed and knocked around
@PhysioMage 5 ай бұрын
Shield Relay is so good. As is the case with so many loadouts when players take the time to give missions a little forethought and actually play as a team. Also, there is no 110mm orbital barrage. Do you mean the 120mm? The main differences between the AMR and the Autocannon other than the damage profiles are the backpack and the scopes. It's not difficult to see the balance there, so calm down a bit. You already made a good observation about the utility of the shield relay. Don't get carried away talking about weapons while forgetting the lesson you literally just learned about the shield relay over the shield backpack. Different tools for different jobs. Nice video.
@andrzejwysocki609 5 ай бұрын
shield gen: exists jet pack troopaz: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE explodes on the generator
@dontclickthechannel7949 5 ай бұрын
People dont use the shield to fight back. Its to buy you time to get to cover or reposition. The problem I have with the relay is you lose positioning and it draws a lot of attention. The relay, on 9, gets destroyed in seconds and I end up having to run anyway. Now, if theres not a ton of enemies, the relay works, but then I dont really need it if theres not a lot going on. I do see the value if your whole squad is using it and sticks together. I solo matchmake so doing anything requiring cooperation is out of the question.
@MeowLesty 5 ай бұрын
Yeah but it doesnt move with me... the other one does and recharges every 10 seconds, the point of the backpack is not to facetank hits in the face. Its to prevent chip damage while youre running from cover to cover. The relay is extremely good when you have to stand your ground and also it protects the doors in the new mission type. but with the heavy emphasis on mobility the game has for most mission types you dont want a big stationary bubble that takes 6 seconds to deploy to begin with anyways, its just better to chuck down an airstrike on whats chasing you and run away behind a rock
@InvisibleNames 5 ай бұрын
I disagree. At least based on my play style. The shield backpack allows for some pretty great emergency retreat opportunities as well as the ability to make risky runs for better angles of attack. The stationary shield looks like it has its use for the evac and seismic missions though, so I don’t think it’s useless by any means. Maybe it would be more beneficial if I ran with something other than randoms on HD9
@comradestarbucks2726 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. Running with ransoms on 9 might be worse than running 9 solo
@dontclickthechannel7949 5 ай бұрын
It actually is. The amount of spawns is baded on each player.. solo stealth is literally the easiest way to beat missions​@@comradestarbucks2726
@tiegideon9816 5 ай бұрын
You should keep watching the video, because his main point is that you need multiple and it requires coordination.
@sevyche 5 ай бұрын
yeah this shield is only for defensive play
@CODDE117 5 ай бұрын
That's literally the point of the video. If you have three people, can you infinitely chain them and move aggressively while under full cover.
@mrorlov2706 5 ай бұрын
Use both. It's enough for one person in team to have a shield Relay. Especially good against gunship factories to protect a hellbomb.
@josephwilson6272 5 ай бұрын
Ahhh yeah I was planning on trying this out today. Good to know it works. Those gunships are pretty annoying!
@qwertzritter5197 5 ай бұрын
both is DEFINITELY a waste of a stratagem slot, especially if you only have 3 you will be missing firepower to go with the cover. EDIT: ah nevermind, i agree that the scouting temmember can def take a backpack and id say 2 shield bubbles on the team are more than enough aswell but you, both on ONE diver would be a little of a waste is what i meant
@fredericosanchez9000 5 ай бұрын
You clearly didn't watch the video as then you'd then the whole strategy proposed in it is based on having a shield relay avaiable at all times. This is not possible if only person has one.
@Alsborg 5 ай бұрын
On bugs: - Chargers are stopped when they go against the shield. - Hunters cant jump until they are inside the Shield - Bile Titans can be kill themself, if they are near and outside the shield. - Bile Spewers and Nurse cant shoot from a mile.
@javs2199 5 ай бұрын
Shield ray is so bad against the automatons
@jaywerner8415 5 ай бұрын
Actually.... they fixed the Chargers interacting with the shield. I don't think they will CHARGE into it but they can enter it now.
@0verride881 5 ай бұрын
1. Chargers can't "charge into the shield" because when they charge, the code counts them as a 'projectile', hence blocking them. They can, and always have been able to simply walk right into your shield and start working on destroying the shield - so this is lying by withholding information. 2. Hunters can't jump until they are inside the shield. Yes, fantastic, but they can walk into it. 3. This actually cannot work unless the shield is ABNORMALLY CLOSE to the bile titan, AND if they choose to shoot bile instead of walking up to it and stamping on it. 1 set of stamps or so destroys your shield btw. 1 bile spew that doesn't reflect back at them, ALSO takes down the shield. The only time I have seen the reflect work is IF the shield is plopped down in front of the bile titan while it is walking, and it decides to spew. So no, this is not some sort of magical meta strat in bugs you guys are making it out to be. 4. Takes about 5 bile mortar shots or so to take the shield down. But I'll give you that it can at least block some of them for a short period. But the Tesla can distract bile spewers and kill most of them instead of having them aggro on you - which no, the shield does not do nearly as effectively. Everyone hates the tesla, but not as much as bugs hate it.
@Sidewinder84x 5 ай бұрын
If you haven't engaged the bugs, and you throw a shield relay, it will taunt everything nearby, and do a reasonable job at grouping and distracting them... albiet inside a shield bubble. You can either run past, or drop a 500kg on it to finish off an entire Large hive, or several patrols at once. Its not exactly a standard strategy, but its a fun setup for a big combo. I dont think i would ever use it on bots, but it works pretty good for bugs if you are lookin for something different. (credit - some youtube vid i found)
@qwertzritter5197 5 ай бұрын
@@0verride881 are you stupid? saying the truth is not lying because he didnt state the reason??? he said they get stopped by shield, that is true, PERIOD! they get stopped because they move at a velocity high enough, which is the basic functionality of any energy shield in media, they might be coded as a projectile in that case, sure whatever, that makes them get stopped. How is he lying?
@pointblankracer6274 5 ай бұрын
Your commitment to Super Earth and the teaching of green horns will not go unnoticed, keep it up Soldier. You really are dong your part... for the cause. xD
@thejeswith1s 5 ай бұрын
Respectfully, I disagree. It’s okay for extraction, but it just doesn’t last long enough.
@zzzuuuzzz6706 5 ай бұрын
Your video also demonstrated why shield relay is worse than shield backpack - You have to stay as a 4-man. I can do the ICBM mission with random lvl 8 in 25 min with random while doing all side objectives and kill all bases because we do 2-2 or 1-3 split. Your 4 man coordinate team not even able to finish the main objective past the 30-minute mark. The shield relay is probably better for missions that require fortification like the eradication or rescue mission. But for the one that need to run across the map, shield pack that let you split is much better.
@nihili4196 5 ай бұрын
In my personal experience, Relay is better for missions like Destroy all bots where you're in more or less one spot, but even then it won't help much
@josh___something 5 ай бұрын
This video is pushing it to extremes. Even with one shield relay, you can weather a bot drop long enough to take out key targets. and allow you to yeet stratagems without the fear of ragdolling. The "thesis" for the video of it being an outright replacement for the shieldpack is a bit... generous, but in a perfect world, nothing should be strictly better anyway.
@Razumen 5 ай бұрын
@@josh___something Shield backpack doesn't need a replacement because it's overrated.
@gabzsy4924 5 ай бұрын
Dude I just drop in raw with my autocannon, no shields, no nothing and I very rarely die. People just need to get better at engaging, disengaging, positioning, cover and target priorization.
@J.Buffer 5 ай бұрын
Autocannon and Scorcher go brrr....
@not5184 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely, shield gen is a crutch.
@ArtemSayapov 5 ай бұрын
This^ Although I still really like having the relay as a decoy.
@pattyspanker8955 5 ай бұрын
Are you playing on helldive?
@not5184 5 ай бұрын
@@pattyspanker8955 Yes.
@ironviper72 5 ай бұрын
The main issue the shield generator relay has is that, depending on the planetary effects, it could take longer to cooldown or land. Those are it's biggest issues. Also, it's best for teams. That being said, it's honestly great, and not just against the bots. Those bile spewers the bugs have, it'll counter them. If you drop the shield close enough to a bile titan, it's own acid will bounce back and kill it. So it's viable against the bugs as well. Shield generator relay with the buffed flamethrower will do surprisingly well against the bugs. And as an answer to the question at the end of the video, try the Walking Barage. Good for tactical retreats and annihilating those Heavy bot factory bases. Not the best against bug nests since they are usually in a circle.
@jaywerner8415 5 ай бұрын
Not with ship upgrades it doesn't. Their is an upgrade for one of the Bays that quote "eliminates deployment time on Emplacements" and the Shield Relay counts as an Emplacement. IT still takes like 4 seconds to drop iv noticed on "call in time" OPs but thats not very long.
@0verride881 5 ай бұрын
It is viable against 1 bile titan if you drop it in front of it while it is walking, presumably towards you, and does NOT reflect back bile unless you land it correctly. At higher levels honestly, the shield doesn't really work anymore - it's a wasted slot. Bile spewers do this infamous move of sniping you from the back with spit, or the bile spew mortars from COVER. If you do not kill them, your shield will dissipate quite quickly with just about 3-5 bile spewers slamming mortars on you, and you won't even know where some of them are shooting from. I really wanted the shield strat to be secretly amazing against bugs, but this is just lazy propaganda. You know what takes care of bile spewers, instead of "amusing" the randoms you join with? Autocannon, Tesla, even the Anti Material Rifle is a better use of a slot than the shield.
@jaywerner8415 5 ай бұрын
@@0verride881 Or a turret for that mater.
@TheCosta5000 5 ай бұрын
It lasts like 5 seconds man, rhis guys on drugs.
@jaywerner8415 5 ай бұрын
@@TheCosta5000 30 seconds actually. But yeah it sure feels like 5 seconds. Still, every second helps.
@Skaatje 5 ай бұрын
Things don't have to be OP, that's just what KZbinrs want for their video, the next best thing. I want thinks to be workable and the backpack works so much better since I'm mobile with it.
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