Dear Credit Card Enthusiasts, If you’re interested in the American Express card, here’s a fantastic opportunity! By applying through my exclusive referral link, you can earn up to 200,000 Amex points and enjoy the opening benefits, including up to $500 AUD in credit. These points are sufficient for multiple international business class trips, making your travel more comfortable. Moreover, if you’re interested in upgrading to the prestigious Black Card, I have great news. As a Black Card holder, I can invite you to apply for the Platinum Card. If you apply through my link and meet the expected spending within a year, you’ll be in a prime position to receive an invitation to join the exclusive Black Card club. Interested friends, please send me a private message. I will provide you with the Expression of Interest (EOI) registration form for the internal Black Card invitation. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your travel experience! ❤❤